Swap-bot Time: October 20, 2024 2:59 pm


Date Joined: April 30, 2009
Last Online: June 16, 2021
Birthday: January 11
Country: United States

About Me

Note: I was laid off from my job 3/23/2020, and will probably stop swapping for the time being. For now a better way to reach out to me is via email at Jawcwarner@aol.com. Be well, swappers!

I am a travel professional in Colorado who does not get to travel near as much as I'd like. Been married 35 years as of May 1st and have two terrific sons (yes, I'm the Mom to the Warner Brothers!). I collect bells and almost anything related to nuns and the 1960s TV show that Sally Field stared in, The Flying Nun (I have a shrine in the basement and I blame eBay for it!). My favorite color is purple, and I love moose too. When I was a kid I was going to grow up and marry Rod Taylor (star of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds and the original Time Machine-sadly, he passed away in 2014). When I was a teenager I was going to grow up and marry Rod Stewart (who still has got it after all those years-his concerts are so fun!). I went to work for an airline when I was 19 and traveled all over thinking I'd meet Mr. Right in some far away place. So who did I end up marrying? The boy next door! (Alas, his name is NOT Rod!)

Update as of Feb. 2015 -- I'm still a Military Mom, but now only with my older son. He is a few months into a U.S. Army deployment to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba that is scheduled to run thru Sept. You'd think communications would be good when it's just 90 miles off the south coast of Florida, but they're not at all and a letter takes 3 weeks usually to get there so it's very hard. Very proud of him and miss him very much. He did get to come home for three days last Thanksgiving, which was great. And, as it turns out, was long enough to do other personal things other than just family things as come August I will be a GRANDMOTHER!!! He and his girlfriend are expecting. It's difficult with them being apart, but we will help her out and pray that she goes full term and that he can come home for the birth before wrapping up the deployment at Git-mo. My younger son decided that Military Intelligence wasn't as exciting as shown in the movies and he left to pursue a career in the Financial Industry as a Mortgage Underwriter. Not sure that's where he'll stay, but it's a good paying job for a guy in his mid 20's, that's for sure.

Update as of Aug. 4, 2015 -- Well, I'm a Grandma! Little Madalynn Marie was born 3 weeks early tonight weighing in at 5 lbs., 12 ozs. My son was not here for her birth and won't get to come home till mid Sept. when the Git-mo tour ends. He was able to Facetime with his girlfriend from the birthing room at the hospital but after about 20 hours of labor several things occurred that make a C-Section necessary. His phone was dying (only place w/internet to do Facetime was at a pool hall) and he didn't have his iPhone charger so we said goodbye, trying to assure him everything would be okay. Nothing like seeing your son in total agony with tears coming down his eyes, but in the end it was okay. Baby and Mom are doing good; we just have to get Maddie's Daddy home asap!

Update Sept. 5 - My son's unit is home! He's gone from soldier to Daddy in the span of one afternoon. Changed his first diaper too - that's my boy!

Favorite Books

How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn. One of the best books ever written. The John Ford 1941 movie based on the book won the academy award for Best Picture that year, but the book is really much better-reads like Welsh poetry! (And honest to God if you do read it you'll know where they got the idea for Yoda from Star Wars to speak the way he does!)I also read many history books and biographies and although for the most part I find fiction a waste of time, I do enjoy Andrew Greeley novels, particularly his "Irish" series. I just got a Kindle Fire (love it!) and am reading a very good book that many people have told me over the years that I would love--Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. At over 1,000 pages I was always very intimidated to start it, but with the Kindle I'm not carrying around such a heavy book. I'm about a fifth of the way through and do really like it. Once I'm done with the book, I'm going to try to watch the 2010 mini-series based on it (always better to read the book first, don't you think?).

Favorite Movies

Movies based on Jane Austin books--Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Predjudice. I liked The Da Vinci Code a lot and just loved Angels and Demons even though I haven't read Dan Brown's books. Also love an oldy called The Miracle of the Bells-stared Fred MacMurray and a very young Frank Sinatra as a Catholic priest. Anything with Jimmy Stewart, Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, and Rod Taylor (The Birds and the original Time Machine) I love too. In the Sci-Fi genre, I like the Star Trek but don't care for Star Wars. The King's Speech is a newer favorite--Collin Firth and Geoffrey Rush were fabulous in that!

Favorite Television

I'm trying to watch less TV, but ones I like quite a bit are: Game Of Thrones, Antiques Roadshow, Genealogy Roadshow, Nashville, NCIS, NCIS New Orleans Elementary, The Big Bang Theory, Enjoyed Big Little Lies quite a bit, and I'm loving Genius (about Albert Einstein) on the Natl. Geographic Channel. We are big Denver Broncos fans at my house too, and the MLB Colorado Rockies seem to be quite fun to watch this year (2017) and FOR REAL!

