Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Gr8, me 2 and ty for the double â¤
Response: Kein Problem, aber danke fĂźrs â¤
Lieber spät als nie :)
Sonnige GrĂźssle (zurĂźck) von SĂźd nach Nord!
Response: You're welcome! Oh, wow what a lovely rating, many many thanks â¤
Response: Gr8, I am that pleased (as well) and ty so much for the additional â¤!!!
Response: My pleasure & ty 4 the cool rating incl. â¤
Response: Aber gerne doch und ja klar, waren im Schwarzwald, Badischen bzw. Elsass on tour...nun taut die SchneePracht leider dahin...liebe GrĂźĂe zum neuen LebensJahr â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty 4 the â¤
Response: Oh gosh, it's finally there?
My pleasure, ty for your patience and the ⤠= happy 2025! Aloha
Response: My pleasure, gr8 u like it and...Merry Xmas!đâ¨
Response: My pleasure, gr8 u like it and...Merry Xmas!đâ¨
Response: Gracias y a tu tambiĂŠn *â¤*
Response: Sehr gerne und danke fĂźrs â¤
Response: pleasure and I will. Ty for the ⤠Until soon...
Response: Super, ich freue mich total und danke fĂźrs â¤
Bis/auf bald...
Response: Come over and I'll guide you...ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Immer wieder gilt: Sehr, sehr gerne â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: Hej Maxi â¤
DANKE fĂźr Dein positives Update und das tolle Rating.
War jetzt einige Tage in der alten Heimat und freute mich sehr.
LG unter LeseFreaks & Co.
Response: Yeah, ty for the perfect re-rating...just seen by now. You're that welcome, dear Barbara â¤
Response: My pleasure dear Vicky, ty for the ⤠and even 4 joining my swap...more will follow :)
Response: Hallo Anja...gerne bzw. Dir auch vielen lieben Dank zu später h, u.a. fßr Dein ⤠Aktuell regnets hier wieder, aber ich wohne oben bzw. aufm Berg, somit noch alles gut :)
Happy Swapping n even more...
Response: My please but please look onto my profile & stamp, I'm from Germany and mean Stuttgart :)
Response: My pleasure and ty 4 the â¤
There will be a tiny change due 2 personal circumstances but no worries...
Response: Oh, that sounds cool :) Ty 4 the â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: Gerne & wow, danke fĂźr Dein â¤
Response: Hej cool, und DANKEschĂśn, ich freue mich total â¤
Response: Hellooooo....und ja cool, gar supa, das freut mich jetzt total - teetechnich - â¤
DANKE fĂźr die positive Vibes...erneut happy, lucky EasterTime 4 u all...enjoy!
Response: Sehr gerne ⤠Nochmals frohe und erholsame Ostern...aktuell ist das Wetter ja noch wechselhaft und aprillig â¤
Response: Dear Vicky, ty so much, even for the â¤
Take good care and happy 2024!
A huge smile among nature-fans :)
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure. I'm now following you on Insta as well...happy day, happy life!
Response: Sehr gerne und danke fĂźr das â¤
Response: Hi there...among acquarius girls and ty for the â¤
Response: Hi there, most welcome and ty for the ⤠etc., my pleasure at al!
Response: Wow und total gerne, Du Liebe â¤
Response: My pleasure dear, enjoyed reading throught your quick reply...will write to you next week, after my birthday :)
Take care and ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: My pleasure, dear â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: Uih, das ging schnell!
Gerne und liebe GrĂźĂe â¤
Response: HallĂśle von C zu C,
yeah, that's gr8 and happy holidays enjoy and with festive regards direction NZ :)
Ganz viele liebe GrĂźĂe fĂźr 2024,
Christine (winkt) â¤
Response: Hellooo from C to C,
And so glad, you're in...M a n y thanks dear Chantal for doing this (private) swap already for regular :)
Feeling so honored and with festive regards direction you ***
Response: My pleasure, dear Janette and ty for the ⤠With festive regards ***
Response: Dear Kirsty, helloooo again and omg, you're that welcome...ty for the heart and with festive regards â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: Maybe "under"? :)
With festive regards ***
Response: My pleasure dear InĂŞs, wow that went quick direction u = cool!
Have fun while opening and with festive regards ***
Response: ...immer wieder gerne â¤
Response: Danke fßr Dein ⤠bzw. immer wieder gerne :)
Winterwonderland is waving your end...
Response: Chère Laure, merci pour ton ⤠Quelle joie de te rÊlire si positive :)
Je te souhaite un fabouleux fin de l'annĂŠe...
Response: Hi there! My pleasure and ty for the ⤠incl. warm words, you made my day 2...with festive regards ***
Response: My pleasure dear, I do ⤠it 2, ty for the heart :)
Response: Ja, hallo Liisa! Du sprichst Deutsch? Voll cool und d a n k e fßr Dein positives Update. Can't wait to hear & read from you ⤠Until soon...
Response: My pleasure dear Trinette and ty so much for the â¤
With colorful, autumn-regards direction u...
Response: Dear Melissa, my pleasure and ty for the â¤
With colorful autumn-regards direction u...
