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Original Member
Last Online: February 27, 2013 Birthday: April 6, 1969 Country: United States My Flickr Photos My Blog Blog post about Comcast |
Update 2-21-2013 I have finally been able to mark as sent my oldest unfulfilled swap. While I was doing so, and in talking to the hostess, I decided to un-mark as sent a swap where neither partner recieved even though I did originally send. So, since neither of my partners has received what they are owed, I've taken the swap out sent status, where it will remain until I have both sent the remakes and I have heard from both partners that they have received.
About 2 weeks ago, I was finally released from physical therapy. I have almost all use of my right arm/shoulder now. I've been told that it could take another year to 18 months before I've regained full strength, but the movement is there. I credit the wonderful therapists who tortured me with love and made me work. They were fantastic.
For those who know the situation and anyone else so inclined, prayers, good thoughts, candles, strength, etc, for my middle daughter deeply appreciated.
Thank you.
Update: 8-12-2012
IΓ’β¬β’m not even sure where to start. I owe a lot of thanks to @spinjenny for her enormous amounts of help over the past couple months. Thank you also to all of my partners for their patience and kindness. I am truly grateful.
What started with carpal tunnel and a little tendinitis morphed into adhesive capsulitis (aka frozen shoulder), which I have been dealing with for nearly two months now.
On July 12, one of our cats attacked my leg. I would post a photo here, but the pictures are quite disturbing. If you want to see what happened, this flickr link will take you there. Be forewarned. They are quite graphic. On July 14, I was back at the clinic, where the doctor gave me an antibiotic shot to go with the oral abx I was already taking, because the bites on my left leg were becoming infected. I was told to see my primary care doc on Monday. When I saw her on the 16th, she sent me straight to the ER for IV abx.
Today is one month from the attack. I can wear a shoe for a limited amount of time and I have lumps under my skin where each of the scars are still healing. The bruises on my right leg are almost completely gone, but the scratches there are still visible.
Just to make my summer a little bit more interesting, I will be having a shoulder manipulation procedure on Thursday, August 16. From what I understand, I will be put under IV sedation, have my shoulder numbed, given another cortisone shot (IΓ’β¬β’m glad I wonΓ’β¬β’t feel this one) and then have the equivalent of three months of physical therapy in about 45 minutes as the doctor breaks through the scar tissue and forces my arm to move.
I will be going straight from the procedure, as soon as they wake me up, to actual physical therapy, in order to keep my shoulder from seizing back up, and will have daily therapy for a week or two. I am unclear on this one.
I hope to get back to swapping as soon as possible. I was in the middle of quilt blocks for an overdue swap when I got sidelined. Everything is cut and waiting for me.
BTW, I'm bored stiff. Thank goodness the Olympics has been on!
Oh. And in case anyone is curious, we had to release Xander (the cat in question) to Animal Control, as it was his third strike. He bit one daughter in April and one son in May, both badly enough to require medical attention and both of which had been reported by the clinic. We'd only been able to keep him as long as we had because his shots were up to date.
[ @spinjenny writing on behalf of @fibrejunky :]
Update: 6-20-2012
Carole is still not able to use a keyboard. She has been diagnosed with "frozen shoulder". She had a cortisone shot in it yesterday (ouch!) and has 6 weeks of physiotherapy starting today.
Update: 6-14-2012
Carole has injured her shoulder, as well has having to wear braces on both wrists because of carpal tunnel. She can't use a keyboard at the moment, so she has been unable to log in to swap-bot herself for a couple of weeks. She thought she would be back here by now, but she is still not much better, which is why I am accessing her account now (at her request). I will check her account for her sometimes, but feel free to contact me direct if you have questions.
Update: 5-21-2012 I sure hope this update stays put. I've tried doing this 6 times already and each time, I've messed it up somehow and lost the whole thing.
