Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You're welcome. When I visit my siblings in Texas and we're driving around, we frequently spot farmettes aka hobby farms with 2 or 3 longhorns. Like a little collection, not a ranch!
Response: You're so welcome! I enjoy making swaps for you. As my profile says, I'm traveling while I can as, for me too, health problems will prevent traveling for much longer.
Response: You're welcome. Would you like a job as a USPS quality control expert?
Response: You're welcome. I want to archive the last few swaps before I go away for three weeks but I think that's not going to happen because I'm waiting for a swap from Singapore. Thanks for helping my cause!
Response: You're welcome! I order return address labels from American Stationery and sometimes, like this:
Response: You're so welcome! I enjoy writing notes on those Peanuts postalettes.
Response: You're welcome. I so glad you like my choices for the holiday.
Response: You're welcome! Now I wait until partners are assigned to collect cards for these swaps so they are more personalized.
Response: You're welcome! I received a swap from you today too!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you understand. Thank you.
Response: You're welcome! I've been to Arizona in the spring and Texas in summer and cannot imagine how you manage the long stretches of very hot weather!
Response: Thank you for your kind words. You'll appreciate this irony: my husband's sister sent us the New Oxford bible for a wedding gift. I used it the other day to see how they translated a word in Samuel I. The second or third time in decades.
Response: Thank you for your kind words. I would love a return letter!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Making someone happy makes me happy!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: That was a quick trip across the pond! I'm glad you like them.
Response: Thank you for your lovely comment. I'm glad you're thrilled with the swap I sent.
Response: You're welcome. It isn't my first attempt at starter from scratch. The last one never made it out of the starting gate.
Response: You're welcome! I have other horse postcards that are drawings. This one seemed more like the horse stamps.
Response: You're welcome. Wishing you all the best in 2025.
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy sending to you. Oh, and thank you for the prompt rating. (Can you see my tongue in cheek?)
Response: You're welcome. Even blank postcards come with a back story.
Response: You're welcome! Enjoy the holidays to you too.
Response: You're welcome! Best wishes for all the holidays!
Response: You're welcome. I keep my whale postcards for you. There is a bit of a gap between the cute whale with the bird and the vintage image of the dead whale.
Response: You're welcome. First holiday party was yesterday. We're off to a good start!
Response: Range purchased. Since we're going from dual fuel to an induction range the plumber will tie off the gas line and pull it out of the kitchen. After that the electrician will make necessary upgrades. The range will arrive on the 19th, the next day. It was more complicated to make the arrangements than it was to make the purchase. Great sales person - sharp and he'd done auto repairs before and we talked amps and such. He said this job is cleaner.
Response: You're welcome. Local tulips and appliances!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad I had the Japanese woodblock postcards for you — from Scotland!
Response: You're welcome! I have fun putting together swaps for you. If you have the opportunity to send one out one of those extra postcards, please feel free to do so.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoyed writing the letter. Thank you for hosting the swap. I think my in-laws are slow to adopt anything that's different, not just unusual foods.
Response: You're so welcome. I always enjoy putting together swaps for you. This one is with the bounty from Scotland!
Response: It'a always a pleasure to write to you! I hope your mum gets to Scotland to visit her friend. Life is settling down now, and I have time to take a class.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad Milton wasn't too bad for you, and the USPS.
Response: You're welcome. Furnace is fine and we have days in the 70s which is nice in the sukkah. Lots of concerns about fires here.
Response: You're so welcome! I buy bundles of random Loupaper postcards and they are less expensive. Sometimes a MN postcard turns up!
Response: Thank you for the lovely comment. I was happy to come across the spinner of postcards in front of the National Library of Scotland. They had a lovely selection.
Response: You're so welcome. Thank you for your nice comment.
Response: You're welcome! I enjoy writing you notes and putting together swaps for you.
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad I all all the right postcards for you.
Response: You're welcome. Over the last nine months things got much worse and in the past month they've been getting better.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad the swap arrived and that you like what I sent.
Response: You're welcome. We camped every summer when I was growing up.
Response: You're welcome! I always enjoy participating in your swaps.
Response: You're welcome and thank you for your lovely comment
Response: You're welcome. That postcard did seem timely.
Response: I'm so glad! I enjoy writing letters. Thank you for your kind comment
Response: You're welcome! The dearth of swaps indicates how it's all going. Things will be busy for a while and I sneak in time to read guidebooks about Scotland.
Response: You're so welcome
Response: You're so welcome. I love sending you mail.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for your kind words.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoyed the freedom of choosing random items.
Response: You're welcome and thank you for your lovely comment and book recommendation. I'm still compiling my books to nominate for next year's reading list. As always it will get long and then shorter when I look at availability in local libraries!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad My Melody landed in such a good home!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy th challenge of sending a good matchup.
Response: You're so welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the lovely comment.
Response: You're welcome. I think the tiny sakura cards arrived in a ZenPop box. I ordered a clearance box before I started a subscription. Now I'm picky - I order boxes one at a time, after I know what's in them. Next time I'll aim for something that's more unique!
Response: You're welcome. So close but no signup!
Response: You're welcome. It was nice to meet you, to be my own postal service.
Response: You're welcome. Lou Paper postcards are a treat to send!
Response: I aim to please!
Response: Like you said - these don't often leave my home! I saw your hardscaping project on Fb. It's always nice to improve your footing.
Response: You're welcome! My book club read an excellent biography of Edward Curtis, one of the most prolific photographers. "Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher: The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis" by Timothy Egan
Response: You're welcome. I aim to please. 😊
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed my letter. I have fun writing these letters and meeting new swappers.
Response: You're welcome. I bought the set of postalettes ages ago and rarely send one. I still have a few left! Postcrossing postcards I receive are my bookmarks, especially in cookbooks.
Response: You're so welcome. I'm on a swapping hiatus again as life is complicated at the moment.
Response: You're so welcome! Yes we do have a lot in common. Summer is an agenda full of slow-going big house projects because we have so much rain, not a bad thing. Scotland in September!
Response: I'm glad you enjoy both - two ratings for two swaps - it all works in the end!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. That was a slow trip to Tennessee!
Response: You're welcome! I'm always happy to read comments with words like adore and awesome.
Response: You're welcome! I mailed the two swaps at the same time.
Response: You're welcome again! The challenge is remembering what I already sent you so I don't send you more of the same!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy making a little pile with a theme. More fun for me than a random selection!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy taping up the envelopes, if I have the time.
Response: You're welcome! We are still in the maelstrom of scheduling with many moving parts!
Response: You're so welcome. I wish I could remember what I sent!
Response: You're welcome. I'm always happy to share my great trips!
Response: You're welcome. Sticker sacks don't have as many sticker designs as they use to have so two met the count requirement.
Response: You're welcome. I found those envelopes on Amazon, of course.
Response: Um, Grace, I think you rated me for the wrong swap. I mailed this one to you Monday
Response: You're welcome. Themes come and go and this is not the moment for sushi!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you can use all the stickers. I mowed the lawn this week - I learned that No Mow May to benefit emerging pollinators is an urban legend!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're welcome. I love to use my washi tape.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing notes and letters.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I have fun choosing postcards for you. TE is from a store in Amsterdam. I'm not quite ready to share the TE Amsterdam postcards I bought. They have lots of little Dutch girls on them.
Response: We have squill, crocuses, and hellebore blooming now!!!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! I'm sure quite a few people haven't heard of sentence diagramming. I'm so glad you like that!
Response: You're welcome. Some of the washi tapes are from Paper Treats. I need to remind myself to hold off on buying more until I'm swaping again.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the lovely comment.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun choosing postcards for you. It'll be a while until I get back to swapping. Friends make sure I have a respite every now and then.
Response: You're welcome! My sister-in-law and I had lunch together today. Not so much a practical planning lunch as it was mutual empathy. I'm the one who says, Let's keep it simple.
Response: You're welcome! I always love sending you swaps.
Response: You're welcome. And there's another envelope headed out to you.
Response: It's always a joy sending to you! I too have a too long to do list. I'm thinking about where I want to go next and am stuck here in MN for a while.
Response: You're welcome. I put washi on both sides figuring the odds are better for it to stay one. One day I'll send myself an envelope to test my theory!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for your lovely comment.
Response: You're so welcome. I've had those mini memo pads forever. I probably bought them from thought her selection is quite different now. I've not bought much kawaii recently.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: A trillions welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing letters.
Response: I'm all better thank you. I'm glad I don't need to wear a mask now! You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining my swap. I didn't have time to make soft pretzels - maybe pretzel dinner rolls? Life has settled down - we know what's going on and where it's headed.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing letters.
Response: You're welcome. I'm pleased when people tell me they will reuse my washi tape.
Response: You're welcome. I arrived home from Amsterdam last night and I'm catching up. I'm glad both arrived. Yes, I have quite a bit of washi tape... not quite too much!
Response: You're welcome! I aim to please.
Response: You're welcome. I'm seeing more of the world than the US these days.
Response: You're welcome. I'm always glad to share a wonderful trip.
Response: You're so welcome! I have Bauhaus paper too and wanted to send you something else that wasn't from Germany. 😊
Response: I aim to please! You're welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. I've been reading about the Land Back movement - thank you for telling me about it.
Response: You're welcome! A scavenger hunt!
Response: You're welcome! I enjoy choosing them for you.
Response: You're welcome. You have a sharp eye for stationery!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Most of the tapes on your envelope are from PaperGame and PaperTreatsShop
Response: LMK if you'd like me to email you the recipe for the coconut lemon cake.
Response: You're welcome. I love chatting about food.
Response: You're welcome! Best wishes for a merry Christmas!
Response: You're welcome! I have too many postcard and am always happy to share.
Response: You're welcome. I love the swaps you host!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I strive to please!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived safely.
Response: You're welcome! Enjoy the holiday cheer!
Response: You're welcome! The season is tiny in our home. Last night was the last night of Chanukah. I take up the slack for everyone else who celebrates. I enjoy all the cheer and kindness of the season.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind comment. I appreciate that you noticed my attention to details!
Response: You're welcome. I thought the challenge of shorter days might resonate with you. In the summer it's still light after 9am. Are you taking vitamin D? It helps in the fall when days are getting shorter, until the spring when they are longer.
Response: You're welcome! I've seen the snow globe postmark. I've also received US mail with a postmark of palm trees, a Christmas tree, and Santa's sleigh and reindeer, on a card from snowy Maine! No palm trees there!
Response: You're so welcome! It helps when we have an interest in common.
Response: I thought that card might hit your sweet spot! Our holiday goal is that no one should be forgotten.
Response: You're welcome. I sent you my recipe for manicotti with details about making the noodles - easy peasy!
Response: You're welcome! It's great to be so nicely appreciated!
Response: You're welcome. Once I figured out how to keep track of everything I was less stressed and enjoyed myself 😊
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome. Our Streptocarpus, Cape Primrose aka false African violet just arrived, in perfect condition.
Response: You're welcome. I have a little stack of undersized postcards I save for swap tags. 😊
Response: You're so welcome! Would you please share your recipes for Welsh cakes? I haven't made Welsh recipes - that I know of - and would love to try them.
Response: You're welcome! I would love to *see* Yellowstone one of these days.
Response: You're welcome. Too bad Pringles aren't as good as the sticker flakes.
Response: You're welcome. Please let me know how the soaking goes, taking postage stamps off washi tape.
Response: I thought of you when I added them to the order. 8-D
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived promptly - I'm heading back east next week.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing notes, when I have time.
Response: You're so welcome! I enjoy sending those TE postcards.
Response: Sigh... I think any complicated algorithm like saying I'll think twice about assigning you the same partner... is too complicated. Yes, the holidays are lovely.
Response: I'm glad you like it. It seemed perfect for you.
Response: You're welcome. I'm always happy to have some guidance!
Response: You're welcome. Coordination by USPS. Their stationery always comes with coordinated postage stamps.
Response: You're welcome. Fall always comes too early here in Minnesota. Lots of leaves ready to rake now.
Response: I rise to the challenge!
Response: I always enjoy sending to you. Thanks for all the swaps you host.
Response: You're welcome. I love using my washi tape to share it.
Response: Places I wish I'd been! You're welcome.
Response: It's on of those supernatural things - I somehow knew you'd be my partner and I knew exactly what you like.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad they arrived safely!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy putting together swaps.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. That trip was the best I've taken in quite a while.
Response: Rest? Ha! We are just starting the rounds of vaccinations for the 65+ crowd. You're welcome. I enjoy making swaps to send.
Response: Thank you! I have another mole delivering mail. They are from Paper Treats. She has a too-wonderful selection of washi tape.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for your lovely comment. Sometimes my notes and letters are little journal entries.
Response: You're welcome. Happy swapping to you too.
Response: You're so welcome! I'm happy when I choose a good fit!
Response: You're so welcome! Nick Cave Soundsuit is from our local art museum. Let me know if you'd like more.
Response: And you've been to the seaside!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome o
Response: You're welcome! I have fun diving into my collection of washi tape. You had mentioned Hatikvah. There's a larger selection of songs during the school year. 😊 My school days were peppered with Xmas carols. I'm going back east in the end of October!!!
Response: You're welcome. I think it's one that's only available here in Minnesota.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything: my fun with washi tape after the fun of filling an envelope.
Response: Thank you! You're welcome!
Response: I'd like to suggest a route to the Badlands: US 83 between I76 and Valentine is a beautiful drive through the Sand Hills of Nebraska. Uninterrupted by gas stations so have a full tank.
Response: You're welcome! I strive to send cheer!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for your incredibly prompt rating!
Response: You're welcome. Their being in senior housing means there's still lots to do, to help, doesn't it?!!
Response: Dinner was a hit, especially farm fresh corn. (We live in the Corn Belt and it's special here.) Not so much the tomato aspic because people don't like tomato juice. Oven BBQ chicken was easy and also highly rated. Quinoa salad was all gone even though the vegan never showed up!
Response: You're welcome. Dinner was a huge hit! The week before a recipe for Oven BBQ Chicken turned up in an email and that was popular. 4 dozen ears of corn for $23 because it's ripening all at once in the extreme heat.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Trip is up in the air because we have painters coming the week I planned to go.
Response: You're so welcome! We had 36 for dinner; farm fresh corn and BBQ chicken pleased everyone. Tomato aspic, an experiment, not so much: people don't like tomato juice!
Response: You're welcome! No need to reply. Did I mention cooking a community dinner? When we sat down to dinner, we had 36 people. It was lovely.
Response: You're welcome! I have fun taping up envelopes. My garden needs attention - I've seen all too many 1-foot tall trees.
Response: When we have really hot days here, I tell myself I'll remember them fondly when winter temps are well below zero!
Response: You're so welcome! I think those Edition Tausendschoen postcards are quite sturdy and travel well. When I saw that you were my partner I looked through my little stack of the postcards that you like, with several stamps in mind. That was an easy match. I like the challenge of these swaps.
Response: Ah! They arrived together! You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. Have a great summer - your location is perfect for summer! I spent some summers in Maine growing up on the East Coast.
Response: Thank you for hosting! I had just a few days in Venice. I'd love to go back, and also Vicenza to see Palladio's villas.
Response: Thanks for hosting. A good scavenger hunt challenge is fun - and I get to review the postcards I have on hand.
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for your kind comment. I'll try to remember to send you Schroder next time.
Response: You're welcome. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad I could help.
Response: You're welcome. It's always fun putting swaps together for you.
Response: You're welcome. I have too much washi and enjoy sharing it inside and out.
Response: You're welcome. It's from a box of postcards I bought on Amazon: Coastlines: 50 Postcards from Around the World
Response: You're welcome. Too bad I never remember what I put in the envelope. 😏
Response: You're welcome. Summer is beautiful here. But looking out to huge piles of snow, not so much!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy doing these swaps.
Response: You're welcome. I thought you might especially like that one.
Response: You're welcome. When I'm building websites I change passive voice to active voice in articles people give me. I had an English teacher who said if it's passive voice, find a new verb. I think passive voice is useful when talking about a problem and not blaming anyone.
Response: You're welcome. I send my 98yo aunt a postcard every week. When I'm away I send her Touchnote cards and then send her postcards from my travels when I get home. She said she travels vicariously with me. One of the people on my tour to South Africa said she's an animal show junkie and sees more on shows than on our game drives.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for your lovely comment. I'm sending to you for another swap and will write how I do the taping.
Response: You're so welcome. I enjoy writing letters and every swap is an opportunity.
Response: You're welcome! A friend just back from a Mediterranean cruise said she won't do that again - not enough time ashore and the ship was boring. Not enough adventure for me though my trip to Wadi Rum and Petra was too much adventure. I want to spend ten days or two weeks in Rome and Pompeii and I'll probably do that on my own.
Response: You're welcome. I'd love to go to Germany again. My nephew and his family moved to Wiesbaden in June - a great excuse to visit.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoyed putting together the swap for you.
Response: And it arrived just in time for the holiday! You're welcome.
Response: You're so welcome! The washi I use is a random dive into the box of seasonal rolls of washi tape on my desk. Not completely random - I check the width so that it covers every bit of the envelope!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad I had a dandelion postcard to send you.
Response: You're welcome. I was stuck in Atlanta the other night for five hours coming home. I'm going to rethink traveling for the time being! Maybe a road trip,
Response: Don't wear yourself out!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy spoiling my wonderful partners. 😊
Response: You're welcome. I do like to use all my kawaii stationery.
Response: You're welcome. I'm thrilled when I receive such a nice comment.
Response: You're welcome. A long drive for a quick visit but I get it. I'm going to Israel for a week in June for a wedding and that's brief for a long trip!
Response: I'm so glad! Did I mention that I hoard my Higuchi Yuki postcards?
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad it was a happy mail day for you.
Response: You're welcome! I took two tours this winter - much less expensive than solo travel - and used free time to go to museums. Small scale shopping!
Response: You're welcome! I think lots of stamps on an envelope are a special kind of mail art.
Response: You're welcome! I chose an animal native to us and not in France.
Response: You're welcome. The flamingo postcard is Edition Tausendschön. You'll start seeing them everywhere now! I buy them from a seller on Etsy.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed my note and will use the washi tape.
Response: You're so welcome. I enjoy writing letters, more than sending kawaii.
Response: Yes, pairs! I'm glad you exercised your brain a little. The day lilies are not planted. I'm still digging. More digging tomorrow!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy spoiling you. I'm glad you reuse the envelope.
Response: Thank you. You're welcome.
Response: You're so welcome! I enjoy making nice mail for you.
Response: You're welcome. This swap was perfect for a James Jean postcard and I'm glad you think so too. I read Naomi Novik's books slowly, to savor them. Now I'm sidetracked to read a book club book for next week.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived so quickly. Some US swaps are taking *weeks* to arrive.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived so quickly. Some US swaps are taking *weeks* to arrive.
Response: I have fun using my washi tape. Send me a photo of the wide tea one and I'll send you a sample the next time I send you a swap.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it turned up because a resend wouldn't have been so amazing I think!
Response: You're welcome! I have a book of Bauhaus papers that I use to make envelopes.
Response: You're welcome! I enjoy writing letters.
Response: You're welcome! I'm hoarding those postalettes for special occasions.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy sharing my stash.
Response: You're welcome. I'm sure you'll put them to good use!
Response: You're welcome! Recently I binged on Edition Tausendschön postcards from a seller on Etsy. I saw lots of rhinos in South Africa though now I think I didn't bring home enough animal postcards. Two more days of Passover and then the logging begins.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating. Thanks to USPS for delivering so promptly!
Response: You're welcome! We can see some dirt in the south-facing back yard now. Our Passover seders were lovely, going into the early hours of the morning.
Response: You're welcome! One of the women in our tour group was a self-proclaimed wildlife show junkie. She had lots of questions for our guide and we were all the richer for her questions. Our game drives were at sunrise and sunset because that's when the animals are most active. Yes, an incredible trip - and not as extravagant as I thought it would be.
Response: You're welcome. I happen to have some pretty good ones just now.
Response: You're welcome! I knew that was a swap I couldn't pass up! South Africa was wonderful and it was great to get away for part of the winter.
Response: You're welcome! It's great to have something fun to write about.
Response: And even the third one took its time! I'm glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome. It's nice to have something special to write about. Yes, the trip was amazing. I want to go again, to see more of Africa.
Response: Yes, the penguins were too cute. My husband's theory is that the jet lag was worse because I'd gone to the Southern Hemisphere, where it was the 8 hour time difference as well as much longer days.
Response: You're welcome! I think of notes as my extra, and I enjoy writing them.
Response: You're welcome! Your excellent profile made it easy to choose for you.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy spoiling you.
Response: You're so welcome. Your profile made it easy for me to choose washi tape for you.
Response: You're welcome. Seems the USPS routes between you and me are almost straight down 35. It took just two days, less than sending Priority Mail packages to Greg's parents in WI, 210 miles away.
Response: You're so welcome! I happy that one of the swaps arrived. Maybe the first one will turn up in a month or two. 😊
Response: You're welcome! It's fun to heartfully write, Thanks for nothing!
Response: You're welcome. I sooo glad they arrived!
Response: Your'e so welcome! I think the foil ones stick better than the paper ones so I often use them for mail art.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy choosing postcards for you. The latest silliness is needing $45 in crisp new bills for a visa into Zimbabwe, to see Victoria Falls. And this is one trip that all my pills are traveling in original bottles if they are so picky.
Response: You're welcome! I'd say that most of the postcards in the Lego box are pretty good. I decided a while back that I don't need to send *all* the postcards in a box of 100 and pack up the duds for Goodwill.
Response: You're welcome! I chose ones in the old style, not so watercolor-y.
Response: Thank you for rating me. Happy New Year to you too! And best wishes for peace in the coming year.
Response: You're so welcome! We've had a modest amount of snow and very low temps. The bathroom sink cold water pipe froze and then unfroze when we left the kitchen cabinet doors wide open - another kind of hazard. I'm glad you like my interpretation of the topic.
Response: I'm glad you're doing better and able to catch up. And I'm glad you like my swap.
Response: I'm glad it finally arrived. Thanks for rating me.
Response: You're welcome! I love using my washi tape!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad I can help the world as I send greetings to family and friends.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're so welcome! I'm happy when I find nice UNICEF cards and especially now that they are doing so much work in Ukraine.
Response: You're welcome. I'm happy when I find nice UNICEF cards and especially now that they are doing so much work in Ukraine.
Response: You're welcome! I love using all my washi tape!
Response: You're welcome. I'm having fun sharing my trip with lots of people - family, friends, swappers, and Postcrossing people in the US.
Response: You're welcome. It's always nice to meet someone new in a swap.
Response: I'm opening mine on December 18th, the first night of Hanukkah. You could open yours then too and celebrate Hanukkah with me. 😁 🕎 😁
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad the resend arrived safely. Maybe in a week or two you'll receive the first batch. Holiday season for us is Hanukkah with a few candles and fun buying gifts for a needy family somewhere in our county. I enjoy all the good cheer around us in this season.
Response: You're welcome. (I placed a Black Friday order for *more* washi tape.) Berbere spice mix arrived in time from Amazon; boy is that hot!
Response: You're so welcome. I didn't sit down to write it until I had something interesting to say! I had fun packing it up too.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad to know my reruns are still goodies!
Response: You're welcome. I'm always happy when my partner likes *all* the postcards I send!
Response: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzle.
Response: I'm glad you like the postcards. I did have a wonderful time in Italy! Best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving.
Response: You're welcome. It's always my pleasure to send to a wonderful and kind recipient such as you.
Response: You're welcome and thank you for your lovely comment. I've added my mother's cranberry salad to the list of things I'm taking - we need my family represented!
Response: You're so welcome! I had fun putting together the swaps for you.
Response: You're so very welcome again. I had not noticed the unicorn - I'll look for it now.
Response: You're welcome. I'm that way about India - I stopped working there and then joined Postcrossing, without postcards from India. Now I cherish postcards from India.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I had a fabulous time in Italy! I send home a box of groceries and made a wonderful mushroom flan with lots of porcini.
Response: You're welcome. I just emailed you a photo of the dragon and our new Snoopy that I couldn't not get.
Response: You're welcome. Not so much destashing as sharing rather than hoarding!
Response: You're welcome! It snowed here today and I'm hoping for better weather to be out and about in Italy because I'm not taking boots!
Response: You're welcome. The news photos of areas demolished by rockets are likely hard for Ukrainian refugees to see too. They are heart-wrenching to me.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad they came to me in time for this swap, just for you!
Response: I will! I'm looking forward to getting on an airplane for the first time in years.
Response: Your'e welcome! And it's the autumnal Equinox!
Response: You're welcome. It's easier to pick cards when I read a well written profile like yours.
Response: Thank you for your chatty rating. Your mail too is always a pleasure to receive. I looked at the tour website and learned that there's 5 inches of rain where we're going in October so I'm looking for waterproof shoes.
Response: A bullseye! That's exactly what I wanted! I'm glad to see you again.
Response: You're welcome. My extra is often a note because I love to write.
Response: You're welcome. Good question about the Winchesters.
Response: You're welcome. Memos make for a heavy envelope 8-D
Response: You're welcome. I've moved on to K dramas: Extraordinary Attorney Woo.
Response: I placed an order and then, sadly, it's still, no airmail coming from Japan.
Response: You're welcome! I'm always thrilled to receive a postcard that practically has an address written on it -- it knows exactly where it's going!
Response: You're welcome! I've ordered a few items from sellers on Etsy but haven't ordered from Kawaii Shop Japan in more than a year. It's time to make a small investment!
Response: You're welcome. My addiction to washi tape is all about the artwork and the humor.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed hearing why I chose those particular postcards.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. We listened to a ranger talk at the Arch Museum. The MO senator at the time - a woman - advocated for funding the design while carrying a handbag with handles shaped like the proposed arch.
Response: I'm so glad I could pull a trick like that without incurring the wrath of my partner. Thank you for having a great sense of humor.
Response: You're welcome! I don't sign up for these swaps until I have a little pile of postcards to send.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing notes and letters and I guess they are like extras.
Response: You're welcome. I'm always happy to use and swap the bounty of my kawaii collection. It runeth over, as my husband likes to say when a new note on kawaii memo paper turns up on the refrigerator.
Response: You're welcome! In the last few days we've heard more about the interesting people they've met and less about the food. Yes, it's getting better!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it. I had fun choosing your surprises.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! I enjoy chatting away in letters. I'm glad you like gems from my collection of washi tape.
Response: The moving van is two days late. They took the lowest bid. I'm running out of ideas to feed and entertain my in-laws. They are tired of living in a hotel.
Response: You're so welcome! Thank you for hosting!
Response: You're welcome. I have a book of Bauhaus design paper and I make envelopes from these sheets.