Response: Sehr sehr gerne, liebe Carole.
Aktuell hält der Herbst Einzug, d.h. kßhler und regnerischer, seufz.
Somit machen wir es uns dann eher indoors gemĂźtlich :)
Danke fĂźrs ⤠und ganz liebe GrĂźĂe zurĂźck, just me and big waves...
Response: Wow ,quite a special swap anyway but ty for joining my swap and taking part of it, yeah! Anyway, I'll like that special date and nothing serious happened to me :)
Response: My pleasure dear and ty so much for the heart, chosen!
With pre-festive regards...
Response: Yeah and my pleasure dear :) Ty for the heart and joining that special swap!
Response: Salut Laure, oh, c'est avec très grand plaisir et je suis contente, que tu aimes cette cp si spĂŠciale et ayant une de mes favourites â¤
Une nouvelle superbe semaine pour toi, bisous...
Response: Gr8 it arrived :) Yeah, many thanks for the ⤠and of course, I'd love to hear n read from you, girl...
Response: Ty for the ⤠would love to read/read from you...
Response: Your welcome ⤠enjoy this special time...
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Bedankt & groetjes to NL â¤
Response: My pleasure, I do ⤠it too!
Response: Wow, that was quick :)
Many thanks for the warm greez and a ⤠= my pleasure and sawadee ka
Response: Oh lala...merci beaucoup pour tes lignes si sympas et c'est avec plaisir, ma chère...bon fin de l'ÊtÊ, profites-en bien :)
Response: Dear Joanne...ty for the ⤠and the following 3 x 5 ratings :)
Response: My pleasure and ty so much for the â¤
Response: Wow, what a cool answer = many thanks â¤
Response: Dear Lynn,
Just welcome = my pleasure and ty for the heart!
With gr8 sunny summer vibes...direction u :)
Response: Bedankt & groetjes 2 NL...
Response: Dear Sofia, my pleasure and ty so much for the â¤
Enjoy sunny n cosy summer-times still...and do explore the world!
Response: Chère t'en pris et merci pour ton "rating" si excellente :)
Response: My pleasure...and you're welcome â¤
Response: Dear Sylvie, oh me rĂŠjouis! Merci, c'est avec plaisir â¤
A un bon ĂŠtĂŠ.
Response: Wow, that was quick. My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Happy summertimes n feelings...yeah!
Response: My pleasure, welcome and ty so much for the ⤠among pet fans :)
Response: Hallo Joanne,
oh, das freut mich! Danke fĂźr die schĂśnen Worte und...frohe Ostern.
Liebe GrĂźĂe
Response: Domo arigato gozaimasu, even for the ⤠Konnichiwa Nippon and Toronto as well!
Response: My pleasure, it was a gr8 fun-swap 4 me and ty 4 the â¤
Response: Welcome! My pleasure dear and ty for the â¤
Response: Dear Rachel, wow, a proper reply in German? Chapeau and my pleasure :) Even a huge ty for the ⤠Happy B'Day among February girls/Acquarius Queens...
Response: My pleasure, happy 2023 still und vielen lieben Dank fĂźr den perfekten Beitrag, ich freute mich â¤
Response: SUPER, es hat geklappt :) Freu und dankeschĂśn â¤
Der wilde SĂźden winkt zum hohen Norden mit SchneeGrĂźssen ********
Response: Sehr gerne und hello again... â¤
Response: My pleasure, happy 2023 and ty for the â¤
Response: pleasure and ty for the â¤
With festive regards and big waves, direction you :)
Response: My pleasure, ty even for the heart and glad you ⤠ed the special motive :) With festive regards
Response: Sehr sehr gerne und d a n k e fĂźrs â¤
Response: Immer wieder gerne, hi Du und d a n k e fĂźrs Extra â¤
Response: My pleasure dear and happy holidays ⤠and an amazing December in total!
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Happy holidays...and a lovely December in total!
Response: Sehr gerne und danke fĂźr das â¤
Frohe (nahende) AdventsGrĂźsse
Response: Dear Kim, ty for having re-checked and thus changed the rating, very kind of you and sorry for my future words - happy swapping!
Response: Hallo liebe Maxi,
ganz â¤lichen Dank fĂźr Dein supertolles Feedback, welch' Freude, auch bei mir!
Uih, der 1te Schnee?
Windige GrĂźsse und einen gemĂźtlichen Sonntag,
(D)eine Christine
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: Wow, that cool indeed and oh yes, I do ⤠Tßbingen/Reutlingen as it's quite nearby...the next meet-ups will take place in Stuttgart & Ludwigsburg...surely you do know these lovely places as well?
Have fun in southern Europe n even more and ty so much for my ⤠happy postcrossing n even more...
Response: Yeah, my pleasure and ty for the ⤠the 1st meet-up for me (without a stamp) was that much fun :)
Response: My pleasure, enjoy â¤
Response: Me 2, ty for the â¤
Response: ⤠Me 2 and ty for the â¤
Response: ⤠My pleasure and do have fun â¤
Groetjes to NL!
Response: ⤠My pleasure dear and ty for the heart ⤠Best wishes to you as well!
