Swap-bot Time: March 28, 2025 2:41 pm

Hearts ratings for nellswell

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debbiespoms rated for Simple Map Postcard Swap on May 14, 2021
Comment: Thank you much for the Washington state postcard. Wow, Your mom's Pom lived till age 21?! It is said, they only live between ages 12 -15. My mama Pom of Isis died at age 12 and I did everything to keep her healthy too. But Isis will be 14 Aug. 17th and she is going strong.
Response: Yes, or it's possible that Harvey's age was a year or two off; the vet estimated that he was 6 years old when my parents adopted him, though, and they had him for 15 years. So sorry about Isis's mama; I've lost furbabies at a younger age than expected so I understand that feeling. May you have many more wonderful years with Isis! Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
Comment: Love Pretty Woman, can imagine that I would buy a soundtrack too. So cool that you've some famous relatives, I haven't as far as I know, tracked my ancestors back to 1500.
Comment: I love reading your answers. Your honesty is refreshing. And I'm sorry for the spelling error; I just copied the questions.
Response: Thanks for the kind comment/rating (and heart!), and also for hosting these fun swaps! LOL, the spelling error was no big deal; I knew you'd copied it. Plus, I'm fairly certain that I had an typing error or two in my answers (unfortunately not noticed until after sending!). Anyway, thanks again. :-)
Comment: Thank you very much for the lovely email & all my apologies for the late rating from me. <3
Comment: Thanks for sharing your answers! I enjoyed reading your answers! I asked my daughter (10 yo) if she would get slapped for $100 and she said yes, but she would slap them back as soon as she got the $100! I didn't think of that! Take care!
Comment: Thank you for the answers. They were not dark at all. I find it interesting how similar we really are.
Comment: This was a lot of fun! I will be posting the 3 swaps to finish the list in the next day or two. If you don't see them, please poke me to remind me.
sleepykitty rated for Expand my Vocab PC USA #33 on Jul 29, 2020
Comment: Great card for this swap! :) Thanks so much for the vocab boost! Stay safe and healthy.
Comment: Pretty PC, thank you
Comment: LOVE this marquee postcard. Did you get this from a set? I'd love to find more of these. Thanks so much for sending!!
Response: Glad you loved the card! Yes, that came from a postcard book called "Haiku on 42nd Street: A Celebration of Urban Poetry and Art" that I found at Half-Price Books for like $2. I'm not sure where it was originally sold or who from, but it looks like there might be some copies floating around Ebay. Thanks so much for joining my swap; and thanks so much, too for the rating and heart! :-)
DixieDiane rated for Survey for Cat Parents! on May 5, 2020
Comment: Enjoyed your answers
SatisHuman rated for Survey for Cat Parents! on May 2, 2020
Comment: I loved reading your email about Maggi. I cried over Richard. I really liked his memorial. I want to make one for my previous Sati that just passed. Great swap!
Response: Thank you so much for joining and for your kind words!
euniceq rated for Song Scavenger Hunt on Apr 12, 2020
Comment: I don't usually listen to songs of these genres, but I did like quite a few! I agree with you about Karen Carpenter's voice; I grew up listening to her, as my father loved the Carpenters!
CookieMomster78 rated for Song Scavenger Hunt on Apr 5, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the excellent list! I can actually enjoy many of these songs in your playlist, so I’m excited!
StardustForThePoet rated for Song Scavenger Hunt on Apr 3, 2020
Comment: Thank you for your list and adding the links! I had not heard most of the songs before. :)
Comment: Thank you for the Washington state map. It is a great addition to my collection.
Jenicat rated for Halloween Playlist on Oct 26, 2019
Comment: Thank you for sharing your playlist and joining my swap. There are some songs on here that I have not heard and I look forward to listening. I appreciate the YouTube links. Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ
Spiritbiscuit rated for Halloween Playlist on Oct 20, 2019
iexiiexi rated for Halloween Playlist on Oct 20, 2019
Comment: I loved the playlist! So cool! I really love that you added youtube links to the songs. Happy Halloween!
BluBerry rated for Halloween Playlist on Oct 19, 2019
Comment: Thank you!
Comment: Thank you for the horse PC - I love horses. We had them when I was a child but then we moved to the city so bye bye farm.
flickmobile rated for A Day in the Life of .... YOU! on Sep 15, 2016
Comment: Sorry this rating is only 5 years late... I was archiving my swaps and noticed I hadn't rated you for this swap! I keep a 'treasure box' of all the swaps I received so found it. Really sorry - better late than never I guess!
Comment: I hope to get to Washington soon. My in laws have family in Big Lake and I'd love to see the places they talk about.
tcornell rated for QUICK Story Postcard on Jul 14, 2016
Comment: I loved the card, and loved your story LOL thank you!