Response: You're welcome. I think extras should be what you're swapping for rather than some random other things you -might- like.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Was it the alarm clock that got ya?!!
Response: You're welcome! We now have one pink peony open and lots of tight little round buds.
Response: You're welcome. Happy spring now that it's here. The lilies of the valley are blooming now and I can smell them when I'm working in the yard.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I'm always happy to share my weird postcards.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Yes I did!
Response: You're welcome. The copyright date on my pad of Yellow Submarine postalettes is 2005. I've had them forever!
Response: I am leaving behind all sorts of completed tasks and I'm sure I'll enjoy the trip all the more!
Response: I thought you might enjoy those body parts!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome. We are well. Greg's TA has Covid now so he's teaching some discussion sections in the five-day quarantine.
Response: You're welcome. I was thrilled that I could fulfill your wish!
Response: You're welcome. I have great fun decorating with postage.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun putting together these swaps.
Response: You're welcome. I buy washi tape from sellers on Etsy. Most of it is Japanese. I think I have most of the sellers among my Etsy favs (link above). There's even a button so you'll see just the washi tape favs.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun choosing offbeat postcards for you.
Response: You're welcome. We are well and still wearing masks.because many people aren't. Thank you for hosting the swap!
Response: You're welcome! It's always fun to use up stickers.
Response: So funny! Last week I received a Postcrossing postcard that was delivered to a Postcrosser in Montana! I'm glad it was someone who knows about Postcrossing!
Response: You're welcome. I know you'll get well. Take care.
Response: I like your username.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I added the Andy Warhol playings cards because you have altered playing cards on your profile.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating comment. The next couple of months are utterly chaotic. After that I'll be back to writing letters.
Response: You're welcome. When I send to or receive from Australia I always wonder about the swap's modes of transportation that they take so long. Why don't they put it on an airplane?!!
Response: You're so welcome! When my husband was teaching from home he made a rule that I couldn't stream videos when he was online for lectures, office hours and proctoring exams. Not that I was before the rule! More Covid anxiety .
Response: You're welcome. It's a outer space thank you for hosting many, many kawaii swaps.
Response: You're welcome. It's always a pleasure to share with you.
Response: You're welcome. We went to Arkansas one March and saw bird's foot violets in bloom, when Minnesota was still snow-covered.
Response: You're welcome. I made the cake for my in-laws and they were surprised it was moist for days - ya gotta hand it to that coconut milk!
Response: All the better to decorate your cookbook!
Response: You're welcome. Using all those stamps is de-stashing. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I thought the Egyptian washi might your sweet spot.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy pasting flowers on envelopes and writing letters.
Response: You're welcome. I was happy to find postcards that I thought would be perfect for you.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy sharing teas that I like.
Response: I'm so glad! Thank you for your kind comment and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I had hoped I could surprise you like that.
Response: You're welcome. It's a very special national park. Perhaps you'll visit one day.
Response: You're welcome! Yes, friends need valentines too!
Response: You're welcome! The looking is postponed until the latest surge ends. I'm at home, configuring a new ChromeBook computer for my father-in-law. Configuring means turning on parental controls.
Response: You're welcome. Bridges fascinated my dad. On road trip vacations we made side trips to see important bridges (there's a Y-shaped bridge in RI) and also a special trip to NYC when the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge opened. Later I learned there's a correspondence between liking bridges and people who never learned to swim. Dad never learned to swim. That's why I asked about the desert and your nautical interests.
Response: You're welcome. Not so much new stuff now so you're getting oldies but goodies.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like them. I chose favorites of mine.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. I have few winter-themed items, probably because I have just too much real winter!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you had lots of space topics in your list of postcards.
Response: It takes a special person to love that postcard! I'm so glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy re-homing kawaii!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for hosting the swap. Stay healthy and out of the storms!
Response: You're welcome. Your great profile made it easy for me to choose a postcard for you.
Response: You're so welcome! My spouse is making the long-running joke about what did I get myself for Hanukkah. But it's Christmas so, yes, it's okay! And because I'm making half a dozen kinds of Christmas cookies for his parents.
Response: I'm glad you like it! I keep a spreadsheet of all the swaps I join to help me keep track of everything. The upshot is that I'm a bit nudgy at times!
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad they arrived: better late than never!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad they hit your sweet spot!
Response: Happy Hanukkah! Shabbat Shalom! My husband says our weather is like Northern California now. I haven't scraped frost off our little auto and snow is only a light dusting. Daytime temps in the 40s and nighttime temps rarely drop below freezing.
Response: I'm so glad you like it! We had a tiny vegetarian Thanksgiving, just my husband and me. Only one dessert so I created a mashup of pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and pumpkin roll. Well, not *literally* a mashup!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like kawaii!
Response: You're so welcome! Did you gently pull the washi tape off the envelope?!!
Response: You're so welcome! I had fun collecting them - I just couldn't stop!
Response: You're welcome. Rick Riordan and Captain Underpants turned my nephew into a reader. Ovid's Metamorphoses was my crash course in Greek mythology. The Penguin translation is particularly good -- a page turner!
Response: I aim for a country that's far from my partner! I'm not sure I'll ever get to the Southern Hemisphere. Leaves are almost gone. Good raking weather this weekend, in the 60s.
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you like it and think of my swap as a treat!
Response: You're so welcome! So is it a bridge or a work of art?!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I enjoy sending cheer!
Response: You're welcome. Maybe, some day, I'll visit you in Alaska. In the meantime we are healthy and not going far from home. Just Stevens Point, WI, again next week.
Response: I think you need a French memo board so you don't start new piles in your office. I made one with fabric, ribbon, and a stretched canvas. It has layers of wonderful postcards because I add my incoming favorites on top and now it's Postcrossingyears of layers. Many postcards aren't saved now because there are too many.
Response: Did I use the watercolor squirrel washi tape?!! Or was it more in the appetizing direction?
Response: Are we sure it's not counterfeit red snapper?
Response: You're welcome. Home again! It was a nice visit.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad I entertained you!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like all the kawaii!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad the card found a spooky home!
Response: You're welcome. I'm always anxious when it's a blind swap -- Will my partner like them?!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Hip hip hooray! You're welcome!
Response: I'm so glad you like it! I was anxious! Let's do this again, new topic!
Response: You're so welcome! Yours is exactly the response I hoped for!
Response: You're welcome! Safe, yes. My husband started teaching in person this week and was relieved to see that all the students in the lecture hall wore masks. He'd been anxious for weeks.
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for hosting the swap. It's nice to participate in a kawaii swap that's not KSU.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you have a wordy profile!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for your kind comment. I'm glad both arrived and that you love Higuchi too!
Response: You're so welcome. I'd just found the Stillwater Prison postcard in Stillwater and was happy to see that you collect prison postcards - on nearly the same day!
Response: Lots of groceries for your cookbook! Yes, it's better to be lucky than good.
Response: You're welcome! I explore the far reaches of my collection to send you ones I've not sent before. Family is getting ready for in-person lecturing next week. My job is to take him clothes shopping and give him a haircut.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you still like the UFO tape.
Response: I'm glad you liked reading it! Writing the letter was a good way to think about what I did this summer.
Response: 😁 Making a good effort to destash. I love that tape but its being vertical makes it hard to place. I'm a corn snob now - if it's not fresh off the field...
Response: You're welcome. I buy every bit of space-themed kawaii I see! Washi tape too.
Response: You're welcome! I suppose putting plants up high, out of the cat's way would be a temptation!
Response: You're welcome! I always enjoy a good scavenger hunt.
Response: You're welcome! I can't wait for cooler weather so I can resume baking.
Response: You're welcome. I don't get those rubber stamps out often enough. Air is clearer here now. I hope y'all are safe in MO now with the Covid wildfires.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome! Sadly, mail is taking much longer to travel to the Netherlands now. I wonder when it will get back to the old normal.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating!
Response: You're welcome! I've been setting aside surprises for you for a while and this swap was the perfect time to send them.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Out and about, yes, and masked. It's also a help because fires in Manitoba affect our air quality: the AQI is Unhealthy.
Response: You're welcome! I'm still decluttering the yoga space though I am making progress!
Response: You're welcome! I always enjoy a good scavenger hunt!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like the whole package!
Response: You're welcome! We are just back from out of town too. Lots of good podcasts carried us through Wisconsin's monoculture landscape.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for joining. Like you, it's easy to host a swap when I notice I have enough pieces for a good theme.
Response: You're welcome! Once it's over an ounce, it doesn't cost anything to add another one. Especially because i have more than two dozen boxes of 100!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: You're very welcome! A friend went there to gamble and all she got was a handful of postcards for me!
Response: Your'e welcome!
Response: You must have just picked up your mail! I'm glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome! I enjoyed making happy mail for you. I first spotted Nekoni on An Etsy search for "nekoni stickers" has a huge result set.
Response: You're welcome! I enjoy those Japanese postcards too.
Response: I'm glad you like the narwhal. This evening we had omurice for dinner: Trader Joe's Japanese fried rice with a simple omelet draped over it and topped with ketchup. An easy and yummy dinner at home. More than a few of my shortcuts come from TJ's!
Response: You're welcome! I confess that I looked online to make sure Shappo is a bunny. In fact, his official name is Rabbit Shappo.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad I have a stack of Lantern Press postcards!
Response: You're welcome! It's always fun to rise to that sort of challenge!
Response: You're welcome. Send me a photo of the bunny washi tape and I'll send you samples. I just replenished my stash of gift cards and now some hotel room keys. And that idea of taping cellos closed comes from Rani.
Response: You're so welcome! I'm thrilled that everything is perfect for you. You're a fun partner to choose for!
Response: You're so welcome! Now we worry about water. St. Paul Farmers Market is off to a slow start because it's so dry. One vendor was selling mushrooms grown in Roseville, indoors of course, where they can control the climate.
Response: You're welcome. I sent a mix of new and older memos. I'm glad you like mushrooms!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for your kind rating.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! There's a San-x store in Pittsburgh of all places!
Response: You're welcome! I thrilled that I made you do happy!
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you love them! And I'm always happy to share kawaii!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad that arrived safely and I have a data point - it takes about three weeks for mail to travel from my home to yours.
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you like kawaii stickers.
Response: You're welcome. Yes, opening new sacks is fun. Fun for you too? I hadn't heard of DuckDuckGo until your letter. I've been using it lately for searches, like searching for a concrete and masonry company that can make structural repairs. We'll see!
Response: You're welcome. Remind me to not pack up early!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! It's always nice to have such a fun writing prompt.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I add the best books to my profile, if you don't want to wait for my next postcard!
Response: You're welcome. The phone ordeal was only an ordeal when I had to deal with AT&T. Next time I'll stick with old reliable Apple store.
Response: You're welcome. Probably half the fun of swapping is packaging!
Response: You're welcome! Recently I binged on washi tapes and want to share. Now rolls are shorter by meters.
Response: You're welcome. I don't often participate in these swaps because I want to make each one special.
Response: You're welcome. The artist has won two Caldecott Medals for her illustrations of children's books. And of course I need to say more than Hi, how are you!
Response: You're welcome. I can't bear to toss out those cute ziplock sticker sacks!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like all the postcards. Thanks for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome! I was glad to send something that doesn't rely on forwarding! I thought Ryleigh is about the age for kawaii. And I too love washi - too much!
Response: You're welcome. When do you think Canada will be open to visitors for whom travel is optional? I'd like the circumnavigate Lake Superior.
Response: I'm glad you like the postcard. In his first tour, as 2LT, he had patrols where he'd read because he couldn't socialize. I sent him a Kindle after asking a question on Amazon about how it'd work in those conditions. Lots of ex mil said great! Tom was thrilled because he was running out of reading material. Now he always has an iPad at hand.
Response: You're welcome! I'm happy when what I send is your happy mail. I started journals that languish, probably because I think no one will read them and people do read my letters and postcards.
Response: You're welcome. Animals and a pork cutlet?!!
Response: Thank you! There aren't too many places with good vegetarian takeout here. Pizza is best eaten straight from the oven and I'm making it in our oven now!
Response: You're welcome! He worked at the UNT health center for several years - you might have run into him!
Response: You're welcome. You could be like Pattie and several other partners who peel off the tape and save it!
Response: You're welcome. When I received a pocket letter as a RAK I realized they are the perfect size for sending mini memos and perfect for this swap plus an extra!
Response: You're welcome! I love space and would love to travel through space though, sadly, it won't happen in our lifetimes.
Response: You're welcome. Anxiety about the imminent announcement affected my husband's students who were taking an exam that evening. After the announcement of the verdict there was a huge collective sigh of relief and the exam went forward without a hitch.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it! I really appreciate the prompt rating - I've had to chase more than a few lately.
Response: You're so welcome! There's one more swap headed your way, yet more postcards.
Response: I'm so glad you like them! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Corcoro Coronya 🍓 ?
Response: No drawings from me! I learned years ago that I can't draw and then recently that hand/eye coordination - like catching a ball and drawing - never developed because I didn't get glasses until I was 9 and hand/eye coordination and peripheral vision develop before age 5. I'm glad you like the big sticker flakes.
Response: You're welcome! I am *so* glad it finally arrived! I was all set to make another one. I made yours from my favorite catalog for perennial plants and bulbs and would make a resend from the new catalog that arrived recently.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you're HAPPY!!!
Response: You're welcome. Two out of three mailed at the same time -- an interesting data point about USPS.
Response: Thanks for the nice rating. I'm glad you're getting everything sorted out.
Response: I'm so glad I got your sweet spot!
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the prompt rating and the heart!
Response: You're so welcome! And that's a fast trip to Canada for a change. Most swaps I mail to Canada take almost a month. Perhaps an Etsy shop in Canada?
Response: You're so welcome! I now have more unopened sticker sacks than open ones so it's time to open more.
Response: You're so welcome! I enjoy writing those letters.
Response: And double the fun! Nothing like a resend to get the mail flowing again.
Response: You are so welcome! I had fun putting it together just for you. I happened to have that lovely cardboard mailer from an Etsy order for postcards and it was perfect for sending letter sets. So I did!
Response: You're so welcome. My partner's dot were completely different than what I sent you! I enjoy writing you letters.
Response: You're so welcome. I happy that it finally arrived after traveling for six weeks. I want to visit New Zealand; maybe I can find a slow boat like my swap and enjoy the trip!
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you enjoy my joke. Sometimes I miss the mark.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad that postcard hit your sweet spot!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad to see you're catching up on your ratings.
Response: You're welcome. I love when the swap and the rating and the response turn into little conversations. It's amazing how not ordering goods online slows their rate of reproduction!
Response: You're so welcome! Congratulations on your first swap! Thank you for the prompt rating and your lovely comment.
Response: You're so welcome. I have all too many rolls of washi tape and I love sharing. I have tiny heuchara leaves; a few scilla in bloom, heralding a carpet in the next week; crocuses in bloom; and tulips are almost 6 inches high. No sign of daffodils. I planted a Minnesota redbud last year and can't wait to see what that does. I'm looking forward to my many hellebore blooming soon.
Response: You're welcome! All the cards in the Urban Sketching box are wonderful.
Response: You're welcome! I love collecting washi tape and it's about time I share it!
Response: You're out-of-this-world welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I have more fun with scavenger hunts than putting three postcards in an envelope!
Response: You're welcome. Some I include because they have easy PC matches. When I lived abroad Women's Day was widely observed, before here in the US. Until recently it was odd!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Now that I've just finished my taxes I have time to take a few photos. Oh, wait. Now I'm cleaning for Passover.
Response: You're welcome. It's always fun to swap with someone I've not met before.
Response: You're welcome. I have a little collection of fun paperclips but I'm not sure how to use them - send them off in swaps?!!
Response: You're welcome. I'm not sure how to use the shaped paperclips. I don't have a planner.Send them off in swaps?!!
Response: Yes, tiny surprises. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Fun coincidence!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating me so promptly!
Response: You're welcome! I'm happy that my duplicates weren't your duplicates!
Response: You're welcome. It's warming up now. I think you're in one of the few warm corners in the US just now. I have a brother and a sister who live in Dallas and between text messages and Facebook there's lots of complaining. And they even have clothes for northern winters!
Response: I'm glad you like everything. Is there any chance I'll get out of the Upper Midwest or perhaps even the US in 2021?!! I'm not old enough to get a vaccine now so I'm patient and careful.
Response: You're welcome. I tell my husband that when he retires we are moving. I think he keeps on working because he doesn't want to move.
Response: To make it yourself, hold a piece of glass over the fire to collect the smoke, then rinse it down with water to make liquid smoke. Or you can use the smoked glass to view an eclipse.
Response: Thanks for hosting. Next time I'll make it from sticker sheets -- quicker than peeling all those flakes!
Response: You're welcome.Thanks for joining my swap. I'll host another in March.
Response: You're welcome. Our furnace is working hard and Greg worries whether it will make it through this cold snap.
Response: You're welcome! You take care too.
Response: You're welcome. It's a way of saying thank you for all your kind KSU work.
Response: This is the moment when I wish I could remember what I sent you!
Response: I'm so glad you're !!!!! happy!
Response: You're welcome! I like these themeless swaps too!
Response: You're welcome. Little strawberry sacks are from, Paper Items >> Other.
Response: Too sure! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived safely. It was a challenge to pack!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad Pattie has small quantities for these swaps!
Response: I'm glad the fishes arrived!
Response: You're welcome. Swaps are a good diversion in the midst of our awful political situation.
Response: You're welcome! A while back Pattie mentioned that she gets ideas for future swaps when she comes across more than a few pieces she'd have for a category swap.
Response: You're welcome! I bought those cards when I spotted the mango-shaped India.
Response: You're welcome! Who knows when and where I'm going next?!!
Response: You're welcome. Yes, we have snow, slowly but surely accumulating now. I need to change the license plates on the car now - it's up in the 20s today!
Response: You're welcome! I fell in love with mango-shaped India, a design that's ubiquitous in India and a seminal example of cultural appropriation.
Response: You're welcome. Today is a day of catching up and, as is our usual custom, avoiding stores. I drove by Target #1 the other day and the parking lot was packed. Covid? What Covid?
Response: You're welcome and thank you for the words of advice. I don't obsess over the notes I write - so why can I not stopping obsessing about making perfect crafts?!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Tonight is the first night of Chanukah and it's quiet in our home because my husband is proctoring an exam via Zoom this evening.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I'm happy to treat you!
Response: Cool! Winter! Great word play!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I'm glad everyone is thrilled! I sent my in-laws a big box of Ghirardelli brownie mixes (6 pouches) from Costco and realized I could flip the cost of swaps: more product and less postage. Now, don't eat them all at once!
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you like like the package of little books!
Response: You're welcome. We had a tiny quiet feast -- we each chose a couple of favorites and I made a new dish: Hasselback potatoes. My husband Zoomed with his family too.
Response: You're welcome! I'm sending to you again today!
Response: You're welcome. Your lovely rating is a lift to my day!
Response: You're welcome. A good book is always a treat!
Response: You're welcome! I looked for teas with your aromatherapy interests in mind.
Response: You're welcome. I have several new boxes of 50 and 100 because I'm sending frequent postcards to 43 people sheltering in place, most alone, as well as weekly postcards to my in-laws and my aunt. Only my aunt is a fotofolio sort of person!
Response: You're welcome. I wish I had a Japanese bakery in town! Or maybe go to Tokyo and pick up bakery treats.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: I'm so glad you're thrilled! +++ I'm glad to know my package arrived and I look forward to seeing your updates as you open them. I'll open yours for Chanukah, beginning the evening of December 10th.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I'm sure our tiny holiday will be lovely. Dinner for two is downsized and simplified!
Response: Your'e welcome. Dried beans and whole grain both have plenty of protein. I just came across this article:
Response: You're welcome. That box of food postcards is full of sly little jokes.
Response: You're welcome. Minnesota is surrounded by states with high per capita numbers of cases, and then we turned red too. Even rural cases are hard hit. We are staying close to home. Greg thinks students will go home for Thanksgiving and stay home for the remainder of the semester.
Response: You're welcome. One day, someday, I'll visit Vancouver!
Response: Though not quite everything to make ambrosia.
Response: You're welcome! I'm an immigrant and there's so much I don't get. My MIL trained me in the etiquette of the Norwegian cookie plate -- the magic number is 7!
Response: You're welcome. We've had weather in the 60s and 70s this past week and I'm mostly in the garden planting bulbs and raking leaves. Talk about whiplash!
Response: You're welcome! Me too!
Response: You're welcome. When I feel that I can't part with one or another postcard, after a while I can!
Response: I'm so glad I could send you good cheer. I had fun pulling kawaii for you. The hard part was sending one each day. One afternoon I sent two, one mailed from a box that's pick up around 11 each morning and the other from a box that's picked up at 5. Mailed on two days, right?
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. Butterflies are rare in my collection of postcards and I was happy to find one.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Those are a favorite of mine too. And the roll is almost gone.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. You're so kind! I agonized over that and decided on minimal look.
Response: You're welcome! What a great way to organize them. I'm not signing up for the whole series. I'll open them day by day for Chanukah.
Response: You're welcome. I love the expression on that dog's face!
Response: You're welcome. We had 8" of snow Tuesday. It keeps coming, a half an inch at a time. Yesterday I scraped snow and ice off the car. We expect temps in the 40s on Wednesday and I will begin planting then.
Response: You're not leaving your mail in the airlock for days on end? Rest assured, I don't lick envelopes, though mostly because glue works better.
Response: Thank you for catching my mistake and sorry it was disappointing!
Response: You're welcome. I'm looking for warm waterproof gloves so I can dig under the snow to plant my daffodil bulbs.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I like to choose cards from places furthest from my partners.
Response: You're welcome! I think I sent one of everything I had. You know, you get started and keep going, a bit OCD!
Response: You're welcome! Too much washi tape in my collection box to recall what I used!
Response: You're welcome! Today I rated a swap from the small city where my cousin lives - I knew exactly where it came from!
Response: You're welcome! Those Czech stickers were printed in Korea. Every once in a while I find something like that when I shop online for kawaii.
Response: You're welcome! Those Czech stickers were printed in Korea. Every once in a while I find something like that when I shop online for kawaii.
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad it finally arrived. Book club was lovely, except the corded lawn mower blew out the circuit breaker that week so that grass was longish.
Response: You're welcome 💖
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I spend more time now sending postcards to people who are staying home, many alone. I cycle through a list of 50 family and friends. My latest postcards say, Vote!
Response: You're welcome. I've not added much to my collection lately and I'm glad there were some new to you.
Response: You're welcome. I've never seen the HBO production of GOT so I have no idea who's on the postcard!
Response: You're welcome. I was happy to find a postcard that's so apt!
Response: You're welcome. I volunteered for several years before I knew how important it is to the DFL budget. Cute kitty paper is kawaii.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Enjoy using the stickers! Yes, I love math. I credit my math major with teaching me clear analytical thinking and that's needed in many jobs. So good for your daughter!
Response: You're welcome. My book slub is meeting in our backyards, for the time being, until there's snow on the ground. My omelet recipe contains egg. Have you found good egg substitutes?
Response: 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 😊 You're welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're so welcome! I always enjoy sending to you. We are well. Greg begins teaching next week, happily away from students, faculty and other bearers of virus.
Response: I'm so glad I could surprise you!
Response: You're welcome. And you'll have an empty mini pocket letter to make one when you put away the mini memos.
Response: You're welcome for the postcard. I feel your pain! It took months to resolve the electricity problem and I felt sorry for the woman who didn't realize it was happening. She had a big bill she couldn't afford.
Response: I'm glad you like both. Of course I would send the wrong one and the right one!
Response: You're welcome. I love those postcards and mostly hoard them. I knew you'd enjoy one!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy making those mini pocket letters - they are perfect for mini memos!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything. And thank you for joining my swap. A one-partner swap is lonely!
Response: You're welcome. We only turn on the oven when it's cool outside - and to make dessert for bookclub. We turn on the AC when temps are above 90, not so often here in MN but more often now with global warming. And my spouse keeps the thermostat at 85° so it only takes the edge off the heat. Today it's breezy and cool after thunderstorms last night.
Response: You're welcome. I've been to Seattle for work several times. I need to go see the sights in the Pacific Northwest.
Response: Ordered and waiting. In the meantime the grass gets longer and longer. I'm working my way through Bugs Bunny - I hope I don't send dups!
Response: You're welcome. I made a French memo board where I post all my favorite postcards. My spouse likes seeing them too.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy sharing from my boxes of 100 postcards, all non-touristy.
Response: You're welcome. It's one of those things that gets a bit obsessive - hunting them down until I've looked in all the possible nooks and crannies where I store sticker flakes.
Response: You're welcome. I ordered the box of Yuko Higuchi postcards from a shop in Japan, just before all the shipping closed down. They sent them FedEx and the box arrived in June. And then I discovered there's a cult following of her work.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy using all the different postage stamps as people enjoy receiving them!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I'm doing my bit for the USPS, sending more than a dozen postcards each week to family and friends, and Postcrossing and Swap-bot. Also care packages to my husband's parents.
Response: You're welcome. I credit that English teacher with liberating me from writing anxiety. Someone working for me couldn't write a coherent bug report so I sent her to a community college writing class; she had grammar lessons as well as writing a journal entry everyday.
Response: More like giving my heart(s) to you.
Response: I thought they were broccoli. You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy a good scavenger hunt.
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy a good scavenger hunt.
Response: You're welcome. I have boxes of 100 postcards that I love sharing! I enjoy writing letters too.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. I enjoyed stretching the boundaries of this swap! Let me know if you'd like a private swap for more GOT postcards.
Response: You're welcome. I think it's fun to make a great variety.
Response: You're welcome. And I'm sending you more tomorrow!
Response: You're welcome! Your great profile helped me choose postcards for you.
Response: You're welcome. I do lose count after a while!
Response: You're welcome. I have kawaii stationery that I buy online and swap. I'm not a collector -- I have too much fun using it!
Response: You're welcome. I have a box of postcards by that artist, many full of fantasy, or maybe surreal? I wasn't sure whether you'd like odd cats so I chose a straightforward card for you.
Response: You're welcome and thank you for rating me so promptly! I use large memos or letter paper from kawaii letter sets for my note paper.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you love them because most of my large memo pads are San-x!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad travel time to the Netherlands is back to normal!
Response: Yes they do! You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. I felt fortunate that I had weather artwork for you.
Response: You're welcome. I love adding notes to swaps.
Response: You're welcome. Decorating each envelope is an experiment, some more successful than others.
Response: Thank you for joining my swap. I'm glad you share the spirit of the swap. Maybe, when Canada is open again, I can make a road trip north to Winnipeg and west on the Trans-Canada Highway, then north to Alaska.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're welcome. Let me know if you'd like the stovetop recipe.
