Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Thank you for the heart ! I usually just eat a bowl of Cereal with milk !!!
Response: thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: So glad you liked it ! Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Kind comment. ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! and Nice Comment !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! and your great Comment !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and enjoy the teas.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and for the message you sent me. ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and kind comment !
Response: Thank you for the Heart! and hope you like the cakes..
Response: Thank you ! ! !
Response: Love that you rated a Heart for Nothing ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Happy New Year ! !
Response: So Glad You are encouraged by all the scripture I sent, have fun reading them all.. Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: We had over 20 inches of Snow between Nov. 29 and 30th.. we got together today for our Thanksgiving. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Hope you like the Recipes ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Hope you liked my List?
Response: So glad you like the little Gal I sewed for you... Hugs and thank you for hosting this swap and for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and kind comments..Hugs.
Response: Thank you for the kind words and for the Heart and quick Rating ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! We are having our Thanksgiving on Nov.30 with my sons/wives/grandkids
Response: Thank you for the Heart Blessings !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Enjoy !
Response: Thank you and yes the baked Oatmeal cake is good, You can add some fruit if wanted.. thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank You for the Heart ! ! Smiles
Response: I just got 3 more butternut squash from a veggie stand in front of Amish family Home.. Thank you for the Heart.. ! ! !
Response: Glad you liked them and can use them.. Thank you for the Heart! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and rating. I love to make Bookmarks.. and the one with the Decoupage and stitching is one I have used for several years- My idea.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! !! I can't resist book either...
Response: Thank you for rating so quickly. I just found several more cookie recipes from Taste of Home I want to try.. ! ! !
Response: I love Pineapple in almost everything even on Pizza ! Thank you for the lovely comment and Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I have more apples to pick up under our trees.. Going to put the apples in our Garage fridge.. can't remember what is planted but they are good enough for Pies...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Blessings for September.. I get distracted easily and have so much to do ! ! ! some days I don't get anything done.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I can't remember what Tea I sent but enjoy it anyways ! !
Response: Hope you like them when you make them.. thank you for the quick rating.
Response: So Glad you liked it.. !!! Thank you for the Heart and Kind Comment !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Hope you have some neat projects in mind.
Response: 1 stamp - I could have sent MORE! !
Thank you for the Heart ! ! Have a Great Day!
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! and may lighthouses always show us the Way just like God Does..
Response: Take time to Breath and enjoy Nature! Thank you for the Wonderful Comment and the Heart !
Response: Yep finally got the Potholders done and sent out the other day.. Just need a bigger spot ( I mean cleared out spot) to sew ! so much Fabric and so many distractions ! **Thank you for the Heart**
Response: I have to Limit the amount of ice cream I eat but make every spoon full count- Chocolate fudge with Pecans was my last little bowl.. Thank you for the Heart and Fun Comment!!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Being my Swap partner for the month of July 2024... Hugs and Blessings
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I need to clean off my ironing board and sewing table again.. LOL Have a pot holder in the works right now..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and kind comment.
Response: Catching up on responding to Ratings.. Thank you for the Heart ! ! and the info about your Family get togethers !
Response: Love Hearts and the Folks that use them. Had a wonderful time and Great Food !
Response: Thank you another envie coming soon..
Thank you for the Heart and kind comment...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Kind comment..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Wonderful Comment !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I was Blessed by your Comment.
Response: Hope you are enjoying the Mug Rug and the tea I sent. Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Yep have to be in the mood when baking otherwise they are called Experiments ! ! ! LOL Thank you !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Hard for me to get pages out of a book if its not just old and torn and falling apart.. Glad they arrived and Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Made 6 pies for our church fundraiser which was held this past thursday.. Love baking just not the clean up ! ! !
Response: So Glad you like it and you can use it.. You can put other tube drink mixes in there too.. Was going to try to get different coffees but didn't get to town.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! I love making bookmarks !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and the Blessing of having you be my Faith Sister for March. almost time to leave for Church which starts at 9:30 AM.
Response: Tweet Tweet, Thank you for the Kind Heart for this swap... Hugs !
Response: Hope you can use all I sent ! Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I always check profiles for ideas no matter the Swap. Glad you liked them. isn't it amazing how electronic emails can travel the World...! ! ! We had melting sun yesterday and it snowed again last night. 29* F here right now.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I need more practice !!
Response: Thank you for the heart. and Glad you can use the teapot Swap Cards...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Kind comment. ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: So glad you like it ! and Thank you for your kind Comment. and Heart. Have you ever gotten a Fabric Book mark from me? If not send me a message !
Response: Have a Great Day/!
Response: Thank you for Rating but the month isn't done yet! ! more to come
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! and the quick rating. we had lots of Wind here today (2/15) + Huge Snowflakes and Rain.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! !! Thank you for the Great Comment !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and kind Comment !
Response: Lucky I had greens !!! Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ~!
Response: We will have to get together as soon as the weather gets Better ! ! !Thank you for the Heart and quick Rating!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! and I will have to look back to see...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! and the Blueberries ! ! ! I eat frozen Blueberries-so refreshing in the summer tossed into lemonade or ice tea..
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! and will have to Read your profile again.! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Hugs ! !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Responding so Quickly ! !
Response: Love reading Profiles so I can find out about others with out being Nosey !
Response: I also would like to visit Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavian countries and Alaska, have been to Bogota, Columbia in SA and all over the USA. wow quick rating Thank you! 37*F and Rainy here in NE corner of Ohio. Hugs!
Response: Thank you for the Nice comment...
Response: Thank you for Rating.
Response: Thank you for the kind comment and for the Heart. ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart,, another envie will be on its way soon.
Response: So Glad it arrived.. Thank you for the Heart. What did you like about it!
Response: Thank you for the Heart... will have to work on Goals...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I am going to make a Blackberry/red raspberry Cobbler this afternoon..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and quick Rating- I just found a Recipe for a Blackberry Cobbler, Bill brought in a package of frozen Raspberries to use in it Too... So many cookbooks and so many recipes !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! We are getting snow/Rain and very Windy here 41*.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Can't wait til you get your Bookmarks I made.
Happy New Year to You too.
Response: Couldn't resist the available Paper..
Thank you for the quick rating and heart !
Response: So glad that this resend arrived... Hate loosing stuff in the mail.. Thank you for your Great Comment ! ! !
Response: Thank you so much for the Heart and Christmas Wishes !!
Response: So glad you like them and can use them !
Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and the Kind comment... Guess that is the Artist in my and my love of Color..
Response: Joy to the World- Thank you for the Heart !
Response: So glad the Ornament arrived ! Thank you for the Heart ! 50* F here today, we had a huge Snow on Monday night into Tuesday morning we got 13 Inches of Snow, my husband had to use Snow Blower to clear Driveway, path to mail box and out the back door so we could take dog out..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I have 1 more to mail out!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving !
Response: With these chilly days a cup of Hot Tea is Enjoyed. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Just catching up on responses. Thank you for the Heart and Kind Comment ...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Glad What I sent put a Smile in your Heart !
Response: Glad you liked the bookmarks and Thank you for the Heart ! Just catching up on Responses.
Response: So glad you like it, bet the girls had fun with the animals.. Thank you for the Heart and hope we swap again sometime..
Response: Love my Mug of Tea ! Thank you for the Heart ! and enjoy your cup of Tea.! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I just got my partner's Swap in today's mail.
Response: Glad you liked the Bookmarks ! Thank you for the Hearts.. : ) so what are you reading now?
Response: THANK YOU for the quick rating and for the Heart ! Yes I have been saving those food related stamps.. !
Response: Well what song did you listen to today during your Exercise 3 minutes of Movement? Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Heck my routine gets mixed up daily or even by the hour LOL... Thank you for Rating quickly !
Response: Thank you for the Heart...Lucky I had the Card in my Stash. Postcards are kinda hard to find around here unless I go up to RT 90 to the Truck Stop !
Response: Thank you for Hosting and for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart - I am catching up on Responses !
Response: So Glad it arrived and you love everything. Maybe use the Tote to hold your next project as you are working on it like your Crochet projects... Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Can't go wrong with Brown as a Starter for masculine Cards, navy Blue, dark Green, Maroon etc. think Dogs, Horses, Ships, Cowboys, Tools etc. I just happened to pick up the Cactus Stamp at a Yard Sale couple months ago.. Thank you for the Heart ! I have been saving those stamps with the cowboy theme.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I love Fall and thank you for joining this Swap !
Response: Thank you for the Heart, had a hard time trying to figure out what to send so hope you can use them.. cut them into pieces etc.
Thank You for your Kind Comments and the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and your Kind Comment.! ! !
Response: October is a nice month to visit here : Ashtabula County Covered Bridge Festival and Barn Quilt Trail. Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: I used to take my kindle with me to clients homes so I could read if I had time after other chores.. Thank you so much for the quick Rating and for the Heart !
Response: Glad things are going better for you.
Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart, nice to have Free Postcards to send instead of having to buy them !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Kind Comment.. Love my Fabric Bookmarks, making 2 more today ( 9/14/2023)
Response: Thank you for the Heart. and I am reading your email. !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and quick rating..Hope you can use everything in the Package..! ! Thank you for the Great Comment ! I love Tea too !
Response: So glad you liked it.. seems like we need some more FUN in our Days ! Thank you for the Heart ! from mine to yours..
Response: Thank you so much for the Heart ! This was a Fun Swap and very Creative. Put my mind and hands to work !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Smile !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I am not a Spicy food person either..
Response: Thank you for the rating, and Heart ! We made pickles this past Th Fr and Sat. Picked Blueberries 4 qts so far this year. better than the handful last year.. Made Lemon zest Blueberry Mini Muffins for my 50th Class Reunion Breakfast on July 30.
Response: Thank you for the Kind Comments and the Heart ! Will send you PM.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and quick rating. I need to be more Positive !
Response: Thank you for the Qick Rating ! !
Response: Thank You for the Heart and glad that you can use them..
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! Keep Cool its Hot and muggy here in NR Ohio.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: I love Pizza too, thank you for quick Rating.
Response: So glad you liked them and Thank you for the Heart ! ! Hugs !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I did some baking on Saturday and made 2 batches of Scones. ( dried Apricots in one and chopped apples and shred. Cheddar Cheese in the other.
Response: Hope my Blueberries do good this year, I just put Flash tape all over to scare the birds. and we had several Frosts 2 weeks ago. Thank you for the Heart. I just made scones this past sat. with chopped dried apricots.