Response: Yeah, welcome and my pleasure!
That great and...can't wait â¤
Response: Girl, my pleasure and I do ⤠orchids and roses, even tulips as well :) take good care, happy summer-times still...and ty for the â¤
Response: Girl, my pleasure and...ty, even for the â¤!!!
Response: Girl, my pleasure, ty for the ⤠and yes, the quote is wonderful â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty so much for the â¤
Response: My please, do enjoy them and ty for the â¤
Response: Wow, it's still Easter time? pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: Cool, my pleasure and ty for the ⤠- happy swapping!
With sunny greez
Response: My please and ty for the â¤
Response: ⤠My pleasure - always and 4ever â¤
Response: My pleasure, ty for the ⤠and best wishes!
Response: My pleasure and ty for the ⤠and best wishes!
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: Helloooo from C to C,
my pleaure...and ty for the â¤
Response: ⤠Super, liebe Maxi...
Hej girl, gern geschehen und...dann freue ich mich, wenn Du Dich freust :) gaaanz viel Spass mit Allem. Hat mir Freude bereitet, Dich "bewichteln" zu dĂźrfen :)
Alles Liebe nach DD, Christine
Response: De nada y gracias por el â¤!
Response: Wow, my pleasure and ty for the â¤
Best and sincere wishes for the new year...go on further :)
Response: My pleasure and ty for the ⤠- happy 2022 as well...just do enjoy!
Response: Oh cool, er ist - endlich - da, freue mich, auch fĂźr das â¤
DankeschĂśn und Dir auch happy 2022, stay safe & sound!
Response: My pleasure, wow, that was turbo-quick and ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure and ty for the â¤
Response: My pleasure dear and ty for the â¤
Happy holidays and even more...
Response: Oh, my pleasure dear and most welcome â¤
With festive regards
Response: My pleasure dear. Sooo glad that you like it & ty for the â¤
With festive regards and big waves!
Response: Great it's already there and my pleasure :) Ty so much for the â¤
With winterly regards
Response: My pleasure dear friend - I even enjoy doing this with you - one of my yearly highlights, be that sure :)
Happy swapping and take good care! â¤
Response: Sehr gerne, frohe Feiertage, danke fßrs ⤠und Groetjes to NL, enjoy...
Response: My pleasure ⤠konnichiwa Nippon!
Response: My pleasure, hon â¤
Ty for the heart and big compliments! Stay safe...
Response: heard ⤠staysafe and enjoy swapping over here...
Response: Oh lala, elle est lĂ :) et, avec plaisir ma chère â¤
Response: My pleasure! Ty so much, dear Chantal, even for the heart â¤
Response: My pleasure, dear Monique :)
Happy tasting â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: â¤lichen Dank liebe Maxi, freute mich sehr Ăźber Dein so positives Feedback.
WĂźnsche Dir auch noch einen tollen Sommer bzw. erholsamen Urlaub...egal wo(hin) :)
LG aus Ba-WĂź!
Response: My pleasure and ty for the ⤠you Germany-lover :)
Response: Omg, so glad that it arrived and surprised you that much, many thanks â¤
Do keep safe and healthy!
Response: Great! My pleasure â¤
Response: Yes, I did ⤠it 2 :) Ty for the cool rating - stay safe!
Response: Your welcome and happy Easter celebrations â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: ⤠Hi there, my pleasure and ty for the cool rating - stay safe!!!
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Yeah, good news - you are that welcome â¤
Response: My pleasure dear, I felt that overwhelmed about your lines...and will glady do that again by end of 2021 â¤
Ty for the cool rating!
Response: Dear Mary, my pleasure and I am SO happy that you loved it all. So, you made my day as well :)
Ty even for your pn â¤
Response: My great pleasure dear and a happy Birthday 2 u 2! â¤
Response: My great pleasure and even a happy Birthday 2 u 2, do enjoy...â¤
Response: Dear Elena,
my pleasure - wow, that was quick :) Just do enjoy it all â¤
Happy celebrations!
Response: â¤
Stay safe and healty - best wishes!
Response: My pleasure â¤
Happy 2021 in total...
Response: Dear Debbie, oh ty from the bottom of my heart!
Indeed: You are that welcome, dear â¤
Response: Yeah, can't wait! Ty even for the â¤
Happy 2021...
Response: My pleasure dear Andrea and happy, even better 2021 â¤
Response: My pleasure and happy (better) 2021! â¤
Response: Gern geschehen - es macht immer Spass, wenn ich Deinen Namen lese :)
Hoffe, es geht Dir gut und Du hattest schĂśne Weihnachten...
Beste GrĂźĂe fĂźr 2021 und...gesund bleiben (!).
LG von DE nach CH â¤
Response: Dear Scandinavian friend,
I am sooo glad that you⤠ed all my presents - so did I!
It's alsways a pleaseure to swap with you, girl. ⤠ed your wonderful items as well, what a perfect choice.
Stay stay and healthy and all my best wishes for 2021, can't wait to start it soon :)
Response: You're that welcome - I do ⤠it 2 :)
Ty even for the heart...happy holidays!