Response: Yes, I looked at your profile and hoped it didn't say no kawaii! You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! I love those banana cats too.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like the postcards though I can't remember what I sent!
Response: You're welcome. When you said old films, I thought you might enjoy an old photo of Brando. Today I received a box of washi tape I ordered from Japan in April, from one of my favorite sellers on Etsy. Otherwise not so many new tapes now.
Response: You're welcome. I hope they are sharing it nicely!
Response: You're welcome. I'm lucky I have great partners for blind swaps!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. And I can't remember what I sent you 😀
Response: You're welcome. They arrived so quickly! The last swap I sent to the Netherlands took weeks to arrive. I'm glad your mail is flowing nicely now.
Response: I'm glad you like the postcard. It seemed particularly relevant to the swap topic. We don't plant gardens until after Memorial Day as we often have late frosts, as we did this year. I don't have veggies because I'm mostly shade and rabbits. My late winter/early spring hellebores and scilla don't mind late frost and are the first up.
Response: You're welcome! 😊
Response: It's from a box I just received and every card in the box is not your usual postcard!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. I enjoy choosing postcards for scavenger hunts. So that's a win-win!
Response: Those Sanrio fairy tales are new to you?!! You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. I'll try to remember that you like Kireiizuki the next time I send to you.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome. That came from a box of postcards I just received from Japan.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad it finally arrived! I appreciate your telling me to wait for it to arrive.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like all of them. For blind swaps I file the envelope with things I really like and hope me and my partner like the same things!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for going back and saving the rating again. I've learned over time that the Save glitch causes most late ratings.
Response: You're welcome. I'm still experimenting. I'm not sure how to make a letter fit so yours is an experiment. I didn't do pocket letters because I don't do ATCs but then I received one with resized greeting cards and found postcards just right.
Response: You're so welcome! Today I put on a long-sleeved shirt and cut the tops off Canadian thistles. I need to put markers in the ground to show me where they are so I can snip off new growth whenever a new leaf turns up.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Berlin is a great city.
Response: You're welcome. I write notes when I'm in the mood and have time to write them. That would be when it's raining or too hot to work outside. The never-ending list of projects is always good fodder for notes!
Response: You're so welcome! I hope you'll find those sheets useful!
Response: You're so welcome. I'm glad you like them. Take care. Stay well.
Response: You're welcome. I wonder whether we could organize a Swap-bot group trip. Cheaper by the dozen and Africa - once you get there - is inexpensive. If we book flights now, it's just $1200 round trip. Yup, I'm browsing!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived what with delays in mail. I received an envelope from you yesterday, probably Three Postcards in an Envelope #7J, from April.
Response: You're so welcome! Yes, that pouch is special. Enjoy everything. 🐰🐻🐱
Response: You're welcome. I'm baking Italian bread and when it comes out of the oven I'll go outside to move some plants.
Response: You're welcome. I hadn't thought about that getting lost in the mail - it rarely happens to me.
Response: You're welcome. I thought you might like those GOT postcards!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad my swap package brought joy to your rough patches.
Response: You're welcome. It's lovely to share my sense of humor with you!
Response: You're welcome. Only so much one can say on a postcard. My dad was one of the original scientists at JPL. When he was in graduate school, DOD offered him a research position or they would draft him.
Response: You're welcome. Last night I started compiling my plant list, including invasive plants. Because we are in an old neighborhood we have landscaping plants like honeysuckle shrubs now classified as invasive.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. I use large memo sheets all the time and suspect others do as well. We are well. Greg turned in his grades yesterday. Looks like he will teach online in the fall too.
Response: You're welcome. That website helped me downsize some recipes. Now I'm testing homemade mug cake mixes to send in a box to my in-laws because that's the closest I'll get to baking for them.
Response: You're welcome. May has taken a break at the moment, with freezing temps at night. It'll be nice next week!
Response: I'm glad you like what I sent. And yes, I am trying to make the best of it.
Response: You're welcome. Gourmet cooks - or self-confident competent cooks!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad they spark joy!
Response: You're welcome. has lots of excellent videos about bread baking.
Response: You're welcome. That was the last of my Lantern Press postcards. I've only found them at state and national parks.
Response: You're welcome. I think of a trip to Canada as a quick getaway from our current leaders in Washington, DC. I've wanted to visit the Canadian Rockies and Vancouver but there's not much trip planning going on just now.
Response: You're welcome. The paper pocket is a very simple origami cup. Copy and paste this link into your browser:
Response: Yes, isn't that a gem? I visited a friend in Las Vegas and we meandered the Strip. Postcards in the Coke store are too expensive but worth the extravagance!
Response: You're welcome. Yesterday I received a box of postcards I preordered on April 9th. I'm still waiting for a box I ordered in March because the publisher keeps pushing out the publication date. I'm glad I can get them. An independent bookstore where I buy boxes of postcards is closed now, for the duration.
Response: You're welcome. I wish I'd had a postcard from Wisconsin to send. I agree with its reputation of being the most boring state for long drives!
Response: You're so welcome. Thank you for hosting. Once I figured out how to manage all those partners I enjoyed filling envelopes!
Response: You're welcome and I'm glad you like them. I always enjoy a good scavenger hunt.
Response: I made it just for you, with all the food. I was anxious about how well it would travel and thought about putting it in another envelope - and then I came across that cello wrapper.
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy sending to you.
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy a good challenge!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for hosting! Next time I send to you I'll ask about your new boxes. I have Lego Still Life and Marianne North on the way though Amazon now takes forever.
Response: You're welcome. He's busy and we're getting along well because I'm quiet when he's working. Pretty soon the weather will be nice and I can work outside and be as noisy as I want!
Response: You're welcome. I've sent quite a few Winnie-the-Pooh postcards for Postcrossing, for cheer. I've held back on Eeyore. I sent you a message with a link to the washi tape. You stay well too.
Response: You're welcome. I'm a fan of kokeshi too - I have several lined up along the back of my desk.
Response: You're so welcome. I collected all the pieces of paper before Pattie assigned partners so it was the luck of the draw for you.
Response: You're welcome. Not so many bird postcards the next time I send to you!
Response: You're welcome. I'll message you.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for hosting such a sunny swap.
Response: I'm thrilled that I could make you giddy!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you understand about those cows. Milk really does taste better from happy cows who are dancing in meadows - and many people never have a chance to taste great milk and ice cream. Horizon Milk, though organic, is from a factory farm too.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like it!
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy sending to you. I think we have many interests in common.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like all of them. Thanks for hosting the swap and I liked your list.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad many are new to you. I don't buy as much as I have in the past and I think my older ones are new to people who joined Swap-bot and KSU more recently than I did.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the RAK new year's greetings. Those washi stickers are gorgeous!
Response: Lucky you - this swap traveled faster than most things I send to Canada! I'm always happy to share banknotes from my little pile of worthless Indian currency that cost me $100.
Response: Thank you for participating in the swap. I'm glad you like the little folder - they are a favorite of mine so I hoard them.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for the holidays.
Response: You're welcome. I love sharing cuteness of all sorts.
Response: You're welcome. I wish I could have found more boxes of them when I bought them.
Response: You're welcome. The surfbird was new to me too - such great surprises in sets of postcards.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for participating in all the fun!
Response: And I can't even remember what I write in those notes - they are very much of the moment!
Response: Thanks for joining. It's fun hosting this series.
Response: I'm so glad you like it! I like spoiling you.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for hosting the swap. I had to make up my own challenge. 8-D
Response: You're welcome. In the next few months you can send me reminders of heat and humidity!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating.
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad this traveled quickly to the Philippines - only two weeks after I mailed it!
Response: Thank you for the rating and for participating. Yes, people come and go in these swaps. Like the bags, it's sometimes easier to use the forum to keep them moving along.
Response: Great! I'm so glad you're participating.
Response: You're welcome. I'm always happy to share my stash with new people.
Response: You're so welcome. I'm glad your back to swapping.
Response: You're welcome. You did say you like cute kitties. 😼
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like the tokidoki coloring postcards because I'm not a colorer...
Response: You're welcome. I got those postcards more for kawaii friends on Swap-bot than Postcrossing. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating. I'm glad you liked them because I randomly counted and bagged them before Pattie assigned partners.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy sending you mail.
Response: I'm glad its slower than slower trip to your home is most uncommon.
Response: I'm glad I could brighten your day - that postcard needed the perfect recipient too.
Response: You're welcome. I've been hoarding those Satoru Tsuda postcards. They and the notecards are still available on Amazon.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome. It's all about aspirational travel and my list is too long for my budget.
Response: You're so welcome. I had fun collecting and packing everything. Are you going to put a face on the poseable pumpkin?
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad they arrived safely. I'll put a comment on your profile about sending and rating to support your be patient message!
Response: You're welcome. It's always fun swapping with you.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. Practically the first thing I look for in any museum in any part of the world are the ceramics exhibits and Korea has one of the best I've ever seen.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun choosing them for you.
Response: You're welcome and thank you. I look forward to the beginning of the school year because then I'll know how he really is.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. That stop on my road trip was the first time I'd been to a dairy farm tourist attraction though not my first dairy farm. My grandfather was a dairy farmer.
Response: You're welcome. I put collected the sticker flakes before you assigned partners. Will you send the postcards, such them away, or post them on a wall?
Response: I'm glad you like the postcards. The staples came out of my spouse yesterday and now he can do everything except move furniture.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun choosing them.
Response: You're welcome. Sabo Kappa is great. Perhaps San-x will bring it back. All my little notes and lists for my spouse's recovery are on kawaii.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. I hope you had a chance to send along you extra postcards.
Response: You're welcome. I knew that Ferris wheel was perfect for you. I like it when that happens.
Response: You're welcome. I'm looking forward to receiving your package.
Response: You're welcome. I try to pick the right ones. 😊
Response: You're welcome. I wanted to send you cheerful goodies.
Response: You're most welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. I've found quite a few fotofolio postcard boxes on Amazon and have many on my wish list. Search term is fotofolio postcards.
Response: Would you please check the postmark? I put extras in the first swap I mailed and exactly five when I resent the swap.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you're going the Tokidoki coloring postcards a good home.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're so welcome. I baked on Tuesday and Wednesday for book club at my home and everything was lovely, without trauma.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy sharing my everyday life.
Response: You're welcome. Adams's work is iconic in the US. He once said photography requires patience. He'd wait for hours for the perfect picture.
Response: You're welcome. It's always fun sharing kawaii with you.
Response: Thank you for hosting the swap. I'm glad you like what I sent.
Response: You're welcome. When I was pulling postcards for you, I felt cards I have and your interests were a fortuitous match. I look forward to keeping in touch.
Response: You're welcome. This one reminds me to read swap descriptions carefully. 👀
Response: You're welcome. Let me know when you'd like more coloring postcards. I bought the set for the colored ones. 😊
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome. Lately I've found some fun Sanrio sticker flakes.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I have several sets of postcards of anthropomorphic cats because they are favorites of mine. I'm glad you like them too.
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy a good scavenger hunt.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like everything.
Response: You're so welcome
Response: I love a spot-on apt comment. I'm glad there are new-to-you cuties.
Response: You're so welcome. You know, it's one of those things that you start looking and they are everywhere.
Response: You're welcome. The whole set of postcards has photos of people I don't recognize and when I look the back I think, Oh, of course!
Response: We are watching snow melt slowly during the day and freeze into sheets of ice at night, though all slowly so we don't have flooding. Friends ten miles to the south have wet basements.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed my letter and the tidbits from my kawaii stash.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: I'm happy to share a love of Wanroom with you. I would enjoy a real human-sized Wanroom chair. If we get to S I can use it again, for sofa.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you love it.
Response: I'm a little superstitious. The second envelope was the charm that made the first envelope arrive. Enjoy all the postcards.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart. 💚
Response: You're welcome. I remembered your Fb post about wanting the sticker sack because you liked the package.
Response: You're welcome. I'm impressed that you recognize the washi tape. I had to stop buying it for a while because the collection outgrew my storage box. I find the San-x tapes aren't sticky.
Response: You're welcome. Good thing I didn't send your Holstein cows in Wisconsin postcards. Actually I've not bought any in a while.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Did you watch the videos?
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I learned that they built Taliesin West because Wright had recurring pneumonia in Wisconsin winters. Now all we do is get the vaccine.
Response: You're welcome. I need to do something with all those incoming sticker flakes!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like all of them.
Response: You're welcome. I'm happy to share those cats.
Response: You're welcome. Temps warmed up then dropped again so there's lots of ice and now on top of that many inches of new snow and more expected. I ought not bake too much when life is fairly sedentary at the moment.
Response: You're welcome. Yes, awful weather. I drove back from central Wisconsin early this morning to be home before the snow - and I almost made it. At the moment we are struggling with a logo, and an artist who thinks a logo is good art.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for hosting a fun swap - and you're spoiling me too. But isn't that the fun of swapping?
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad many are new to you.
Response: I'm sure Trader Joe's is the only place you can find organic toaster pastries, and likely all sold out as were falafel mix and tahini.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy filling slams but wouldn't start one because they are exhausting!
Response: You're welcome. Don't you just love that little ghost that is actually a dollop of whipped cream?
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're so welcome. I'm glad you were my send-to partner. I had fun filling all the empty spaces in your slam - I like being last. Thank you for joining my swap. Have a great holiday. ** Update 12/25. That sticker sheet is an old one from my cache of sticker sheets. It looked perfect for you. Have yourself a merry Christmas.
Response: I found lots of videos about building bread ovens and pizza ovens with bricks in our back yard. Too bad my spouse thinks it's not a very good idea. He's probably right.
Response: You're welcome. I wanted to send that postcard to someone who would enjoy its weirdness.
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: Thank you for voting! I have many ferns in our shady garden though only two kinds: Ostrich and Interrupted. Ostrich ferns are taking over everywhere so I put cardboard and raked leaves over the largest area.
Response: You're welcome. I'm catching up now, with loads of laundry and stacks of mail.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you had fun guessing. I sent off many sticker flake bags, on their way or home. I got them all out the door and *then* another package arrived from Pattie.
Response: Awww... you're so sweet. You're welcome.
Response: I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're so welcome
Response: You're welcome. Once I've published that website I'll set up a private swap for sticker flakes.
Response: If I recall, it's one batch of food with faces and another of animals being food which isn't the same as food with faces. About 20 toasts, all different, looked cute on Amazon then were too small to send naked. Good swap tags.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap. It was perfect timing, after I'd received an order that accidentally included a duplicate.
Response: Thanks for hosting a fun swap - I gathered what I could find before I signed up - I'm glad you liked all the black and white -
Response: You're welcome. I wanted to let you know how good my travels were this summer. In October I'm heading east and will take a few days camping on the way. Not coming back - it's too cold.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for hosting such a fun swap!
Response: You're welcome. I'll keep those sticker flake bags moving along.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: I'm so glad you like everything. Your profile is a great inspiration for gathering goodies for you.
Response: You're welcome. The studio where I take yoga has lots of different classes, and some teachers mix different styles of yoga in one class. I'm taking gentle yoga and stretching classes like yin must now. When I'm able I'll add Vinyasa classes.
Response: You're welcome and you're welcome. It's a quiet summer for me - I'm going to Chicago for a long weekend to visit my brother in a couple of weeks. Greg is taking my shift in the mini doughnut booth this year because I'm not quite up to six hours of standing. In October I'm heading east for three weeks, camping in TN, NC, and VA, hopefully avoiding leaf peepers, then heading north to visit family and friends.
Response: You're welcome. Is that Caitlin who said cool?!!
Response: I had a lovely time up north. Except for all the bugs. And no showers. The lakes were too cold for swimming, for me. I came home with layers on layers of insect repellant and sunscreen, and not too many mosquito bites. I've had West Nile virus so I'm not worried about that.
Response: You're so welcome. I enjoy finding postcards for all the wacky holidays.
Response: You're welcome. Watching the corn grow tells me how far along summer is. Luther Seminary has put 15 acres of woods at the end of our block up for sale. There goes the neighborhood.
Response: You're welcome. The weather here is hot and wet. The cornfields in our neighborhood (agricultural experimental fields) already have tassels. Rain and heat make corn grow faster.
Response: I was working on menus for my trip next week. The order of the meals depends on how well the ingredients keep. At the end of the week we'll have an Indian dinner from excellent ready-made packets!
Response: You're welcome. I'm working on the menus today and we'll have readymade Indian packet dinners the last night out. They keep well.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Keep moving, keep moving comes to mind.
Response: I'm glad you like it. It's one of those cards I set aside for just the right person.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad it intrigues you. I look forward to your opening everything.
Response: You're welcome. That one really looked like space to me! I learned recently that the eclipse stamps are heat sensitive. Hold your warm thumb over the glossy part of the stamp to see another image. The new popsicle stamps are watermelon-scented!
Response: You're so welcome. I had fun choosing them for you.
Response: You're welcome! Follow me on Instagram - same ID as I have here - you'll see my photos from this trip and the upcoming trips.
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the prompt rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy the challenge of a good scavenger hunt.
Response: We've got flowers! We've got flowers! Crocuses and scale are in bloom and the buds on trees are getting fat. There's still a little snow in shady places.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy the challenge of a good scavenger hunt. And I think you'd lost a few to a hurricane the last time you were my send-to partner.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: I'm glad I made you laugh!
Response: You're welcome! So many cats on your profile pointed me in that direction.
Response: You're welcome. My father grew up on a dairy farm and I visited my grandparents there when I was growing up. Dad and his only sib, my aunt didn't stay on the farm.
Response: You're welcome. We are healthy though buried under 24" of new snow that fell over the weekend. I'm getting stir crazy! About the octopus: I left you a comment with a link to the set.
Response: I chose those flakes for you so you can host the swap again...
Response: You're welcome. One can tart up tuna noodle casserole so it's pretty good.
Response: You're welcome. Have you always lived in Waldoboro?
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy the challenge of a good scavenger hunt.
Response: Your'e welcome. I'm so glad they finally landed in your mailbox!
Response: You're welcome. We expect 8 inches of snow Friday and another 15 inches Saturday. My spouse hopes it'll turn into rain before it gets here, all the better to wash away the snow that's still here.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun making a menu for the swap.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun choosing them for your.
Response: You're welcome. I nearly missed it too!
Response: You're welcome. I like Bauhaus textiles. The photo nicely represents their colors.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything.
Response: In the sky is correct! You know those Halloween cards with ghosts flying in the sky over haunted houses...? That's how they got into the pile.
Response: It's a lovely challenge. Thank you for hosting. And next time I'll take a photo of the envelope because I don't remember what I sent! I look forward to Part 2.
Response: Thank you and you're welcome. I enjoy these swaps.
Response: You're welcome. I kept that postcard to send to someone who would appreciate it with me.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoyed the swap. Thanks for hosting it.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad I didn't send holiday items! I slipped on ice and broke my leg in the end of January. I'm just now getting caught up and swapping again.
Response: You're welcome. I slipped on ice and broke my leg in the end of January. I'm just now getting caught up and swapping again.
Response: You're welcome. I'm just now getting caught up and swapping again.
Response: You're welcome. I'm just now getting caught up and swapping again
Response: Your'e welcome. I'm happy to move them along.
Response: You're welcome. I'm happy that it arrived in your mailbox so quickly, a week after I sent it. I guess your postal service is catching up.
Response: You're welcome. What goes around comes around!
Response: You're welcome. I aim to please.
Response: You're welcome! Be sure to make lots of time to go to museums in Paris. Every one is a gem.
Response: Last weekend I headed south, to Chicago where it was 25° warmer than our hometown. My spouse stayed home to make sure the pipes didn't freeze. Now it's balmy, above freezing!!!
Response: We have a few days of balmy weather, with temps above freezing. We make our trip tomorrow, a four hour drive the Stevens Point, Wisconsin, to see my in-laws.
Response: I'm delighted that you're delighted! A wool sweater, wool socks, and a wool blanket will help you through those freezing temps better than fleece. Friends who live in Israel without heat do this. When I go in the winter I always take along a wool sweater.
Response: You're welcome. We have balmy weather for a few days, above freezing!!!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it's *real* happy-making mail. And I know exactly what you mean by sending well before the send by date. I'm still waiting for two US cards sent on the send by date, December 31st.
Response: You're welcome. When I cut that one, I thought how nice it would be to make more recipe postcards that way.
Response: You're welcome. I'm also active in Kawaii Swapping USA.
Response: You're welcome. I know mail to Canada is slow... postcards to Germany arrive more quickly than postcards I send to Canada!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. Now I've seen your Xmas tree! I wondered if you hung an artificial tree from the ceiling and whether it was right side up or upside down -
Response: You're welcome. My husband likes our low key Chanukah - lighting candles and chocolate gelt - gold coins. Now we are watching our pipes since temps are heading down to -20°F. This morning at 10 it was -15°F.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Happy Christmas, Pattie & Erica!
Response: You're so welcome. Happy Christmas!
Response: You're welcome. It's nice to get lots of mail. I hope it's no more trouble to open another envelope.(Joke)
Response: You're welcome. I've had the pad of write and fold stationery for years and realized recently it's nice for blank postcard swaps. I would love to stop and meet you!
Response: You're welcome. Your well-filled profile helped 😉
Response: You're welcome. It's always fun to pull from way back in my collection to choose something for you.
Response: You're welcome and yes it was the second night. I have beeswax candles this year and they burn nicely.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for inviting me to join your lovely group. I'm enjoying it.
Response: You're welcome. Happy holidays - and best wishes for days until...
Response: I'm always happy to share a laugh! Now I'm collecting cardboard for the next round. It's not so easy because I buy few prepared foods.
Response: Neither had I, until I came across the set of 100 postcards in a remainder bin. Every single card in the set is wonderful!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the hearts. Gotta love all those pictographs!
Response: Airbnb is the best way to find lodging in NYC, especially if you want to stay in the Bronx. Find a place located near a subway station rather than driving. PM me when you're ready to go if you'd like help making plans. I've lived and worked there, and we visited often when I was growing up.
Response: You're welcome. Yes, we have a good time on Thanksgiving, with some visiting family that we don't see often enough.
Response: I'm glad it peaked your interest! Merry Christmas and best wishes for the coming year.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for all the holidays!
Response: And a bit silly. 😄 You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating
Response: No problem. I know you've been busy moving and such.
Response: Thanks for the heart. The dishes are all done now so I can catch up on everything else!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome! Actually I tried to be a bit more subtle: Grayscale animals! (It was test kitchen the other day. I made maple and pumpkin custard to take to a dinner party, in prep for our nearly gluten-free holiday. It was excellent.)
Response: You're welcome. The outcome of the first experiment on Friday was excellent. I took maple pumpkin custard (gluten-free) to a dinner party and everyone thought it fabulous.)
Response: Yes! Though I might hoard leftovers. Will you be away over the holiday?
Response: I'm glad. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your'e welcome.
Response: I'm still raking, more this afternoon when it warms up a bit. Our neighbor's silver maple finally started dropping its leaves last week so that's more raking.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I thought it perfect for you. I think it heralds the beginning of graphic novels, and Spiegelman's Maus series was among the first. (I saved an image of it.)
Response: You're welcome. The card I sent you is from a set of 100 I was thrilled to find recently.
Response: You're welcome. The temple was one of my favorite stops on our trip to Japan. Excellent food too.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. Are the oak trees with large leaves live oaks? My sister has a huge one in her yard in Texas.
Response: You're welcome. Those bento ones are a favorite of mine too.
Response: You;re welcome. I'm glad you like the postcard. We had snow yesterday and temperatures around freezing - and lots of leaves still on the trees. Everyone says the worst was the Halloween blizzard of 1991. Kids couldn't trick or treat.
Response: You're welcome. I had a piece of birthday cake for breakfast this morning. 8-D
Response: Yes! It's Halloween. I've bags of candy hidden away so we don't start in on them early.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy sharing postcards from my large horde.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. And now there's #MeToo.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Sigh. Turns out the door-to-door guys were all wrong. CenturyLink doesn't have fiber optic service in our neighborhood. I'm composing an irate letter!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it! I've been hoarding several for people who will especially appreciate them.
Response: You're welcome. I've a few more days in sandals now because it got warm again though it's cold enough at night so we have more autumn colors every day.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad the linen ones - your favorites - made it through the heavy weather. Let me know if there's *anything* I can do to help, e.g., a care package.
Response: I thought you'd like the Nyankoland stickers! I'm glad I could share them with you.
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for hosting all the swaps to keep bags moving along.
Response: You're right! ðŸ‡ðŸ‡ðŸ‡ðŸ‡ðŸ‡ Thanks for joining my swap!
Response: You're welcome. Yes, it is a different take on the world.
Response: You're welcome. I've never actually seen a painting by Frida Kahlo: only in books and postcards.
Response: I love those vintage images. They give me a feel of the continuity of the fair. I don't get quite the same feeling when I volunteer for a day at a mini donut booth, with those donut-making robots!
Response: You're welcome. The fair is over now, until next August!
Response: You're welcome. And I'm glad you like the stickers too.
Response: You're welcome. Now we know that mail can go overnight from me to you. Tomorrow I go to work at Grandstand Mini Donuts.
Response: You're welcome. I appreciate lots of great photos of the eclipse people are posting online, especially because we had clouds and rain rather than a view of the eclipse.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad there are black and white drawings in that Disney set for this series of swaps.
Response: You're welcome. What I noticed in India was how quite it got during the eclipse, both people and animals.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. The real painting is beautiful too. 😊
Response: You're welcome. All the food ones I have on hand...
Response: You're welcome. I'm sure sharing is why there are so many pages in each memo pad.
Response: You're welcome. I'm ground-averse too, for sleeping, which is why the rooftop tent appeals to me. They come with nice foam mattresses and I can add a memory foam topper. It'll all stay in the tent when I collapse it to break camp.
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the effusive comment!
Response: You're welcome. Yes, I saw your FB photo. It's good that there's lots of ice in TX!
Response: You're welcome. It is about noon now, temps in the 60s and I'm listening to machines lay down pavement on our street.
Response: You're welcome. The most important packing trick is a stack that stays stacked in transit so corners don't bend.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything that I can't remember putting into the package!
Response: You're welcome 🖒🖒ðŸ‘
Response: You're so welcome. Thanks for the speedy rating!
Response: You're welcome. You too might find an octagon house near you! Are you near Clay, MS?
Response: Email me the photo and I'll see whether that came from an open stack I have. It might be from my bowl of received sticker flakes.
Response: You're welcome. The zucchini bread was great, though I think many of the ladies don't eat carbs!
Response: You're welcome. I should probably keep my incoming sticker flakes in a covered jar rather than a bowl that tips over every once in a great will.
Response: You're welcome! The only reason I noticed was because it was in the queue next to an unrated swap that's headed to Peru.
Response: You're so welcome. And I look forward to solving the mystery.
