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Response: Normally, I will DNF a book that just doesn't hold my attention. If after a third (or sometimes a half) of the book, I'm still not hooked, I DNF.
For the book I almost DNFed in January, my problem with it wasn't the story. I wanted to know more. But the author's style of writing was annoying. The way the narrator was always stating the obvious, the way the author made some scenes too stereotypical... I've read many romance novels. This could have been one I enjoyed because the main storyline was different from other rom-coms. But the narration just annoyed me. I stuck to it because I wanted to know how B stories ended, not the main one.
Response: That's funny! I was reading your answers and was thinking to myself: "This is me in the future!", like I was reading about myself but further in my life!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: The East coast is absolutely gorgeous! I hope you get to visit it one day!
Response: I'm glad you received my letter. Take your time. I am not writing much lately myself.
Response: That swap was much harder than I thought! And you had an "easy" letter (r). My other partner had "k". I still managed to do it! :-)
Response: Sorry I had to write so small. I didn't expect the last sentence of the book to be so long! lol
Response: I got scared just making the board! lol
Response: You're welcome for the list! And thank you for the rating!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Hi there! Yes, you are correct. The most books I have read in a year is actually 27! I am attempting to read 50 books this year though. Good job!
Response: Hi there! Yes, you are correct. The most books I have read in a year is actually 27! I am attempting to read 50 books this year though. Good job!
Response: Don't worry too much. The book wasn't horrible (I've definitely read worse!) but it wasn't the best! I'm giving the Karen Harper part a chance, now.
Response: We visited Germany (Berlin), then went to Tallinn. There we toured Old Tallinn. Beautiful place! One of my favorite places in my cruise! After Estonia, we spent two days in Russia (St. Petersburg). Beautiful gardens there! So amazing! On the way back, we stopped in Sweden (Stockholm) and Finland (Helsinki). I could have written 4 pages if I had written all about my trip! lol
Response: Thank you very much for you 5 rating, despite it coming to you all destroyed! :-( Thank you also for the advice. The next ones I will put in a plastic sleeve.
Response: You're welcome! I had a lot of fun drawing it!
Response: Update (May 31st): Re-sent the email on the 30th. Thank you for re-rating!
May 30th: Care to explain the 1? I messaged everyone on May 10th, which was 5 days before the deadline. There was also no communication from you before rating me.
Response: Hi! I sent you a resend on April 17th, 2018. I even emailed you a picture of the postcard. Thank you for your patience while I was learning how to be a first-time mom. Things were hectic and swaps did take a backseat. But your resend has been sent! :-)
Response: Tried my best to match your preferences! Glad you liked them!
Response: Glad it arrived safely!
Response: I have to admit I thought long and hard for those two letters. Glad you liked the samples!
Response: Glad you liked it! :-)
Response: Je suis bien contente que tu aies aimรยฉ! Glad you liked the stickers! :-)
Response: Not sure why you rated me yet since I haven't mailed your things yet...