Inger71 rated for QUICK Vintage Postcard Swap on Jun 2, 2016
Comment: Lovely card! Thank you! 😍
Minerva62 rated for QUICK Vintage-THEMED Postcard Swap on May 27, 2016
Comment: Another Bruce Cockburn lover? Wow! I have been to two of his concerts in Knoxville at a small, really cool venue - The Bijou Theater. And I saw T-Bone with Alison Krauss and Robert Plant at the Civic Coliseum in Knoxville as well. Nice to hear from a fellow music lover! I couldn't read your last line, it was covered by the machine.
Yekaterina rated for QUICK Non-Touristy Postcard Swap on Apr 22, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much for the nice postcard :D Hope you have fun when you come to Canada!!!
CWarner rated for QUICK Travel Survey on Apr 20, 2016
Comment: Fun to read, Tamara - thanks! Wishing you happy and safe travels!
Response: Thank you so much for the nice comment (and PM!), for the rating and heart, and for joining the swap! Happy travels! :-)
Comment: LOL! Thanks! Great @(#@*) swap. :)
Response: Thanks for the @*%@ing rating and heart! Thanks, too, for hosting this fun swap! :-D
DebR rated for QUICK Touristy Postcard Swap on Apr 8, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful card, I would love to visit there
Response: Glad you liked the card; thanks for joining the swap, and thank you so much for the rating and heart! :-)
tatta rated for Movie Survey on Feb 24, 2016
Comment: I enjoyed reading your answers, thank you! :)
Response: Thank you so much for participating and reading my answers, and thanks, too, for the rating and heart! :-)
imaginarychimaera rated for Movie Survey on Feb 18, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much for this survey! It was so interesting to read about the movies you enjoy! I've always loved Tim Curry as Rooster- when I was little, I wanted to be Annie!
Response: My childhood self thought it was scary when Rooster tried to push Annie off that bridge; but yes, he was great as Rooster! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and for participating in the swap -- and for sharing YOUR answers, which I enjoyed reading! :-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart; it would have been nice if you'd made up the swaps from your other profiles before doing this Pinterest swap, though. :-(
MsKuky rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country on Nov 27, 2015
Comment: I agree with you 100% Tamara, America is beautiful! I love our good USA. Thanks for the pins. Happy Christmas Season.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
CrystalZ rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country on Nov 26, 2015
Comment: Wow such an extensive board! There were so many pins....wonderful sites that I would love to experience oneday myself! Seattle, NYC, and New Orleans are 3 of my bucket list cities so I am glad you had some pins for those cities.
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
RAGANA rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country on Nov 26, 2015
Comment: Thank you, a great board!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart.
Tinker60 rated for TPP: Fact or Did You Know PC on Nov 3, 2015
Comment: Thanks for the great Seattle PC. . . I've been there once to visit a friend and had a great time. Went to the Jimi Hendrix Experience and had a fabulous lunch at the top of the Space Needle. . . great time. Thanks too for sharing two facts about you. . . don't think I ever heard of a tongue twister contest but I'm sure it was great fun. . . and I think most kids' first pet was a goldfish :-)
Response: You're very welcome; thank you for the rating, heart, and great comment! :-)
Shlamoof rated for Private Swap -- Names Survey on Oct 5, 2015
Comment: Thanks so much for reaching out to me :)
Response: You're welcome; thanks for doing this private swap, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
aprilivy rated for Names Survey on Sep 22, 2015
Response: Thanks for joining the swap, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Ikat78 rated for Three Postcards in an Envelope #4B on Aug 31, 2015
Comment: Tamara, thank you for the PCs. I especially like the Victoria one. I'm originally from Olympia myself:)
Response: Small world! :-D Glad the pcs made it to you, and that you like the Victoria one (I love visiting Victoria, BC!). Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
ReadMoreBooks33 rated for thaskett & ReadMoreBooks33 on Aug 3, 2015
Comment: Thank you for the cute Pixar PC! If you want to do another private PC swap, let me know :-)
Response: Glad it made it to you and that you like it! I'd be up for another private swap any time. :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
Bambii rated for Pinterest - Bygone Beauties on Aug 2, 2015
Comment: Went above and beyond for this swap!! So many pretty images! thanks for sending :) x
Response: Thanks for taking a look, and for your nice comment! Thanks, too, for the rating and heart! :-)
dobie256 rated for Spread the Love Post Card on Jul 27, 2015
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful postcard. I love fishing marinas and the backdrop of Mt. Rainier is spectacular. Spelling "Michele" with a single L is unusual here in the states. When people have trouble remembering I just tell them that I am "one L of a gal" and then they get it. Γ°ΕΈΛœβ‚¬ Thanks for sharing the lovely story about your parents!