Response: You're welcome. When you go to New England, you'll find lots of great antique malls in New Hampshire.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like all those camels!
Response: You're lots welcome! This swap was the perfect opportunity to send a B&W card from my Disney box.
Response: I'm glad you like the card - that set is almost all gone - and thanks for your traveling advice. At the moment, I'm wondering if I can drive to Costa Rica.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the quick rating.
Response: Yes, yoga. Though it doesn't burn as many calories as gardening. You're welcome. Double hearts: it's the thought that counts.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're right! The theme is cats. When I was collecting sticker flakes for the blue and yellow swaps, I realized I have quite a few cats, probably because I love maneki-neko.
Response: You're welcome. Now that our temps are in the 90s my planting is on hold too. I need to keep the bulbs healthy in the meantime.
Response: You're welcome! In the end we didn't go out. I spent most of the day emailing people to sort out an unfortunate situation. Hopefully we'll take care of that next week. Then we grilled a nice steak for dinner.
Response: You're welcome. Not so much yard work this week - it's too hot and humid.
Response: You're welcome. Enjoy!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks so much for hosting the swap.
Response: Impressive? Do you mean emptying so many sacks? Now if we can figure out how to avoid receiving the same flakes we send...
Response: You're welcome. Most of them actually go back a year or more.
Response: Your'e welcome. I'm glad you like them. I hope the rest of my summer measures up to that early trip!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy being in touch with everyone.
Response: You're so welcome. I'm glad the postcard arrive safe and sound.
Response: You're welcome. I had a lovely trip seeing family and longtime friends, and the Atlantic Ocean.
Response: You're welcome. Did you notice that it's a redhead?
Response: You're welcome. At first people were few and far between, then I found a crowd.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. It's finally spring here in Minnesota - I thought it would never come.
Response: Last night we went to a friend's home for Shabbat dinner and I took a chocolate cake, the Chocolate Dump Cake, a recipe from NYT Cooking. It travels well *and* it tastes wonderful. The icing is melted chocolate chips and sour cream.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Do you know the saggy baggy elephant story?
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. This is the last renovating this year. The other day they started tearing up the streets in our neighborhood to replace water mains and pavement and won't be done until August. The rest of this year's projects will wait until next year.
Response: You're welcome. I was thrilled to share such an important cooking discovery.
Response: You're welcome. I know you'll always rate!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for hosting the swap. Tonight we're having potatoes in some form. Maybe soup? Then matzoh the next night. I rotate carbs.
Response: You're welcome. This is the last swap for me for a while. Having painters all over the house will keep me busy through the end of February. Thanks for hosting this.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad the cats are easy to please.
Response: You're welcome. And I'm glad you're okay with extras.
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy a good challenge.
Response: I'm so glad you like it! I suspect you might when I chose it.
Response: You're welcome. I grew up in Wilmington, DE and snow was a big event there. When I moved here, I learned that snowmobiles were invented here. Also Bobcats. People love their machines.
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy sending to you.
Response: You're welcome. If I could find tooth ones on a sticker sheet I would get one for my dentist whom I love.
Response: You're welcome. Happy winter!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I knew that postcard was perfect for you. It's a poster from a fabulous collection of Modernist art located here in Minneapolis.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Staying warm means hauling around 25 pounds of coat, boots, wool accessories, ... and under that several more layers. It's exercise actually.
Response: You're welcome. I like little for Chanukah too, to remind me that it's a little holiday. We like the holiday lights around here because our days are so short. I have a string of blue LED lights that we "light."
Response: You're welcome. I went several months without buying sticker sacks because I wasn't seeing new ones in the places where I shop. Just recently I bought several from an etsy shop.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. May you find lots of light ðŸ®ðŸ®ðŸ® in this season of short days.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad to make your holiday a bit more merry!
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy sharing kawaii.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. Vintage is what happens when I'm clearing out odds and ends.
Response: You're so welcome. Next round there will be lots of new ones.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart and for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome. Just don't forget about them! After my mother died we found stashes of gifts she bought throughout the year, going back several years. We had no problem sorting out who they were for. Too bad she wasn't around to enjoy the fun.
Response: You're welcome. We had a busy Thanksgiving. People dropped in throughout the day, around their own holiday dinner plans, and we were glad to see everyone. Six for dinner, and many for brunch the next day too.
Response: You're welcome. Your handwriting is lovely and I'm sure Union Star doesn't have a store like Wet Paint. I had fun choosing pens for you.
Response: You're welcome. I'm in the shopping and housecleaning phase of preparations.
Response: Whew! I'm glad we are good to go now. Matryoshka deco tape looked to me like the way to go. Does anyone ever ask for matryoshka tats?
Response: You're welcome. The cat flakes are from a Mind Wave series, Caller Collection.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I love nearly every postcard in the book, Posters from the British Empire. I wrote your address on two cards for the swap and just sent you both. So I sent four for the swap. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy sending and receiving these swaps.
Response: You're welcome. I look forward to seeing what you send me.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy sending for this swap.
Response: You're welcome. I'm waiting for our electrician at the moment and following up on lots of details.
Response: You're welcome. This month we are reading "Brown Girl Dreaming" by Jacqueline Woodson. It's won all sorts of awards.
Response: Was your visit to MOA tourism? Local people told me there were charter flights from Tokyo to visit the mall as well as busloads from all over. It's calmer now and, sadly, Sanrio went out of business.
Response: Good good. Pattie sent me those seasonal goodies.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Mail to Canada seems to be moving along more quickly now.
Response: You're welcome. I have that box of 100 Dr Who postcards and when I noticed you like him...
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. I'm looking forward to this long running fun.
Response: Such a coincidence! You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Our famers market has apples and winter squash and Brussel sprouts now and limps along until Christmas with Christmas trees and greens in December.
Response: You're welcome. I glad you like the swap.
Response: I'm so glad and you're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Your answer is 95% correct. Speech bubbles represent thought, with bubbles between the words and the head. Speech balloons like the ones I selected represent words spoken. I know this because I work with graphic designers on website design.
Response: You're welcome. There's a very tiny audience for Julius Ceasar. I know because that postcard is from my trip to Germany in 2014.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Vogue is known for being ahead of the times!
Response: You're welcome. Next time you go to Boston be sure to visit the museum. They have an exhibit of glass flowers: 3D botanical prints that I first saw as a child. They recently cleaned and made new displays for them and the exhibit is gorgeous.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for your cute comment and the heart.
Response: thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: You're welcome. My trip to Germany seems long ago. It's about time for me to head overseas again.
Response: Sounds like I should find Dory even without kids.
Response: I'm glad you like these charts - I do too. I buy big boxes of postcards I like and hope the recipients do too.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. I always enjoy sending to you!
Response: You're welcome. I've enjoyed learning about the middle of the US since I moved here.
Response: I'm glad you like the postcard. I'm trying to figure out which main road - did you live on Fairview? And yes, as always, volunteering was fun.
Response: Yuuuuure welcome! I'm glad you like it.
Response: Interesting. When I was in NYC in June crews were getting ready to film at the natural history museum, making navigation a challenge.
Response: You're welcome. Since you're local, i.e., not international, I kept adding to the stack :-).
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Do come visit when the fair is on one year!
Response: It _was_ crazy. And the mom-to-be was only virtually at the shower. Her water broke 5 weeks before her due date. She participated by texts and photos, likely a relief to her boredom!
Response: Thanks for catching that and rating me. I was just a day away from nagging you!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I actually bought the pc book at Kew which is amazing and yes we took the Underground.
Response: Yes green! Because leaves are beginning to change color. Winter is long here in Minnesota.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I know exactly what you mean. I found Swap-bot when Postcrossing was offline for a week and I was going through postcard withdrawal.
Response: I'm glad you like them!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the rating. Are you all settled now?
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: I saw the first several with people from work. We closed the department and went to the first show, a matinee, of the first film. We worked in astrophysics, on satellites.
Response: You're welcome! I send more than the swap count so that my partners can find ones they love close to the swap count. No one ever loves all of them!
Response: You're welcome. That postcard came to mind immediately when I read your profile.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like what I sent! Thanks for hosting such a fun swap!
Response: You're welcome. I'm busy thinking about the dish I'll take to share. I must remember to keep it simple.
Response: I'm so glad you like everything. As I mentioned in my note, it was an opportunity to de-dupe my stash a bit. And it's tempting to fill up those flat rate boxes!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. When I read about your liking wading birds on your profile I chose this to send rather than the postcard I chose when I signed up for the swap.
Response: Yes it was a one-stamp swap! Henry James is the new 3 ounce stamp. And I too was surprised that I had an animal with an umbrella. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I'm relieved that it did turn up and happy that you like what I sent.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! One ounce plus packaging ships as two ounces. It took some thought to keep it at two ounces, which means without bumps. I'm glad you like all the large memos.
Response: You're welcome. Lancaster is nice and the campus is lovely. My niece liked the (male) tour guide. In the end, I don't think we'll get her out of the upper Midwest for college.
Response: You're welcome. There is lots of regret here about what happened and discussions about what to do. For one thing, our city doesn't have oversight of the police department and more scrutiny is the minimum for now.
Response: You're welcome and I'm glad you like the postcard. I had fun reading your profile and choosing a card for you.
Response: You're welcome. My niece is from Arpin, Wisconsin, and the nearest "city" is Stevens Point, the city where my husband and her dad grew up.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. And you now know USPS forwarding works.
Response: You're welcome. It's from one of my favorite postcard sets, of fantasy book covers. They are all wonderful and I have only three left now.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. I went for tricky this time: they are all washi paper stickers.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked everything. I had fun taking my niece out of her comfort zone in central Wisconsin.
Response: You're welcome and thank you for the heart. I had fun making the postcard.
Response: You're welcome! As I said, the selection is from the other half of my open sticker sacks, and I opened several more for the two 100 sticker flake swaps. And yes, the trip was fabulous, given that I was traveling with a teen who questions everything.
Response: You're welcome! As I said, it's half of my open sticker sacks, and I opened a couple more for the swap. Yes, I had a great time back east. It was more sightseeing than is usual for me, with my niece coming along.
Response: Will you have time to take some economics and political science classes? My coursework in economics makes me think quite differently about food. I wish we could have a long chat sometime.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything and that both arrived together. The difference in postage costs was > $1 so sending them separately made sense.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating. I'm trying to wrap up all my open swaps and archive them before I head back east in a couple of weeks. My mind is already there I think.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you love zombie rabbits - they aren't my most favorite. And may your journal be happy too -
Response: You're right: just sweets. I wasn't feeling devious when I put it together. The garden has several days of gentle rain and the lilies of the valley are beginning to bloom. I think the lilacs now blooming are a bit earlier than usual, after a mild winter and several weeks of hot weather.
Response: You're sparkly welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for joining the swap. This is about as crafty as I get.
Response: Maybe your next career is opening an excellent pizza place. I'm glad you like what I sent and I enjoy swapping with you too.
Response: You're welcome. I hope you visit New England soon. It's a great place to learn about the US.
Response: You're welcome. It was a very special trip: our hosts in Spain took us places regular tourists don't see.
Response: You're welcome. It sounds like you had a quick trip. I've glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. You're lucky to have feeders. Too many neighbors let their cats run wild for us to have a bird feeder. ðŸ¦
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart and the really quick rating!
Response: You're welcome. I wish Japan was an easy trip for me like it is for you! I enjoyed Tokyo and Kyoto and want to go back.
Response: You're welcome. People around here say the Mississippi is just a river like people back east say the Atlantic is just an ocean. Distance makes each more iconic.
Response: You're right and you're welcome. Of course I'll continue to host!
Response: You're welcome. I might need to do the extra-swap sending to lessen the load on my desk.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything. My packing in smaller parcels is to keep everything from shifting and getting corners bent. And our messages back and forth are a huge help.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. And a special thanks for your kind words.
Response: You're welcome. I'm not sure I saw that exact painting. I will just need to go back and look for it. After I visit a few places in the Southern Hemisphere.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the great comment. I'm glad you like them.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Sometimes ratings get stuck and don't turn up in the sender's ratings. Thanks for taking care of it.
Response: You're welcome. Where I bought the self-inking return address stamp: and they are 25% off now.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I really appreciate your prompt rating.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I have a whole box of fruits ðŸŒ. When I lost my mother, the Jewish rituals of mourning, good friends, and a good book helped me after her unexpected death. May you find peace with your memories of her. This is the book:,_When%3F_(novel)
Response: You're welcome. At some point, several years ago, I bought the Pomegranate bargain box of postcards - such a deal! Since I was receiving many in swaps, I put the best like this one away to use later. (About half the box went to Goodwill.) Now it's later and they came out of storage.
Response: You're welcome. That's from a set I enjoy sending from. They are quintessentially midwestern.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. That postcard is one of my favorite O'Keeffe postcards.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad the second one didn't come back to me!
Response: You're welcome. I'm happy to have amazed you!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I made a last-minute change of my plans, just for you.
Response: Me too! Thanks for the prompt rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It's very much a MN art card: hot dish and almost Betty Crocker.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad the second time is the charm.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the hearts.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad I hit the sweet spot!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining my swap and the quick rating.
Response: You're welcome. It was a nice swap to put together and to receive.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun decorating envelopes. I need to draw down that bowl of sticker flakes _somehow_
Response: You're welcome. Half Price Books has all sorts of Pomegranate remainders. I was happy to find puffins, 20 for $4.95. I went back for another box and had to settle for boats.
Response: You're welcome. Choices are a bit random. I have a box of open sticker sacks and go through them in order. I dropped the box the other day and now the order is even more random. I like the challenge of flat packing.
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome - you are the perfect sort of person to whom to send it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining my swap.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad the resolution and printing were good enough for you to see the detail.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Your drawings are so original - I wish I could do that rather than just use all those stickers.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I love ukiyo-e prints.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: I love traveling too! Thanks for joining my swap and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I think I'm a paper engineer at heart. The problem that got me thinking: I really didn't want yet another bags swap to go large envelope rate.
Response: You're welcome. I was thrilled to find the perfect card for this swap!
Response: You're welcome. I'm not sure how to manage postcards I receive in blank swaps, short of labeling them all with the sender's ID. I'm glad you have a good solution. Cold weather is good - it kills off all sorts of vermin!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. A Valentine's Day heart about now?
Response: You're welcome. My grandmother had lots of in-all seriousness witty sayings like that. I think she never realized she was quotable.
Response: You're welcome. It's 2°F at the moment. We aren't walking after dinner and won't until it's a wee bit warmer. A couple of times a week I walk in the Mall of America with a friend, before the stores open.
Response: You're welcome. I couldn't find a book Valentine! I will look for 'The Book of Lost Things.'
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I am driving south, to TX around the same time that you're heading north. I hope I don't run into heavy spring weather and tornadoes that are increasingly common down there.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad! Thanks for the prompt rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. This was from one of those rare postcard books where *every* postcard is great.
Response: I'm glad you like the packing. I am an engineer at heart, and have an efficient packing gene (from my father). I am always looking for ways to improve the packing. I'm glad you like all my new memos.
Response: Can I go to the Tetons with you? I understand it's part of the loop through Yellowstone and Glacier. I'll make the trip one of these years.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm sure your kids can figure that out!
Response: I'm so glad it arrived. I worried about it. And I hope you enjoy your adult coloring group.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing notes to send along with the swaps. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. You said you like snow... We have had less than a foot so far this winter. If we don't get more it's a dry spring for crops.
Response: You're welcome. It's always fun swapping with you.
Response: I'm so glad all my cheer helped, as intended. Let me know if you need more.
Response: I'm glad you're in love with everything. Thanks for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad they go with your collection. Now, if I could remember what I sent.... 🗃
Response: You had a full mailbox today! You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes! It's strawberries. Last time I did this swap, my partner couldn't guess my theme so I was more straightforward this time. I didn't include strawberry-scented girls. I'm glad you like everything and thanks for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad I caught you as partner in one of your few swaps.
Response: You're welcome. Coming from the East Coast, it never occurred to me there would be lighthouses on lakes. Turns out there are quite a few on the Great Lakes.
Response: I'm glad you like everything - seems that mail goes west faster than it goes east (to me). I look forward to the arrival of your envelope.
Response: You're welcome. Now that I've sent all the postcards from that trip, I want to go back and see Jane Austen's rural haunts.
Response: So sorry. I wrote a note listing all the categories and cards and thought I put it in the envelope. I'm glad you like them. Perhaps it's a fun puzzle? (I'm hosting a guess the theme swap :-)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Okay, now I know what vintage kawaii is - not in this decade, before 2011, right? You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I look forward to swapping with you again too.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap. I went through my whole box of open sticker sacks - there are about 60 at the moment - and found every bit of faux postage in the box. And using that stamp show stamp was intentional. I'm glad you noticed that detail.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like that iconic view of Berlin.
Response: You're welcome. I made littles piles of colors before I signed up for the swap, to make sure I had everything. I left the tiny bags on my desk and added to them as I came across more stickers of the same colors.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad I could broaden your sticker sack collection.
Response: You're welcome and thank you for your good wishes. We mostly see lady slippers in bloom at the arboretum. We've seen them blooming in the wild once.
Response: We are coming out of days of below zero temps. Fortunately we are between semesters and didn't need to go out. I'm looking forward to a warm day tomorrow - a high of 4°F.
Response: You're welcome. My pre-FB food diary helped me on this one. Now everything good lands in FB photos.
Response: You're welcome. It's nice to swap with you again. I look forward to more. I have some fabulous Buddha postcards from our trip to Japan. They need to travel in an envelope because the back has lots of good commentary. They'll wind up in your mailbox one of these days.
Response: You're welcome. The city art museum has a good collection of Native American art. Too bad it's only displayed in bits and pieces.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad I could send you all that joy! I enjoy using sticker flakes. They land on each envelope somewhat randomly, from a bowl on my desk.
Response: Thank you for a healthy breakfast!
Response: You're welcome. I've been waiting for the right swap for that postcard!
Response: You're welcome. Are you all done with your holiday baking? LOL in MN is Land O Lakes. Outside of MN people see only the butter. It's a large dairy farmers' coop and manufactures dairy products like the cheese powder for Cheetos. A noble business I'd say.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun meeting the challenge. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: Thank you for the lovely compliment. Happy New Year
Response: You are so welcome! Happy new year.
Response: You're welcome. Happy New Year
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year
Response: You're welcome. I always have fun choosing and packing these kinds of swaps. And it was a nice break from studying for finals.
Response: You're welcome and you're welcome. Did you make the meltaways?
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. I aim to please.
Response: You are SO welcome! I'm glad you like it. Thank you for hosting a lovely break from school work for me.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating. I've had that washi tape for several years. I have some Rilikkuma tape too, from the same manufacturer. It was a tiny slice of time when they were available.
Response: Rockwell is iconic, isn't he? Life is a little calmer now because I finished classes and final exams and grading is all done. On to other things this spring, with more time for swapping.
Response: You're welcome. Sending a few off means it's okay to buy a few more. :-)
Response: I'm glad you love the postcard. I've had it for a while, saving it for the right person, one who would appreciate it as I do.
Response: You're welcome. I've just recently learned all about adult coloring books and didn't realize the postcard book (a gift from my sister) was from an adult coloring book.
Response: I was last in Paris more than 20 years ago - I'm about ready to go now and find the answer to your question (I'm glad you like the postcard)
Response: You're welcome. Now I'm dropping off the radar for a while. I have homework problems to finish.
Response: You're welcome. I try to rise to the packaging challenge 8-D
Response: The stickers on the back are the ones that would have gone over the map. Thanks for hosting another fun swap.
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you more-than-like them.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome, sugar. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. What can I say - I'm a science geek from childhood because my father was a scientist and always explained everything.
Response: You're welcome. I always feel lucky when I can hit more than one item one someone's wish list as well as the swap requirements. Norman Rockwell and Xmas, even though it's out of season :0)
Response: You're so welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it. It was the bluest postcard I had on hand. It came in a set of postcards, all great shots of the AGO architecture.
Response: You're welcome. I saw an exhibit of Monet's Giverny paintings - the water lilies - all in one place, in NY. It was fabulous.
Response: You're welcome. In a while it won't be so easy to send lots new to you :-).
Response: You're welcome. I always appreciate people who appreciate the effort I put into swaps I send. Thank you.
Response: You're welcome. It's was the wateriest postcard in my collection. No problem - I expect vacation days in the summer.
Response: You're welcome. I love using all the stickers I receive. So far the bowl fills up more quickly than I can empty it. I might need to start doing backs too.
Response: You're welcome. Hand stamping? Having postage stamps hand cancelled? Hand cancelled postcards go through machines anyway, in our area, for sorting. Some postcards travel better than others.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Dachau is quite a sad place. It was a hard place to visit and our memories are the memorial.
Response: You're welcome. Sadly, I did not have a good view Mt. Fuji when I visited Japan. Of course that means I need to go back.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. I enjoy choosing postcards for these swaps.
Response: You're welcome. At the moment I'm figuring out which 3 of 4 courses I'll take this fall because I'll also teach an undergraduate course: a full load
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I enjoy reading English historical novels too and just for that reason we made a side trip to Bath. I learned that Bath fell out of favour because people got sick and died from bacteria in the water.
Response: You're welcome. I suspect the red uniform in modern times is a dress uniform. They look more like state troopers when they are on the job.
Response: You're welcome. I was happy that we have butterfly stamps I could use too.
Response: You're welcome! What brought you to Lake Superior? The less well known lift bridge is over the St Croix River near Stillwater.
Response: (I received my box today.) Thank you so much for hosting this swap. I had a great time putting the package together for you. I'm glad it thrilled you. 😊
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I hope you see a covered bridge some day. I'm surprised they aren't building them now - it's less expensive than wiring bridges with electric ice melters.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart too.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I had fun choosing the cards for you.
Response: I reluctantly give up my source: Her website is
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your'e welcome. Today I'm baking a lemon cake for the family reunion - the first time I'll turn on the oven in weeks.
Response: You're welcome. It was a fascinating tour. The castle has "nightingale" floors (just like our house). They were built to creak when walked on so that no one could sneak through the palace. There's a good Wikipedia article about them.
Response: I'm glad you like it. When my spouse sees letters going into the mail covered with stickers he invariably says, oh, that's what they're for. He knows they are not wasted.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. I'm happy to see more of Nara's art in US museums.
Response: I'm glad you like the postcard. There's a textile museum in Toronto too. They had an excellent exhibit of Guatemalan embroidery when I was there.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. (Since swap-bot doesn't have a mobile version, I rarely go to the site with my phone.)
Response: You're welcome. I like banana kitty too. My niece likes them too. If I see soulful eyes, those kitties might find a new home.
Response: You're welcome. The rabbit wasn't quite large enough to send as a die cut postcard.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I sorted my stack to find the rainbows 😄
Response: You're welcome. In Japan I learned that they celebrate in the Shinto religion - marriages and such, and Buddhists when life is difficult. People are buried as Buddhist. I visited a temple in Tokyo that has rows of statues in memory of babies who died. In any case, the Buddhist temples there are amazing.
Response: You're so welcome. It's fun to dig into the older bits of my collection - it's like they are all new to me too.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like the postcard. Summer is hot now and I'm inside more than I'm out. It'll cool down in a few weeks as we slide into fall.
Response: You're welcome. I suspected you would love the Van Gogh - it's my favorite from the box too.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heartâ£
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them and thanks for the heart ♡
Response: You're so welcome and thanks for the heart 💓
Response: You're welcome. I make perfect biscuits with all-white flour. It's the challenge of making whole wheat biscuits that are just as good. My blue cornbread is excellent too - bright blue when I make it with buttermilk. Though not in this hot hot weather - now it's fritters and pancakes.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I have nearly as many postcards as I have sticker flakes. And when I need a stiff piece of cardboard...
Response: I think that's the only moofia sticker flake I had. I looked through the bowl and didn't see another one 😿
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. A spurt of swapping and postcrossing for a bit. I have August off then three classes and I might teach a writing-intensive computer science class.
Response: You're welcome. It's the luck of the draw I think.
Response: By the time I got back to MN, I got the road trip urge out of my system. Now, a few weeks later, I'm thinking about where I'll go next.
Response: You're welcome. I know you don't live 5 minutes away, as my other partner does!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for your nice note too.
Response: Your'e welcome and thank s for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm home safely. I stopped often to stretch and look at something besides the road. Several stops for good barbecue. (Though Gate's is not a favorite - that honor goes to Joe's Kansas City) I didn't stop at the action figure museum in OK.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. My nephew is stationed in Vilseck and was a staff officer planning Operation Dragoon Ride ::
Response: You're welcome and thanks for joining my swap. That part of New York is like Minnesota - we are glad when spring finally arrives. I keep suggesting to my spouse that we retire to Costa Rica or India. Why doesn't he take me seriously?!!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Last night I made brownies to take to an all-day meeting today. I call the recipe my don't ask-don't tell because you really don't want to know what's in them to enjoy them.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it finally arrived. It must have been on the slow boat. ⛵
Response: 🚲 You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Last class Friday and I took yesterday off. Today I begin studying for the final - writing more programs.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the 💖s.
Response: I'm glad you love the 📨 I sent.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoyed putting it all together.
Response: You're welcome. I think she has lots of fun finding obscure postcards for me. 😄
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It's a favorite of mine too
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like the stamps too.
Response: You're welcome. It's fun pulling out the older ones.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the 💞
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the 💗. Are you from Minnesota? Or is this something I knew and forgot? 3 more weeks of classes and labs, 2 more homework assignments and a final exam, then I'll enjoy spring. No more swapping now until after my final.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the 💙. All my trips outside the US have been fabulous!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the 💖
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the 🂱. I too was glad to swap with you again. Berlin is a great city to visit. This summer I'll be around and about in the US though not outside.
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the 💕
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the 💖
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the package - I had fun putting it all together
Response: You're welcome. I hope you're enjoy the hints of spring. We had a warm week and the snow melted and now we are just barely above freezing again.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - I'm doing few swaps now - I stated taking a class at the U of MN because i wasn't working - and then I started working again. I pick special ones.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Here it is almost a month since you rated my postcard, and the temps, if anything, sink lower all the time. I feel it because I walk outside quite a bit now, to bus stops and from one building to another when I'm on campus.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad you like the postcard. I like that aerial view of remarkable architecture too.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart! and yes, 2015 is so far, so good!
Response: I enjoy spoiling people - I wish I could spoil you with my cooking sometime
Response: You came to mind when I received the notecards as a gift - I'm glad I got to use one. And thanks for hosting the fun series - I hope to pick it up again when my head is above water
Response: you're welcome - 2015 s a year of adventure for me - wait, 2014 was too. Maybe they all are.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Pattie told me a wool sweater postcard is not allowed. (joke)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart 💙
Response: You're welcome. You're the first partner who mentioned Suzy's Zoo that I've had in quite a while - and lucky you - coinciding with my having the card at hand.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. For 2015, "there are far better things ahead than we leave behind" -- C.S. Lewis
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it's new to you.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the big heart.