Response: Gern geschehen, ganz viel TeeGenuss & eine gute Zeit. Danke auch fĂźr das â¤!
Beste GrĂźĂe fĂźr 2021...
Response: Girl, my pleasure and ty for the â¤
PS The wrapped item is privately :) Just to enjoy them all...happy, better 2021!
Response: My pleasure â¤
Dear Debbie, ty I am fine over here as well as my loved-ones - of course life is totally different these days and often hard to handle but we all will survive it - asap. Fingers crossed and with festive reagards and big hopes direction you, sweet girl!
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Sorry for the misunderstanding - of course I'll do a proper re-send - stay curious, even safe and healthy!
Best wishes
Response: Hej, my pleasure ⤠I am even a huge fan of (German) Xmasmarkets, but this year, there will be none :( I like hot, spicy wine!
Response: Your welcome, dear Sofie :)
I bought me the same mask - so have fun and stay safe â¤
Response: Yeah, my pleasure and ty for the â¤
Stay safe & happy swapping!
Response: Girl, you are that welcome :) ⤠Best wishes!
Response: Girl, you are that welcome :) ⤠Best wishes!
Response: Girl, you are that welcome :) â¤
Best wishes!
Response: You're that welcome and ty for the â¤
Response: Ty dear Andrea for the cool rating! As promised, I'll send you sth still cheer up, after my holidays â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Stay safe and healthy!
Best wishes to northern Europe
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Yeah, that's great ⤠Ty for the cool rating and happy tasting :)
Response: Oh, de nada querida - gracias por el â¤
Response: ⤠So cool, can't wait...ty for the "go" & happy pen-palling/swapping...I'll be there!
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: SO glad YOU like it â¤
Ty for the cool rating...happy summer still - just do enjoy it!
Response: So glad you liike it (all) â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: ⤠You're welcome!
I thought it could please you :)
Have a gr8 summer still & best wishes
Response: ⤠Wow indeed, that was really late, poor you :( What happened with our postall systems...?
Anway, do have a gr8 summer and stay safe and healthy!
Response: So sorry that my swap didn't please you to it's fullest, by card & handwriting was such a great challenge for me. Right now, I am 4 weeks alone in the office with less spare-time.
Anyway, ty for the fair rating & do have a great summer still...
Response: Hej u, sehr gerne, danke fĂźr coole Rating a b e r entspann Dich mal :)
Happy swapping â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: You're that welcome, do enjoy â¤
Response: Glad that it arrived and you like it. Ty for the rating!
Response: Wow, what's up? Such cool ratings tonight - many thanks :)
Response: Wow, what's up? Such cool ratings tonight - many thanks :)
Response: Your welcome â¤
Response: Huhu & gern geschehen :) â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Your welcome â¤
Response: My pleasure and have fun with just everything â¤
Happy swapping & reading...
Response: My pleasure...hej, it's even one of my favourites â¤
Response: Dear Destiny, hi there & my pleasure ⤠thanks for the cool rating!
In case you wanna do a private swap...please do PN me...happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Sehr gerne...leider bin ich immer noch krank und Ăźbe mich in Geduld :)
Response: Update
Dear Carolien, hi there...
Good to know this :)
Oh yes - yours even arrived these days & pleased me that much, many thanks girl â¤
Unf., I am still ill thus all a bit slowed-down...happy swapping!
Response: ⤠my pleasure!
Response: ⤠Can't wait...
Response: ⤠Hej, glad that you loved just everything (like me while having had fun going shopping for you) :) Happy 2020 and swapping...take good care and until next time!
Response: Well, I do ⤠those both :)
Indeed...can't really understand your rating :(
Response: Your welcome - I'd fun chosing that card for you and oh yes, my handwriting is often quite artistic â¤
Response: Your welcome â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Indeed, that's for sure :) â¤
Response: Hej, das freut mich - s e h r â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: You're welcome dear...I searched them with intention :)
Ty for the â¤
Response: Que estupendo - soy si contento...I already "collected" new-ones for you â¤
Response: You're welcome, dear â¤
Response: Wow, that was quick, ty â¤
Response: Yeah, it's there, cool â¤
Response: Your that welcome â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: My pleasure & ty for the â¤
Response: Yeah, finally another ⤠rating, cool. So you liked my swap - I am that happy (again) :)
Response: ⤠Ty for the cool rating - my pleasure!
And yes, 4 sure, please do PN me :)
Response: Great, it finally arrived!
In case you do want to do a private swap, just PN me...â¤
Response: ⤠Je me rÊjouis!
Response: Oh no, I am terribly sorry for that mistake done, me and my old head :(
Response: Girl my pleasure, I had so much fun with that special swap-assortment â¤
Have a great 2019...take good care and enjoy life tonz!
Response: You're welcome and ty for the â¤
Response: ⤠My pleasure!
Response: ⤠My pleasure!