Response: Thank you for the kind words... ! ! and thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Hope you can use all I sent.
Response: Thank you for the Heart! I also worked on the Pinto car line Seats. and carrier AC filter line, Sureline Paint Brushes and other Auto jobs.
Response: Thank you for the Heart, another Swap Member had sent me the Glitter pens and I like adding a touch of shine to my writings.
Thank you for the Heart ! I am just catching up here responding.. Hugs.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and enjoy the bookmarks.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Had a project I was working on that I didn't get done... so soon you will have a Surprise package in your mail box. Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your Family.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Glad it arrived.. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! its Fun to save up odd pieces of Cardboard to send messages on!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Easy to make but In my head I think too hard.
Response: Love answering these Scattegori type - I try to get more uncommon answers.. thank you for the heart. I just don't want to eat Jerky Ice Cream - LOL
Response: Thank you for the Heart and glad you liked everything and Hope you will have another Swap similar to this in May. April is busy month for me.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Love doing similar Swap again.
Response: Glad you got your postcard ! and quick Rating.
Response: So Glad the **Goodness Package** arrived and you can use the items. wasn't sure about the apron but it has oranges on it! ! ! Hugs and Blessings!
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I love making Bookmarks ! and the Stitching is fun too. Maybe we could do a Private just because Swap some day - I love bookmarks.
Response: Glad this one finally got there.. I just had another envie that took 3 weeks to get to me.. Enjoy ! ! Thank you for the Heart. Never know the others may show up in 3 months ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and so far we haven't had any more Snow but that could change any time.. LOL
Thank you for the Heart. and I am taking a Raspberry Coffee Cake to share to the breakfast.
Response: Thank You for the Heart! ! ! Also when preparing a Recipe cut up the onions, and other veggies the night before, then all you have to do is dump them in the pot to cook. Almost no clean up! ! !
Response: Thanks for the Heart! hate to cut up those pretty catalogs but they come in handy for Crafting. Most often we can't even plant outdoors till middle of May.
Response: Thank you for the Heart! I love to make Muffins, the last I made was Apple with Shredded Cheese and some Roasted Cornmeal muffins. Especially when warm out of the oven with Butter !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I love making muffins !
Response: I have gotten several of these jars with everything in it- handy Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Glad it arrived and Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you ! Didn't know if it went through or not because one of the addresses I was to send to came back as not deliverable to.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Love these Swaps !
Response: I have made close to 50 of these bookmarks ! and I also recycle parts of food boxes for bookmarks too. I just hate tossing something if I can't use it ! Thank you for the Heart!
Response: Glad you like the Bookmark and Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and enjoy your cup of Tea !
Response: I like reading others answers too. and some times see unusual ones. Thank you for Rating quickly ! ! !
Response: Free books on Book Funnel sometimes.. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and hope you are using the Coaster ! !
Response: Thank you, I was just going to look to see if you had gotten it yet. Thank you for the Kind Comment and the Heart ! ! ! ! ! !
Response: Prayers for your Health improvement and Hugs and Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you and Hope to see you in other Swaps soon.
Response: You are Welcome and Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and may you have a Blessed September !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and your kind words.. Blessings for September.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! ! Haven't had much time the past few months to do much cooking- between being busy and too Hot ! ! Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I love writing letters but my hand writing not so good.
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I am catching up on responding to ratings. been busy with sorting and pricing for another Estate Sale.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Lemon is always a Refreshing Flavor.! ! !
Response: Thank you for The Heart ! ! ! Hugs and Blessings.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! its fun finding things for this kind of Swap.
Response: Hugs and Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! and Glad you liked everything !
Response: Wow that was fast ! Thank you for Rating quickly! ! !
Response: Yes Glad you liked everything and for the Heart. God Bless America !
Response: Thank you for the Heart! Glad you liked everything..
Response: the Hectic weekend had my son and family visiting,, Thank you for the heart.
Response: Hugs and more Hearts- Thank you ! ! ! I love Bookmarks !
Response: So glad you liked everything and A big Thank you for the Heart ! Glad you liked Ohio.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and your kind words... our bulletin is very small only just 1 sheet of paper folded..the pastor used to do an Email with all the info during the time we were not having services inside..
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Glad you have a project in Mind... I love Blue and White themes..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and glad that you liked your package.. and quick rating..
Response: Thank you for the Heart! and blessings for you for being my Faith Sister too..
Response: I probably missed a few- Smile ! ! Thank you for the Quick Rating.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Glad you like it !! !
Response: Thank you very much for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart. and the Kind words...
Response: Glad you liked it and Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for your Prayers and for the Heart.
Response: I like adding Crunchy cereal to my vanilla Ice cream and Yogurt. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Hope your new Dishcloth enjoys washing your dishes..! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Yep for sure, Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Glad you liked it, Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: I love Old fashioned Oatmeal with a touch of Brown Sugar and Milk. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! ! ! !
Thank you for joining this swap.
Response: Thank you for the Heart, 3rd envie going out today. (3/29)
Response: Thank you for the Heart, More on the way ! !
Response: So Glad you like it! ! Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and update on your family!
Response: Glad you liked the Recipe Cards.. I have never seen so many different ones since being on here. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Its fun searching different stories in our local Gazette.
Response: I love getting new Cards I haven't seen before too.. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart! Enjoy! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! We are all part of the wonderful World that God made for us.. Prayers..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and for signing up for this Swap !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Hugs from Jean.
Response: Its fun searching for Items to fit the word.. Hugs from Jean. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: So Glad it arrived and Yes I like to create bookmarks that are totally my design... Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Its soup weather for sure (2/3/2022), We had Bean Soup for supper couple nights ago..I love Stuffed Pepper Soup and just about any soup except for Veggie soup with tomatoes. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: I have enough supplies to make a whole city of houses.. Glad yhou liked it.. Wouldn't this make Fun Swap Cards too?.. Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: So glad it arrived safely and everything can be put to use ! ! I just wish those little books could be made in large print. I have used the Lemon Chiffon soap already, does have a light scent. Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Did you get all 3 envies I mailed out to you? the last one I mailed on 1/24 has hymns and butter fly card with Scriptures from Psalms? thank you for the Rating and Heart.
Response: Got your message and I notified the partner too that I would angel..
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! Loved Creating it for You !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! and for you Hosting other Swaps in the Group !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! May your Christmas be Blessed with Family and Friends and the Reason for Christmas ! !
Response: So glad it arrived Safely ! ! Hope you enjoy what I stuffed the stocking with... Thank you for the kind heart and the 5...
Response: Love recipes ! ! Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: You are Welcome ! ! Thank you for the Heart.. Hope you can use everything I sent?
Response: Got new Keyboard so now I can really type Thank you for the Heart with out skipping letters... Glad you liked it..! !
Response: Sent the next envie on10/25. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you forthe Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Thank You for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Keyboard Acting uP
Response: prayers daily Thank You for the Heart.
Response: Glad its an envie of items you can use !!! Thankyou for the Heart !!!
Response: this is only the second Time I have made these Embellishments from Scraps... So Thank you for your kind comment !! and for the Heart !!
Response: **Thankyou for the Heart !!!**
Response: Wow, wonder where it traveled that it took so long to arrive... Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: We have to drive into Ashtabula which is about 12miles away.. Thank you for the Heart -I love the Crust.
Response: Love Lemon too...Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank You for the Heart !!!!and quick Rating.
Response: WOW seems like this Chunk went on quite a long Voyage to get to you..I mailed out on Aug. 4..I hope it didn't loose its Passport !!!! Thank you for the Heart!!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart!!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!!! Have a Great Week!!!
Response: You are Welcome !! Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: A million Hugs for the Hearts!!! So Glad your package arrived and you are enjoying it.
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I am just catching up on Responses.
Response: Thankyou for Kind words...and Thank you for the Heart... !!!!
Response: See Prayers work Hugs and Blessings... and Thankyou for the Heart!!! ! ! ! !
Response: You are more than Welcome ! Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Smile !! Thank you for the Heart so when does your Horse get Home? by bus or Train..or Plane?
Response: Glad you liked the Card, and Thank you for giving me a Heart !!!
Response: Love Scones,Thankyou for the Heart and thoughtful comment...
Response: Might need some natural fertilizer and some trimming of old canes. this Fall ( old manure ). Thank you for the Heart !!! Yep 40 bushes in all stages of production and growth...
Response: Thank You !! sometimes make them from Scratch with lots of onions.. !!!
Response: Thank you and some of the comments I read were really cute and creative..
Response: Thank you for the Heart. !!
Response: I picked up my Cereal at Amish Run Salvage Store (box had dented corners) and was only $1.50. I love Crunchy Cereals and my blueberries on Vanilla Ice Cream. Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Glad you liked it !!! Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Cutthe articles out of our Jefferson Gazette local newspaper. Thank you for the Heart and kind comment.
Response: Its raining as I type ( 4:26 pm) and most of the Day so far..will need alittle Sunshine to help ripen the berries when we start picking. Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Thank you for the quick Rating and the Hugable Heart !!! I have a few Owls and little donkeys pulling carts( glass or ceramic) and a handmade wood Fork like a farmer would use for Hay.. and I like anything with Birds... and linen Calendar Towels... have too much Stuff...LOL
Response: May you be Blessed and you will still be in my prayers..
Response: Thank you for quick rating and the heart .
Response: Thank you for the quick rating and the Heart.. !! Love Mint Tea made like Ice Tea !! and Sun Tea..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! ! If we didn't have to pay postage for Large packages I could send out boxes of STASH... Hate to Toss away anything even the cute cards I get in Swaps..
Response: Hugs for the Heart !!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! and Great Comment ! ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Hearts !!!!
Response: Thanks for the Quick Rating.!!!
Response: Thank you for the 5 and the Heart. !!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart... another swap for Scrubbies took 19 days..yep sometimes mail comes in 3 days.... Enjoy your new dishcloth or what ever you want to use it for..
Response: Thank you very Much for the Heart Have a Wonderful Week...
Response: So Glad they finally arrived... Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Will see Grandsons again this weekend too.. Thank you for the Heart. Love Scavenger Hunts are the Best !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Love Scavenger hunts...
Response: So Glad they arrived... Thank you so much for the kind comment and the Heart.. Now to find time to make more.. !!!! pull on the leaf..
Response: So Glad you enjoyed them.and for the Heart ! !!
Response: Be sure to Let "Buttercup" help you in the kitchen... Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you and I love Swapping..
Response: Thank you for the Rating and Heart and the Kind comment...
Response: so Glad the envie arrived... Thank you for the Rating and the Heart !!!