Response: You're welcome. May the new year be the best.
Response: You're welcome. May the new year be the best.
Response: You're welcome. May the new year be the best.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for 2015.
Response: You're welcome and best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous 2015.
Response: You're welcome, twice. I was lucky to have your name twice in one day. It was fun to think about how I could make...
Response: ... two swaps fit together. I was glad one was more generic. Happy new year.
Response: You're welcome. Best wishes for the holidays 🎄 and the coming year.
Response: You're welcome :: it's always fun to do something different :: best wishes for the holidays 🎄 and the coming year.
Response: You're welcome and here I thought I was dragging my feet :: best wishes for the holidays 🎄 and the coming year.
Response: You're welcome :: Marley is a favorite of mine too :: 🎄🎄🎄 Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year.
Response: You're welcome! The same company - Galison - published the postcard book from the Boston MFA postcard exhibit. It'll be interesting to see what they do next.
Response: You're welcome. If you'd like to do a private swap sometime I'll send you a pile of kawaii sticker flakes.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Yes, it's fun to move them along and see what comes next.
Response: You're welcome - I'm glad you like everything - thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Did the second card turn up?
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. I like sending happy surprises.
Response: You're welcome. I'm enjoying better eyesight now - such a treat!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome! I take full advantage of the postage!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the heart and happy reading!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I hope your Thanksgiving was yummy 🜠and friendly.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Let's keep in touch about strange art.
Response: You're welcome. I hope you can visit NY too. Airbnb is great for less expensive places to stay.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Perhaps I was too busy thinking about illustrations?!!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I keep checking Airbnb lodgings in Botswana. There are a few!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. I have fun choosing postcards for these swaps.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for your loyalty to my swap series.
Response: Before I created the swap, I had to make sure I had some bags -- then it's the problem of narrowing the count to one. I'm glad you liked it and thank you for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. That's a favorite of mine too - whenever I go to that museum I buy another copy of that postcard.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. After buying a starter and nursing it along - it's called a mother and is the butt of endless jokes now - I would not have done that. Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything has a simple recipe to start your own - I would have done that. His recipes are reliable. (My first source for cookbooks is the library.)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. In college I memorized such statues for classical archaeology courses. I probably would have remembered better if I'd drawn them!
Response: My synagogue has a group tour of concentration camps in Poland every other year. Maybe some year I'll go. We visited two very different camps in Germany, days apart. The first, empty save for my nephew, my niece and I, opened our eyes and hearts. A few days later, Dachau was scorching.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for both hearts - hugs back atcha
Response: You're welcome. I'm impressed that you aren't itching to tear off all the paper.
Response: You're welcome, Shirley, and thank you for the heart.
Response: I sent another postcard Friday. I hope it lands safely in Maine soon.
Response: You're welcome. I like using in interesting postage stamps too.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing notes. 🌈
Response: You're welcome. Do give yourself a week in Berlin, with lots of time to wander. It's a fabulous city.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: Thanks ever so much for the rating. I discovered a while ago that sometimes saves don't make it onto our partner's profile - their problem, not _ours_
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. I enjoyed writing the answers and adding photos made it interesting for me too :-D
Response: Ah yes! All those pesky parts of speech - for who? Oh, whom! I'm glad you enjoyed reading my answers. I think of this sort of questionnaire as a getting to know you chat.
Response: You're welcome. It's actually the first line from a new cookbook by the author of Moosewood. I wish I'd had dinner at Moosewood when I was working in Corning - it was just too much of a drive after a long workday.
Response: I'm glad you like the sentimental goodies and the note. I raked a small area yesterday and filled 7 leaf bags. I'm listening to a good book now - that helps keep me from counting until I'm done.
Response: You're welcome. It was a great treat to address that envelope to another Meredith.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart and the quick rating
Response: thank you for the rating and the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I found the postcard in a wonderful museum - though these photos weren't exhibited
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're so welcome. It surprised me how much I could fit into that box. Thanks for the heart and for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for joining my swap
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart - I wished I live there :-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Have you read "Watership Down" by Richard Adams? A must for every rabbit lover. There's a film too.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome for the card and the chuckle and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: Yes, it's Blythe from the Hello Blythe postcard set. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I run across s few swap-bot people in MN. I hope we will meet up some time.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I enjoyed assembling the package for you. Can I visit you in the Rocky Mtns? I've never been.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the quote. I was excited to have the right postcard for the quote.
Response: I hoped you would like it - you're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart - and thanks for keeping those cards going
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart - I'm glad you liked my selection
Response: Got it in one! I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Yesterday's batch of homemade bread was not quite as high as others - time to rethink my prep
Response: It was interesting - the most interesting Barbie was one showing the baby in her womb - not one I've seen in the US. We did not visit the toy museum in Nürnberg with German toys. I saw the doll collection at the Salamanca Spain museum some years ago, with lots of kewpie dolls.
Response: You're welcome. I looked for nice and unusual maps and hoped they were new to you.
Response: You're welcome - I'm glad you like it - I have great fun looking for cards people will enjoy
Response: You're welcome - you received the windfall because I'm a bit lazy and did not want to undo all that work - I'm glad you read the description first :-D
Response: I'm glad you like it. I like these kinds of cards too. I did not see the original and it's in a different museum than I visited - Fotoarchiv Ruhr Museum, Essen. It's probably leftover in the shop from a past show.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad you appreciate my laziness in not undoing all my counting. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I would love to have that carpet underfoot rather than on a postcard. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm happy when people appreciate my laziness - it was easier to send them than to undo all four. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. The whole trip was poignant, for many reasons.
Response: You're welcome. After all that work I did not want to tear everything apart. 8-D and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Maybe all those university faculty and staff would would rather be playing games of chance.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I had fun finding opposites that weren't in the swap description. All that tape is kawaii tape - the people in the post office love, love, love it too. Perhaps you'd like some kawaii next time I send to you?
Response: I'm glad you like it - I had a great time choosing fabulous B&W postcards in the Pergamon museum shop in Berlin.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart and the smile. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I use postcards because I don't need to cut them down to size!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad you like the postage stamps too. And flea markets are much less dangerous than eBay, because I must carry everything I buy - no cart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. We had a quiet weekend at home - the one time I ventured out of our neighborhood I was stuck in state fair traffic. It's over now, until next year.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Will you send it on? 8-D
Response: I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart. Most of the wrappings are recycled - little bags and such I receive from others - how do we thank them too? 8-D
Response: I'm glad it landed safely in your mailbox. You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. I don't know how often you get to Berlin - I'm sharing a favorite spot. I also enjoyed the Bahnhof Hamburg.
Response: You're welcome. The original is great too. I saw it in the contemporary art museum in Berlin.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Yes, visiting Germany was a great trip.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like Nefertiti. That was a particular treasure of the museum.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Yes, that postcard says it's for this swap, doesn't it?
Response: You're welcome. When I think about it, I can tell it's a hot day when I see a fountain with children - and a few adults - in the water.
Response: You're welcome, Shirley and thanks for the heart. Barns of that shape are all over southern Minnesota and I did not know they were Gothic in design until I saw the back of that postcard.
Response: You're welcome, Guy, and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're magically welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Were there any hearts among the cute ones? :-D
Response: You're welcome. No problem.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I thought the card might help kids sort out characters in the Percy Jackson books.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad you enjoyed the postcard. Sempé is a favorite of mine. The New Yorker sometimes publishes his cartoons.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad that you like it. I'm sad that I'm close to the end of that set.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. We had a great time in Berlin. Now it's time to return to the neglected garden.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It's always hard coming home after a vacation.
Response: You're welcome! Yes, it's been a while. I'm away most of July, to Prague and Germany. Perhaps a private swap in August?
Response: Hi Sherry - You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad the postcard arrived so quickly and that you like it. When I get back I'll add a link at the top of my profile to "share" my trip with everyone.
Response: I'm glad you like the card. The book is a memoir, and novels distract me. I'll read it by the book club meeting on the 23rd. I listen to audio books when I work in the garden - and there are no pages to count!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart! I was happy to not build a matchbox and your profile made it easy to find stuff to put into it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Wikipedia has a great article on the Photo League.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm traveling with my niece, a photographer, and we'll come home with fabulous photos rather than postcards. Then I can spend a bit of money on swapping again. 8-D
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I'm trying to clear out all my odds and ends by mid-June so I can dive into a party and a trip without cares and responsibilities. Now I have the sending end of a sticker flake tag sitting out there and hope someone will tag me soon!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. The Fluttershy is green and I save all the good food with faces for you.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Those kinds of postcards are favorites of mine too.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I get so excited when I find especially charming postcards like that one.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoyed the fun - and I want to know about after opening :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I've learned to sniff out those unusual postcard finds :-D
Response: That painting is a longtime favorite of mine. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome - PM me if you'd like more postage stamps. It's rainy and 50's today - a perfect time to catch up my swaps. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Chomping on what little grass we have makes them fat and happy too - and then we don't mow!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Spouse says there are too many sticker flakes in the house - they are like confetti.
Response: I'm glad you like Cat Yoga. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks ever so much for the heart.
Response: I am glad the resend arrived. I was worried. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. My days sound much more interesting when I write about them - maybe because I just write about the more interesting bits. :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. After I saw eagles in the wild and in action - they are magnificent - I know why it's the national bird.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I was thrilled to see that you like SC too because I have loads of it. B-)
Response: You could try peeling off the stamp :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I love botanical paintings and drawings and the glass flowers at the Harvard Museum of Natural History. When I see such postcards, I buy them.
Response: Thanks for the heart <3
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it pleased you - I can see your smile - and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Enjoy spring! (I'm still waiting - only 2 days' wearing sandals so far)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Having the stamp and the postcard was a lucky coincidence. I check for postcards and stamps before I sign up for these swaps 8-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. And may spring bring you lots of beautiful flowers.
Response: I'll head outside to the garden this afternoon when the temperature climbs above 50°F.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Sending one thing is quick and easy :-D just like the swap said.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. It's easier to ship promptly when my dashboard is lean. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. It's not good gardening weather this week - lots of rain and the garden is soggy. Better than dry.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Looks lovely to me too - I wish I'd bought that postcard in person :-D
Response: You're welcome. It's always a treat, bringing a smile to your face, oh wait, text.
Response: I'm glad you like them and thanks for the heart. I have too many new rolls of tape and am sending off duplicates in swaps like this. The SASE RAK I did for sticker sacks wouldn't work so well for tapes.
Response: Thanks for the heart. So you live in Handbag Heaven. It's just as well I don't because my spouse would put me on a tight budget. One new handbag a year doesn't drive him crazy, two do. I wish I could carry Tokidoki - it's just too much for work. So I have a Sanrio Original pencil case in my more business-like handbag.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Winter events help us ignore the cold. Lots of ice fishing too. People say Xmas decorations help make the days longer - they go up Thanksgiving weekend and stay up until February, when days are perceptibly longer.
Response: I'm so glad I made your day. I had fun assembling the treat for you.
Response: You're welcome. Pretty soon I'll need to acquire more because Jetoy is quite popular.
Response: You're welcome. It was too much of a coincidence that it's for the town of Weatherford too. It's from a stop on my drive from Minnesota to Texas and back.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. And thank you for the lovely PM. It's keeping in touch too. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I sent you the ones I received. (I put different sticker flakes in each bag so that you'll have a good selection in all the bags.)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. That is a special map card - I could see lots of places I've been and you can see lots of places to go.
Response: You're welcome. How far along are you on the state flower postcards?
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. The book lover in me bought that set of postcards -- I knew other book lovers would enjoy them too.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. Perhaps, one day, the first one will turn up. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I glad we didn't go into the third round of resending. And I'm glad you like the kawaii - it's not My Little Pony cute - that isn't my style either.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad I could make you happy :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I don't know how I managed a ton of swaps and working before - it's hard now. I'm glad I could make your day.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I enjoy sending kawaii to people.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy my slower pace of swapping - I have time to read profiles! I was so excited to learn about your interest in lomography. You inspire me to try it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. It was easy to choose some of my favorites for you, like the educational chart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad I could surprise you. The latest thing in vendos now is labeling the healthy choices - and I wonder who decides?
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm mostly better, though spouse says he's almost tired of living with Lauren Bacall. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad it arrived - I would have been hard-pressed to find a postcard to re-send!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. We hiked through the park in the summer. It has many temples, and lots of people visiting. The park had wide asphalt walks to accommodate the crowds. It's a lovely place to visit.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I love tall ships. I regret not going to Duluth to see them last summer.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Have you visited frozen waterfalls this winter? You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. We have occasional warm days, a few degrees above freezing now. It must be cooling down on your end of the planet.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I did not realize King wrote those books. Last year I found a review he wrote of "The Hunger Games". He liked it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. My list is a condensed version of the list of books on my profile.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. The best part of our visit was touring Val-Kill Cottage. Franklin built it for Eleanor as a place to retreat from her mother-in-law. Now I'm looking for a good biography.
Response: You're so welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Yuck! That's the worst I've seen. I have other cards in the set - shall I send another?
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I hope someone enjoys the first batch. I'm glad the resent stickers arrived.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Samples were the best part - they had a big room full of soda machines and cups, with Coca-Cola products from all over the world. It was fun to taste lots and fun to watch the kids taste lots.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - I'm always glad when one arrives safely.
Response: I'm glad you enjoy my little notes - it's an opportunity to think about what I'm thinking about. Recently that means a whine about the weather. The Alice postcards are off-brand kawaii and nice anyway. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Well, now you know all the details. We are months away from flies. Right now that would seem a blessing because it means warm weather and green instead of white in the landscape.
Response: Yes - sending warm postcards warms me as does receiving a warm postcard - though I'd like to have gone with the friend who brought me the stack of postcards. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. One of these days I'll have time to hunt down more of this art. Any suggestions where to start?
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm happy when I can send one of those Hopper cards to an art lover.
Response: You're welcome - I was glad to find round ones in that sticker sack. In Japan, indoors, they were in rectangular tanks, except one memorable sighting - in the lobby of our hotel on a television (video).
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. A day or two after I sent you that card, I saw a winter clothes postcard swap!
Response: You're welcome. I learned about Hopper's methods from the exhibit of drawings and paintings - it was wonderful. Now I want to find a retrospective exhibit somewhere or maybe a book.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I also have postcards showing a long flat vista in Minnesota.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I love the postcards in that box - Chronicle's vintage educational charts.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart - it's an awesome building - I am genuinely awestruck when I go there
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad we got it sorted out.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I haven't figured out an efficient way to record what I send in kawaii swaps - by the time a partner receives one, I am on to other swaps.
Response: Spouse pretends he hasn't heard the update that eggs are not not good for us - and they are an efficient low-cost source of protein. The result - custard is a rare treat in our home
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Cavallini *is* nicer than touristy cornfield postcards, common here in the Corn Belt.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the (red) heart. The images of the set are filtered to enhance each color of the spectrum.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. February has it's ups and downs. Ups are warm enough that I need not wear mittens.
Response: Thanks for the ♥
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: So fitting that my Romance story arrived on Valentine's Day. You're welcome and thanks for the heart. That must be for Valentine's Day too.
Response: That set is a favorite of mine. You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Your guess is correct. As I was gathering sticker flakes, I started thinking, You've Got Mail! You're welcome, thanks for the heart and thanks for joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Here's another laugh ::
Response: Letter is right, or as I came to think of it while I was collecting sticker flakes, You've Got Mail! I'm glad you could guess correctly, you're welcome, and thanks for the heart and joining my swap.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. My other USPS postcards are Scenic American Landscapes... next swap. I only see puffins when I go bird watching in Maine in the winter.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. It's warmed up here in Minneapolis, to the 20's. It's too windy for open coats though. Temps are all over the place, below zero at night.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart. Now it's not hard to visit Amish communities because they are all over the US, in agricultural areas.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Same weather here - cold and snow - when I chose it. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. That was my last Papaya postcard and it looked perfect for you. Message me with what you have in mind for a private swap. I'm never sure where to start.
Response: You're so welcome and thanks for the heart. Spouse is always happy to see more going out than coming in.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad Georgia arrived safely and, I hope, in pretty good condition. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I thought the doggies might hit your sweet spot after I read your profile. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome! It's nice to meet people here on swap-bot.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad they arrived safely, eventually. And in just 2 days, well, the second time. :-D
Response: :-D I didn't think of the dinged and dents on the lamp - so sharp on your part! I'm glad you like it. You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. I love the Wikipedia article on the Photo League too.
Response: Series is probably a mass noun like deer. I'll ask my spouse. I suppose less popular characters weren't in the clique of popular kids in school. Thanks for hosting.
Response: You're welcome. Winter was well underway before it officially arrived. No way I'll believe it will let go on time for spring!
Response: Oh! U found more Us than I did! You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! I'm sending lots of summery cards now, to warm me up.
Response: You're welcome. Do you keep lighthouses in your front yard or back? What is the body of water? And to what peril do they warn sailors? (Sorry - I never resist a good joke :-)
Response: I'm glad you like your package. Of course I go to more museums on vacation than I do at home - it's nice to make a local trip. I enjoy writing notes with my swaps.
Response: You're welcome - and thanks for hosting such a fun swap. It's been ages since I did mail art with rubber stamps.
Response: You're welcome. It's a fun series of swaps.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. It's a favorite of mine. I suppose if I'd gone up in the London Eye, I would have seen this view - I did not.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Our days are moments longer now - it's no longer pitch black at 5 PM!
Response: lol - or maybe used cars - would you buy a used car from this man?
Response: You're welcome. Cold again here too. Sending warm cards helps :-D.
Response: You're welcome. When I feel indecisive, extras are the decision. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like all the bits. I had great fun gathering and packing the swap.
Response: I'm glad you like the card. Our weather not only sounds cold, it is cold. It's long underwear, hat *and* hood weather just now, with strong winds and more snow. And a few days ago we had open coat weather, in the 20's. Yes, we in Minnesota talk about the weather a lot!
Response: I'm dreaming of a trip south - far south - today it's a hat and hood and jaywalking day - lots of blustery wind and temps are dropping. Yes, Minnesotans talk about the weather all the time. :-)
Response: You're welcome. Sending a few swaps like that warmed my day. Cold is cold. What you have in the spring that I miss is dogwood in bloom.
Response: You're welcome. What comes to mind is, Keep moving, keep moving. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy using kawaii as much as swapping it. I'm not a collector, for which my spouse is grateful.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining my swap. Deep cold kept me housebound for a couple of days - and I still didn't do the bathrooms - but then we had a frozen pipe (it's thawed now)
Response: You're welcome. There were no such shower caps at the university guest house where we stayed in Beijing - and few women among the guests.
Response: You're welcome. Someone sent me an extra early on in this sequence. It was a treat that I keep in mind when I keep postcards moving along. Happy traveling adventures.
Response: You're welcome. And best wishes for the coming year.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you and best wishes for 2014.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad everything arrived in good condition and that you like them.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I hope y'all had a great holiday. Happy New Year!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. And I'm glad they arrived in time for the holiday. Cheers!
Response: Whew! I'm glad it arrived! I was about a day from full-scale worry. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Would you pass it along as an angel? If that's the situation, I'll work with you to figure out another way to handle it. You of all people (the persistent host in the face of...) should keep your envelope nest.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like 'em. We are cool here too - lots of snow on the ground and temps dropping again. I switch between rubber and shearling boots, for slush and cold.
Response: You're welcome again. I know that feeling! In the end I know that someone will appreciate it as much as I do - though sometimes they don't.
Response: You're welcome. Come up sometime and see a real ice shack aka ice fishing house. Whole towns crop up on lakes here.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: I hope you had a great holiday. Thanks for the rating.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I always have fun doing scavenger hunts. Sometimes they call out gaps in my collection.
Response: You're welcome. I miss living on the East Coast and all the great museums there.
Response: You're welcome. It's my way of saying thank you for moving the postcards along.
Response: You're welcome. Like you, since it was two, not four, partners.... Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. I'd go back to Chicago in a flash. I even learned about low-cost lodging: airbnb
Response: You're welcome. Summers here are wonderful. Do come and visit then. With lots of mosquito repellant.
Response: You're welcome. I saw the Beatles in your profile - thanks for helping me choose a card. I bought several Beatles cards when I was in London last fall. Every postcard rack had the Beatles, the Queen and a few sites.
Response: You're welcome :-D
Response: You're welcome. I love the PCs from that set. Next week I'm going to the library for a stack of audio books for my long road trip to TX and back. (No free audio books from amazon.)
Response: You're welcome - it's my pleasure. And my spouse is always happy to see me send fatter envelopes than those arriving. :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for joining the swap.
Response: I noticed Johnny in your list of favorite music and it seemed the obvious stamp. I'm glad you like it and the card. Thanks for the great rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating an the heart. It's not exactly a flat package... and the decorations do a great job of covering the recycled envelope - for its third trip I think. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I ordered some new and they *still* haven't arrived - next time
Response: You're welcome. It was fun choosing cards that fit your profile. I started collecting cleaning tips on and from pinterest - and include notes about what works and what does not.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it completed the first leg of its journey safely.
Response: As someone responded to me the other day, YW. :-D Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I miss the historic old buildings back east.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like multi view postcards. I like the one I sent because it shows the seasons.
Response: You're welcome. I love sharing my travels with others and swap-bot is a great way to do that.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for hosting the swap - it's a great theme - and thanks for the pointer to the list. It's interesting to see the differences between that list of political boundaries and the OMB MSA list:
Response: You're welcome! It was a great trip. Next up - MN to TX and back, for Thanksgiving, on my own, to see my family there.
Response: Y'all are welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Clipper ships are amazing when all the sails are flying, aren't they?
Response: You're welcome. Those are my favorites too.
Response: You're welcome. I save stamps from envelopes and am happy to move some along, with the traveling postcard.
Response: You're welcome. I always come home from the MoMA with a stack of postcards. Sometimes I just go to the gift shop and skip paying the exorbitant entrance fees. That postcard is from a set I found on a stationery store's sale table - lucky me!
Response: You're welcome. Seems that the easiest way to select road trip postcards was to choose PCs for trips I've made. No ambiguity there!
Response: You're welcome. I buy nice quilt postcards when I see them, to send to family quilters and when I spot quilting on a botter's profile.
Response: You're welcome - let's go! No veggies for Q. There are some fruits from all over the world: Quandong, Quenepa, Quince. Not that I've seen them on postcards. I'll fall back to quilts.
Response: You're welcome. Canaletto will take you back to Venice any time you want.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad to have made an introduction. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Kew was a beautiful place to visit. Wish I was a former Minnesotan - we had snow - Snow - the other day.
Response: You're welcome for the sticker flakes. I lived in India for work and visited Augsburg briefly with my dad. A world of difference, so to say :-)
Response: You're so welcome. I'm glad they arrived safely.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the prompt rating. Chicago was fun, with the surprise of an architecture festival - I spent two days visiting wonderful buildings: old and new, inside and out.
Response: You're welcome. Yes, Minnesota is beautiful, even though it's far from mountains and the ocean.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. I had fun making the rainbow.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome again. Thanks for another rating and heart!
Response: You're welcome. It's easier for me to choose a set of postcards with a theme than it is to make a random selection. I look forward to receiving from you sometime.
Response: You're welcome. Once Kate suggested a manual cancellation then putting it into another envelope, it was easy to get it right. Thank goodness for friendly post office people.
Response: You're welcome. I have several little folders like that and use them quite a bit to keep track of all sorts of little pieces of paper. Yes, filling all those envelopes was fun.
Response: You're welcome. And then there's the Prado. During the Reformation Cromwell sold much of the Crown's art to Spain.
Response: You're welcome. Postcards give me ideas about where I'd like to travel next. Do you want to come to Minnesota?
Response: You're welcome and thank you for all the hearts. I'm glad it arrived and arrived promptly.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it turned up.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for joining my swap. I hope more people participate.
Response: Hi Karen. You're welcome. I have a sheet of the puffin postage stamps and rarely use them. I thought you ought to receive one. And the extra postcard - how could I not send that one to you?
Response: You're welcome. I'm waiting to visit Ellis Island too. When we got to the boat dock, we discovered that it's best to buy tickets online, months ahead.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun with this one, looking for an O that wasn't an owl. Olive maybe? None of those in my stacks...
Response: You're welcome. I selected the Hyde Park card after I read your profile. It's a great place to visit. Alice is a popular kawaii theme - google "Alice in Wonderland kawaii" and you will see more than a little, e.g.,
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Your profile helped me figure that out. :-D
Response: Contemplative, perhaps? You're welcome and thanks for the <3.
Response: You're welcome. Art museums are always on my list of places to visit when I travel.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy sharing my travels and others sharing with me.
Response: You're welcome. As I mentioned in the note, I had the swap all ready to go - and then the all-new letter sets arrived from Japan. Of course I had to share them!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the letter. I write them when I have time and am sending a kawaii swap package. I'm not a reliable pen pal - I have three letters on my desk to answer, and two are not pen pals (wry smile). That said, I'd love to hear back from you, either in a swap or not.
Response: Thank you for your kindness. As I was packing them up I realized that wonderful triangle won't fit in any old envelope. I trust your judgment to help this first-timer sort them out.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. I suppose I ought to take photos before I pack the swaps because I don't recall what I sent LOL. I enjoy writing notes too.
Response: You're welcome - I'm glad one arrived - was it the index or the samurai?
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. I'm amazed at how quickly they arrived. I suspect the postal services are staffing up for Xmas volume.
Response: Thank you! and you're welcome. I'm so glad you use the cute packaging - I felt a pang every time I tossed one into the recycling bin. I will continue to save them.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome! I wish it had arrived un-torn. Lately I've had several responses saying cards arrived in less than good condition.
Response: Ah! At last! My longest outstanding swap is rated! You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome. The Cavallini cards are among my favorites.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. When mine arrived, I knew exactly what swap it was. Yes, I'll trade Adams for Keillor. Except Adams is dead. Oh well.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Seeing all the cars traveling inspires loyalty too.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. You live closer to the ocean that I do, even if you lived in Presque Isle.
Response: I'm so glad you like it - that's one of those cards that requires a special person to appreciate it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I know that New Zealand is one of the few places in the world where wolves don't live. If you come to the US, and to Minnesota, there is a wolf center here that's pretty interesting.
Response: You're welcome - that's what I like to hear. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - sometimes I forget messages too. I'm enjoying this series of swaps - it's a lovely challenge and everyone continues to participate. The speedy turnaround helps, I think.
Response: You're welcome. It's from a wonderful set of postcards. Maybe I'll have the opportunity to send you another one for a future swap.