With festive regards & big waves
Response: My pleasure, dear â¤
Response: Oh wow, that was quite a huge pleasure my dear â¤
Response: Boy, you are that welcome :)
Ty for the heart â¤
Response: Cool rating, I am that happy indeed - ty for the heart â¤
Response: ⤠My pleasure and ty for my heart! :)
Response: ⤠You're welcome and next time, I'll translate them (good hint)! Happy reading :)
Response: Lucky me - with sunny, even most curious regards - ty for the â¤
Response: ⤠Gern geschehen! :)
Response: ⤠Cool - dann bin & bleibe ich mal gespannt...
Response: ⤠Freue mich, wenn Du Dich freust :)
Happy swapping...
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: ⤠Hello again, had been on vacation lately. Ty for the cool rating, although my handwriting is v e r y artistic, indeed :)
Happy summer-times & feelings...
Response: ⤠I am that happy. Ty for the gr8 rating!
Response: ⤠Wow, das ging ja schnell & sehr gerne geschehen :)
Response: Yeah, so glad you like it & am still remembering me ⤠happy swapping & groetjes to NL!
Response: Du, s e h r gerne geschehen :)
Danke fĂÂźr Deine tolle Bewertung und hab ein schĂÂśnes, aber leider doch sehr trĂÂźbes (Faschings)WE! Hellau â¤
Response: Yeah, that's great but just take your time needed â¤
Response: Hi there, nice to meet and thanks a bunch for your crime-authors - quite nearby! â¤
Can't wait to receive your response...happy pen-palling!
Response: ⤠You are that welcome dear, happy 2018....just do enjoy it!
Response: ⤠Welcome & happy 2018, just do enjoy it...
Response: Dear & true friend, you are that welcome ⤠I love to swap with you, every single time - outstanding items that well-chosen do always reach & enjoy me that much - many warm hugs & best wishes for 2018 - I am that ready â¤
Response: SO glad you like it, yeah!
Thanks for the cool rating â¤
Response: Prego - Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo â¤
Response: Wow, that was quick - my pleasure â¤
Response: Your welcome, dear â¤
Response: Echt jetzt? Na, das freut mich dann aber doppelt, yeah & lächelnd!
LG zurĂÂźck, ganz viel Lesespass & danke fĂÂźr's â¤
Response: Sehr gern geschehen! :)
Have fun with my special collection â¤
Response: ⤠und schon wieder bist Du meine neue Partnerin :)
Response: ⤠My pleasure
Response: Mir gefiel sie auch :) danke fĂÂźr das ⤠& noch einen schĂÂśnen Restsommer!
Response: My pleasure :)
Groetjes to NL â¤
Response: My pleasure - have fun & do enjoy it â¤
Response: Honey, I am SO glad that you like it that that much! ⤠Great choice indeed â¤
Response: Sehr gern geschehen! :)
Danke fĂÂźrs â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Your welcome â¤
Response: My pleasure â¤
Response: Sehr gerne geschehen :)
Ja, sie gefiel mir auch, wie passend! â¤
Response: Jubel, denn sehr gern geschehen :)
Du hast eine PN! â¤
Response: Great - just do enjoy...â¤
Response: Hej, you are welcome dear â¤
Response: My pleasure & thanks for the heart! :) â¤
Response: Oh great but the chocolate was only an extra due to it's perfect wrapping paper :)
Response: You're welcome dear...thanks for your cool rating & happy swapping â¤
Response: ⤠Hej, das freut mich jetzt aber - sehr gern geschehen! :) â¤
Response: My pleasure but sorry for the heat-trouble caused - next time I'll wrap chocolate separately :)
Response: SO glad that you like it - ty even for the ⤠- happy swapping!
Response: What a pity - please do specify your profile concerning weather conditions :) - that would be quite helpful...thanks!
Response: Ja supi bzw. das freut mich jetzt aber sehr!
Happy swapping â¤
Response: So glad you like it :) â¤
Response: With pleasure, do enjoy â¤
Response: ⤠Cool that you like it :)
Response: ⤠Ich hoffe, der (kunterbunte) Inhalt gefällt Dir!?
Response: ...sehr gern geschehen & danke fĂÂźr's ⤠! Dann fruee ich mich natĂÂźrlich auch...und ich war letztes Jahr dran mit dem Runden...aber, auch mein Wiegenfeste, bei stahlendem Sonnenschein & Urlaubstag - tat & kam einfach gut! Happy swapping...
Response: You're that welcome â¤
Response: Na, da bin ich ja froh & strahle selbst wie ein Honigkuchenpferd!!!
Response: Sehr gern geschehen unter Krimi-Fans ;)
Response: ⤠Freu(t) mich!
Response: ⤠Freu(t) mich!
Ganz viel Lesespass...
Response: ⤠Freu(t) mich!
Response: ⤠Freu(t) mich!
Response: ⤠Freu(t) mich!
Response: Sophie, my pleasure indeed - I thought it would enjoy you - in different ways :)
Have fun while reading this special-one...liebe GrĂÂźĂŸe nach M, C. â¤
Response: Kelly - ahhhh, thanks for that cool rating - my pleasure indeed!
Have fun with this special book :)
Best, Christine â¤
Response: Yeah...finally it's there! Gr8 joy! Ty even for the ââ˘ÂĽ - happy swapping!