Hugs!!! It was 19 * here this morning..and Frost on Car Windows..
Response: So Glad you like it, tried to find the animals etc liked, Thank you for the Heart ! !! Hugs from Ohio, USA.
Response: Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Glad you like it.could even use it for your shower...instead of Kitchen. Thank you for the Heart!!!
Response: So Glad it arrived... hope you can use everything... Yes She did,got surprised by my brother and his family from Maryland. Thanks for the Heart.
Response: Thank you !!! I Love Bookmarks !! Thank you for Rating quickly..
Response: Thank you for Rating when it arrived,Hope you are able to use the items or just pass them on to someone else in another Swap.
Response: Thank you for the Heart!!! Yes its always nice to get another persons views on different Scriptures...and what a Great Idea to put them on a Ring , I have some too but most likely are still in the Swap envies I got them in... need to go through my envies one of these days..
Response: Thank you for the Heart... many of the ladies at our church are over the age of 75+ and they can't bend and stretch like us youngsters can... I am 66 and getting there..
Response: You are Welcome !! Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Sorry for Delay in Responding...
Busy Month !!! Thank you so miuch for the Heart and Glad that the Verse is a Favorite..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and quick Rating...Yes I did make the Stocking.. usually do for these Swaps... I get creative at the last minute.. and combine fabrics ...Don't peek till Christmas... Can you hang it up? Glad you like it.. !!! How did you like my package box? Smile.. Thankyou for the Nice handwritten Thank you Card too.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and nice comment... Hugs from cold but no snow Ohio ..what we got last week is gone...
Response: Thank you for your kind comments and for the Heart.. Will PM you with my secret about the flat bookmark...
Response: I am Glad your Dishes are in Tune with the Holiday Season with the new dishcloth... Thank you for the Heart. !!!!!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!! Enjoy !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Hope the Encouraging Thoughts you read when ever you need them.
Response: Thankyou for the Heart !!! Now our Thanksgiving might not be able to happen with our Son because of the travel ban between Ohio and PA. that was announced yesterday ! !
Response: Glad you liked my Acorn Felt Creation , Thank you for the Heart !!! Thank you for Joining the swap.
Response: Thank you for the Heart, and for joining the Swap..
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Yep these kind of Swaps sure make you think... we have rain here this evening (5:15 pm). Glad you enjoyed reading all my answers...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! No peeking...!!! And when you open in December you will have to remind me what I sent...LOL
Response: Glad it will mark special Spots in what ever you are Reading... Thank you for the Heart. !!!
Response: So Glad you liked it and for the Heart... since its all cotton you can use it as pad on table for a Hot dish.. or as a doily for a Fall colored Decoration..
Response: I can't toss a box that might hold a Swap I need to send...Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Glad you can use and like the Nature Themed Magnets I made for you.. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you so much for the nice Comment and for the Heart... Glad it arrived and you can use the Napkins on Cards...
Response: Thank you very Much for the Heart.. and the Kind words.. Glad you liked them.. What book are you reading now so you can use your new Bookmark?
Response: So glad you like your items I sent you from your Wish List.. and Hugs for the Heart. !!
Response: So Glad you enjoyed your envie. Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Glad you liked the Items.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! I had never thought about recycling cardboard boxes until I became a member.. workers at the Post office get a kick out of me sending out packages in cracker, cereal or brownie or cake mix boxes. I love to use the cardboard to make post cards.
Response: Thank you for the Heart. ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Our Berries look small..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and your kind thoughts... I love making Bookmarks, sometimes stitch around edges, Yes I do read a members profile so they get something they can appreciate !! Thank you again. Glad it arrived safely!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I love Hymns too..
Response: Glad you liked your Bookmark !!! Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Look for Recipe for chocolate Waffle served for Dessert with Icecream !! Thank you for the Heart. !!
Response: Thank you for Rating..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!! Hugs from Ohio. Glad you liked what I put in..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Have a Wonderful Memorial Weekend.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Yep every so often I will join a Swap outside my Groups.. Have a Great Weekend.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Have a Wonderful Weekend.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! I am working Memorial Day !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Have a Great Memorial Weekend !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Flowers always make me Smile too..
Response: I love to make Muffins and Scones- you can always add different foods in, I have a Recipe for Muffins with crushed pineapple I should have included too.. Thank you very much for the Heart. !!
Response: Hope you can make the recipes soon if we ever get outdoor temps that are warm and no rain. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: A note book with stories etc what a Great Idea. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: You are Welcome and thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Kind Words..
Response: Thank you for the Heart - Love Birds... Just found today the Napkins I bought with birds on them , was going to send a couple in package...
Response: Glad it arrived finally. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: You are Welcome and Thank you for the Heart.!!
Response: Thank You for the Heart !! I do try to think outside the box for these hunts...!!!
Response: Thank you So Much for the Heart, we have had Wind Rain and Snow pellets and Sunshine here in Ashtabula County Ohio today.
Response: I have so many patterns saved on Pinterest !! Thank you for the Heart!!!
Response: Thank you very Much for the Heart ! ! will work on your bookmark this week. been making Masks for co workers and me..
Response: Thank you for Joining this Swap. Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Glad you liked the tote bag...Thank you for the Heart!! My dog Max was part Schnauzer!!
Response: I am trying to Resist cutting another piece of Bread and toasting it and adding butter and Jam. Thank you for the Wonderful comment and Heart...
Response: You are Welcome, Thank you for the Heart...Blessings..
Response: Thank you for Quick rating... Hugs and Prayers..
Response: Glad you are being Encouraged.. Love Hymns...Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Flower filled Comment... so wet here, have to wear boots to walk in the yard..and more rain on the way later today..
Response: Thank you for the Heart an hope you can use the stuff I sent.
Response: Swim Fishy Swim... Thank you for the Heart and I love Book Marks too..!!
Response: Yes there are powerful messages in the Bible besides the most familiar ones.. Thank you for the Heart.. !!
Response: Hugs for the Heart ! ! Thank you.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!! We got Snow and colder Temps 22* but feels like 9*.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Love creating lists ( uses my brain).
Response: Wow Thank you for all the Hearts.. Glad you liked the Article about the Youth minister.
Response: I would say 8 Days isn't bad.. seeing how there was a holiday. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart..Love lists.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! Love to make Lists...!!!
Response: Thank you so much for the Heart and I have loved Ohio for 65 years !!
Response: Thank you so Much for the Heart !! Glad you liked it.
Response: Wow it sure took the scenic route to get to you finally Glad you got it. Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Quick rating..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! ! Thankful that it arrived...Smile..7:36AM 1/13/2020
Response: Thank you for the Heart, Just finished taking down the Christmas Tree about 15 min ago. 7:20am 1/13/2020
Response: Thank you for the Heart. !! !
Response: Blessings and Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Blessings and Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! ! Merry Christmas and enjoy reading the next book with the bookmark,.!!!
Response: Thank you Hope all is well... Merry Christmas..
Response: What book are you reading Now? I love my bookmarks Ive made and received.. I have my Kindle but like real books to hold too.Thankyou for the Heart !!
Response: Glad you liked the items I sent .. sometimes run out of ideas or Time ...
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Easier to make than try to get to
town after working all day.. hope you like all the items inside. !!
Response: Wouldn't it be fun to have different Fonts on here ?!!! Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! I am catching upon Responses !!
Response: So Glad your package arrived ok and that you can use everything.. Loved making the mason jar Crocheted coaster/facecloth. and the Cards.. I am going to make me a Canning jar book mark too.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... I probably won't use that stitch again either... but interesting ...
Response: Thank you for the Heart.!!! In fact he's getting veggies chopped for salad supper right now..!!
Response: Its fun making the Swap Cards Could have made you a Dozen More and should have.Thank you for the Heart. Still need more practice with Pen and Ink!!
Response: Hope you can use all I sent. Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I made Cake donuts this morning with my new donut Pans for the oven.
Response: You are Welcome and Thank you for the Heart !!!!!
Response: yep ~ they don't take more than 30 min if I don't get sidetracked LOL. Glad you like them!! Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Quick Rating and the Heart!! Chilly here this morning..
Response: Thank you so much for the Heart and prompt rating.. I have loads of Stamps...I am making 2 Blueberry pies and 2 Strawberry Rhubarb pies for Church fund raiser tomorrow night... Guess I will have to make 1for hubby..!!!
Response: Thank you very much for the Heart and quick rating.. Love Kettle corn too.but don't have any here right now.. (sad face)
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! hope you can use the items I sent.
Response: Wow that got there Fast... Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart - Glad it arrived !! !
Response: Thanks... Wish I wasn't so Busy.. I read just so I can Sit Down...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Glad it arrived... Enjoy the papers !!!
Response: Thank you for the hearts !!!! Glad you liked them... We made apple butter Sunday and canned it Monday when I got home from work..
Response: Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! WE have been picking Blueberries and the Blackberries are ripe now too.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Hope you enjoy my selections I found.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Thanks for the Heart, Smile.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... just happened to run across that piece of Fabric in my Stash..! !
Response: I love reading too. Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: She always gets her "Real Man" despite Dusty Travel, Snakes, Wagon Trains, and Cactus !! Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart!
Response: Thanks for the Heart. I read a whole book last night -couldn't put it down... My Uncle used to collect Zane Gray books...
Response: Thank you !! Glad you found the Swap...I had another partner tell me she found the Swap in her Span/Junk mail folder too..
Response: Hugs and thank you for the Heart.
Response: Glad you found it.. Thank you for the Heart !!! Dog gone Spam Folders !!
Response: Glad it finally got there and Hugs for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! You can vary the taste by what ever sauce you add...
Response: Thank you for the Heart... as I read partners Profiles I saw many likes that matched .. especially Reading..
Response: Thank you for the Quick Rating.
Response: Love sharing my likes in Books.. Thank you !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I hope yo you are making Ice Tea !!! getting Hot again here in Ohio.
Response: Thank you for the Heart.. !!!
Response: Hot here in NE Ohio will be even hotter the next 2 days..Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Quick Rating.. Hugs from OHIO.
Response: You are Welcome, Glad you can use the scrapbooking papers.. I am always looking for something Different in those small pads..
Response: We have our Berries covered now just have to check to make sure Birds aren't stuck in the netting. thank you for the Heart too.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!! Glad you like my MarTea Owl... I like to personalize my crafts...
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I also save the bags from inside cereal boxes, use for quick bags for cookies or snacks ...