At the end of February, my baby-boy furball, Aslan, was diagnosed with Splenic Lymphoma. Barring surgery which had the risk of killing him outright, our other option was to treat with Prednisone, which we did. On Tuesday, May 15, it was obvious that he was done fighting. I was forced to make the hardest decision of my life.
My daughters and I are grieving deeply.
Aslan: 2/1995 - 5/2012
I have two boys,19 & 21, and three daughters, ages 18, 15 and 13. Both of my sons have Asperger's Syndrome. I am usually busier than I like to be and it takes time from my handwork, but, not counting school, what I do get to do is still creative so I can't really complain. I'll be glad when I finally graduate, though.
I don't particularly like muddy colours such as pea-soup green or ochre. I'm much more fond of pinks, purples, jewel tones, natural colours and springy pastels (as opposed to baby pastels, if that makes any sense.)
I love dark chocolate. I think that white chocolate is, generally speaking, an abomination. For other sweets, I like jelly bellies, necco wafers, black licorice, red hots (just about anything cinnamon flavoured), and have a serious thing for wintergreen lifesavers. Oh, I almost forgot. I adore marzipan and maple sugar candy. Real maple anything, for that matter.
I cannot digest any artificial sweeteners at all. They do horrible things to my system.
I drink a fair amount of tea. I like almost every kind I've tried, except chamomile, which makes my nose itch. I like loose tea when I can get it, as I don't feel like I'm wasting any if I make smaller cups. Lately I've been drinking a lot more coffee.
I'm addicted to Red Bull and to Starbucks. I usually drink caramel macchiatos, triple venti, skim, if you please. YUM!!
I have three cats. Aslan is a big, orange furball. Dru is a long-haired tabby who looks an awful lot like a Maine Coon, but is really too small to be one, I think. She was a rescue, so I've no idea either way. Xander actually belongs to the spousal unit, who found him in the woods. He's a twit, but I think he'll grow out of it once he's beyond being a kitten.
I have a weird nickel allergy, so can't wear most costume jewelry, particularly for piercings. I have 2 tattoos and want another.
I'm a big geek and play Magic: the Gathering, not only with my kids, but occasionally at official events. Yes, I do collect the cards. I'm partial to the foils. What can I say? I'm a magpie and I like shiny objects.
I like a very eclectic mix of music. I used to say everything but country and rap. Well, a couple years ago, my mother got me hooked on CMT. Darn her! I still don't really care for rap or hip hop, mostly, but there are exceptions.
My all time favourites would probably be the Monkees, Pink Floyd, the Eagles, Supertramp, Dream Theater, Nickel Creek, REM and the Chieftains. I love classic rock and 80s hair bands.
The Sound of Music, The Princess Bride.
If I'm in a rotten mood 'Liar, Liar' or 'My Cousin Vinny' are practically guaranteed to make me laugh.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Cold Mountain was marvelous and will turn me into a sobbing mass of goo.
I'm a complete sucker for Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers flicks and for musicals in general.
Grey's Anatomy, House, Charmed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ace of Cakes, Hell's Kitchen, Top Chef, the old Match Game, Two & a Half Men, Bones, CSI (all 3), SYTYCD, Castle, Man v. Food
Most of my "craft" time used to be spent spinning or knitting. It's been almost completely taken over by rubber stamping and other paper crafts (ATCs etc.)
My great-grandmother taught me how to hand quilt. I love all forms of needlework, from cross stitch and needlepoint to smocking.
I also like kumihimo, bobbin lace, weaving and tatting. I collect wooden lace bobbins when I can. My pillow went into semi-retirement while the children were smaller, but it's ready to come back out - as soon as I have room to put it up again. I'm still upset about a piece that was on the pillow which was damaged when we moved. Never trust military movers with lace bobbins. It's a bad idea. Even if you're chasing around a toddler, find a way to pack it yourself and make sure they pack nothing heavy on top! They broke 2 of my bone bobbins, not to mention many of the threads on the work in progress.