Response: Huhu - puh bzw. da bin ich aber froh :) danke fĂÂźrs Update!
Ich hoffe, Du hattest einen schĂÂśnen (Lese)urlaub?
LG nach HH! ââ˘ÂĽ
Response: Huhu - puh bzw. da bin ich aber froh :) danke fĂÂźrs Update! Ich hoffe, Du hattest einen schĂÂśnen Geburtstag? LG nach BS! ââ˘ÂĽ
Response: ââ˘ÂĽ TOP-Lieferung, TOP-Ware, TOP-Bewertung - danke!
Und das zum Welttag des Buches ââ˘ÂĽ
Response: I'll do ââ˘ÂĽ
Response: Do enjoy it! ââ˘ÂĽ
Response: ââ˘ÂĽ
Vive la belle France!
Response: ââ˘ÂĽ
Quel suerte!
Response:'s already there? Just do enjoy...
Response: Yeah...that was quite fast :) just do enjoy my whole package & ty for the great ââ˘ÂĽ
Response: Hej...sehr gern geschehen :)
Haben gestern - endlich - gebucht - es geht in die Karibik ââ˘ÂĽ
Response: Haha...are you joking? That sound's really crazy but things may happen like this - we are all human beings : )
At least I have missed your rating, so far - thanks 2 for the great red heart & happy swapping!!!
Response: You you liked it! Happy 2016....and thanks for the cool read heart :)
Response: Gern geschehen :)
Response: Gern geschehen - ich hoffe, Du hast auch schĂÂśn gefeiert!?
Response: Glad it finally arrived & enjoyed you :)
Happy swapping - thanks for the red heart!
Response: Hi Carol Ann!
Happy 2016 still...just do enjoy and thanks a bunch for that wonderful rating, yeah!
Me 2 I am that pleased to have offered you a book about Scotland, your favourite country :) Have much fun while reading!
Response: ...puh bzw. na endlich! Hej...dann bis Weihnachten - ist ja bald, habe nun auch endlich Urlaub, freu...happy holidays & do enjoy!
Response: Cool that it finally arrived your home safe & sound :) happy festive days, just do enjoy....and, thanks for your wonderful rating!
Response: Cool that it finally arrived :) happy holidays, do enjoy!
Response: Ja cool, da bin ich aber auch glĂÂźcklich, ebenso erleichtert, puh...bzw. was lange währt :) WĂÂźnsche Dir ganz viel Lesespass & frohe Feiertage!
Response: Thanks for your kind words & gr8 rating - happy holidays, just do enjoy!
Response: Yeah, finally :) just do enjoy!
Response: Danke (gleichfalls), auch fĂÂźrs tolle Rating!
Freut mich, dass Alles gut ankam! :)
Happy swapping...
Response: Yeah - that was indeed v e r y quick!
Cool that it arrived all that good-smelling your end - just do enjoy!
Merry Christimas :)
Response: That cool! Hi Camilla...dear, what a pleasure - again - you are that welcome, among cat-lovers! Do enjoy & happy swapping...ty even for the wonderful red heart :)
Response: Gr8 that it's already there :)
Just do & happy opening all my presents...
Response: Hi Sherry, you are that welcome - thanks for that positive rating incl. red heart! I am already looking forward to your swap...
Response: Querida...gracias por tu evaluacion si positiva, y que finalmente he recibido mi swap despues muchas semanas...pero que lastima que los calcetines son tan grandes para ti. Besos y abrazos!
Response: Hej...please don't mix something up - this is/was our private swap...the lip stick means another one, coming soon :) fingers crossed!
Response: Yeah, it's already there? Good to know this, thanks for the heart & fingers crossed while hopefully my pacakge will also even show-up s o o n...
Response: Querida Camila,
perdon por mi silencia...pero, soy un poco en estres esos dias!
Really, I am that that happy that finally my envie arrived & reached your safely, by now. Gr8 that you loved all the extras ...and just take your time at Xmas to open all the other-ones...and do enjoy!
Feliz navidad y un buen ano nuevo...hasta pronto y cuidate mas!
Response:'s already there?
Do enjoy & happy reading!!! ðŸââ˘
Response: For sure - my pleasure, that was really quick - salut la belle France! :)
Response: Gr8 - that was quick! Did you even enjoy my encl. sticker sheet as an extra?
Response: Ty - even for the wonderful red heart :) I am that pleased!
Response: Ty - even for the wonderful red heart - happy pen-palling & more :) do enjoy...
Response: My pleasure, dear...just do enjoy!
Even a huge ty for the lovely read heart :)
Response: Your welcome enjoy it s o o n and a huge ty for the rad wonderful heart! :)
Happy swapping!
Response: :) My pleasure - do enjoy...
Response: Hi Camila!
A huge ty for your wonderful rating indeed! I am glad that you really loved all chosen items (done with special care), arriving quite quickly. Do enjoy just everything and happy swapping!
Best wishes from me to you, I am sure we'll do something adequate again (soon) :)
Response: Yeah - good choice - I am that pleased!
Thanks for the heart :)
Response: MY pleasure dear :) yeah & happy swapping!