Response: Thank you for the Heart... With this heat we have been having here in Ohio + Humidity I am just catching up...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Great Comment...
Response: Glad you liked it and Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Happy that you like it... Smile !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart... sometimes its hard to scale down a Recipe because we are so used to making food enough for an Army !!! Smile... I am working Memorial Day !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Glad you like it !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!! Hugs from a little Sunshine in Ohio this morning.. Chilly Temp- 47* but we had a little Frost this morning too..temp down to about 35* earlier.
Response: When I saw this had Daisy's on it I knew it was for you. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Never toss a box...Thank you for the Heart.. !! I sent one out to another using Popcorn Box and she loved her Popcorn scripture Post Card...
Response: Glad you liked all I sent... Thank you for the Heart.
Response: I sure Hope so!! Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the nice Comment and the Heart.. !! !
Response: Hugs and Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and sharing about your Dog.. Had a male dog Max that we put down in 2012...He looked like Benji only was more Black and a lap dog..
Response: Thank you for the Heart. Gosh it sure took a longtime for the PostCard to Reach you..Glad it finally Arrived..! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Enjoy the Quotes etc..
Response: Thank you for the Heart... We have 2 ministers who take turns doing the Sunday Service.. Small Rural Church..
Response: Love doing these Scavenger Hunts.. Thank you for the Heart..
Response: You are Welcome... Sometimes I really have to put on my thinking Cap to figure out items to send..Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Hope you can put it to good use..
Response: Thank you for the prompt Rating..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank you for the prompt rating..
Response: Glad they arrived and that you like them.. Thank you for the Heart..Now what book are you reading right now?
Response: Blessing to You and Thank you for the Heart. I love to Recycle cardboard into bookmarks or Postcards.. or use the boxes for sending out Swaps...
Response: Tried to think of something Different for the Lists.. Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Glad you liked the Kitchen Fruit in different languages Towels. Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Valentine's Day I got 2 roses for an elderly Lady I keep in contact with and then my husband and I took 2 Roses and a card to my Mom..Thank you for the Heart.. Got the Popcorn at Christmas on sale and can't toss a box of any kind..
Thank you for the Heart and enjoy !!! Glad you like them..
Response: So Glad she flew to Your Mail box and now lives at your Home!! Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: You are Welcome...thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I am making Sourdough Bread today..( Feb 5)
Response: Thank you for the great Comment and the Heart and enjoy your Tea...
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! !
Response: Thanks... Ive had that fabric for a couple months...Glad you liked them.. !!! thanks for hosting the Swap too..
Response: Gosh I didn't even notice that you didn't rate.. So Thank you for the Heart..!!! Life over the Past year has been very busy for me -Taking care of 2 Grandsons while my son worked and I worked Full time too..
Response: No Worries...Life comes First.. Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thankyou for the Heart.. I have photo of last year's Stocking.. forgot to take photo of this years. Enjoy.!! So glad you enjoyed all your Goodies.. and Yes I had to taste test some Chocolate here at Home too.. Hugs from Ohio..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and glad you liked it...using the Theme of Tea Bags... it was harder than I thought...
Response: You can enlarge the patterns... Thank you for the Heart !! So glad you liked the Mug of Hot Cocoa ornament.. Smile and Hugs..
Response: Hope you found your little magnet? Thank you for the Heart.. !! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Our Thanksgiving today -I am stuffed..ate too much.. and didn't even try everything.. Hugs..
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Hugs we had our Thanksgiving today... too much food...
Response: Love reading the Words in Hymns.. Thank you for the Heart.!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart!! Hugs too.
Response: Thank you for the Heart.. Hugs and Blessings... Yep the Older Hymns are Really Nice To use..
Response: Thank you for the Heart. Not very many colored Leaves on the Trees around here.. Hugs.
Response: No Problem.. Hope you are feeling better!! thank you for the Heart !!! My Dog Katie just had her Supper..
Response: Smile and thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Blue is my favorite Color!! Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Glad you enjoyed the "Encouragement"!!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart..The Cards were a Lucky Find...
Response: Thank you for the Heart..and Hope you can wait till Christmas to open...!!
Response: What an overflowing pail of Stuff to do...and I got another Client tacked onto my schedule Glad you liked my list and Letter. Thank you for the Heart. !!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart and enjoy your New dishcloth..Hugs.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart. !!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart. Hugs.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Hugs..
Response: Thank you for the heart.. Hugs..
Response: Thank you for the Heart...!!! Hugs.
Response: Thank you for the Heart!!!
Response: Thank you for the Heart...Hugs... I love to cook and Bake but not Clean up..
Response: Thank You for the Heart !!! Hugs and Blessings !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Blessings and Hugs..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! Hugs.
Response: Oh its Wrapped... Smile, I know I was running out of ideas... Hope you like what I sent... Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Glad you liked them... We are getting more Rain today ( Tue 7/31/2018)
Response: Fun to make !! Easy to Stitch !! liked the Fabric ones too. Thank you for the Heart!!
Response: So glad it got to you so Quick.! thank you for the nice Comment and Heart !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... just got back on here (6 am) I couldn't connect with SB. Glad some can be of use..These Scavenger Hunts are fun and make you Think.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Hugs..
Response: Thank you for the heart ! !
Response: Hope you enjoy whats in the package, you can open early if you want to...thank you for the Heart..
Response: So Glad you liked every thing...thank you for the Heart and message...
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! I also get cereal at a Salvage Store run by Amish.. most are still in Date but the box got Crushed and for less than 1/2 price I will try something new...
Response: Glad you liked it... it was fun deciding how to make it irregular ! Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! Enjoy the teas..
Response: With your Love of Cats I figured you might not have a Cat Pin cushion ? loved Creating it for you... Felt is easy to work with.. Thanks for the Heart.
Response: Glad you liked them...Thank you for the Heart..
Response: I hate to Toss Cardboard if I can find a use for it... Thank you for the Heart...!! !
Response: So Glad you like it... Thank you for the Heart...! ! ! !
Response: Glad you liked it and it arrived OK... Thank you for the Heart ! ! I love Decoupage, next time I will get matt finish or low luster.. Smile..
Response: Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Glad you liked to think of Creative ways to use what I have to package items etc..Thank you for the Heart..! !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!!
Response: Love the canning jar design,,, Have a couple Swappers I want to send a set to… Glad you like them... thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: When I saw you liked Tea pots I couldn't resist... thank you for the Heart.
Response: Glad it arrived ok...
Response: I hate to cut a card Smaller if I like the picture etc.. and Yes can write more info.. Thank you very Much for the Heart. !! Rainy here in OHIO.
Response: So glad you liked them ! Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart.. Most of the Time I am indoors with my clients.. I hate really hot humid temps.. I am a Wannabee quilter.. just little time right now..
Response: picked all my rhubarb last night.. worked 2shifts today... thank you for the Heart.. I got that Postcard I believe at a Craft/Quilt Store in Middlefield, lots of Amish there... Ate lunch yesterday at Mary Yoder's Restaurant there.(May 8)
Response: Glad to have some different items/textures you can use... Thank you for the Heart... thank you too for Joining my Swap!
Response: Thank you very Much for the Heart and Mother's Day Hugs for you..!!
Response: Thank you for doing the Swap !! Hugs from Upper Ohio..
Response: Thank you for your kind words.. this was an odd fabric to try to use... I was thinking for days trying to figure out what to make. So glad you can use it.. Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart.! ! Thought you might like it.. !! so Glad you do...
Response: Thank you very Much for the Heart ! Hope you will enjoy your Gift when You open it..!!
Response: Thank You so Much for the Heart and Enjoy your new Dishcloth.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... I have Visited Texas only 1 time and that was near Lake Dallas. We had some snowflakes here this morning.. 34* here right now.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... a Few snow flakes here today.. 34* right now at 9:41 pm but feels like 31*.in OHIO
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Yep Pizza is Yummy...I love Chicken and Pineapple and Ham on mine.
Response: Thank you for the Heart.. How did you like the teas? Hugs from Ohio.
Response: So glad you like the Book mark ! Thank you for the Heart from Your Heart to Mine.. Reading is my only down time.. by coating the cardstock with Decoupage after layering.. it makes it easy to Sew with larger needle and embroidery floss after using alittle stick Glue to hold the 2 sides together ...
Each one I make is different.
Response: Thank You for the Heart and Rating.. Glad you liked the Envie of Birds. How bad did your Craft Area get Damaged?
Supplies? Hugs from Ohio! ! ! Saw my First Robin on Saturday between Shifts out in my back yard going to the Garden. 3/24/2018
Response: Thank you for the Heart, Sorry for late Rating ~ Glad you can use it.. I've made Bigger round ones to use as Spa Cloths in a Gift package.
Response: Thank you very Much...! !
Response: I smiled too when I saw your Name as my Partner.. so knew just where to go to find one of your Likes... December is only 9 mo away.! ! !
Response: Happy you liked your Card.. Used info from your profile to give me the idea...
.Thank You for the Heart.
Response: Used Your likes to make the card.. Glad you liked it and Thank you for the Heart and Kind Compliment..
Response: Thank you for the Heart !! !!From My Heart to Yours- Prayers and Blessings..
Response: Thank you for the Quick Rating and the Heart.. Hugs and Blessings from a Few Snow Flakes today OHIO.
Response: Thank you for the Quick Rating... Yes my Days are Very Busy At times...Good thing I get off Work at 2 pm and My son will be home tomorrow..
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Hugs. I do Get Creative when crafting. Never Throw a Box Away Smile ! ! ! Yes Jefferson does have a small town Feel ! Lots to See !!! and we are only about 14 miles south of Lake Erie.. and 1 hour from Cleveland and 45 min from Erie Pa.
Response: I love Creating Postcards from Magazine Cut outs.. Glad you liked it, Thank You for the Heart. Even the Clerk at the PO loved the handmade Post Card.!! Hugs from OHIO.
Response: So Glad you are enjoying your new Bookmarks.. I couldn't resist the cat Fabrics.. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: So Glad you liked the envie of Stuff.. .Thank you for the Heart..! ! !
Response: Couldn't resist it when I saw it.!!Glad the package arrived and Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Joining My Swap.. Glad you like it.. I love doing Round ones..
Response: Thank you so much for the Heart. All my Cards are 1 of a kind. Still need to practice on making them.. Yours are so Pretty !! !
Response: So glad you liked the Scripture... and Thank you for the Heart...Hugs from 8* Ohio.. Wow its getting really cold..
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! Hugs from Ohio! ! ! 23 degrees here.
