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Date Joined: October 18, 2015
Last Online: March 1, 2017 Birthday: February 26 Country: Austria |
I am 31 years old and I am enjoying to be a mom for my little baby girl, who was born in September, 2015. My name is Rasa (Rassa) and in my native language it means a dew. Also Rasa is the goddess of summer's greenage and flowers in the mythology of Baltic people.
I'm originally Lithuanian and my homeland is Lithuania, a small country in Europe by the Batic sea, but now I live in Austria, in Vienna.
Vienna city is very beautiful, old, historical and full sounds of music. I'm happily married with a wonderful man and a best friend. We have a baby girl, her name is Milda. The name of Lithuanian and Latvian goddess of love. She is a very cute baby. Also we have a
active and lovely one.
I'm a, a
and a little
I was a teacher and worked with children and teens in drama studio. I have studied theater educology and religion studies. I like learn new things and to take online courses. I'm interested in kitchen whichery and I want study about herbs and kitchen magic. Also I have a dream about
courses, because I love flowers and ceramics. I love very much orchids, pelargonium, tulips, roses. I just started to collect different sorts of orchids .
I'm a big fan of and I love them, because of that I have a big elephants collection, but still not a real one there
I started do it since I was 15 or 16 years old. Most of them are figurines, I get often them as presents and I always buy a new one every time I travel.
Also I collect:
Postcards and I love the most map postcards
Pockets calendars
Souvenirs from others countries
Miniature buildings and ceramic houses
Orchids, just started & everything with tulips, I love tulips so so much!!!
Together with my husband we collect souvenir shot gases from different places where we have been on our trips.
I help to collect it for husband of mine.
I am always buying a new one every year, love them!
I love get Christmas cards and birthday cards.
I would like to start, I found it interesting because I have never had a one like this...
I have many hobbies:
I'm interested in mysteries, folk, mythology, secrets, religion science, anthropology, languages. I can speak in Lithuanian ( it is my native language), English, Russian. Now I'm learning German, but I can understand and to speak a little. Also I know French and a little bit of Spanish.
I love to travel. I have been visited Italy, Malta, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, The Netherlands, Brussels, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, Germany. I want to visit Australia, Peru, Canada, USA, Scotland, Iceland, Ireland, Chile, Siberia, Japan....
I like many things. I like cooking, baking, growing & planting flowers and herbs, dancing, singing, reading, writing, music, theater, art, long walks, discover new things, cultures and countries, languages.
MY FAVORITE SEASON TIME: Christmas, Halloween, smell of spring, autumn colors, winter snow. My favorite season is a spring, because a nature awakens and green, flowers are blooming and because of a good fresh smell in the air. I love my birthdays and I like decorate Easter eggs.
I LOVE A NATURE AND TO SPEND TIME OUTDOOR: I like a sea, lakes, mountains, forests, parks, riversides, sunsets.
ANIMALS I LIKE: elephants, dogs, guinea pigs, giraffes, black cats, tigers, owls, ladybirds bugs.
MY FAVORITE DRINKS: herbal tea, hot chocolate, Italian & Wien coffe, good vine, blueberries & strawberries milkshakes.
MY FAVORITE FOOD: cheesecake, beetroots, potatoes, blueberries, cherries, cheese, grapes, maroni, honey, cupcakes, cakes, salads, pink soup, Lithuanian & Italian kitchen, raclette, ice cream, chocolates.
GEMSTONES I LIKE: Baltic amber, topaz, chrysoprase, labradorite, sapphire.
MY FAVORITE COLORS: blue, red, green and purple.
COUNTRIES I LIKE: Lithuania, Austria, Malta, Ireland, Iceland... I love Salzburg. Still not discover far countries than Europe.
I LIKE: old fashion letters, postcards, souvenirs, fridge magnets, stationary, washi and deco tapes, lucky clovers, domovoi & kitchen witches, charm bracelets, charms with clasp, snow globes, Advent calendars, Christmas & Halloween items, calendars, celtic, mysterious detective stories, road trips.....
I like different kind of music it depends on my mood. I like classical music and I love Mozart. I like rock, pop, jazz, violin music, Christmas songs, country music, Lithuanian folk music, French and German children songs. Some of my favorites:
In my family we have a dog schipperke, it is a small Belgian breed of dogs, sometimes they calls small shepherd. He has a tale, here in Europe they look just a little different than in USA.
My dog has a tale, he came to our family from France 2 years ago just before Christmas as a wonderful Christmas present. His name is Inky, His father and mother are champions of dogs show in Europe. Inky still not, but we not really want it. We love him and don't want that he do what he doesn't like, better Inky enjoy his life as funny and free dog but not champion of dog shows :) He is super mega active and never tired, he prefers agility :)))
My dog name is Inky, but full name is INKY du Clos des Lutins d'Ebène. He is pure breed pedigree and we had some dogs shows when he was younger, later I became pregnant, it wasn't time for that anymore, but we are planning come back next year. Inky is 2 years old. Very funny, active, cute, lovely, friendly. He likes to bark so much. Loves to play a lot and sausages, but also likes other dog goodies :) Inky likes plush toys and balls. He can not live without long walks in evenings. Inky was traveling to Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Switzerland.
I would like to have some more dogs, I like this breeds of dogs
The Papillon
Shetland Sheepdogs - Sheltie
Welsh corgi
and...I like guinea pigs as well
Decorate your partners profile: Spring! von Schaefchen87
Hoffentlich kommt er bald zu uns, der liebe Früling. Ich habe genug von Kälte und Frost :-) Hoffentlichen gefallen dir die Bilder. Schöne Grüße, Sarah
Decorate your partners profile: Spring!
Few things say spring to me like spring flowers! They have just started to come here now, and along with the birds singing it puts me in such great spirits, knowing sunshine will follow. Spring is definitely my favourite season. :) I hope you enjoy these images of spring!
APDG Happy 2016
APDG Happy 2016
APDG Happy 2016 Sorry I'm late I've been deathly sick since Thursday :-(
APDG ~ HAPPY 2016!
Somehow I let this swap sneak up on me, and I'm over 10 hours late! Eek! Here's hoping this isn't indicitive of how the rest of my 2016 will go. Haha!
I apologize for being late, and I hope the new year is full of awesome things for you!
Happy New Year! Have an amazing 2016!
Swap: APDG ~ HAPPY 2016! 😃
(Image sources: http://ohwowillustration.tumblr.com/post/136353621606/say-hello-to-2016-with-a-big-smile-happy-new-year; http://risarodil.tumblr.com/post/136330967607; http://thedeepsigh.co.vu/post/136353349328)
Rasa, Greetings to you from Arizona!
From Susie & APDG happy New Year!
APDG ~ HAPPY 2016! 😃
Happy New Year, Rasa!
Hello! :D
This is Valerie (Jadelynn) for APDG ~ HAPPY 2016! I wish you, with all my heart, a very Happy New Year! I hope you'll have a wonderful 2016 :-)
(I hope it doesn't matter that the border of the snowman misses a piece, I just loved that gif so much I really wanted to share it :D If it matters, let me know and I'll send you three new picures ^^
With many hugs
Valerie xxx