Response: Just take your time needed! :)
Happy swapping & wonderful festive days - even a huge ty for the lovely read heart!
Response: Yeah, so glad that you enjoyed just all of them! Happy swapping & ty for the wonderful red heart!
Response: :) Gern geschehen...danke fĂÂźrs Herz!
Response: Ty ðŸâ⢠- glad you liked just everything!
Response: Dear, you are that welcome ðŸââ˘
Response: My pleausure, dear :) happy swapping!
Response: Gr8 - just do enjoy & a huge ty for the lovely red heart! :)
Response: Yeah - it's also there!!! case you want to taste some more intern. teas etc., just do let me know!
Response: Cool, they finally arrived...have fun!
Response: Hej u - dear Cari!
Thanks a bunch for your wonderful rating, yeah...even a huge ty for the wonderful red heart!
Happy swapping - among cat-lovers!
Response: Cool, danke fĂÂźr die tolle Bewertung, das freute mich jetzt aber s e h r bzw. sehr gern geschehen!!!
Bis bald (erneut) :)
Response: Yeah, my pleasure dear...that was quite quick - happy reading & enjoying - I just love her stories :)
Response: Dear Kelly, hellooooo again!
Just me, being back now from lovely Turkey :) a huge ty for the gr8 rating, yeah! So, happy reading - just do enjoy...I do love her books! Best - Christine
Response: Helloooo again - groejtes to NL - I am now back again from lovely Turkey!
A huge ty for the gr8 rating dear - you are that welcome!
Response: SO glad you liked it :) yeah...happy swapping!
Response: Wow...I am that pleased, indeed!
Cool...ty for your gr8 red heart - happy swapping :)
Response: My pleasure, dear & again a huge ty for the wonderful red heart!!!
Response: Oho, I am that impressed - hi honey!
Really, can't believe my eyes what you are all writing here & about :) - even on my wall - thanks so much in return!
Really, I had much fun while shopping & packing all 2gether - indeed it was such a great pleasure to swap with you - do enjoy...and I definitely love the red heart!!!
Response: Again a huge ty for the gr8 rating, dear! At least it made so much fun going shopping 4 u :)
Response: Yeah, SO glad that you liked it like me (!) - thanks for the gr8 Rating & doing this privat swap with me...happy swapping!
Response: Glad you liked it - that was quick :)
Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Yeah...glad you liked it & a huge ty even for the red heart!!! :) Happy swapping...
Response: My pleausure :)
Response: Yeah, it's already there - what a release!
Even me, I just liked-it :) happy swapping - looking forward to your great mail - again soon! Take care & ty for the stunning heart!
Response: Yeah, it finally showed-up - glad that you loved it!!! Happy swapping...and ty even for the cool red heart :)
Response: Cool, that it finally arrived, even enjoyed you that much! Even loved the extra red heart :) thx.!
Happy swapping...
Response: MY pleasure dear...I had so much fun while Shopping!
TY even for the great red heart :)
Happy swapping...
Response: Yeah, that was quick!
Thanks for the gr8 Rating...happy swapping!
Response: My pleaure dear - just do enjoy!
Happy swapping & ty even for the red heart :)
Response: Yeah, cool that you do like it - defnitely it's a nice-one with a lot of summer-mood :)
Ty even for the red heart & happy swapping!
Response: Oh, I am that pleased! Hi there...
Thanks for the nice rating incl. red heart - really, it was my pleasure to surprise you both :)
Happy swapping & big waves to my neighbour-country!
Response: Yeah - glad that you liked our Country flag :) - happy swapping!
Response: Oh, what a release, yeah.
Thanks for the gr8 rating incl. red heart!!! Def., I put much effort into this crafty swap - do enjoy...
Response: Hej, ty 2 Pam :)
Response: Again - another-one is on the way, direction you - enjoy...
Response: Again it was such a huge pleasure to pamper you dear Pam - happy swapping...
Response: You are that welcome...really, it was my pleasure to surprise & enjoy you :) happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure dear, even a huge ty for the heart! Happy summer enjoy while reading etc.
Response: Oh, hello again!
Really, I am that glad that everything just enjoyed you - sorry for the delay in writing...happy swapping and thanks for the heart - best summer wishes direction you!
Response: Phew...really, I am glad that my re-send finally arrived and even enjoyed you that much! Even a huge ty for the heart - waves to another cat-lover in Northern Europe!
Response: Yes, indeed it is! Gr8 that you do love it - enjoy & thanks even for the heart :)
Response: My pleasure! Even thanks for the additional heart :)
Response: Querida Veronica...gracias por tu respuesta si positiva - es un placer y te deseo un buen verano aun...
Response: Huhu zurĂÂźck & oh, da bin ich aber (auch) froh :) Danke fĂÂźrs Tauschen - gerne mal wieder...
Response: Oh, now I am that happy like you - thanks for your gr8 Rating incl. heart!!!
Response: :) ty for the heart!
Response: Glad that you loved just everything!
Response: Gr8 you do love it!!!
Response: pleasure!
Response: Sorry for the inconvenience caused
Response: Gracias por eso tambien! Happy swapping...saludos de aqui
Response: Thanks for your wonderful rating!