Favorite Crafts

Cross stitch projects that take from a week to a full year. I stitch while I watch TV--less guilt about it if I'm doing something else at the same time! I've done needlepoint, bargello, and rug hooking too. I'm new to envelope making, and think it's quite nifty too!

other hobby

I live, eat, and breath my departed ancestors and go to cemeteries for FUN! I have Swedish, English, Irish, Welsh, and German Bohemian ancestry. Something that's quite unusual on my Dad's side of my family is that his Dad was 48 years old when he was born (Dad did have five older sisters). My Dad married late in life and was 48 years old when I was born too. So although I was born in 1960, my grandfather, just two generations distant, was born in 1864 when Abraham Lincoln was President! In most families, that would be four generations spread over almost 100 years. Sometimes it was hard, however. Like when my Dad took me to the father/daughter tea in elementary school--all my friends asked my why my Grandfather brought me instead of my Dad! I did my Ancestry.com DNA test and found out I'm more British than most British people are these days!

Favorite Music

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, but I like a lot of varying types of music too. For Christmas 2009 my husband got me a turntable to play all the 33 1/3 albums I've had stashed in a corner of the basement for years. I'm now going thru and listening to over 100 rock albums from the 70s and 80s. My sons (the Warner Bros., are fascinated with vinyl records! They are astounded that they sound as good as they do and no longer think digital has to be much better than anything else. Rock on! The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Tom Petty, Rod Stewart, Foreigner, Boston, REO Speedwagon, Styx, Fleetwood Mac, The Who, AC/DC, etc. How fun is that?!

Deltiology, 101

I've been into deltiology (collecting postcards!) for many years-since I was a teenager on a study trip in Europe and even earlier. When I was a kid growing up in the 60's, my Dad worked in the Dead Letter Office for the U.S. Postal Service. Postcards most often don't have return addresses on them, so he'd bring them home sometimes if they were found to be undeliverable and if he thought they looked interesting. Some of my favorite ones of that era were 3-D cards-- one of an astronaut on the moon, and one of Snow White and the Seven Dwarf's! I also have a good deal of very old p.c's that were mailed to family members over 100 years ago-those are true keepers! One of those was from my Grandfather to my Dad, mailed from Tenn. to Colorado Springs, CO. On the front, there is a drawing of two gentlemen walking along side a tall building. To the men, the building seems to be moving-well, it's because they're very drunk! On the back, my Grandfather wrote, "Billy, you must NEVER come home like this!". Grandfather was quite the tea-totaler, that's for sure. Another was post marked from the top of Pike's Peak and sent by my Grandmother (who died in 1917!) to her brother. I have bought p.c.'s on eBay (many of places my ancestors lived in), and when I've booked a trip for someone going to a place I don't think I'll ever make it to myself, I'll ask them to bring me back a card or two (booking newspaper reporters to the Middle East is how I've gotten cards from Kuwait, Iran, Afghanistan, and several other countries). I have fourteen boxes full of postcards, two full of ones just from my home state of Colorado, six full of the rest of the USA, and then several others devoted to the rest of the world and specialty subjects. I have to admit that I'm not really thrilled about ad cards. Sending cards to me naked (no envelope) is great as I think it gives the card character (as long as the post office doesn't mangle it going thru their machines). When a swap calls for sending in an envelope or if when it's for a multiple card swap, however, please go ahead and use the envie! Really I'm very easy to please I think! I am a member of the Denver Postcard Club.

philatelic endeavors

I like postage stamps quite a bit but have learned that the walk-in U.S. Post Office is NOT the place to buy them! My local P.O. never seems to have much in the way of stamps. I recently wanted a page of U.S. postcard stamps and all they had to sell me was a roll of 100 of them! (When I told the guy I didn't want that many because the price of them is going up soon, he wasn't even aware of that!) Other times they've told me they were out of very common types of stamps. I looked around, and asked the guy, "This IS the Post Office, right?!" I've taken to ordering what I want/need thru their webite (usps.com) and find a lot of really cool stamps that way. They've put me on their mailing list for the USPS stamp collecting magazine (USA Philatelic) that comes out quarterly too. Lots of cool new U.S. stamps coming out in 2012! If you're sending a pc or an envelope to me snail mail and can use interesting stamps on it, I'd really appreciate it! I'm too cheap to keep many unused--I send out what I buy to others.

postcard preferences

I like map cards quite a bit, but probably have most of the current ones out there for the USA. More collectible for me now are ones that are region specific like cities, and I like ones that show airline routes too. If you think it's unusual, I'd probably like it a lot.

These remaining U.S. State Capitol cards I have one of, but they're very old (linen style of the 40's mostly). Would like to get a new card of the State Capitol of the following states: Delaware.

I'm working on getting a lot of lighthouse cards. Living in land-locked Colorado makes this tough, but if you have one and get me for a sender's choice pc swap, please consider sending me that one! I've gotten to the point that it's the lesser known ones that I need now though.