Response: You're welcome. That surprised me too. Not that I remembered that there was an R&H CInderella. Andrews has had a long career.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun sending out those postcards.
Response: You're welcome. I love aliens too - and science fiction and fantasy in general.
Response: You're welcome. That was earlier in his career, wasn't it? Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad everything tickled your fancy. It's always a pleasure to join your swaps.
Response: Awwww.. you're so sweet! We'll each get to peel one open by the beginning of October, before Pattie leaves for Japan. And who knows, maybe mine will be at the center of yours :-D
Response: you're welcome - around here it's a teardown (desirable neighborhood all built up) though not in the owner's eyes, I suppose
Response: You're welcome - I look forward to hearing from you in a future swap
Response: You're welcome. I had fun putting that together - far, far from the ocean.
Response: You're welcome - I'll send more lined recipe cards your way the next time I have an in-envelope swap like that :-)
Response: You're welcome. It was a great place to visit. Not going in the summer was nice too, because it wasn't crowded.
Response: I'm glad you agree with me :-D and like the card.
Response: You're very welcome. I'm glad you ⤠it.
Response: You're so welcome. I enjoy sending a little more of myself than sticker flakes, when I have time. I'm glad you like the letter as well as the memos and stickers.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun doing cute.
Response: You're welcome. I'm feeling more like a feminist yet again, wishing people better appreciated the work of women.
Response: You're welcome! I too appreciate maps that zoom into a touristy hot spot. I have another from a small region in Virginia that just waiting for me to send it.
Response: You're welcome. I think those photos are better than black and white postcards.
Response: I suspected as much. :-D I sent another card from the same set to my other partner. Your profiles had similar Likes. She was happy for the introduction.
Response: You're welcome I enjoy sending Native American postcards, when I can find them.
Response: You're welcome. I like that fish too and enjoy collecting and sharing nice stamps. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I love the mushroom ones too. Those came from a kawaii shop in Japan.
Response: You're welcome. I like Up too - I watched it when I was up in the air :-) on a long flight to India.
Response: I'm glad you like all of them. The cards I sent are among my favorites. Connecting things with a theme is an occupational hazard - I take lots of little details and group them into categories. :-D
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart. Each year we renew our membership to the state historical society. (My spouse calls it Minnesota's attic). This includes admission to all MNHS sites, especially nice when we travel around our (large) state. MNHS receives some state funding, though it's mostly funded from other sources.
Response: The shoe museum and the Royal Ontario Museum were my favorite sights; they are within a few blocks of each other. This was not my first trip to Toronto. I had seen Casa Lomo and the CNN Tower and chose to not go back. If you're on Facebook, I have some photos and commentary of our trip.
Response: I buy such postcards when I see them - this is one of my random acquisitions. Last year I discovered Pomegranate's postcard books of Edward S. Curtis's portraits of Native Americans at the local art museum. These too are wonderful portraits and not so random.
Response: Dover has a set of WPA poster postcards: We stayed at the Colorado Chautauqua. The mother Chautauqua is in southwestern New York.
Response: You're welcome! Postcrossers call these maximum cards - image on the postcard has matching postage. I get them when I find them.
Response: You're welcome! It's a Found Image postcard. I can find Texas ones when I visit my family in TX and Minnesota ones around my home.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I'm glad you like the extra postcard. I never received a postcard in this round and started another one with R12.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome! I have fun assembling swaps, especially for people like you who see the theme. I just did one for Linda with a summery watery theme. I'm trying new directions in deco tape too - literally - on the diagonal.
Response: That postcard was red enough? :-) I pulled postcards out of my stash until I came across that one from London - the reddest I found. I'm glad it brings back happy memories, as are mine of London. My favorite spot was the V&A museum.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you loved everything. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I understand not wanting to pilot a plane - it's not something to do to relax - it requires total attention - there are more dimensions to track than driving a car - up and down too
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're welcome. Now I need to scout around for more aviation postcards.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the prompt rating! Mail that I drop into the mailbox Saturday morning seems to travel more quickly in the US and abroad.
Response: You're welcome. I would enjoy a pen pal. I write as I have available moments too.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like that card. :-D
Response: You're welcome. It's nice to have the same awesome characters as favorites.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived safely, and promptly.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you always like what I send! :-D Question: How did you come across the Georgian character ghan? It's pretty obscure, as is ლ, las.
Response: So sorry the card arrived mangled. I've got another one from the same set (though not another rabbit) all addressed and ready to go out tomorrow. Thanks for the rating and the heart, especially because it was a disappointment. Isn't this what people mean when they say, Good sport!? You are one!
Response: You're welcome. Yes, it's a fabulous place to hike. So much so that it is crowded (for our visit, during the week). All the paths are wide asphalt because it's beautiful and sacred.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them again :-D
Response: You're welcome. The robot came from Janet Store, and isn't a kawaii brand - since kawaii robots are rare, I got them anyway :-D
Response: You're welcome. It's good USPS decided to publish some popular music postage stamps this year.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything. Amazon carries the stationery though I didn't get it there.
Response: You're welcome. I keep stamps from packages and such - and don't use them - perfect for such a swap - I too like the divine guy - so unusual
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it's a hit. There are those who like one of each design from the same package, and there are those who don't. I assume variety until I hear otherwise. :-)
Response: You're welcome. I was hoping you'd love it :-D
Response: I'm glad you like it. It's a beautiful lighthouse that's rarely lit now. And I'm coming to the end of the set - how will I continue to participate in lighthouse swaps?!!
Response: Friends on swap-bot are like an address book - a quick way to visit profiles. I thought you would appreciate one of those. I just sent another one for postcrossing and it's gathering lots of faves.
Response: You're welcome! I had fun choosing too many stickers and then choosing the _best_ of each. You and my post office and the mail room at work all enjoy the decorated envelopes - as I do filling up all available space :-)
Response: You're welcome - I'm glad you like everything. I understand about the rating not turning up - when I send rating reminders, I ask people that if they rated me to go back in and hit Save one more time. Seems to be a random chronic problem.
Response: You're welcome. I hear it's a cooler than usual summer - my sister in Dallas says they've had only a couple of 100+° days (don't tell Rachel :-)
Response: I love those lazy animals too - I've only found a couple of memo pads with the characters - I'm glad you like the packet and the letter.
Response: You're so welcome. When I read your profile I immediately thought of Anne Taintor for you. I'm _thrilled_ that you love it.
Response: Let's not let this escalate! Sometimes I can't decide what to send - and send them all. You're welcome and I'm glad you like them :-D
Response: You're welcome. Neko no Panya came from in Pittsburgh. I submitted one order there for a few things I did not see elsewhere - special kawaii.
Response: You're welcome! I regret that I could not coordinate them with the tape. :-)
Response: You're welcome. It was nice to find non-touristy tourist postcards when I was in NYC this spring.
Response: You're welcome. It's always nice to swap with people who share my love of Sentimental Circus :-)
Response: You're welcome. My first thought was, Awwwww, when I saw the postcard at the history museum shop.
Response: You're welcome. I do hope that card makes it a little further afield!
Response: MIA is definitely worth the drive. Would you like to meet up and go together? I'm available most weekends. It's been ages since I've traveled across town to the museum. I'm glad you like the postcard.
Response: You're welcome!!! I would love to go to a DB meet-up some day. Every year is ever-changing in technology - why I love it!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. A collection of postcards of obscure places sounds great. I wonder if I have a good start with my postcrossing cards - though I couldn't count all sorts of places in the world that I did not know of until I received the postcard. I'll give some thought to criteria...
Response: You're so welcome - I enjoy writing notes to include in swaps, if time permits.
Response: Medieval gargoyles are protectors! Of course rising out of the stone carvers' nightmares. Bruce McCall has a lovely sense of humor, doesn't he? You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I'm glad you like it all.
Response: Carla, you were on my mind as I was putting together the package. The kawaii artists are creative in their way - and I have the packaging - I'm so glad you like it. And the stickers of course. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. When I was double-checking everything *I* had trouble finding the daffodil!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the hearts. I was surprised that R was harder than Q - partly because I wanted to send three unique ones. I couldn't do Regina! BTW, a recent postcrossing partner said she liked the band Queen and had some Queen E cards on her wall - I suspect 'the band' was an update to her profile.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy challenging swaps without crafts!
Response: You're welcome - I'm glad you like it. I hope you visit Japan too.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it. It's hard to send off a postcard I like. It's special when the recipient likes it too.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. That is my last Coke postcard from a visit to Coca Cola World in Atlanta a while back. Good postcards and a lesson in marketing!
Response: You're welcome. The stickers are kawaii - my other swap passion. Google the string "kawaii stationery sticker sacks" to learn more.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. We've had 39 consecutive days of precipitation now - I look longingly at a sunny summer day. I wish it weren't a postcard!
Response: You're welcome. I used to see postcards talking about Chicago gangsters coming to St Paul to lay low, during Prohibition. Replaced by the RNC?!!
Response: Sorry - I mis-remembered what I sent - London didn't look *anything* like that when I was there in the fall - I wish we could do time travel! You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome Jennifer. I like birds in the garden and also listening to the birds outside as I'm waking up in the morning. As I write this I can hear lots of birds chirping while they gather their evening meals.
Response: You're welcome. Shinzi Katoh is a favorite of mine and I love sharing.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. It's actually a pretty good representation of an amazing Constable painting.
Response: You're welcome. When you come to Minnesota I'll take you to the Raptor Center near our home. :-)
Response: You're welcome Linda. Thanks for the rating. You're one of several people to whom I owe letters and that won't get done for another ten days or so - a couple of graduation parties coming up and I promised to make desserts.
Response: You're welcome - I'm sure I'll have a chance to use the butterfly postage stamp for you someday soon. (I'm making frozen raspberry soufflé, chocolate walnut tweed torte and chocolate pecan bars.)
Response: Apparently Germany has the same rain and floods - I received ducks on a postcard today and the same remarks! I'm glad you like the card - it's a favorite of mine at the MIA.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I wish I were more confident about my crafting skills - store-bought trumps my anxiety!
Response: I'm glad you like it. I enjoy the desert, in visits. I'd miss the lush green plants and trees we have now and winter snow if I lived there.
Response: You're welcome. I am sending from my almost empty sticker sacks at the moment. Most of the school girl ones are from a couple of years ago. For big sticker flake swaps, I send several full sets. (It's easier to count!) Sadly discovered that though a sticker sack label may say it contains seven full sets, for example, it's often not true.
Response: You're welcome. Do you send out blank cards or collect them?
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. I didn't actually see the car when we visited Hyde Park - the library was closed for renovations. It intrigued me - and I wondered how many cars were built in that era for people who'd had polio. I suppose, as with many things, it takes lots of money. What was most interesting on that trip was the commentary and artifacts for Eleanor Roosevelt - she's fascinating!
Response: Gloria - these multi-postcard swaps are a good way to tell stories about ourselves! I haven't been to Montana - yet - and want to see Glacier Natl. Park. Now I have two good reasons to make the trip. Someone told me there's a train from the Twin Cities right to Glacier. Though I do love road trips...
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything, Rosei. I've been here longer and I feel new because I don't have immediate family here. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I knew I had to get off the well-trod path to surprise you!
Response: You're so welcome. Thanks for the heart - seems that Elvis postcards *always* get hearts!
Response: You're welcome - I'm glad you like it
Response: You're welcome! after choosing destinations for J and K, I searched for an L that wasn't a destination. I'm so glad you like Elvis.
Response: You're welcome, Sam. It's always nice to swap with you.
Response: I'm so glad you like them! Today I received a postcrossing card from the UK with a Dr Who postage stamp!!! Somehow the Pixar characters don't fill the same niche!
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - it seemed just right for a reader
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. :-) Yes, the SC sheets are from a letter pad I received last year in a surprise swap.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. I enjoy putting together these swaps and I don't think there's a boring stamp in the house :-). And of course I enjoy getting to know people on swap-bot.
Response: You're welcome. It was a great trip. I hope to go back again. Two weeks wasn't enough time!
Response: You're welcome, Janet! Many people on postcrossing ask for interesting stamps - now I collect new stamps as the USPS publishes them. And notes are sharing a bit of myself :-).
Response: :-D I'm so glad you like them all. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome, Jen. I have fun preparing swap packages. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - I think I have as much fun sharing them as I do collecting them!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the lovely heart :-)
Response: You're so welcome, Kim. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad to see you here :-D
Response: You're welcome. That's fast travel to Brazil - I mailed it on April 22nd.
Response: You're welcome. All the little girls in the neighborhood like my collection too :-)
Response: You're welcome. The area is beautiful - probably at its best in the fall. I'm so glad you like the card.
Response: You're welcome! I asked the post office why they returned the first send - the acronym told them that your address was unknown! Next time I'm to bring it back and they will resend for free. It's nice to know you really are there :-D
Response: You're welcome. I usually put one generic stamp on small cards - you're one of the exceptions :-). Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like them all. I had fun putting the set together for you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm not sure I understand how this works. I suppose I'll send postcards as long as I see the swap name and there's a return address!
Response: You're welcome. I might use this method for other large sticker flake swaps - it simplified counting!
Response: You're welcome. I hope you have a chance to visit Hyde Park as we did - she's present everywhere!
Response: You're welcome. I love NYC too - I'm not there often enough - enjoy!
Response: You're welcome. Did you pick up vintage postcards when you visited?!!
Response: You're welcome - it's always fun to travel to interesting places - and more so when I can pick up interesting postcards!
Response: You counted! Thanks ever so much for the superlative rating.
Response: The challenge of sending two swaps together is not overlapping them :-D You're so welcome.
Response: You're welcome! Delayed gratification is always good - anticipation is such fun :-). I'm glad it all made you happy.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun with these scavenger hunts. I like to choose a wide variety of postcards.
Response: You're welcome. I was happy to find a card showing several statues! Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome - thanks for the prompt rating and the heart - I knew you would enjoy that tasteful nude :-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I've been combing through my overdue ratings and want to sincerely thank you for the prompt rating. :-D
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad this one arrived - I'm glad you like them. Thanks for the heart and thank *you* for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. If I counted North America the postcard had to picture a place outside the US, especially for someone living in the US!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart and the prompt rating. I'm glad you love all of them. I've had fun collecting them and now sharing them. I'm glad they were on your list of themes.
Response: You're welcome. You're so sweet - I love putting together super cute swaps for you - such fun! Thanks for the heart.
Response: It's good that clovers are cute any time of the year :-) and I will number the pages of my letters to you in the future :-D thanks for the <3
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad that it reached you safely - I sent the second set in a plain envelope so it's not so tempting! Maybe the other envelope will turn up and bring you closer to full sets :-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I enjoyed sending and receiving for this topic.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I love collecting postage stamps and sending them away to people who enjoy them :-D
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it finally arrived - on the slower than slow boat?!!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm back from NY today - to huge piles of snow and nothing in bloom yet!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Enjoy Chicago!
Response: You're welcome. I hope you're feeling better now.
Response: You're welcome - that's a favorite of mine too.
Response: You're welcome. Moco Myaa San has only the one design. I don't recall where it came from - kawaiiya maybe?
Response: You're welcome! It's always nice to have an excuse to open new sticker sacks.
Response: You are very welcome :-)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. They are favorites of mine. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I didn't have a Tiffany lamp stamp or I would have added that too :-). Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I answer lots of questions about my travels and this letter answered many questions people ask. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it - I'm lucky that it's nearby, though often not on display.
Response: You're welcome. I mailed this with postcards for another swap that required hand cancelled stamps - just got everything done at the same time - a human didn't know the difference between faux postage and USPS postage!
Response: You're welcome! I saw those circus sticker flakes on one site in Japan and placed an order immediately. I'm glad you love them too.
Response: You're welcome - any excuse to open new sacks, right? :-D Thanks for the heart. I will be sad when I use the last Miso Pretty notecard.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm so happy when I can make someone else happy.
Response: You're welcome. I love museums too. I'm going to NYC the week after next and hope to find a moment or two in a museum or two.
Response: You're welcome - since I joined swap-bot I've written more letters. It's a great way to get to know everyone. I'm glad you like the cards.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it finally arrived!!!
Response: You're welcome - you'll quickly get to the point of having too much - I order mine online and have learned about the best sites here on swap-bot, both in the US and Asia.
Response: I's so glad you like it - and that it all arrived safely. I had fun thinking about the contents and putting the package together. Thanks for all the hearts.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I hope you can visit New Mexico some day.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you have the name of the character!
Response: You're welcome! I'm happy to find a way to use all the wonderful sticker flakes I receive, from the swaps you host. :-D
Response: You're welcome! I had fun putting it together. I'm glad it arrived safely - I worried :-)
Response: I'm glad you like it - and thanks for the prompt rating!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating me promptly and for the heart.
Response: You're so welcome. Thanks for the heart. I buy kawaii online in the US and Asia, and participate in lots of kawaii swaps. I'll email you.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the <3
Response: I'm so glad you like them - something to cheer your post-op pains
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart! We had a lovely candlelit dinner.
Response: :-D. Thanks for the heart.
Response: It's a favorite of mine too - especially because it's a warm place. The lake my office faces has 2 feet of ice on it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. You have a good profile - I had fun choosing them for you.
Response: Mine too! I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like it! I think it's just right for this group. :-)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Maybe, some day, the first naked card will turn up. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Me too! My office overlooks a now-frozen lake - and the ice is thick enough for cars to drive on it. We don't need a groundhog to know spring is far, far away.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like the card. I had great fun reviewing my postcard collection - I found some that I'd forgotten I have - hunting down was not a hardship :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. The packaging is part of the fun!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I have great fun doing these swaps - assembling mine to send and seeing what I receive.
Response: Well, unless you were here years ago, you would have missed the view - several flour mills blew up when grain dust ignited. The remains are a museum now. Did you see the Spoon Bridge? That's our modern iconic sight.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Clever you! Your eyes are more open than mine. You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it. It's one of my favorite pieces of art in Texas. I also like the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art in Fort Worth.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Stonehenge is an interesting place to visit. People added to it over many years and I'm sure we look at with our own world view to say what we *think* it means.
Response: I'm so glad there's some relevance for you! Don't save these - Jewish New Year is in September - now you know how to surprise her. If you want to make bread I can share a recipe and directions how to braid a round challah.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I am getting picky - I put some memo pads that aren't my favs in the Goodwill bag this weekend. The pile was threatening to fall over on me. :-D
Response: Oh the benefits of naked postcards in envelopes! I'm glad it finally arrived.
Response: You're so welcome and thanks for the heart. My bundling strategy is wool and down. Fleece keeps me warm in rain & high humidity like India because it stays dry.
Response: You're welcome. I'm not sure where I found that sticker sheet - it's a treat isn't it?!!
Response: That sticky tape is deco tape. I especially like that I can reuse a box by covering all the labels with printed deco tape. I'm so glad you like all the decks.
Response: You're welcome. Maybe I swapped the sheets when I put them into the envelope - I'll be more careful next time :-) I'm glad you like all the memo sheets. I have many favs and those are the favs of favs.
Response: Katya, I re-sent yours with a few others... and put it blank, in an envelope so you can use it next Xmas for your postcard swaps. I'm the first one arrived - it's a special one.
Response: You're welcome! I don't see many food postcards and was happy to find this one. I'm glad you like it and that it makes you hungry. I wonder if chips are as good as MacDonald's French fries. :-)
Response: You're welcome. I'm enjoying all my friends in swap-bot. It's nice to have ongoing correspondence with people.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy choosing cards for these swaps - many others want something other than art!
Response: You're very welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're very welcome. One of mine also arrived with two cancellations.
Response: You're welcome. It's a favorite of mine too.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. I knew that we the right one to send you. :-D
Response: I've made more than a few pairs of shoes. There's even a guy at work who had fun playing with it. I'm glad my letter was cheerful. I'm getting over the flu and catching up.
Response: thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome! I had fun putting it together and keeping it light :-)
Response: You're welcome. It's a lovely place to visit without a car because there's good public transportation.
Response: You're welcome. These swaps are a kind of puzzle - What will meet the swap requirements and your profile?!! I'm so glad I was spot on, as my British friends say.
Response: You're so welcome! It was fun putting the package together.
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: No problem. I hope you had a great holiday. You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're so welcome. It was great that you like kawaii too - it's easy to share things I love with people who will love them too. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad mail between MN and NYC is so reliable.
Response: That is a pretty amazing painting :-) - thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome! I'm impressed with how quickly it arrived in Croatia!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome - yes, the museums are wonderful - didn't get tired of them in two weeks there!
Response: Especially now as I look at the snow-covered ground and high piles of plowed snow - already :-D
Response: Happy back to you - Are you just back from a fabulous long holiday?!! You're welcome and thanks for all the hearts.
Response: You're welcome - next time you're my swap partner I'll send you some Xmas stickers - I have too many :-D I'm glad you like the Carl Larsson card - he's a favorite of mine - Swedish kawaii, if you will
Response: You're welcome. I searched the Internet for that photo I saw at the time of the fire - found some articles and no photo of 3 million pounds of melted butter - good that the fire was in the winter, to harden the butter again.
Response: You're welcome. Seeing the jewels was quite a treat, and reading the descriptions. They have special jewels for special occasions - I'm glad all that regalia is not part of my lifestyle!
Response: You're so welcome and thanks for the heart. I only wish I'd brought home a stack of postcards from Mahabalipuram from India. Those would be new for many.
Response: You're welcome - I like that one too - why I had a stack of them :-)
Response: You're welcome. The beaches in southern Delaware are lovely - salt water and small waves because it's a bit sheltered. Rehoboth is a vacation hot spot.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun writing the letter.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for all the hearts. I had great funny assembling the swap package - you have a great profile - it was fun to find favorites of yours and add some favorites of mine.
Response: Thanks and thanks for the heart. The day I walked across that footbridge was cold and gray and rainy - and still beautiful. The little bear sticker is kawaii - my other major swapping category.
Response: You're welcome, Carla. I'm glad I could help. Thanks for the heart.
Response: All the extras show us where postcards have been - kind of like people - there is some wear and tear :-) I'm glad you like the postcard and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Connecticut is lovely once you get off the expressways. Do you have lighthouse postcards from Minnesota?
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart. I found out yesterday that some of those flakes aren't stickers when I tried to stick 'em on an envelope. I hope the pile includes 10 sticky stickers.
Response: You're welcome! I lucked out on the swap theme :-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Sorry that Gregory is only two-dimensional - though it is a lovely stamp.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Postcrossing taught me the value of using many stamps!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I have photos of fallen trees and washed up boats and fond memories of candlelight dinners (cooked on a gas stove). I was staying with my college roommate that week.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I assume my parents would have preferred something besides milk and cookies too!
Response: You're welcome, slowly but surely :-). Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - I love mixing up holidays, e.g., Chanukah and Kwanza stamps on Xmas cards.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I bought that card in anticipation of a bridge swap. It's a lovely bridge. Maybe one day I'll actually walk over it.
Response: You're welcome. I was thrilled to find the set of Xmas postcards.
Response: Ce n'est rien. Your username hinted that you might appreciate that night sky view :-)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. London was great and I came home with a large stack of postcards of the high points - you'll probably see a few more in future swaps. :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. What's nice about being busy is the sense of accomplishment as I finish things. I sent the first two boxes off today.
Response: You're welcome! I hope you can find all the obscure ingredients like dates : -D
Response: You're welcome. Yes, the goose puts the view over the top. :-)
Response: You're welcome - it would be lovely to correspond about Brunswick! All my information comes from Facebook friends now.
Response: You're welcome and no problem. I missed one too - and you're not the last one to rate mine! I'm enjoying all the recipes too.
Response: You're welcome - I'm glad you like it all!
Response: You're welcome - I'm thrilled to share my trip! It's a once in a lifetime trip because London is expensive.
Response: You're welcome. Did you make cookies last weekend? I was busy making turkey soup and turkey tetrazzini. I'll start my granola next weekend.
Response: You're welcome!!! I've seen many requests for one or two designs to make a full set - perhaps swaps requirements might be for full sets of designs, sometime?
Response: You're welcome. Not that I saw it from that perspective :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Enjoy all the coming yumminess.
Response: I hope people will message me if they would rather not open attachments. I'm a computer professional and know how to evaluate messages for safety. I consider swap-botters people I know because our email addresses are not public, therefore I will open attachments and click links. Happy baking to you too.
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you like the sticker flakes and the extras. I thought the shoes postcard (it's from a PC book) was just right for you. :-D
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Getting the correct period of history was not so easy.
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad the second package arrived safely. Those ginger chews are *great* for nausea! Traditional Indian seasonings like cumin and turmeric are too.
Response: Yes, the Minnesota State Fair is special, even here in the US. 100 years ago it was a huge temporary shopping center for people who came from small towns all over the state, plus contests, entertainment and games. And it still is. I wonder if they feel competition from the Internet?!!
Response: You're sister is so lucky! All my sister and I ever send each other is postcards - interesting ones of course - and I gave her one of the Boring Postcards books for her birthday last week.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I'm glad you like the self-portrait. It's completely random how quickly or slowly postcards travel to Canada destinations!
Response: you're welcome and thanks for the heart. A regular cake pan or even a square baking dish or a skillet will work - easy peasy is the name of the game.
Response: You're welcome. After I read your profile I switched from an under sea postcard to the lighthouse. :-) Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - I enjoy sending them too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: :-) I lived in that neighborhood, near Coolidge Corner. Also my brother's wife was graduated from the same program. Now she's a children's librarian in Newton.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy your swaps - Thanks for hosting them.
Response: You're welcome. Yes, I've had some spectacular vacations when I tag along on my spouse's travels for work. :-D
Response: Think of all the time on a jet plane that represents! I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome! I enjoyed putting the package together, something more than a postcard to a fellow postcrosser.
Response: You're welcome. I'm thrilled when I can make the card and the stamp match! I'm glad you like it too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I had a perfume-scented sticker sack with little mirrors and perfume bottles. Probably those. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. It's my favorite serious map card of Minnesota and I buy stacks when I can find them.
Response: I'm so glad I had an international partner for this one! I'm glad you liked it.
Response: Probably - there is only one Marc Chagall - and he was a student of Pen's. I'm so glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Bring your daughter north in the fall or winter! Or I can post some photos :-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I'm slowing down on swapping now - I'm going away for three weeks and have quite a bit of work to do before that. End of October would be a great time for a private swap.
Response: Summer is not quite over! You're welcome and I'm glad to have made your day. :-)
Response: You're welcome. I like how the tree fills the page.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: No wimpy fireworks on that card! I'm glad you like it too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I've seen that building at MIT - I visit family and friends regularly in Boston and had a lovely morning walking around it with a niece and nephew. This one is not so interesting to circumnavigate. I'm glad you like the card. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You/re welcome. So glad you liked them. We did not enjoy the last pizza we ate, a couple of weeks ago, though mostly because it was not so well made - our usual place is now inconsistent.