Response: I was having trouble with the Ribbon Sticking. but Glad you liked it and Thank You For the Heart..
Response: So Glad you like them and can use the Book Marks... Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart !!
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I love to Read - Will even Read children's books if they have an interesting Cover...
Response: Thank You for the Heart !!
Response: Hugs and Blessings from Ohio and Thank you for the Heart ! !Friends are always close to the Heart ! !
Response: Thank You for the Rating... Hugs from Northern Ohio.
Response: That sure is Hilly country around there... Thank you for the Heart. !! Hugs from northern Ohio...
Response: Thank you for the Quick Rating... I love to Read Old Hymns too...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! I love Reading Old Hymns too.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... I love Reading Old Hymns too..
Response: Hi did you open your Package Yet...?
Response: Thank you for the Heart... and hope the Recipes get you through the Winter... My Husband Retired so now he's cooking... Season to your own Taste... Recipes are Very adaptable...
Response: Thank You for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Yes with Christmas on Monday, I will be working...Makes It tough for family Gatherings so Sunday afternoon is the only time we can all get together...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Just got Computer today and Learning whole new system.
Response: so glad you got it.. I just got back on New Computer today, just setting it up... what a challenge. thank you for the Heart...Love making The stocking for you..
Response: Glad it arrived Safely... and Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Hugs from Ohio...Yep only 2 more days..
Response: Thank you for the Heart, Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Hugs from Ohio..
Response: WOW Thank you for the Heart . I sure hope they didn't take a whole month to arrive...
Response: Always worry if something arrives or not... I can't wait to open my gifts at Christmas... Enjoy... Thank you for the Heart...! ! !
Response: Many Hugs and Thank You for the Hearts and Leaves... Glad you liked your envie .... just like potato chips , can't just do 1.....Smile..
Response: Sure Glad you got it.. the other Gal got hers in a couple days.. Thank you for rating..
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Kind Comment. We just finished the Green and Yellow String Beans and pulled the plants.. if we ever get any rain we might get more Raspberries, Still have Beets and Carrots in the Garden and a few Cherry Tomatoes and lots of Kale and Basil...WE had Frost this morning, temp down to 31 degrees...
Response: Thank You for the Heart...No the Doily wasn't by me.. I can't really do that fine of work...When I saw the letter O in your word I thought of Oatmeal : ) but we couldn't send Food : ) ! !
Response: Thank you so Much for the Kind Complements ,, for the Heart and Quick Rating... so Glad the Swap arrived Safely....Hugs from Ohio..
Response: You are welcome ! ! We were in Mansfield at The Blueberry Patch when we were on Vacation this summer and bought 2 more bushes in Varieties we didn't Have.
Thank you for the Heart. ! !
Response: Thank you and Glad you liked the Book mark and Tea....Thank you for the Heart..
Response: Thank you very Much for the Heart and the Nice comment.
Response: Thank You for your Kindness, and the Heart.. Always nice to try out new Recipes, We just picked up 2 more cookbooks at a Yard sale yesterday on the way home from giving my Granddaughter her Birthday Card.. She is 8 yrs old Today.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Hugs from Ohio. ! !
Response: You are welcome... ! ! Hugs from Ohio.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! These cards are fun to make...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and I am up early this morning too.. ! ! Glad you liked all I enclosed.. Hugs from OHIO.
Response: So Glad You liked them, thank you for the Heart. ! ! ! they are like Potato Chips you can't just make one ! ! Smile Hugs from Ohio.
Response: Hugs and Thank you for the Heart... Loved that article too..
Response: Hugs and Thank you for the Heart ! ! We are Canning Pickled G +Y Beans and Green Bell Peppers today..House smells like Pickles..
Response: Thank you for the Quick Rating and the Heart... Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Thank you for the Quick rating...
Response: Thank You for the Heart. I often use Brownie or Cake mix boxes for my packages, sturdy, have used cracker and cereal boxes too. Enjoy..
Response: Thank you for the Heart...Christmas should be in everyones Heart all Year long...Glad you liked the images.
Response: I found this Fabric,, Made in USA at JoAnn Fabric Store.. Glad you like the tiny Stars..the fabric feels heavier too.. ! ! ! thought it would make nice contrast to other Patriotic Fabrics..
Response: Wow the patch got there fast..! ! ! Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! That was a fun project..lots of work too. update July 11, 2017 - Our Blueberries are just starting to turn color.. We Freeze most, I did make jam but next time the seeds have to come out...
Response: So glad the package arrived .. Thank You for the Heart and Hope Your package brings a smile on Christmas Eve... ! ! ! I always worry when I know its been delivered and I don't hear any thing....
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! I knew you would like the card with the Bird on it..Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Thank You for the Heart and I probably could have done A to Z again... Smile and Hugs from OHIO.
Response: I can sorta look at something and get an idea of what to crochet. Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... ! ! ! Just Glad you Received it.. ! !
Response: Hugs and Thank you for the Heart...! ! Have a Sonshine Filled week ! !
Response: Hugs and Blessings ....Thank you for the Heart...! ! !
Response: I almost hated to give it up... Thank you for the Heart and Quick Rating...! !
Response: There were Items I had to take out in order to make the 1 oz limit.. : (
Thank you for the Heart. ! ! !
Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Glad You liked it and Think you for the Heart ! !
Response: I think My husband spots the old cookbooks before I do..and you know that the recipes in Church cook books have been well tested or is that "Tasted"? Smile..thank you for the Heart. I got the Blueberry papers while I was on Vacation near Mansfield Ohio at The Blueberry Patch. Couldn't pass it up..
Response: Thank you for the compliment and Heart... Lucky I had a colored pencil near the color on the printed paper.. Glad your Card Ministry is going well.. and sometimes it gives some of the ladies a project to help out... Hugs from Ohio.
Response: Wow they got there fast, Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Glad the package got there ok..
Response: Couldn't find the Christmas Wrapping Paper, Hubby put it away. So glad your package arrived Safely...Many Hugs for the Heart ! !
Response: Hugs and Thank you for the Heart and Kind Comment... : ), the one was cut to be the Shape of a Seed ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! Glad you liked all the goodies... like the potato chip commercial..I can't just send 3... ! ! !
Response: When you said you liked the colors in the woods - I just had to use the "Bark " brown... Smile.! ! !
Response: Thank you very much for the Heart and the Nice Comment... Glad you liked them... by the time I get done stitching around my fingers are sore... but I love making them...I can always send another Crocheted one for her ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Hugs for you..
Response: Hugs for the Heart... ! !
Response: Thank you for the heart and I will send photos ..
Response: Smile and Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart. and Quick Rating.. Hugs from Sunny Warm OHIO....
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! and nice Comment. ! ! Hugs from Rainy and Very Windy OHIO.
Response: So Glad you liked all the stash stuff I enclosed. ( No surgery for me ?) and hope you can use most of it.. ! ! !Thank you for the Heart ! ! Its Very Windy and Rainy here and getting Colder.. ! ! Had Fog this morning.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! and Glad the Verses were Blessings to You..
Response: Hugs and Thank you from OHIO from my Heart to Yours. ! ! !
Response: Thank You for the Heart... Hugs from Rainy and Very Windy OHIO...
Response: Thank You for the Heart and here is a Warm Hug from Cold Snowy Ohio..Schools are closed again today...
Response: Thanks so Much for the Heart ! ! I kinda like my JCVDM one..doin the splits or is it a sideways cartwheel
LOL This was Fun ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart. Hugs from OHIO..
Response: Snow balls and Snowflakes - my Inspirations for Winter... Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Perfectly OK, I picked up extra work during the Holidays and was busy too , never did any baking though... : (
Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! Happy New Year ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart.! ! ! ! Hugs and more Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Thank you so much for the Heart ! ! !
Response: You are Welcome ! ! Wouldn't the Red fabric make a nice lining for a Clutch or small Tote bag or Tablet cover lining etc..
Response: Joy to the World.... Thank you for the Heart... Hugs and Blessings for you my Friend.
Response: You are Most Welcome ! ! Have a Very Merry Christmas...! ! Thank you for the Heart !! ! and your note ! ! I love those pens too.. ! !
Response: Merry Christmas Hugs to you and Thank you for the Heart. ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Glad you like it... I love those colors together too...! ! Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart.. and some of the pockets have inserts between the fronts and backs.. couldn't resist sending more info....
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! ! ! and nice comment..
Response: Go Glad it arrived ! ! ! Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! Hugs from OHIO ! !
Response: Thank You for the Heart .! ! Glad you liked your surprise... Now if Recipes would have no Calories I would be all Set... ! ! Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Thank you for the Heart. Glad you liked them... Yes I liked the frayed Edges too... Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Thank You for the Heart and Hugs from OHIO.
Response: A little Chocolate mouse told me ! ! Smile ! ! Thank You for the Heart and Quick Rating.. It did arrive in 2 days just like they said.. ! !
Response: Have been making Blueberry and Raspberry Jam and working full time so haven't had too much time to work on my list, maybe I will save it for next Year ? Smile ! ! ! Thank you for the Heart and Rating...
Response: Thank you for your Kind words.. and for the Heart.. Its been a while I need some Practice.. Thank you ! ! We have 4 sunflowers in our Garden.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Rating Quickly... I just got home from working all day.its now 10:10 pm ...I love Fall colors.
Response: Thank You for the Heart and Glad you can use the stamped images.. Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Your are Welcome and Thanking you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I just made a textured Scrubbie to send to a Swap Friend... Love looking at patterns.. Thank you ! !
Response: Just catching up with Responding to Ratings.. Thank you for the Heart and Glad you liked the Retreat info..
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I just came back from the Library with 5 more books... Ready to Read ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... ! ! Glad you liked it...
Response: Thank you for the Heart. ! ! Wish I had time to do some of the things off each list I got.. ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! and take time to try something on the list.. ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart...! ! and hope they Love them...
Response: You are welcome ! Glad you like the papers..and Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Glad everything got to You.. Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! I thought that color would go good with your Decor.
Response: So glad you got it and liked all the Travel info in the pockets.. Thank you for the Heart ! ! ! Wish I could have sent whole brochures...for each one.. ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart, this was my first attempt at painting a Santa on Drift wood from Lake Erie..
Response: You are Welcome ! and Thank you for the Heart...Most of my bookmarks are one of a Kind..! !
Response: The Flower Bookmark is Crocheted. Thank You for the Heart ! ! I love handmade items that are made with Love from the Heart -thank you for the Compliment.. Hugs from OHIO.