My favourite things to knit are lace and socks. I very much prefer to use natural fibres. I love bamboo needles. I can't knit with straight needles longer than 8" due to a shoulder problem, so I use either circulars or double points for everything. Occasionally I'll use dpns as if they were straight needles for something like a narrow scarf.
I've been scrapbooking on and off since my 15yo was a baby.
Constructive criticism always accepted.
I love to read. I am one of those people who will read the back of the cereal box if there is nothing else available. Seriously.
That said, I have favourite authors more than favourite books. I adore Piers Anthony. He's been at the top of my list since I first read a few pages of Nightmare when I was 12. A friend was reading it and laughing. She had me read it. It took me until the following summer to get a copy of my own, but I did and I still own that same copy. I've probably read it a dozen times. At least! Piers signed it for me in 1986.
I will read anything written by Harlan Ellison. That man is a genius. Perhaps a tad misanthropic at times, definitely opinionated and argumentative, but a genius nonetheless. If you've read nothing by him, go. Now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just do it.
In addition to SF&F, I like to read mystery novels. I like the serial type, such as the culinary mysteries by Diane Mott Davidson, as well as the more intense ones.
I admit to reading cheesy romance novels on occasion as well. Those are like potato chips. There isn't a bit of redeeming value, but they're definitely quick and fun.
Postcards: well-done handmade; funny, irreverent and/or snarky; interesting architecture; textiles; fashion; historical places/people/things.
Favourite Colour(s): Pink (most shades), purple, red, jewel tones
Fountain pens and fountain pen ink (Goulet Pens sells ink samples that are wonderful fun!)
Fat quarters of 100% cotton, especially in non-standard prints, but not babyish. My kids have outgrown them and I'm not at the grandkid stage yet.
Please, oh please, while I do love most teas, no chamomile! It makes my nose very itchy.
Also NO, (as in absolutely NONE), artificial sweeteners. No nutrasweet, aspartame, saccharine, sucralose, etc, etc, etc. It does very ugly things to my digestive system. Trust me on this. It's bad, people.
I would prefer not to receive things that are predominately puke green, pepto bismol pink, or the colour of sludge, but I won't have a fit and fall in it if I do.
The afore-mentioned baby prints.
Thank you so much for angeling Quotecard Postcard #65 with the gorgeous PC from the Udvar-Hazy Center. I really appreciate it! I am sorry you've had such a hard time recently. I hope you continue to be on the mend. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Why are you still hosting and participating in swaps when you have not fulfilled what you owe to folks? Not sure why they have not given you a 1 yet. I am very disappointed with your action, since you are even an original member. Shame on you. You marked sent for the Punch Art ATC #26 - touch of Red swap and did not send - as is still indicated on your profile. Please do not sign up for any additional punch art swaps - you will be banned. Vickyen
Hi Carole -- (added that 'e")
You are so fun considering what you have experienced -- I also read about having to put your kitty down...... I felt so sad reading it. I adore my cat and could feel your hurt! You are a great swap partner! LOVED my Mountain Lion postcard! Thanks --
for joining THANK YOU SWAP-BOT! swap! Γ’β’Β₯
I almost forgot about the bags. Love them! They will be great for fused plastic bags. My daughter had a great idea for them already. Thanks!!
Hello! Yes, those markers are great. Use them as is or add water - hours of fun. Definite thumbs up! And thank you for the nice comments :) Happy swapping!
Message me your address, I have something for you! :)
Wow! Thank you for the wonderful surprise! Your Angel postcard for Quotecard Postcard #53 arrived last week, and I just loved that it was an Ernie postcard. :) And I definitely agree that if you have a garden and a library, that is all you need! Thank you for being an Angel!
Love the Postcard, loved the quotes, loved the card, and loved your sense of humor..... Thank you for being an awesome angel for me.... On the quote Postcard #55. Pat
Thanks so much for angeling the swap I got flaked on. I love the postcard and the quotes, thank you!!