Response: When people say interesting here in Minnesota, that means they think something is weird and in this case, thanks for liking it in the right way :-D and for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your kind and supportive words. Here I was thinking that I have a long way to go!
Response: Thanks for the great rating. It's all an experiment - there is no wrong answer. Have *fun* poking through all your sticker flakes :-)
Response: Thanks for your enthusiastic rating and the heart!!!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: No, Bambi did not come to mind! I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I always have fun doing these swaps. :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. It's unusual in being a bridge with a story - the other day marked five years since the old bridge collapsed.
Response: Enjoy the memos in any and all ways. I can't figure out how to categorize all that paper and wind up just using it :-D
Response: Thank you and you're welcome. I'm glad you like them and it's always fun to join your swaps. That web site was so successful that I'm now to pull another rabbit out of a hat.
Response: I knew that was a postcard that would best stay in the US to be properly appreciated, as you do! You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It is beautiful, even when it's snow-covered :-)
Response: You're welcome. I agree with your stepmother! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're so welcome! I was *so* excited when I found that box of Papaya Art stickers for you! I'm glad that it - and the sticker swap - made your day.
Response: hey again back - I'm so glad you like that card - I bought several because I like it so much and will be sad when I only have a scanned image left. Of course I'm thrilled when a recipient loves it too.
Response: You're welcome. When my college roommate visited from the East Coast (we went to college near the ocean and she had never been to the Midwest) we stood on the shore of Lake Superior and she took a deep breathe said, Sweet water.
Response: You're welcome. I'm not melting too much - mostly staying inside where it's air conditioned. So cold at work that I'm usually wearing a sweater. I understand that's better for productivity. Stay cool!
Response: You're warmly welcome. :-)
Response: You're welcome. I love food flakes too so I get what I can find.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you had as much fun opening it as I had putting it together. Thanks for the prompt rating.
Response: You're welcome. I've come across wonderful Chronicle Books stationery in stores recently - after ordering many of their PC books from amazon.
Response: This is super-fast! Mail I send Saturday morning seems to arrive more quickly than mail sent in the middle of the week. I'm glad you like the postcard. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I love that whole set. The era seems right for things like hand written notes and hand cancellations.
Response: Welcome home. I'm glad you're a teacher off for the summer. Nara elevated kawaii to art. Her characters are sometimes pouty or angry - a full range of emotions. (I don't even need a forest site to make a mess.)
Response: You're welcome. The pen is Y&C Gel Xtreme - my favorite gel pen.
Response: Aren't Las ponchos just too cute?!! You're welcome for the introduction.
Response: You're welcome. I was happy to find such a good C. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived safely. I was a bit worried.
Response: You're welcome. I wondered about the genesis of the picture - I'm so glad you found the explanation and shared it. Thanks.
Response: You're welcome. It was a great challenge to put together a not kawaii package :-D Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like Faye's work too. As I said, she's my favorite local artist.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad it arrived safely. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I have a pretty good selection at the moment.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for *all* the hearts.
Response: You're welcome. Long days at work for final edits on a new website - release is next week - then maybe I can make vacation plans!
Response: You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome! It's always a pleasure to swap with you. :-D
Response: You're welcome. Sorry it took me so long to say something - we've both had a couple of busy months. now it's quite hot outside and a good time to catch up on inside tasks. thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I cannot draw that well! I look for cards I like - and it's so nice that you like the same things I do about the design.
Response: You're welcome. I had a great time making fabric collages with my sister-in-law.
Response: You're welcome. Those notecards caught my eye too earlier in the day, at a little gift and card shop near Macalester College. See You craft, I shop!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. In college we studied sea creatures like anemones and sea cucumbers (the school was close to the coast) and these cards reminded me of those labs.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I loved living in Maine, away from the city. Sounds like you do too.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you liked everything. I'm so impressed that you are so busy and still host so many swaps. I am in the countdown to releasing our website and gearing up to work on two more this fall, including the strategic planning.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. It's a relatively new stadium. It was hard to get tickets (and parking) the first year it opened. Now it's easy with the Twins not doing so well.
Response: The other day I mailed another one from the PO near work and completely baffled the man behind the counter! I'm glad you like it - I had great fun making them.
Response: and the volcano too! My niece is just back from a couple of weeks there and I'm dying to go.
Response: You're welcome. I'm pretty stingy with sending out those particular letter sets :-) because I love them too. Packing is an interesting problem and I'm always happy when the results are good. I'm glad you liked it.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like the polar bears! I'm glad you're taking their advice and re-using the envelope.
Response: You're so welcome. I'm glad you like it and I have scanned it so we'll both enjoy it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like them. I discovered that sending via FL was no faster! I'm waiting for kokeshi doll deco tape - it's interesting that deco tape has few Asian themes
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I had a great time in Texas - lots of fun with my family and ate Tex-Mex like brisket tacos.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad this one arrived - and perhaps the other package will show up now!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I have great fun putting swaps together.
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad you love them.
Response: You're very welcome. After I sent it I noticed that you'd pinned the Nyanko Land memos on your pinterest wish list - I was so tempted to spoil the surprise and comment! If the A in W tape is Shinzi Katoh - the one you just pinned - I received that in a swap a while ago
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: of course we don't visit it often enough - only when people from out of town visit! thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. I've lived abroad and know what it's like to not find stuff - it acquires much greater value!
Response: You're welcome. It's nice to have a reason to open new packages. Thanks for the heart.
Response: broader horizons are always good. new swaps are a nice excuse to open packages. thanks for the heart.
Response: I love the Shinzi Katoh political messages. I'm glad you do too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. It's a beautiful lighthouse in a great location. I think the only way you wouldn't get a nice photo would be in a dense fog or a heavy snowstorm when visibility is zero.
Response: You're welcome. I had to do a little research to find out what a journaling spot is :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart. The card is a favorite of mine and I'm glad you enjoy it so much too.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Gathering them was an thought-provoking exercise. Thanks for hosting the swap.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I enjoy doing these swaps.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Each time I search through postcards from our trip to Japan, I recall wonderful sights. (I have the pile of picture books, so I'm happily sending out the postcards.)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. That tape stuff is deco tape. There are swaps for that too.
Response: I'm so glad you're grinning. I had just kept adding things to the pile and hoped that some might please you :-).
Response: You're welcome. Bruce Springsteen is from Asbury Park and a friend recently visited the city and the beach to see all the places mentioned in his songs. Of course I asked her to bring me postcards! I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: a sand mandala is a great treat in the middle of a shopping mall - though I've not seen one around Xmas! I'm glad you like the card.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I'd love to visit Japan again, now that I know my way around :-D
Response: Ha! I beat the odds with that extra postcard! The missing card is NYC, where we met up to begin our whirlwind trip. (I've only received three so far.) I had fun making the series into a story.
Response: You're welcome. The scene reminds me of beautiful scenery I saw in Japan, and of beautiful Japanese paintings I've seen.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm glad you enjoyed the letter.
Response: You're welcome. (I wear dark gloves because everything gets dirty and stays dirty on the road.:-)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating. Seems that cards arrive in the Netherlands fast than they travel across the US!
Response: You're welcome. I was thinking about putting that selvage into a junk journal until this swap came up!
Response: You're welcome. I hope someone enjoyed that first batch of stickers. And that GoTub is made for taking sticker flakes on the road, isn't it?!!
Response: You're welcome. So fast! So reliable! I'm thrilled it all arrived safely - I had great fun putting the package together - and thank you for *all* the hearts.
Response: You're welcome. I already forgot what I said about the factory LOL! I love learning new things too and am pleased when people share that love with me.
Response: You're welcome. Are the hedgehogs are perfect for a mori girl?!! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. You have a fun profile for matching postcards. And kawaii stickers are always a treat. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Your profile was a fun one to match. And kawaii stickers are always a treat. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad my intuition was spot-on. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. (I enjoy putting on all the stickers!) Best wishes for peace in your new home now!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I love that whole Found Image line. I wish they weren't so costly!
Response: Thanks - I'm glad you like it - the whole exhibit was one lovely room and I took photos of everything! I learned about postagrams from a swap and am thrilled to share. Llamas and alpacas next? Or buffalos? :-D
Response: There are those miniature horses about the size of dogs...too small to do real work, also too dumb. I like horses, and I suppose the romantic stories about loyal horses going home riderless and saving someone... it's still not the same as a pet.
Response: You're welcome. They arrived in 16 days - pretty good! And sorting sticker flakes is a nice break from... it goes without saying :-D
Response: You're most welcome. I love the postcards from Cavallini - and that giraffe in particular.
Response: You're most welcome. I'm glad I joined the swap too and enjoyed choosing postcards for your great profile.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Janet at CutePaperEtc on etsy (among my favorites) told be she just got in several kinds of washi stickers, including more cranes.
Response: You're welcome. I have yet to visit the Badlands. I look forward to a trip west.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. I bought a whole PC book in Atlanta last fall because that one card was so wonderful. And I scanned it. :-)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad I hit one out of the park with the whimsy jar. I had great fun assembling the contents - reading and re-reading your profile and emailing questions to Rachel :-D
Response: You're welcome - and I have fun choosing the stickers!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the card and the stamps. I love your sweaters on etsy and that card had a sweater. Is western naming order used in Singapore?
Response: You're welcome. I love all the Cavallini postcards I've seen - and wish they made more of their stickers as postcards!
Response: You're welcome. I can tell you're a map lover like me. Do come and visit and I'll show you around!
Response: You're welcome. Growing up on the East Coast I never realized there were sweet water lighthouses. Split Rock has as romantic a history as any on the East Coast.
Response: no problem! the other night i posted a tag thank you comment to two wrong profiles before i got it right and of course i can't delete them. and you're welcome.
Response: you're welcome. it's an adventure and a challenge, tracking down shinzi katoh stationery. i've found all too many wonderful online shops with a few pieces - and modes4u still has the best selection.
Response: i'm glad you like them. someone en route is enjoying lots of lovely sticker flakes - i'll resend march and april with our private swap. i have a couple of places i want to look for a book about MN then i'm ready too.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am very quickly going to run out of the shinzi katoh letter sets because I like them so much. Thanks for *all* the hearts.
Response: I'm so glad you like Chocopa and the sticker sheet. I was glad I had something on hand from your wish list. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I sent two Taintor cards for this swap. On April 1st I received an email that I didn't realize was a joke. I forwarded it to my spouse as an OMG and got back, Look at the date. (I'm known in my family for my gullibility.) Thanks for the heart.
Response: Has your daughter read it? Did she get her love of horses from you? I'm quite tall and was taller than all the other kids until I was 15. My grandmother who was taller than me took me to riding lessons so I'd learn to stand up straight. Thanks for another heart.
Response: I thought that might be the result :-D Let me know if I'm all wrong! Thanks for the heart.
Response: thanks for the heart
Response: I thought of you when I saw the rainbow postcard :-D. I'm glad you like all the memos. I had fun assembling it.
Response: I'm glad it gave you a laugh - you mentioned all those kids underfoot...
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad I've met the swap criteria! thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing notes and feeling connected to partners - and I'm getting to know people.
Response: Thanks for the rapid rating. I'm back online with a new computer - instead of a big exotic trip I'll settle for heading to the southwest. Online for stationery shopping is fine - it's open at all hours for the most part :-D. I am partial to Milk Choco bear myself, probably because he's bookish.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like the postcards. The Andy Warhol one is a particular favorite. I like writing notes because it's good exercise for my brain and my fingers.
Response: I'll try to remember that you like giant sticker flakes. Is it on your profile? I found a couple of rolls of Shinzi Katoh tape at Angoo-Mart. The products are here and there. I want to get some of the ceramics!
Response: You're welcome. We went hiking in that state park just after I sent the card. The falls are significantly drier this spring:
Response: You're welcome. I'm interested in the paper engineering problem - what would work as well as the spiral-bound steno notebooks we used as kids for slams? Thanks for the heart.
Response: I copy and paste the same text I sent you when I don't receive a rating. About 50% of the time it's the disappearing rating bug rather than people who are behind on their ratings. Thanks for the heart. I'm glad you love Elvis, especially in gold lame :-D
Response: You're welcome. I love sharing from that postcard book! And I have 6 Ken Brown stamps and I'll be sure you see them *all*. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You/re welcome. I have fun choosing a profile-based theme and you did say Mamegoma! And packing to keep all that paper safe is an interesting engineering challenge. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you noticed! Tooks hours to sort through my PC collection for a card with ducks. Just kidding :-D - it was a happy coincidence.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun with Colorado Kate's themed swaps. :-D The band is Hugo's Amazing Tape. Their website is and it's sold on amazon. They are reusable and I'm putting many into circulation via kawaii swaps.
Response: I'm so thrilled when I receive such a great comment! Thanks! I'm not sure how that memo pad made its way into my collection. It's called Clover's Town: Full of dreams and full of hopes, from Crux. My spouse is already suffering from pollen allergies so I'm doing the gardening for the time being.
Response: You're welcome. I don't start nagging US people for ratings until they are 3 weeks over-due - and I can't recall having to nag a kawaii swapper. I hope to get more of that Hugo's plastic tape into circulation. It makes packing so easy.
Response: Yes, Gorey is the high priest of weird! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes, that card seemed to call for a special swap and special recipient who would truly appreciate it :-D Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like it. That card is a favorite of mine and you don't seem like the race car sort of person :-D
Response: You're welcome. Now why did I think to include the opening hints?!! As you say on your portfolio site - innovation to solve a known problem :-)
Response: When I visited to MFA last summer big chunks of it were under construction - yet again! I'm glad you liked the postcards. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like both. You are among the great friends I'm making in the group.
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad they arrived safely. This is not the first time a rating hasn't shown up due to this swap-bot bug so I keep that text ready to copy-and-paste!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the prompt rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you love those super-sized memo sheets :-D and happy that they arrived. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. One swap partner makes it easy to pack to the profile! Also I love sending Wonderful Friends to wonderful friends.
Response: You're welcome. It's a beautiful lighthouse in a great location for a vacation - a good rainy day activity. So many of the postcards I receive make my feet itchy too :-D
Response: You're welcome - I like it too and am glad to have the scanned image :-D
Response: thank you for the rating
Response: You're welcome. It's a pleasure to send things from a wish list, knowingly or unknowingly. I'm thinking about wish lists for work, how to help people maintain them more easily. Maybe I'll experiment here :-D
Response: You're welcome.
Response: Holi was great fun - it's nice when people share traditions - and Indians know how to party!
Response: You're welcome. The scene would probably show lots of mature trees in a contemporary photo.
Response: You're welcome :-D
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it. You're not the first person to whom I've sent dried cranberries in France!
Response: You're welcome. It's so nice to leave a mark in the world :-D. BTW, I received several of your amazing slams for this swap - they are gorgeous!
Response: thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: you're welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: Mild here in Minnesota too. The budding on trees is already well along. You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: I'll go too. It's beautiful up there and quiet. I'm so glad you liked it.
Response: Yes - Lake Superior is hard to miss on the general map of North America - thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart. I love them too which is why I have so many!
Response: thanks for the <3
Response: And March! This week we've had snow and 50 degree weather and now it's quite cold again. You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like them. I searched my stash of kawaii goodies for things that would travel well and were also fat - like the plushie and the Kidrobot blind box - to *fill* the bag.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like everything. Saturday I'm going to a wedding shower for the baby's aunt and adding a couple of rolls of deco tape into the gift because the bride asked where I got the tape.
Response: Your welcome, and enjoy, Teresa. Hot chocolate made with milk is so good and it's easy with a microwave.
Response: Okay, I need you to enlighten me - I didn't realize that I need to be careful - should I not have the other buddha cards in my box of unsent cards? You're welcome and thanks for the heart, Audrey.
Response: You're welcome. Putting together a swap is a lovely way to play with my sticker flakes. :-D
Response: I'd seen the fairy postcards on postcrossing walls and was thrilled to find a pc book at amazon. I'm glad you like the commemorative stamps too.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything and especially the Hutte squirrels - they are a favorite of mine too and I wish San-x made more products for them.
Response: You're welcome. I was glad to find a happy historical event.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm looking forward to spring in TX the week after next, for a few days. No ice!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Putting Japanese kawaii stickers on a Japanese rock garden postcard lightens the austerity :-D
Response: Avec plaisir! I'm glad you're enjoying my favorites. Both swaps in this series have been wonderful for me too.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I thought that card would touch you.
Response: :-D I discovered lots of hats on vintage reproduction postcards - and love the irony of sending snow to Florida.
Response: You're welcome. I received a nice order the same day swap partners were assigned so it was meant to be :-D
Response: Welcome home! You must have a large pile of mail to process. :-D Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It's amazing to see all the tourists around Harvard Yard - it's a school! Cameras and taking photos with the statue of John Harvard give them away. But then I did the same thing when I visited Tubingen University with my dad and Salamanca with my spouse.
Response: You're welcome. Acadia is one of my most favorite places on earth - and now I live far away. Excellent English is the route to studying in the US and swap-bot is a great way to practice!
Response: You're always welcome! It's great fun swapping with you.
Response: You're welcome. If you're lucky, there will be something interesting happening in my life when I write the letter. Today I was trying to make tulle bows. I got the plastic wrapper at a quilt show I went to in Abilene, TX with my sister-in-law who is a quilter.
Response: You're welcome. I went through the box of book cover postcards and was *thrilled* when I came across the spelling book cover because it was so perfect for the swap description. I'm so glad you like it too.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. I order from all over and don't recall where I got them. I do order from Kawaii Depot every once in a while so it's likely Natto Chan came from there. Have you ever eaten natto? I've had parts of orders disappear when I procrastinate too.
Response: You're welcome. I love visiting northern Minnesota because it's largely undeveloped.
Response: the whole book is wonderful - the University of Iowa Press publishes several books of postcards of agricultural history photos
Response: You're welcome you're welcome you're welcome. It was easy to work with your great profile.
Response: I when to college in Maine and now live in Minnesota. Your grandson is having a mild winter here in MN - not the real thing!
Response: You're welcome. We had 2-3 inches the other day and of course it's pushed aside into gray mountains now. It was nice while it was falling and fresh.
Response: You're so welcome. Those kitties just need a little Japanese to decorate the card and voila! it's kawaii!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. It seemed like a bit of an assembly line, with four little piles on my desk. All my kawaii seems new when I'm putting together a swap - a great opportunity to look at it!
Response: I'm so glad you like it! I had great fun making it. Irony - neither recipe requires butter!
Response: You're so kind! And to think this all started because you had something to trade that I *desperately* wanted!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome again. Thanks for *another* heart. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. It was an amazing exhibit with great stories. Apparently the army spent more time modeling for sculptors than holding together the empire which crumbled after such a magnificent burial.
Response: Yes and it will take *forever* to make the rounds. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Have lots of people to help you eat it! It's one of those desserts that brings silence to the dinner table. Enjoy! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Enjoy! Thanks for the heart.
Response: For the last couple of weeks my workday has been 12 hours so I had to find time somewhere. It'll be like this for another week or so. At least it's not the weekends too. And I'm staying caught up with ratings. Glad you liked the little bits.
Response: I'm so glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I chose one that is completely unlike anything you'll see in Australia :-).
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the valentine. It was a fun swap.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the <3. Aren't you glad you aren't shoveling all that snow?!!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like the PVC stickers - any suggestions about how to use them?
Response: :-D So ya know a little something about Wisconsin, do ya? Did you know that Colby is a real town in Wisconsin and the cheese was invented there? We see the signs when we visit my in-laws and will stop someday. Also of note is Poniatowski, WI, located at 45°0′0″N 90°0′0″W. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Our cold temps kill all the bugs each winter - we don't have termite problems here!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. The other card - another snow scene - will show up around the time we have green leaves on the trees here in MN. :-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the super fast rating and the heart. I don't like having lots of yeses staring me down from my dashboard :-D
Response: Thanks for the rating. I'm glad you liked it.
Response: I'm so glad you like it and thanks for the heart back to me :-D
Response: You're welcome. I suppose this is about as close as I'll get to the cookbook I've always wanted to write!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for all the great hints in your profile!
Response: You're welcome. All the best for your upcoming move!
Response: You're welcome. Part of my fun is writing the letters.
Response: You're welcome #2. Part of my fun is writing the letters.
Response: I wasn't sure how broad your interest is in the Civil War - does it extend to vintage photos of Yankee soldiers too?!! I'm glad you like that nice portrait of Lee.
Response: I'm glad you like them. Thanks for the heart. Let me know how they turn out. Next time I'll use lighter weight paper so they fold more easily and I'll figure out how to illustrate them.
Response: You're welcome. I'm surprised it arrived so quickly! Actually, I appreciate your prompt rating and kind comment and the heart - it makes me feel great about sending the swap.
Response: Glad you like the stickers and the cat photo - it's actually not my cat lol - I received the notecard in a swap and enjoy sending them on - I agree that it's a cute cat - still young enough to be playful.
Response: I'm so glad you like everything. I fell in love with the Paper Source store in Cambridge, MA, and was thrilled to find one in MN when I moved here. There are stores near you, in Ardmore and Philadelphia.
Response: You're so welcome! :-D Thanks for the quick rating and the heart.
Response: slowly but surely they accumulate from all over the place. i have pc books from used bookstores, some ordered from amazon and of course when i travel i bring home a stack. i'm glad i surprised you.
Response: you're welcome. i did not do much sightseeing and *need* to visit india again to see the sites. my indian friends here in the us say my fb photos show the real india.
Response: You're so welcome. I'm glad you like it. I have great fun choosing and putting everything together.
Response: You're welcome. I picked it up when I visited the World of Coca Cola in Atlanta recently - don't know if there's an equivalent venue for Pepsi.
Response: Yeah and I'm sure Vegan is your last name too (snort) At work I'm always looking for the middle ground and common usage and wish I could be more playful with language like you. I'm glad you like the card. That set is a favorite of mine.
Response: You're welcome. I read the most amazing biography of Chaplin. He was such a sad person that I wonder if that's his real self.
Response: You're welcome you're welcome! I love that Gregory Peck Forever stamp - I'll be sad when they are all gone.
Response: You're so welcome. It's fun putting them together.
Response: It occurred to me that a folio was how I organized the first one after I made it so I was glad to have a second chance. I'm glad you like them.
Response: And I thought it was just an interesting visual pattern (joke). I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like everything. And that pen - perfect for a kawaii/pen lover like you. :-D My spouse doesn't understand either.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I reluctantly send cards from that book :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. CutePaperEtc on etsy has several kinds of the washi sticker flakes at the moment - cranes and butterflies too
Response: I've been planning to do pottery for years and instead buy the work of others. Maybe, one of these days, ... Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing the chatty messages and receiving them too. The little animal stickers are kawaii - the other kinds of swaps I love.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you're thrilled with my swap package!
Response: You're welcome Linda. I enjoy writing notes, when I have time. I sent you an email with links to the sites where I buy San-X washi tape. After I saw yours :-D
Response: You are so good at sharing! I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I love that card too and have a scanned version. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I received great swaps too :-D
Response: Thanks for your thoughtful comment and the heart. I enjoyed putting together the package.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it.
Response: I love those too! I have butterfly washi stickers too, for the next swap.
Response: You're welcome. The envelope is from a mini envelope swap a while ago. I figured it was time to use them. :-)
Response: I *love* how simple it is to send a photo with postagram. I'm glad you like the photo. It's so typical of India.
Response: I think postagrams get registered using a Facebook app and I've not done that yet. I will one of these days. I'm glad you like the photo.
Response: Traveling to developing countries is an epiphany
Response: You're welcome. I have such fun putting together swaps.
Response: You're welcome. I need to go north, away from the cities, in the winter when the days are short, to see the northern lights. My spouse says to be patient, it will happen. I'm glad you liked all the cards. I got a great stack too!
Response: :-D I'm so glad you like the Cameron Booth painting too! Thanks for the <3.
Response: You're welcome. I'm always happy to introduce people to favorite Minnesota artists. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I was happy that I had one not in your collection. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It was helpful actually, for me to think through my resolutions. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I thought it showed great and small quite nicely! I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your enthusiasm for these wonderful quilts makes it easy to have you as a partner many times! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Aren't they fun? :-D I'm so glad you like them!
Response: Happy new year to you too. I'm glad you like the card. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome, you're welcome. It's nice to have more participants. Thanks for the <3
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. The book it came from is full of such oddities!
Response: I'm glad to see that USPS promptly delivers mail traveling just a few miles! Thanks for the prompt rating.
Response: Amazon is the source of lots of interesting postcard sets. I'm so glad you like it.
Response: It's amazing to me that a drift is that high naturally. Last winter when we had record-breaking snowfall it was front-end loaders making two-story high piles of snow.
Response: You're welcome, you're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Let's make the trip to Cooperstown together! In the meantime:
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. I enjoyed putting the swap together and was fortunate to have a nice selection of letter sets for a favorite character of yours. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes - I was wistfully looking at those shorts and short-sleeved shirt when I chose the card! I'm glad you like it and thanks for the prompt rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. The charm of that PC set is how unexpected they are. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm having great fun sending out cards from that postcard book. I'm glad you like it too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the <3!
Response: I'm so glad you like it, Gloria. Japan is one of the most amazing countries I've visited. I'd love to go back someday.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Salamanca was a beautiful city to visit. I'm glad I did not live there around 1492, when the Spanish Inquisition started.
Response: That line of vintage reproduction postcards is great. I have some from visits to Texas too, though no map cards at the moment.
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it. I had fun choosing the postcards for you.
Response: Hi - I'm glad you liked the letter sets. I would buy from eBay because there is more information about sellers there. Happy holidays.
Response: Piggy Girl was hard to find when I got those and now she's around more. She is *so* cute! I'm glad you like everything.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome, you're welcome, ...!
Response: I'm so glad! I love big grins. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for all the appreciation. I had fun putting the package together.
Response: I'm glad these finally arrived - it was quite a windfall :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. The whole book is quite off-key and hilarious.
Response: You're wayley welcome (Sorry - I couldn't resist - I love your username.)
Response: You're very welcome. I'm glad it arrived so quickly.
Response: You're welcome - I enjoy swapping with you.
Response: That book was full of all sorts of interesting cards! I'm glad you enjoy it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Those treats really do taste too good and when I eat too many they are no longer healthy :-). Enjoy!
Response: Let me know when you come to town - I'd love to meet you and show you around! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Reproductions of the sign are available all over Salamanca and I'm sure on the Internet. I came home with a rubber stamp as well as a stack of postcards. It was a wonderful trip! There's also a great art deco museum there.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy all the friendliness around the holidays and I'm looking forward to calmer traffic patterns and shopping in the new year!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I like those reproduction postcards.