Response: So glad you liked it... ! ! Thank you for the Heart too.. This was the First time using a Quilt block pattern to make a Crocheted Dishcloth...
Response: Thank You for the Heart.. I had fun making the Tree, Love the fabric and the Vintage buttons I used...
Response: I am so Blessed that you were Encouraged and Like my letter
Thank you for the Heart ! ! Hugs from OHIO.
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! I loved picking out all those different ones.
Response: Thank you so Much for the Heart.. Glad you liked the Bookmark and the Stitching..! !
Response: Glad the Strawberry Dishcloth wasn't too Ripe when it arrived ! !
Smile.! ! ! ! ...Glad the bookmarks will be useful ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart. The Bridge is part of the Ashtabula County Metro parks, It was built by some of my Relatives on my Dad's side of the Family.. its located on land that my Uncle donated so the Bridge sits off the road...there have been Weddings and Picnics and lots of Photos taken there over the years...
Response: Thank You for the Heart and Rating. I am glad you have an outfit that you can wear the scarf with... ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and have a Sunshine Filled Day ! ! !
Response: Tough time finding something blue.. Glad you like them and the Soap ! ! Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... ! !
Response: I have a Bird feeder out front of the house, love watching them, small sparrows, finches,chickadees, even bluejays, cardinals, had a couple of Red Headed woodpeckers too and a squirrel. Thank you for the Heart ! ! Glad you liked the bird Bookmark i made..
Response: Thank you for the Heart. I am glad the package reached you.. Smile ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and am glad that you liked them... its raining outside right now, Hubby built 6 of the Raised Garden Boxes so far.. Now to get them filled with Dirt..! !
Response: Glad you liked them and Thank You for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank You very Much... I love to write letters on These type of Sheets.. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Thank you for the Heart !
Response: Glad you liked the Scarf and the Package - Cake Boxes are sturdy..! ! Hugs for the Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... and Glad you can use the Bookmarks.. ! !
Response: Thank You for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thank You for the Heart and Glad you liked the Hymn... and Happy You like the Book Mark... Blessings!
Response: I was getting worried that you hadn't gotten it...Thank you for the Heart and Rating.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Our church is just a small rural Church but the older folks are so nice...
Response: Thank you for the Heart.! ! Glad you liked every thing... Have a Wonderful Day. ! !
Response: Thank You for the Heart...Now to find time to bake...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! and Rating quickly.
Response: Glad you liked it... Thank you for the Heart..! !
Response: Thank you for the Hearts and Rating... I love putting my creativity to the Test...So Glad you liked it..! !
Response: Glad you liked it and will enjoy the Teas... Thank you for the Heart..! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart now you just need to find a Great Book to put it in to Mark where you left off... I love Fabric Bookmarks ! ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart, Hugs from Ohio. We now have a Theme for the retreat - "Fruit That Will Last".. I need to work on the Invitations and Posters..
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! I need to Bake ... :D
Response: Hugs for Valentines ! ! Thank you for the Heart. ! !
Response: So glad you liked everything... Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Thanks for Rating Quickly.
Response: You are so Welcome ! Thank you for the Heart ! ! I often save and Reuse Food Boxes to use as packages for sending out Swaps.. Glad you liked everything.. Did a little Decoupage with cut outs...! ! ! Loved making the Swap Cards...
Response: Thank You.... Glad the Card made it through our Wonderful Mail System.. Smile... sometimes it takes 2 weeks to go to a town near by that would take me 25 min to drive to.. yet I have gotten other items in the mail from states away and it only took 2 days... Happy January ! !
Response: No Child should have to Suffer in an Illness .... I was glad to send her..
Response: I think you can find that suede looking fabric in upholstery ? or did I find it on the shelf at Walmart or Joann ? Just found some in my stash when I was looking for something Else... Happy January ! !
Response: Thank you, My Mom is making Waldorf Salad to take to Thanksgiving Dinner with a Cousin.
Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Love Fresh Green Beans with Milk and Butter like my Grandma used to make... So I will gladly eat your Portions... :D
Response: Thank you Have a Nice Thanksgiving...
Response: Thank you for the Heart.! ! I just cleared out all my SAVED Cardboard. I was starting to stack them. and Hubby was making FACES. LOL. Have a Great Autumn.
Response: Glad you liked the Package.. and Thank you for the Heart.. Yes Nice Stationary is hard to Find. Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Glad you like it.. I think its the Second Pocket letter I have Swapped With you..
Thank you for the Heart... Hugs from this side of OHIO. (Backs were from Calendar Pages.)
Response: Thank You for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the quick Rating...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Love looking at old Covered Bridges especially the one that is Now named The Benson Family Park...Graham Road Covered Bridge...
Response: Same for the Scalloped Potatoes... Love them Potatoes.. ! ! Thank you for the Heart...
Response: I just ate Chocolate.! ! ..Thank You for the Heart... ! !
Response: Thank you for the kind comments... I recycle lots of cardboard for mailing stuff in.. ! !
Response: so Glad Package arrived and you and the children are enjoying the Surprises ! ! Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: Love Post cards.... especially Hand made ones too... Hugs..
Response: Thanks for the Heart and your Wonderful Comment.. I love Apples too..The Crunchier the Better... Now you will have to find a Favorite Book to stick the Apple bookmark in.......! ! !
Response: Good Thing I didn't say the Dog Ate it.. isn't that a Typical excuse ! ! Thank you for The Compliment and Heart ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and watch for colorful Falling Leaves... Hugs from Ashtabula County.
Response: Thank you for the Heart... I love Creating the inserts for the Pockets and the little Handmade Owl ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! I could have sent much more - Smiles ! lots of the things you can look up on line. !
Response: Thank you, Have made our own crusts from the packets but hubby keeps a couple of these in the Freezer for Quick Emergency Meals LOL. I love Chicken on my pizza,with pineapple and Smokey BBQ Sauce.
Response: Glad it arrived.. Hope the Little Cookbook were vintage enough? Thanks for the Heart.! !
Response: Thanks for The Heart !! !
Response: No rain had to water garden last night and hubby watered tonight.. The tomato plants I planted last month really are growing great... the waterlogged ones from all the rain in June are still spindly.
Response: I Love Pizza and Stromboli too...
Response: So Glad you enjoyed all the goodies.Did you have those 2 coasters? She will have fun with the Big Red Dog ( I couldn't resist) cookie Cutter? Thank you for the Heart ! !
Response: So glad they arrived and you can use most of them... I have a whole stack of magazines but too heavy to send out... and when I saw you like older buttons sent some, Have fun at your Quilting Bee...
Response: Love Recipe Cards and its amazing the different ones I have gotten... so many I have never Seen.. Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank you very Much for the Heart.. Yes the Garden had finally started to kick in with the sunshine and heat this week..
Response: Thank you for the Heart... My stack of Chunks is getting too tall...! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! and Hope you liked the Colors I chose.Tried to get as close to colors you like with what yarn I had...
Response: Yours were so pretty too. Thank you for the Kind Heart... Yep maybe a book mark ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Glad you liked it..! !
Response: Thanks for the Heart.... I was out taking photos of my garden veggies, Fruits and flowers this afternoon...! !
Response: I just happened to pick up a whole Brand New package of Black cardstock at a yard sale when we were on a short weekend vacation. couple weeks ago.. Thanks for the Heart ! !
Response: I just enough Orange to make it.. ! ! ! Glad you liked it., Thank You for the Heart.! ! !
Response: So Glad you liked it... only 2nd one I have done.. the words were old Devotional pages and pages out of Books I copied...etc.. Thank You for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Sometimes I get a Nudge on what to Send... He seems to be Right Every Time...
Response: so glad you liked it..thank you for the Heart..! ! ! and can make a Mini Pincushion..! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Hugs from Ohio.
Response: Thank you for the Heart. Love these type of Post Cards...
Response: Thank You for the Heart-We just got back from a Long Weekend away, Hubby is out mowing Grass... I checked on the Berries -they are Growing, not ripe yet... We visited a BIG Flea Market on Friday...
Response: You are Most Welcome... It was my first one ever... ! ! ! Yep blueberry Tea bags... ! ! !
Response: Thank you and Wow That was Fast Delivery time... ! !
Response: You are very Welcome and Thank you for the Heart.
Response: Love Hymns, Thank you for the Heart.!
Response: Have more garden to Plant tomorrow... Thank you for the Heart.!
Response: Thank you for The Heart... ! !
Response: I never Toss Cardboard Away now Thank You for the Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! !! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart -Seeing how you like Purple... :D Yep the Lilac Bush is loaded with Blossoms this year.
Response: Thank you for the Heart, I am catching up with these Responses ..
Response: Thank you for the Heart.... Sometimes I have to stop my self from writing too Much.. Have a Great Day! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Comment.. Glad It made you Laugh..! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... We planted 1/3 of the Garden last Night.. and the Blueberries are full of Blossoms..! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Glad you liked it...
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Boy its hot here today..
Response: Thank you for the Heart...
Response: Thank You for the Heart and Great Comment... I love Crocheted Bookmarks but its hard for me to see that small... : ) ! ! ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart/rating. Try putting a old Window Screen over the area lifted up with some bricks or stones so the seeds can sprout up and the birds can't get at them.. then use old CDs tied with string and Hung over the area on Taller Wire hooks like the shepherds hooks or even wire coat hangers nailed to the top of some wood posts.. so they swing in the Wind... Smile..
Response: Thank you for the Heart.! ! Love Brownies... Yummy! ! even though I have had to cut back on how many I eat ! ! !
Response: Thank you and Hugs from Me to You...
Response: Thanks for the Heart..! !
Response: Thank you for Rating !! I have so much Cardboard at home to choose from... :D
Response: Wow Can't believe the Post Office is that slow in getting it to you.. (sent on March 14) Thank You so Much for the Heart...We have Snow here Today.. a Really Wet Snow...! !
Response: I am Thanking you for all the Hearts... and enjoy the Cocoa while you are working on the Word Find Puzzles, I like these because its a readable message....for each one..
Response: Thank you for the Heart... and I am glad you liked the Swap and Letter..
Response: Thank You for the Heart... I like Different kinds of Swaps too..
Response: Hugs for the Heart ... You are very Welcome ! !
Response: Glad you liked it and Thank you for the Heart.....Hugs...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Rating.. Hugs and Keep Warm...
Response: Thank you for the Heart... internet just came back on this morning , don't know for How long.. Have a Warm Happy Day ! ! ! 7:10 am.