I'm also interested in U.S. President cards--not so much cards of the men themselves, but of their burial places/graves, homes, and museums/libraries.

Other cards that would make me very happy --UNESCO World Heritage sites, Olympics (any year, Summer or Winter) Royalty, Rock and Roll Bands/Artists, Sporting events like Super Bowl, FIFA World Cup, etc. But I'm really not picky--I love city views, landscapes, nature, Lantern Press cards, pretty much everything!

Postcards with cut-outs I like quite a bit too, and have some available for trade: 1. An Ohio state map card with a cutout of the state shape in the bottom right corner. 2. An Arizona desert card with a cutout of the shape of a suguaro cactus on the top right corner. IM me if you have a cutout card to trade for any of the types I have.

Also have a Phoenix Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesin West home postcard that I'd like to trade for another F.L.W. home postcard. IM me if interested.

If you've read this much, congratulations!


JennJenn rated for Random PC Swap #3 on Apr 6, 2021
Comment: Thanks so much for the beautiful postcard. Im sorry to hear about your career. Things have been difficult for do many. I hope the best for you and your loved ones during this time.
Response: Thanks and take care!
ayahsantos rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #210 on Mar 26, 2021
Comment: Thank you so much Carol! Take Care always!
simcoe54 rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #210 on Mar 25, 2021
Comment: Thanks for the great postcards. It was nice to hear from you again. Missed you at my mailbox.
laterdayze rated for Random PC Swap #3 on Mar 18, 2021
Comment: LOVE the postcard, thank you! I've always wanted to go there! Maybe someday.
simcoe54 rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #188 on Apr 25, 2020
Comment: Great postcard selection. Thank you!
Response: Thanks--so glad it finally arrived!
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful Estes Park postcard!
matt319 rated for Random PC Swap #2 on Apr 10, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the colorful postcard and sharing your TV shows with me.
MamaMangrove rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #188 on Mar 22, 2020
Comment: Thanks for the cards, Carol. At least the mail is still being delivered (knock wood). Sorry your travel agenting has been so heavily impacted. I'm retired so no worries about losing my job, unlike so many folks I know. Stay well.
Response: Thanks much - I was laid off Monday so will be home now other than to walk the dog and once a week to the grocery store. Be well/stay well yourself too!
suepier rated for Let's travel! PC on Mar 10, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the great postcard and sharing your trip with me.
ToujoursMoi rated for Postcard with a Prompt.. #4 on Mar 9, 2020
Comment: Thank you so very much for your postcard. I could so relate to what you wrote about being afraid of heights. So am I
LadyJo rated for Let's travel! PC on Mar 6, 2020
Comment: Thank you for sharing about this small town! It looks like if I get to this state, this is a town I would want to see!
Zefaniya rated for Postcard with a Prompt.. #4 on Mar 5, 2020
Comment: I’ve been to the Royal bridge (my husband & I are thinking about moving to CC) and yeahhh it was scary...so was the tram.
squince rated for 4 postcards in an envelope #5 on Mar 2, 2020
Comment: Great cards!
2Hearts rated for Three Postcards in an Envelope #7G on Feb 29, 2020
Comment: Loved the 3+1 Postcards!
Comment: Hi, Carol :D Love each card you sent. Thank you so much ❤️
CHOWEFACE rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #187 on Feb 27, 2020
Comment: i love all you've sent & the detailed description of them! thanks Carol!
Comment: Thanks for amazing postcards, especially Colorado collage and Solvang. The bushfires here are now contained and under control, thankfully. Best wishes, Jenny.
Zefaniya rated for 4 postcards in an envelope #5 on Feb 25, 2020
Comment: Yay, thanks for the Colorado postcards!
Lonestarchild rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #187 on Feb 25, 2020
Comment: Great cards! Really enjoyed the one of the Ghanaian cloth -- I have some of that (really beautiful!) from when we lived there. Thank you!

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susieq11 on Feb 22, 2021:

Hi Carol!! : )

susieq11 on Jul 2, 2020:

Wanted to say HI and see how you’re doing!! : )

goinjenny on Sep 29, 2019:

Thank you for the birthday card!! That was very sweet of you!!

CurlyTea on Jan 16, 2019:

Happy Birthday!

jenmcjen on Jan 12, 2019:

widelo123 on Jan 12, 2019:

Wanted to wish you a belated birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day! Shirley

isabellasnow on Jan 2, 2019:

Happy January Birthday from WIYM Group!

CurlyTea on Jan 12, 2018:

Happy Birthday!

TrishaLSmith on Oct 28, 2017:

I received your Colorado postcard. We just got back today and are already planning another trip there in the Spring. We fell in LOVE with Colorado Springs. Hopefully one day we will call it home as well.

shirleyinCA on Sep 6, 2016:

Thanks for the Mary Jane postcard - definitely the most unique card in my collection!

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