Response: Best holiday wishes to you as well. Thanks for the heart and the prompt rating - before other cards sent inside my country!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart - I love the postcards from that book (how I first learned about Arthur Rackham) and was sad when I thought one might be lost.
Response: :-D Thanks for the heart!
Response: I saw my first PC when I arrived home from Atlanta and realized that I neglected to include all that important information like swap name and my username! I'm so glad you could track it down :-). Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I head to the half-price bins at Paper Source for stationery that's large and stiff enough for these 4x6" memo swaps! Their full-priced stationery comes in a larger selection and it's too expensive. I'm always happy when I find something nice that's half off.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Happy holidays to you too.
Response: I loved that cat too! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. It doesn't look like where we live, does it?!! :-)
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome! It's always a pleasure putting together a swap for you.
Response: You're welcome. I'll be sad when I come to the end of that Lord of the Rings set.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it - I thought you might :-). BTW, did you see the PM I sent about an earlier sent card?
Response: Thanks for the heart. I had great fun with this swap and signed up for the next one in the series. I'll send you a message with tips about best sources for deco tape.
Response: Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I'm heading south and out of the snow Thursday. I'm glad you also appreciate little factoids. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes, that Mark Twain stamp seemed right for a book-related swap! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I hope I live up to your expectations! Thanks for hosting an interesting swap and happy holidays.
Response: My other postcard for this swap went to someone nearby so I sent one from elsewhere. I'm glad I sent you the *right* one! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. It's a great house to visit - though hard work to keep up. It's wonderful in the summertime here.
Response: I'm glad you liked the card. This sounds more reasonable than the purported Kindle/Nook competition putting Borders out of business.
Response: You're welcome. The second batch was better anyway. Those sticker boxes have just turned up in the last couple of months and those were the first Ruu & Suu I'd seen.
Response: A Hello Kitty letter set you'd not seen before?!! I can't recall which one I used. How about after November and your thesis defense for a celebration private swap?
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I thought cheese would make you smile. It's from a nice Kamio set that I have from Janetstore. Thanks for the heart.
Response: It definitely is! Just lots of driving to get there. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I sent you the card with the state flag as well as a map because you mentioned your interest in your profile. Thanks for a good profile and the heart.
Response: I like to receive tropical postcards in the winter, to remind me warm weather does exist - I'm glad you liked the ice! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I like the little stuff sack because it's easy to put away after I use it.
Response: I'm glad it was a hit. I *love* the Drop Dead Cute PC book that came from. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. I love flying and I love that card.
Response: Cool in small doses! I'm glad you like the card. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome! I love the prairie, especially up close where there is great variety in the plants. I'm glad there's lots of restored prairie here in MN.
Response: Even the train stations in the US that were icky like Penn Station in NYC are clean now. I've traveled on trains all over the world and always love it.
Response: Next time we're partners I will send you a card of the inside! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I have a set of those vintage Oz cards and it's rare that one hits the mark. Turns out the story is unknown in other parts of the world (Disney never told it) so they are better for US swap partners.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. I received a few Halloween items and knowing they are cherished I passed them on. I have not seen them either.
Response: I'm glad I could provide a missing state.The next time I go to North Dakota I'll bring home a *stack* of map cards since that's one many people seem to want.
Response: You're welcome. It's been wonderful to see all the cards in the set, many different illustrations for "Lord of the Rings".
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Lots of treats - after I encourage 60 adults to participate in our festivities at work - now urging them into costumes with a contest. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I enjoy collecting and *using* kawaii sticker flakes.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I was so excited when I found them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like it, Pam. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the lovely rating. Meredith
Response: I saw discussions of Halloween postcards in comments and I was happy to send one overseas. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. It feels good to clear the decks quickly.
Response: I thought they were so cute when I saw them in the store - I'm glad they found the perfect home :-D
Response: You're welcome - we seem to partner just the right amount - not too often
Response: The book is part of The Queen's Thief, a series of four so far and I'm anxiously waiting for the next one - and searching for books with Arthur Rackham's illustrations in second-hand book stores
Response: I'm glad you like them. The castle is from one of the fairy tale sacks. Let me know if you'd like me to track it down for you.
Response: I think it's a reproduction of a old photo. But then again maybe not. :-) I'm glad you like it.
Response: I'm glad you like it. It's about time for me to take an inventory too - and perhaps a road trip to North Dakota to search for map cards because that's one many people are missing.
Response: I realized I'd sent the picture from the swap when I marked it as sent. Then I worried that I sent you something already in your possession. I'm so glad you liked it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. Maybe next summer I'll get to the Dakotas and find some map cards there.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I look forward to receiving yours.
Response: No problem - I noticed when I was neatening up. You're welcome and thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. That card shows American food culture and required an explanation. A second card is on its way to you with The List.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I love those old illustrations too. I have fun choosing stamps for international postcards because I can use a nice variety of commemorative stamps.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. My spreadsheet helps me keep track of the swaps and I know when ratings are overdue.
Response: Good good. I was thrilled to find some Piggy Girl because so many people say they love her. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I've been following the Girl Scout anniversary festivities on Facebook. I hope you had a great vacation.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Those pancakes are a favorite of mine too. I take particular please in food stickers - fewer calories.
Response: :-D You're welcome. The card was just too perfect for the question and I love irony! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I got really excited when I came across that set. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. The Ziplocs are challenging swaps - and that's fun too. Thanks for the hearts.
Response: A little too hot and a little too cold! Winter temps here are too cold for many temperate plants. If something grows well then I plant more of it to fill in empty spaces. Ferns do well.
Response: Thanks for the hearts!
Response: You're sooooo welcome!
Response: You're welcome. I couldn't understand why so many people put Piggy Girl in their list of favorite characters - then I received some and went looking for more. She must be the daughter of Miss Piggy.
Response: You're welcome. Fixing my mistakes reminds me to slow down. :-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I did not know much about Minneapolis, Minnesota or American Indians until I moved here more than ten years ago!
Response: You're welcome. No need for such self-discipline. The package contains two parts, one to open early for your holiday preparations.
Response: You're welcome. Your profile was most helpful in giving me the Charlie Brown hint - thank you. (Charles Schultz was born and raised in Minnesota.) The little papers and stickers are kawaii.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun choosing them for you.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you enjoy it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I was so excited when I found those vintage Halloween postcards!!!
Response: You're welcome. It is sooooo Minnesota. :-D
Response: I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart. I've learned a great deal about food production since I moved to Minnesota. Did you know that 90% of the pizza served in school lunchrooms comes from Marshall, MN?!!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I've learned quite a bit about food science since I moved here and cook more from scratch.
Response: As they say here in Minnesota, ya sure, you betcha. You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. It looks so different now with lots of tall buildings around it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I happened to spot that card in a truck stop and ever since then have sought the PC racks when we are on the road.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I noticed a love of water when I visited Arizona! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your love of pink was a great hint. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad this adjustment worked so well. I don't have enough food variety for your food swap :-( so I got it to you with this swap.
Response: Walking around a lake is not the same as walking along the beach! I'm glad you like the painting - it's a favorite of mine. Thanks for the heart.
Response: That's the perfect way to describe Arthur Rackham's art! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like the mail. Most of my swaps are for postcards so the completed count rises quickly. I enjoy finding interesting postcards to send, and then matching them to my partner's profile.
Response: That arrived quickly! I mailed it Saturday morning. Thanks for the hearts. Here's a link for the letter sets:
Response: I <3 New York City! I lived and worked there too. My mom was from there and we visited often too. Now I just visit as often as I can. Now I understand why subway cards on on your wish list.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are soooo sweet! When I place an order at Janet Store I add a few small things like those magnetic bookmarks because I too use them all the time.
Response: And yummy too! You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: I wish I could duck out of the Minnesota blizzards! I did for a few years in India. All that warmth through the winter was quite a treat. And the Indians did not know what to make of my mittens.
Response: You got lots of mail today! I'm glad you like it. I use washi tape on bags inside the envelope so they are easier to open. Also I can open them to add something and reseal them :-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I learned how to pack swaps from people who send me beautifully wrapped packages that I enjoy opening.
Response: Pixar are my favorite Disney films, probably because I'm a geek. Did you know automated skin is an unsolved technical problem so Pixar films don't show many people.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: I stayed in the Parker House when I was back in Boston for work. My then-boss loved booking through It's a great location. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you love it. Those gummies are my favorite too. P.s. I haven't tried salmon jerky because we love ground beef. You need a convection oven or dehyrdrator for drying. I use a press like a cookie press for ground meat. Some people roll it out between sheets of parchment paper.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for a million hearts. Your profile said sparkly and New York City postcards and I was lucky to have one card with *both* on hand!
Response: I'm glad it arrived safe and sound. Overseas insurance is quite expensive so I skipped it, opting self insurance. And I'm tickled pink that you love it. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy writing the notes. I feel like I'm sending a bit of me along with the stuff. Thanks for the heart,
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: How could I not send someone with the username lovestosew a piece of fabric?!! I'm glad you and your son enjoy the package. If I'd known about the 12-yo boy I would have sent the squishy eyeballs too.
Response: You're welcome. My order containing the Rilakkuma PVC sticker sack arrived when the host assigned partners so obviously it was meant to be yours!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. It's from one of my favorite postcard books. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Finally! Was this the first or the second package? :-D I'm glad you like them. This is what I'd call delayed gratification. :-D
Response: I'm glad I rose to the challenge - you have such a great collection and I am honored to add a new letter set. I love the way modern art and popular culture reflect each other in the US and it's true in Japan too.
Response: You're welcome. I glad you liked them all. And I enjoy writing notes to include in swaps, when time permits.
Response: And I thought I was sharing a little history of another sort with your sons! My nieces from Texas were most thrilled to see Mother Goose's grave in Boston this summer.
Response: Thanks and you're welcome. Your profile said rainbows and I was thrilled to have the perfect rainbow deco tape to use on the package!!!
Response: I love it when people spoil me too and it was time to spoil someone else. I'm glad you like all of them.
Response: I'd glad you like it. A Japanese modern art chair seemed a likely place to put all those Japanese kawaii sticker flakes. It was all I could do to resist putting stickers around the chair too - all that white space!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. Coney Island is one of my favorite places in New York City and now a developer is replacing it with housing, though I understand they are sensitive to the history of the site.
Response: My gnome says you're welcome and he's happy that you like the sticker flakes. It's hard to maintain the collection since they are nearly as large as he is. :-)
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoy them, Monique, and that I could send you some new ones.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it - I wish I could remember what I sent! Time for me to photograph what I send lol. I scan postcards because I often send the only one I have. And I look at those images when I see ratings. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad the girls arrived safely :-)
Response: After I wrote the card I realized the real reason I didn't visit the Tour Eiffel when I lived in Paris is because I don't like heights. Since then I've climbed other high places so I could probably do it now.
Response: You're welcome. I have fun with the themed swaps and was happy to find I could make a themed sticker flake swap. I'm glad you like them.
Response: I too appreciate a note in a swap and enjoy writing them. Let me know what you think of the books. And please let me know what you recommend!
Response: I'm glad you like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like the card. I wondered how you were faring when I saw your address. (I am an avid reader of the NY Times.) USPS is smart enough to not send mail to areas that are under water. I'm glad the waters are receding.
Response: I recall optimizing the packaging so the memo sheets would not shift into one big pile. This would make the envelope thick and require another 20-cent stamp or -worse- sent back because it didn't have enough postage. I've had that happen! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Boston is a great city and I miss not living there, especially the salt smell of the sea in the air. I'm glad you liked the postcard and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Did you set the aside aside for your birthday or did you open it early? :-)
Response: I'm so glad we sorted this out and that you like everything. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: It's warmed up again, to the 80's. We actually ate outside a couple of evenings this week. I'm glad you liked the package.
Response: Thank you. I fell in love with that tiny blue bird. :-)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You have a good profile and reading it was a pleasure. I'm glad you like the card. Do you visit museums to see old quilts?
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. The state fair is our last fling before the snow starts coming down. It's time to start winterizing.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I always come home from the state fair with a stack of great postcards.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. Your profile makes it easy to choose.
Response: The stars lined up this month - you love Marilyn and I happened come across a few good ones recently. I am still searching for good - or even *any* - Audrey Hepburn cards. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I am thrilled that we agree that he is over the top cute!
Response: You're welcome. I think they are sticky notes and did not open them to verify.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I like those traveling Rilakkuma items and enjoy using them.
Response: You're welcome. I've acquired a few new memo pads so my selection is more diverse.
Response: We are two completely different people :-) I learned from her how to use deco tape on envelopes and I reuse her cello bags for my swaps. I think other similarities are coincidental. I don't resend content that she sends me! I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like everything, Roxanne. I found a pad of cute HK letter paper at the Sanrio store in the Mall of America. It's one of their rare Sanrio Originals. When I read your profile, I thought, Aha! HK activity sheets for your daughter.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the prompt rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you. The note is to keep up with lovely swap-bot friends.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. I had fun collecting things to include. Other things are more flexible for size and I hope you'll find a nice home for the bangles. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Salem is a lovely town with an excellent museum and a nice waterfront. I hope you have time for a day or two there when you next go to Boston. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. All too soon it will be cool enough to send chocolate as an extra, mmmm.... I love cute Nattochan too though the real thing is a little strong for my taste. It's amazing how the exact golden brown color is enough to convey the food nicely.
Response: I'm so glad you like them! Your collection is impressive and so carefully cataloged and photographed. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I mailed the letter from the post office Saturday morning, 2 days ago. I'm glad you liked everything. You'll see the other half of my memo pad collection in the other swap that's on its way! I received two packages from Asia today so the next swap will have new deco tape, letter sets, memo pads.
Response: Seemed obvious to me that all those pens needed some cute writing paper! I'm so glad you enjoyed the swap package and thanks for the heart.
Response: The fair was wonderful. I ate a bag of mini-donuts (free), a corn dog and an ear of roasted corn-on-the-cob. No deep-fried candy bars or pickles. Not that I'm even tempted.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I'm still finding good wintery and snowy cards in other categories but I stopped at two :-) and sent the vintage ad for snow shoes to Thailand via postcrossing.
Response: Thanks and thanks for the heart. I would have even more different tape if that slower than slow shipment had arrived. :-D. Actually I learned to use all the different tapes from your excellent examples.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're wellie welcome! :-D Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. It's nice when I have something that actually fits a profile :-D
Response: You're welcome. And I had some nice stuff from you the other day too.
Response: You're welcome. My favorite pieces in the Boston show were new, in beige and black and white and clear, based on Native American baskets, like variations on his sea urchins.
Response: You're welcome. Making a swap package is as much fun as receiving one. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I looked for the most unusual fruit flavor of gummy because this swap is an adventure. I'm so glad you like them and enjoyed the package. I looked for things that reminded me of visiting Japan. So sorry red bean dessert does not travel well. It's a summer favorite.
Response: You're welcome, Kim. Thanks for the heart. I buy washi tape from She has an etsy shop too.
Response: I think there is some overlap in collections. And we must all have the same excellent taste in kawaii :-D I'm glad you like it and thanks for the heart.
Response: I think that came from Janet Store. So happy a newbie like me can wow you :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Maybe Elvis will turn up. Next time I send a celebrity card I'll put it in an envelope. I'm glad you like tulips too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun thinking of things that might work for matchboxes, because you said you like making them. For me that's a good first step to eventually doing one too.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Native American Indian art is amazing. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad one arrived. Was this naked or enveloped? 8/18 I'm glad the second arrived too. Enjoy.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm looking for more tea guy stuff. I've seen some sticker flakes. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: So fast! I'm glad you like everything. My impression of your profile is that you are adventurous and I figured my swap box could be too. My wrapping is pretty packing materials from our recycling bin. :-)
Response: Walking around the de Cordova is even better than the good view. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Drop Dead Cute cards are among my favorites. I'm so glad you like it. And I love *using* all my kawaii stickers too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for your endorsement on my reading your likes. I might be in NJ before you're in MN - and maybe there's better Indian food there too.
Response: I don't suppose you see many Holsteins in Alabama - I never saw them in India! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're very welcome. I've had fun acquiring memo pads and sharing. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked the card. Seems that when I'm in Europe the most interesting paintings are on loan in the US, like Goya's Maja when we visited the Prado. Plenty to see anyway.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. I enjoy making the packages. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. The original painting is beautiful too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I was hoping you'd like it! It seemed destined to go to you because it matched your profile in several ways.
Response: You're welcome. Making kawaii swap packets is way to play with them. :-D
Response: I'm so glad you like it. I especially like FEARLESS. I'm not deprived - I scan them before they go in the mailbox and I have several more by the same artist. Enjoy!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks also for the hearts and the lovely PM.
Response: You're welcome. Korea is a remarkable country.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked everything. Some packages have arrived on my doorstep rather beaten up so I realized packing is critical. Thanks for rating promptly and for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. I hope you're doing well.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. I find a few special cards like that one at a local Scandinavian store.
Response: I'm so glad you like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. That is an over the top touristy card and about as far from NE as I know. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I had fun packing it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I had fun assembling the packets. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Easy peasy - James Dean is on your list of Favorites. :-D. Thanks for the heart.
Response: My primary objective was to entertain you :-D. I'm glad it worked. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad! Earlier in the week I received a package from Janet Store so I have a nice selection of letter sets now. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I assume this was the first color one - mailed July 5th - showing a vintage cover. Another B&W card of the state fair is on its way. This year's premium booklets:
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: My aunt was a die-hard Reds fan. :-) Thanks for the heart.
Response: Korea is lovely and I liked it. We toured Seoul and the DMZ. I learned about wedding ducks and traditional clothing and ceramics and history. We stayed in Daejon for a conference too.
Response: Thanks for the rating. We'll sort this out. :-D
Response: Packaging is an interesting paper engineering problem that I'm playing with. Who knows what will come to mind next? Thanks for the hearts. :-D
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: I think I'm a paper engineer at heart. I wonder if I could make a pop-up package for sticker flakes? Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome & thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I thought you would especially enjoy that one :-) Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. The contents overlap a bit don't they? Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I had fun making the package. Thanks for the heart.
Response: What a great idea. A favorites sack! I'm going to make one when I get home. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I will check out me scanned copy when I get home. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like the tiny package. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I thought that photo of Sponge Bob on an updated log flume ride is a nice double play on the word vertical! If you haven't visited MOA recently, that card shows Camp Snoopy rebranded. Thanks for the heart. Let me know when you come to town and I'll take you round to my favorite postcard shops.
Response: You're welcome you're welcome you're welcome :-) Sentimental Circus is a favorite of mine too and hard to find. Thanks for the heart.
Response: So glad you liked it. Maybe the first one will show up in another 3-4 days, before the card for the next PC swap!
Response: I'm glad you like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad! The mountains remind me of pictures I've seen of mountains in China - the source of all dragon myths.
Response: I'm happy when I have a card that's spot on - that's exactly why I chose it. :-D You've welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. Will you swap them out or do you collect new ones?
Response: The pen came from my local art supply store If you call I'm sure they would send you some. I'm glad you enjoy the package. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you enjoy the card. Thanks for the heart. He's back home at Fort Drum now.
Response: I have sent you quite a few cards, haven't I? And another is on its way. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for all the hearts. :-) I took me a while after I moved here to figure out where to shop in Minnesota. I've settled on a few favorite shops and few chain stores, and online is a great help.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it and thanks for the heart. The hike to view that waterfall is nice, through northern Minnesota woods. Are you on postcrossing as well?
Response: It was a fun swap to assemble. We must have the same taste because the goodies were things I had on hand. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. It will be hard to receive such wonderful ratings when I come to the end of that LOTR postcard book.
Response: I'm so glad; thanks for the heart. I like new leaves in a the spring; my partner likes walking in fallen leaves. That contrast must say something!
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for sharing the contents of the blind box - it is *so* kawaii.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. Thanks for the heart. If your profile likes included jelly bellies I would have sent more - there were lots of choices. Next time. :-D
Response: And it's all true of course! Thanks for the heart.
Response: It's great that you're getting caught up. Thanks for the heart and the rating.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: It was a treat to wake up to completely different bird songs in India than what I hear in Minnesota. I did not know to look for birds when I visited Sri Lanka. Thanks for the heart.
Response: That and Swedish visiting cake (too long for a postcard) are my quick treats for unexpected visitors. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. I strive to please :-) Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - I have fun putting these together. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you love it - I do too. Thanks for the heart. BTW I've participated in several B&W postcard swaps I found by using Find Swaps > Category: Postcards > Search.
Response: This waterfall was the site of a CCC project and the state park has gorgeous buildings. Now it's closed because Minnesota is shut down. :-(
Response: I agree - I was looking for a special opportunity to send one of those cards - Lucky me - I have a whole book of them!
Response: I found this and similar cards at Froggie's 5 & 10 in Dallas. In MN Found Image Press cards turn up at the state historical society and more eclectic gift shops. Online source is
Response: You're welcome - any time. Thanks for the heart and helping me learn how to manage my swaps.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. Your profile was a great inspiration. When you said you like scented pens, it was a clue that you might like other scented items. I think we also have similar tastes.
Response: I'm so glad I hit the nail on the head! I've had that card for a while, just waiting for the right person to whom to send it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. May Rachel Carson inspire you!
Response: I'm so glad you like the sencha tea - it's a favorite of mine. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I selected the the map card I sent you because it's different from what you sell from your postcard website. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart, Helena!
Response: It arrived so quickly! I'm glad it all worked out. Thanks for *all* the hearts.
Response: Thank you both for the rating and the heart. Safe travels home.
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I found a few things like the woodland reptile stickers before we had partners and then some things were perfect for your kids.
Response: :-) my spouse went to Germany for a conference and brought me back a stack of math postcards showing pretty pictures of equations. Haven't figured out who gets one of those yet! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm lucky that Minnesota has great scenery outside the Cities. Makes for great postcards and holidays. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your encouraging words. I'm sure you're a great teacher. Perhaps you can tell me the best way to manage Lola, and what size needle you recommend?
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. People seem to like the local maps as well as the statewide maps so I'll watch for more.
Response: I so glad you liked it. The card must have gone into all the right bags just before they left to travel so fast. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: It was a lovely relaxing trip, just what I needed. You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating me and thanks for the heart. The other card is a covered bridge - a safe place for horses because they couldn't see the height over the water though I think that it's really so snow doesn't pile up and make the bridge fall - based on my experience living here in MN!
Response: Yes I think so to :-D. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad one arrived. Thanks for the heart and the hug.
Response: I have a book of these cards and love sending them to fellow fans like you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Love the pun! :-D Thanks for the heart.
Response: And if you ever come to Minnesota she can go on the Dora ride at the Nick them park! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. I had fun putting it together. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I like that card because it shows all the construction details that enabled it to stand strong against lake effect weather. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: The recipe is an easy way to start - no bechamel sauce, just folding in egg whites. My trick is to turn the bowl while folding from the edge. Internet aid abounds. Thanks for the heart.
Response: The card is from a set of vintage world maps. I was happy this swap did not specify a state map because I love these cards. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I'm glad you liked the card.
Response: Nestor Falls *is* a nice place. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. For views of Dallas, I prefer the older photos. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like the jasmine pearls. It's one of my favorites. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you liked the Chagall artwork. It's one of my favorites.
Response: My sister-in-law is a children's librarian. I learned that the Redwall books are heavily promoted for summer reading so I'll wait until fall to start my trek! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. Dallas is more interesting in vintage photos.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. It's one of my favorites too.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I had a complaint-free week when I was on vacation! You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: That makes you adventurous! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad Gauguin is a favorite of yours too.
Response: You're welcome. It's always nice to share these with a fellow space geek. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm so glad you like it. I found the origami paper several weeks ago and figured that I'd find someone interested in both origami and kawaii - you!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart. The saguaro cactus are amazing to see up close and until I saw that postcard I did not know that it was food too.
Response: You're welcome. Happy travels eventually. Thanks for the heart.
Response: She does look kind. She probably served food that kids liked! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. I love sailing and the image on that card catches the feel. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I so glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I bought the postcard book because I don't have many tulips growing in my yard either. The bunnies love the buds. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. Let me know if you'd like me to email you electronic copies of any. I have many already typed.
Response: You're welcome. I knew it was a card that requires special appreciation!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes - amazing in terms of the country and Buddhism and the people. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. I can't wait to see what comes my way.
Response: I'm so glad you like it - I guessed - if you like Warhol you'd like Roy too - and the water. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Same here. I would be happy to have more direct contact. Thanks for the heart.
Response: That was super-fast! I'm so glad you liked everything.
Response: Ah - the Mississippi River lighthouse! I lived in Maine and am always surprised to find sweetwater lighthouses. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome - it is one of a kind! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. We have lots of flowers at the moment - violets, tulips, hellebore, trout lily and trillium, because the leaves on the trees are still small and let lots of light through to the ground. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it. There's a whole guidebook on the topic. It includes the locations of factories that make the marvels. Apparently they have interesting scrapyards. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Always a pleasure to send one of these card to someone who lists Tolkien as a favorite.
Response: You're welcome. I'll watch for your address.
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart <3
Response: Cool is the right word, in the winter without central heating! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. What's the best way to keep track of what I send out?!!
Response: Paris was wonderful & foreign. Later after I'd been to Asia it wasn't so foreign! Order counts.
Response: It's great to have the opportunity to share the postcards I've collected in my travels.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Yup! You're welcome.
Response: I've been to the Philadelphia museum but not in many years. There's also the Asian Society in NYC. Internet visits perhaps?
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Haven't worked on public sites lately. I worked on in 2008.
Response: Your welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome, Draco :-) Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I wonder if anyone in our area is arranging meet-ups.
Response: I'm so glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it - I had great fun thinking about and writing the answers.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the note too.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the *double* hearts - so cute!
Response: I'm glad you like it.
Response: Glad you like it! Yes, the postman sticker is from Wet Paint. I sent a sheet for a sticker swap recently too.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy spoiling people :-D
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. It's from a postcard book of classic English children's illustrations - all are beautiful. I might get out to the garden tomorrow if we don't get too much rain tonight.
Response: Yw. A European sculpted the statue. The falls are named after Longfellow's epic poem "The Song of Hiawatha" which was based on the ethnographic work of Schoolcraft, an early explorer of Minnesota. See for more details. The wikipedia photo is of the same statue.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you and your daughter liked it.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Though it's time to start scanning what I send so I can interact better :-).
Response: Northern NY is beautiful and the people were nice. I guess they don't know that 1000 Islands is more than a salad dressing.
Response: We enjoyed visiting Korea. It's a beautiful country. One interesting factoid - in the 15th century the king had an alphabet invented for Korean so more people could learn to read, rather than having to learn Chinese characters.
Response: You're welcome. It's the only national park in MN. There are other important sites like Pipestone.
Response: I'm so glad you like everything. I had fun choosing the contents.