Response: Thank you for the Heart. Glad you liked it... Each one I make is very Different and Geared toward what I read in Profile... My internet just came back on been on and off with our extreme cold weather here in NE OHIO. 7:11 Am
Response: Thank You very much for the Heart... Haven't bought stickers in a Long time and love using my Stamps...! !
Response: Glad you liked it and Thank you for the Heart...! ! Keep warm its below zero here..
Response: Thanks for the Heart... glad you liked my inspiration...
Response: Love Soup in the Winter... Just have to figure out what Recipe to try next... Love soup with Beans or Lentils...too.
Response: No Worries.... Thank you for Heart ...Just feel better soon...
Response: Thank you for the Heart... Hugs.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Here is a Hug for You...
Response: Glad you can warm up the Blue Snow Man with a Cup of Hot Tea.. and He won't melt... Thank you for the Rating and Heart. ! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart and rating and the message... Hugs from wet snowing OHIO>
Response: Thank You for the Rating Heart.. Glad you liked them... Merry Christmas to You too..! !
Response: Glad you liked the Stone, Thank You for the Heart.! ! This was a Great Swap. First time for me...! ! It takes me back to Creative Writing Class ( The note).
Response: Thank You so Much for the Heart.! ! Have Fun Washing Dishes with that Snow man/lady.. First one I have ever made..! ! .
Response: Thank you, I can't seem to Toss any cardboard since I joined this Group. Thanks for the Heart..! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... and this was a Nice Swap... Sharing ...
Response: love this Stitch.. thank you for the Heart and Rating...
Response: Thank You and Have a Wonderful Christmas Season...
Response: Actually Warm here today and Foggy this afternoon. Hoping for mild Winter... Merry Christmas... thank you..
Response: I love These type of Post Cards. Thank you.
Response: Thank you for the Rating and Heart and the Wonderful Comment... !!!
Response: Thank You for the Heart.. as for the crocheted dishcloth/hot mat use it and toss it in the wash when needed, just flatten and shape it out on a towel to dry..! ! Yep love my Recycled Packaging.. !!
Response: Might want to get soil tested. Blueberries like a more acid soil- we use Blueberry fertilizer and use sawdust for mulch. We didn't get them mulched this fall so will have more work this coming Spring. This coming year will have to fertilize sooner..
Response: Love sending messages on these "Special" recycled Postcards...
Response: Thank you for the Heart.. I know I have Stocking Stuffers that I am Gazing at too...
Response: So Glad you can Enjoy the book we talked about... Thanks for the Heart...Hugs... and you can let your Daughter Read it too...
Response: Thank you for the Heart...! ! ! We are getting more wet snow here this morning . (Nov.17 --7:39am)
Response: I sure would like to see Alaska.. My brother has been there as well as several of my Classmates are or have lived there.. Anchorage and Eagle River. and a bit further North. Watch the Alaska Programs on TV each Week. (11/17 --7:41 AM)
Response: Thank you for the Heart... I love Tea , drink mostly Green Tea but like some of the Fruity Teas, amazing all the different Tea Companies out there....Love Tea hot or Cold..
Response: Thank You for the Heart.... and I need to buy more Special K, bought 2 boxes of Corn Flakes on Sale so will eat them first.. :D
Response: I am ready for a Cup of Tea its 10:22 pm and I was at my girlfriends home helping her sort and pack for a move to an apt.
Response: Thanks for Heart... We celebrated with Dinner out yesterday at TGIF and shopping in Erie,PA. He got new hunting Boots at the new Field and Stream store and he bought me a Winter Coat at Burlingtons..
Response: Wish I could have put the Cookbook in I found too... well it will get to you one of these Days...
Thank you for the Heart...! ! !
Response: Wish we all could be together when we open our Stocking Stuffer and hear the Happy Squeals ! ! ! Thank you for the Heart... and Enjoy ! ! ! Yes I made the Bag Too...Its always Fun to have to open a Gift 2 times...+ you can store something from Christmas in it or use it for a Gift next Year...! !
Response: Thank you for the Heart... I love making Bookmarks each one is different ...Enjoy using it in your next book you read...! !! Thank you for Joining my Swap.
Response: Thank you for Joining my Swap and for the Heart...
Response: Thank you for the Heart and for Joining my Swap... I love making Bookmarks...! !!
Response: I am finishing up a Book called
Courting Cate by Leslie Gould that takes place near Lancaster,PA. Thank You for Joining my Swap and for the Heart. Enjoy your new bookmark...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! and this Group of Friends are Wonderful...
Response: Hope you like it... I have a Amish Bulk Food Store near me.. so buy most of my Baking Supplies There.. Thank You for the Heart. ! !
Response: Good Luck and Enjoy your Classes ! ! ! ! thanks for the Heart..
Response: So Glad you are enjoying the Rug Mug I made for you.. Thank you for the Heart... I just bought some Blueberry Tea I am going to Try... They aren't wrapped but if you would like to Try a couple let me know...
Response: Thank you for the Heart ! ! Go ahead and Use the Dishcloth that's what its for ... :D I know the ones I just got are very pretty too...
Response: Thank you for the Heart..! ! ! Hugs..
Response: I am keeping mine for my Stocking too.. Yes it will be fun ..... Hugs for the Heart...
Response: Thank You... for Heart and Rating.
Response: Thank you for the Heart and Rating.
Yep I figure why buy a special Envie when You can Recycle a Cookie or Crackerbox or Cereal box. especially if you are going to send it as a Package.. ! ! Glad you like the Bookmark ! !
Response: 8:23 pm its been Raining here for a while..had to shut windows, Chilly outside and Breezy. Thank you for Rating and the Heart . 58 degrees right now...
Response: Glad it finally got to you...other 2 partners got it in 3 days... I love this Swap...!! !
Response: Thank you for fixing this...Thank You for the Heart...
Response: Wow I will need a magnifying Glass to work with this size Thread again. Thank You very much for the Rating and Heart...! ! ! Glad it made it through the Canadian Mail...
Response: Thank you for the Heart... ! I am glad you liked the Card and Prayer..sometimes its said different according to the Day...
Response: Glad you liked it and Thanks for Rating and Heart...
Response: Found it on sale at Big Lots other wise I'm not paying over $4 a box... Thanks for rating and heart... Just got in from Garden picking Green Beans and Blueberries.. Yummy !
Response: I just finished the last box I bought..
:( ... Thank you for the Heart ! ! !
Response: Thanks,, now if I could only get the other 30 lbs off... Thanks for Heart! !
Response: Thank you, wish you could have seen the first one I made You..
Response: Thank you I am glad you liked them . Thank you for rating and Heart..
Response: Thank you for the Rating and Heart.. Shorts are pretty Easy..Try one of the Easy patterns at Walmart for basic shorts... Have Fun... Hugs.
Response: Happy you got your package and can use the items in there... :D Thanks for rating and heart...
Response: Thanks for the Rating and Heart.. I sent a Card out to your Sister too..
Response: Mom's Best Toasted Cinnamon Squares or Special K Regular... Thank you for the Rating... Nope I can't toss cardboard or papers... ! !!
Response: Thank You - I love the Creative Ideas I get to match Partner's Loves and Likes... Thank you for the Rating...and Heart ! ! ! ! ! !
Response: Thank You Have a Fun 4th too..Waiting to hear if I get some work hours on the 4 th.. shift on Sunday got Canceled. :(
Response: Thank You for the Rating and Heart! I am Glad you liked everything I enclosed.. I couldn't resist the puppies on the Folder ! ! Happy it arrived safely!
Response: Figured you would look at the Christmas Stamped Envie First. :D
I just couldn't send plain strips..:D
Glad you got them and liked them. I got a Multi sided Jam jar from Denmark to put my strips in ... Thank You...
Response: Still have to watch what I chew.. Stitches are still there too... but at least the Swelling has gone down.. and I don't have to use icepack anymore.. Thank You.. Loved making the Happy Strips...
Response: I am Glad you liked the Card.. Thank you for the Heart.. Only Thing I forgot to do was to take Photo of the Card before I sealed the Envie.. Birthday Heart!
Response: Had Fun making the magnets and I love making the Recycled Bookmarks from Tea boxes, cereal, crackers etc... I had just enough of that paper for all 3...! !
Response: Still don't have the Beans or Squash or cukes in + Kale, Swiss chard, Peppers etc...if I grows I will eat it and Can or Dry it or Freeze it.. Got the Lettuce Seeds and beans planted this past weekend(6/14) and yesterday (6/22) planted the peppers I grew from seed , Brussel Sprouts and the mini Kale.
Response: I am Glad you liked it... Thank You for the Rating and Heart ! ! !
Response: Glad you can use the Ephemera... I seem to have lots of it around. Thank you for the Rating and Heart ! !
Response: I love making Book marks... Glad it will be put to Use ! !
Response: Thank You - for your Ratings and Heart and the PM.
this was a Fun Creative Swap.
Hugs... CAKEMIX Boxes are sturdy to send in and I couldn't resist the easy package...! ! !
Response: Hugs and Thank you ! ! !
Response: Your Smiles From Greece made my Day ! ! !
Thank you for the Wonderful Comment about all the likeable items on the Bookmark.. I love making Book marks...!! !So Glad you liked it.. Hugs across the Ocean...
Response: Me too, Can't toss Anything that I could use for Postcards...and if I find a larger chunk then I use a First Class Stamp ! ! Thank you for the Rating and "Heart"! !
Response: 5/16/2014 I am so Glad you liked what I sent. Hard to choose just 1...Thank You for the Nice Comment and the Rating + Heart.
Response: You are so Welcome! !
Thank You for the Rating and Heart ! Hugs
Response: Glad you liked the Dishcloth- if its too heavy to use to wash Dishes then use it as a hot pad or Drip pad under the pitcher of Ice Tea which we need today--- its 86 degrees outside here in NE Ohio.
Response: Thanks for the Rating and the Heart... Hugs
Response: I love potatoes too but seeing how my Sugar jumps when I eat them I have to limit them. Had French Fries for the first time in months when I took my son out to supper...this past Thursday...Thanks for the Heart...
Response: Thank You for the Great rating and Heart... Hugs...
Response: You are very Welcome...Hugs...
Response: I planted Seeds last week, and they are starting to Sprout. Kale, Swiss Chard so far... Glad you can use the Flat Stamped images and words...Hugs across the Miles ! !
Response: Every thing is Great ! Love the Dragonfly and the Tree is very nicely drawn... Best Wishes on the Wedding ! ! ! My son gets married in July.