I am glad that you loved just everything I had sent to you - maybe until soon again? :)
Happy swapping...
Response: Why not?
I am open to nearly everything :)
Response: Cool, my pleasure, dear :) just do enjoy...
Response: Yeah, glad that it finally reached & enjoyed you ðŸâ⢠... and happy birthday as well!!!
Response: Yeah, glad that it finally reached & enjoyed you ðŸâ⢠- happy swapping...
Response: Oh, welch Freude aber auch Erleichterung - danke fĂÂźr die lieben Zeilen und logo auch das Herz! Viel SpaĂŸ mit Allem...
Response: You are that welcome dear :) - just seen your nice Rating "only" now
Response: Oh, you are that welcome - dear. Even a huge ty for the ðŸâ⢠- happy swapping...
Response: Hej cool...Ihr habt also unsere Landeshauptstadt bereist? Ja, Stuttgart ist schon eine Reise wert, aber ich wohne ja auch am Rande der GroĂŸstadt...das passt! Happpy swapping...
Response: Update
Hi Geraldine,
well, at long I am (again) and really, be that sure indeed, being the most-happiest and luckiest girl on earth having re-got her 5.000-rating again...till some weeks, yeah - I am that that proud, believe me as now being able again to participate at special swaps with a certain ranking needed!
Can't wait to be your future swap-partner again...and m a n y thanks indeed for your kind understanding and wonderful rating incl. a heart mentioned!!!!
Big waves from summer-like southern Germany - best, Christine
Response: My pleasure dear Heather & ty for the ðŸââ˘
Response: Yeah - hi there - I am glad that you loved just everything and a huge ty for the ðŸââ˘
Happy tea-time & travelling (abroad)...
Indeed, that was my Intention dear :) ðŸââ˘
Response: long last - how nice anyway & ty for the ðŸâ⢠!!
Feel free to reply whenever time & mood is there...happy pen-palling!
Response: Yeah, that's great - even a huge ty for the heart!!!
Response: Yeah - SO glad that YOU liked it! Even ty for the heart :)
Response: Yeah! I am happy that it arrived & enjoyed you that quickly & even much :)
Even a huge ty for the heart!
Response: Yeah, I am that happy - even ty for the ðŸââ˘
Response: Oh, you are that welcome dear - my gr8 pleasure :) and ty even for the heart!
Response: Oh, gar nicht gesehen :) bitte, gern geschehen & danke fĂÂźrs Herz!!!
Response: Hej, sehr gern geschehen bzw ich dachte, es freut Dich, vlt. :)
Ups ok, dann sind wir ja aus demselben BL, cool - danke, Dir auch 3 chillaxte freie Tage & happy swapping :)
Response: Dear Andrea - hi there & good eve?
Ty for the positive rating - incl. heart b u t this time I did'nt sent you any teabags at all :( unf. not - perhaps you would like to change your rating, accordingly?
Best but rainy wishes from southern Germany,
Response: Hej u - great that it arrives so quickly and you loved it all :) my pleasure!
Thanks - even for the heart!
PS New package is on its way to you, enjoy!
Response: Yeah - it finally arrived & enjoyed :) just gr8!
Ty for the heart!
Response: Oh, you are welcome dear and ty for the heart :)
Response: Cool that it quickly arrived, even enjoyed you :)
Response: Yeah, I just thought to give it a touch of spring-time - already :)
Response: Oh, das ging aber fix - gern geschehen - lG in die schĂÂśne Pfalz :)
Response: Huhu & danke fĂÂźrs early, ebenso ausfĂÂźhrliche Update - dann habe ich ja quasi fast komplett ins Schwarze getroffen und die (TĂÂźr)deko kann/kĂÂśnnte ja auch woanders - quasi drinnen - hängen - ĂÂźberleg' Dir mal was :) LG & happy holidays...
Response: Glad that you liked it all ;) you're welcome dear...take good care!
Response: Cool - dann freue ich mich doch auch ;)
Response: Cool, that it's already there & enjoyed you - also looking forward to your reply :)
Response: Wow, that was quick :) do enjoy...the whole package!
Response: YOU are that welcome, dear :) even thanks for the heart!
Response: ...already done now :)
Being curious already...
Response: Es un placer :)
Soooo glad that it finally reached & enjoyed you!
Response: Yipeee, can't wait...
Response: Thx :) even 4 the heart!
Response: Dear Erika,
hello again and wow, can't believe it but I am SO happy indeed...that was quite quick and lucky that you enjoyed all well-choosen items indeed, that's the most important - happy swapping & smiling - best weekend-wishes to nearby Belgium!
Response: Oh, I am that glad that it already arrived (by last week) and even enjoyed you that much - that's great :)
Response: Oh, soooo glad & happy that it reached & enjoyed you that much dear ;)
Response: Finally back from Abu Dhabi.
Thanks for your gr8 reply.
With curious regards receiving your intro s o o n :)
Response: Cool that it reached & enjoyed you that much dear :)
Response: Hi Helena,
happy summer-times :) all fine?
Still awaiting your reply - until soon?
Best wishes