Response: Yes they are Hard to Stay Away From especially when Warm from the Oven... Thank you for the Rating..! !
Response: So Glad You liked it...That was a new pattern for me and I love Yardley Soaps too.. I had a Lemon Verbena 1 time but haven't seen it for months...! ! Thank you for joining the Swap...
Response: I like this swap and love hunting for something unusual to write on... Thanks for the Rating... did you see the spot on the map?
Response: You are Welcome ! I am Glad that all I sent can be used... Hugs ! ! Thank You for the Rating and Heart.. "Sister"
Response: So Glad you liked the Butterfly - Adding to your Stuffie Collection of Animals...It was fun making it.. and Hope your Recovery gets you feeling Better Every Day..! !
Response: Thank you for the Rating and Heart. Your Birthday is the Same as my Hubby's.. I will keep watch for more Library Bookmarks...! !
Response: So glad you got it and your Internet is back on...! !
Response: Glad you liked them...had fun finding and making them....! ! !
Response: Thank you... Wow the mail was fast getting them to you... Glad you like them..I like the Textured paper at the Top...Its Raining here right now. 9:45 pm
Response: Glad you liked the papers.. I could have looked at all the papers for hours. Now to find me a Dress.... Thank you for the Rating and the Heart !! !!
Response: Glad You liked the Package and Thank you for the Rating and the Heart... Hugs ! !
Response: Glad you liked your Pincushion kit... Now you will have to look for some small doilies so you can make more.. I want to make my self one when I stop signing up for more swaps... : D
Response: Thank You... I love making Bookmarks, collage mostly, I have even sewn with needlework Threads around the outside edges... each one is different and I take pictures of them.. need to print out and make a notebook ... + the ones I have Received... Glad you liked everything..
Response: Thanks for the Rating and Heart... Easy pattern when I got going on it.. Should have made it a bit longer? Maybe you can find an old Antique Button or a Large Pin to hold it together ? If nothing else a piece of Leather lacing... I sent a tie string of crocheted yarn.. You can tie it anywhere on it... Thanks again.. Glad you liked it...! ! I had fun making the Cards too...
Response: Thank you for the Wonderful rating and Heart... I like getting notes in with my Swaps too... lets me get to know my Swap Partner besides what is in the Profile... :D
Response: Sure hope you get to feeling better really soon.. so Healthier New Year to You.. Yes I sure miss my Grandparents... Thank You..
Response: You are Welcome...I had Fun making the Card fit some of your Profile likes...Thanks for Heart...
Response: Got Your Recipes in Today's Mail. Love how you decorated the Recipe Cards with Washi Tape... Love Gingersnap cookies...
Response: Still can't bite down on Nuts or Choco. Chips too Hard ... still getting used to my dentures but each day is better... Maybe I had better Bake Cheesecakes... :D
Response: We used to get a Steak Pizza at local eatery... No Red Sauce. They used Thinly sliced Steak - grilled and put on the Rustic Crust with Cheese... Oh My it was so Good. I like Hickory Smoke BBQ sauce.. The French Bread Pizza is good and Crusty after baking... Have a Great Weekend... Thanks for The Rating and Heart...
Response: I loved making the Postcard and couldn't resist adding the Monkey!
Response: Yes Thank you and glad you like the Banner... Vertigo is never Fun thats for sure...
Response: I couldn't resist adding the clocks when I saw your Profile.. :D
Response: Was getting worried that you had not gotten it... since another Swapper got theirs in 2 days.. This is A Fun Swap....
Response: Thank you for the Quick Rating and the Heart... I bet your ATC was Awesome ! ! ! !
Response: Your are Welcome ! ! ! Glad you can use the labels...
Response: Thank You.... it was fun especially to dig through my stash of Stuff. Always hoping that everything will suit the Person I send it to... I am headed off to work now. 6:43 AM
Response: Thank You- this was a Great Idea for a Swap..It was Fun .. and I am always letting my Creativity run Wild.... : D
Response: I have done the same thing,,, rated and then forgot to click below to save rating and when I go back oops.. Have a Great Weekend...
Response: Glad you liked it... tried to use your color likes...with what i had...
Happy Hot September 10.
Response: Thank you very Much...
Response: Glad you got it... My husband is out mowing grass right now... we have about 4 1/2 acres with Garden and Orchard and Berries etc.. Still have too much Grass. ! ! ! !
Response: Maybe next time when someone does a Swap it could be Open to everyone with an invite to join group included... This is great Idea for a Group...
Response: Vacation wasn't long enough of course, but did enjoy the Scenic Countryside and views of the Finger Lakes in NY State, stopping at some of the Antique shops and wine shops.
Response: Yes the other one was all corroded from our hard water and high iron content... You know the Rust marks where water drips and the screen was filled with rust and the water wasn't even coming out...
Response: Thank you and Glad you liked every thing... The Teas are Green teas with the extra flavors... I have herb teas but its in bags with no sealed wrapper ...You can use the pouch for what ever you want.... :D
Response: Sorry I didn't respond to your Wonderful comment about the bookmarks. I had to read back on your profile about you and your family..Hope you will come back to Swap bot ! ! from Jean
Response: So glad you will be able to use the Flannel with the Pinecone/branch print... Hope you can post a photo or let me know what you are making....
Response: Glad you liked it - used your Favorite Green/pink and some hearts... :D it was a Fun and Different project... Never have planted the Spaghetti squash here before...just acorn, butternut and butter cup..and of Course Zucchini and yellow Squash..
Response: My husband eats life Cereal when its on sale.. I have to watch which ones I eat because of the Carbs...
Response: Glad you liked them, I enjoyed making them...I love Birds too.. and I try to make different ones..not just Rectangles.... :D
Response: I got the Idea for "Blueberry Lady" because we have 30 Blueberry Bushes .... They were just starting into production last year, the bushes were loaded and when we had the Dry spell we chose to water the Veg Garden.. we also have Strawberries, Thornless Black berries, 2 Grape vines, Elderberries, and Asparagus, Apple trees and 2 hazelnut Bushes....My gold and Purple Raspberries dried up last Summer too.. even though we Watered as much as we could with extra well and the Rain barrels .... I guess I should put that in my Profile... :^)
Response: Thank you for letting me know they finally Got there... Must have went by slow boat on dry land...10 days is certainly slow..Glad you liked them...
Response: Thank you for the Kind words...Are you still using the Bookmark I made for you in a Swap way back in February of 2013? I have made quite a few Bookmarks over the years..
Response: I started a notebook to help me remember what I have sent to my swap partners... so I don't send Repeats... :D Glad you liked the Turtle Cards... I try to think of something different to send... Thank you we had sunshine here today but still chilly..
Response: LOL I just saw that I didn't respond to your Rating...Thank You More than 10 years later.! !
Response: I drink a lot of Green Teas too... Husband will only drink black tea and sometimes a tea with Peach or Blackberry or Blueberry or Raspberry Lemonade ( : ) )
Response: Gee looking back I forgot to Respond to your Rating... Thank you for the Heart ! 10/26/2023 from Jean
Response: You are Welcome This Dotee Doll was just right size for a easy to hold and sew project. Will be looking forward to making another one of these days when I get other Swaps done....
Response: Thank you.... I hate to use dishcloths I get because they are so pretty .... but useful. I will have to get down your way some day... Surprising living so close... Have a Great Day and Thanks for the Heart....Thought you could use the Doggie Cards for Swap cards if your little Boy doesn't get to them first.. :D
Response: Are you still using the bookmark I made you? I love making bookmarks ! ! ! from Jean on 10/26/2023
Response: Thank You for Compliment about the Book mark I made you out of the Veggie Fabric. I thought That would Brighten Your Reading Day... :D
Response: so Glad you liked it....Thanks for the Heart.
Response: Are you still using the bookmark I made you . Its now 10/26/2023 and I am still making bookmarks and Swapping them.. from Jean
Response: Hope you are still using your bookmark ! ! 10/26/2023 from Jean
Response: I Raised Shropshire Sheep. Similar to Your Southdown Sheep, I had to look up to see what that Breed looked like.
Response: Thank you and You too have a Wonderful Merry Christmas...
Response: Thank You... I still have the ornament that my son made in Grade School where they Glued their Photo onto a Canning Jar Lid... and the String is made of Ric Rac,,,,,Hearts and Hugs to You and Your Family this Merry Christmas Season.... :D
Response: She lives up off Rt.10 NW ..near the Pines
Response: Guess we all need to sit down and write out a list of things to be Thankful for just so we can see just HOW MANY we really do have.
Response: Thank You... Hugs to You and Hope you have a Great Holiday Season Too...
Response: Sometimes we take things for Granted and don't realize just how many things we should be Thankful For....Thank you....
Response: I figured it would fit in with your Shabby Chic likes,, I had fun making it... Thank You for the Rating and Heart...
Response: I made 1 dishcloth for a Wedding Shower this past Sat. 9/15 it matched the colors in the Camo Leaves Fabric that I trimmed 2 dishtowels and Potholders with...The Gal Loved them... So glad You liked it...
Response: Just happened to have The Astronomy Mag. on hand, picked it up at Library, they have Free piles of mag in entry at Kingsville that folks donate... I had Fun making them... The Garden one is actual photos of my Garden plants...
Response: You are Welcome... I had Fun picking out the Verses,,, had about 500 hundred more to choose from.... :D Had fun making the cards too... Glad you liked them...
Response: Grandsons helped me pick green and yellow beans and Cucumbers yesterday (7/22/2012) and we had cukes as part of our supper last night...
Response: Jefferson Ohio is the County Seat of Ashtabula County, top right hand corner of Ohio home of the Covered Bridge Festival in October....
Response: Try recipe with 1/2 the shortening... and the Doily you could use at the sink in kitchen or bathroom or in the Tub...Glad you package got there OK.... thanks for the Rating and Heart....
Response: Blueberries take couple years to really get going, mulch with 3 to 4 inches deep of Sawdust or other mulch, They might need watered.... Our are just coming into production... I have my bushes covered with Nylon net to keep birds off... Will buy better netting next year.....
Response: Looking back over 10 years ago we did this Swap. Don't know how many dishcloths I have made over the years since I joined Swap bot. this was my first dishcloth Swap.. its now 8/28/2023 Jean Thompson
Response: This was my first Fabric Bookmark, can't even remember what it looked like.. but have made Many since then.. Hope your bookmark has been well used.. ! ! Jean in Ohio 9/3/2023