Response: You're very welcome for the postcard! Glad you like it. Thanks so much for your great comment, rating, and heart (my 500th heart! :-D).
widelo123 rated for Spread the Love Post Card on Jul 24, 2015
Comment: Tamara, thank you for the postcard. Shirley
Response: You've very welcome, Shirley; thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
ktina rated for IFM: N Postcard on May 30, 2015
Comment: Dear Tamara! Don't worry, that a perfect postcard for nature, and I LOVE that you thought to add this to my US state map collection. I haven't had Idaho before :) Hugs from Hungary: Tina
Response: I'm responding to your rating rather late :-D, but thanks for the rating and great comment, and I'm glad you liked the card! :-)
mchesser12 rated for Share a Quote Postcard Swap on May 29, 2015
Comment: Great quote. Even though I've only traveled in the U.S., there are still lots of places I want to see.
Response: Traveling is the greatest, isn't it? Though there's so many places to go and never enough time to go to all of them! :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
cynlen rated for Share a Quote Postcard Swap on May 26, 2015
Comment: Thank you for the great postcard and quotes! :-)
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
sherba31 rated for TPP: PC with a Tree on May 20, 2015
Comment: Hi Tamara. Thanks for teaching me that there are rain forests outside of South America! I didn't know your name meant "palm tree." I'm from Florida so I know those trees very well. =)
Response: I wish we had palm trees here (along with the "palm tree weather"!). Glad the pc made it to you! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
JaneInSD rated for One Word Answers on Feb 20, 2015
Comment: Thank you for your swap. It was fun learning a bit about you. :-)
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Jannified rated for One Word Answers on Feb 19, 2015
Comment: Thank you for sharing!
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
SuZignomeMoM rated for One Word Answers on Feb 18, 2015
Comment: Thank you for your prompt response. I too have problems with just one word. I enjoyed your answers. Happy Swapping
Response: That was a challenge! Glad you enjoyed my answers; thanks so much for reading them, and for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Great set of cards Thank you
NatACT rated for Yay, Christmas! Card Swap 2. on Jan 2, 2015
Comment: What a cute little kitten card - I love animals and this one made my day :) Thank you. Natalie
Comment: Woof Woof!! Thanks for the kitty cat card, Daisy!! :) It sounds like you have quite a fun household with a cat with so many cute names! I actually don't know any cats, but I think I would like cats!! Your card made my mommy laugh out loud!! I hope you are having fun at your grandparents that your mommy and daddy bring you back lots of fun treats from their trip! Merry Merry Christmas to you!! Your friend, Zoey Woof!!!!
ashpluscats rated for Yay, Christmas! Card Swap 2. on Dec 18, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the lovely card with the kitten! It made my day. Cats and glitter make everything better.
Comment: best swap ever! my babies and i loved the card!! happy holidays!
thebragal rated for fill in the Blank on Dec 15, 2014
Comment: Thank you
Comment: We really liked your card, but only Gunny likes our cats. Me and Spike like to chase them and then bite them so that they can't scratch or bite us first. Our mama and daddy don't take trips far, far away cause it would make us too sad. Merry Christmas to you and your pack!!
jenchaos77 rated for Yay, Christmas! Card Swap 2. on Dec 10, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the christmas card <3 Happiest of holidays to you and yours :)
kluvstosew rated for fill in the Blank on Dec 7, 2014
Comment: thanks for all the answers. I like getting to know new people. hope you have a great holiday. hugs, kathleen
sherba31 rated for TPP: **I** Postcard on Dec 3, 2014
Comment: Love your interpretation...Inside! I need to learn to think outside the box for these. Thanks for the great photo. Enjoy Germany at Christmas!
sherba31 rated for TPP: **H** Postcard on Dec 3, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the nice horse in the snow card. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.
moxsapphir rated for Yay, Christmas! Card Swap 2. on Dec 2, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the Kitten watching the ornament card. It's beautiful!
darzy30 rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #64 on Nov 30, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the awesome set of PCs! Hope you had a great holiday.
TamiTam55 rated for fill in the Blank on Nov 28, 2014
Comment: Wow, your answers were so well thought out and articulated. I'm going to hide in one of your sources for Christmas okay?
rexypants rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #64 on Nov 28, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara - Thank you for another amazing swap. You send the most interesting cards! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.
carricomommy1214 rated for fill in the Blank on Nov 26, 2014
minniepic rated for TPP: Spell this Or Spell That on Nov 24, 2014
Comment: Thank you for all the wonderful postcards:)
IsadoraWing rated for TPP: **G** Postcard on Nov 22, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the gymnastics card AND for reading my mind on messaging!! :D
rexypants rated for 5 PCs in Nov on Nov 21, 2014
Comment: Hello again! A double @thaskett swap day today, how happy am I? I've always wanted a PC that said "Harbor Master" on it, and how did you know? Ha ha. These are all keepers. Thanks again and also for joining this swap. Have a great weekend.
Response: Glad to hear you liked both swaps, Sharon! I think I mentioned in my note that one of the boats prominently visible in that "Harbor Master" postcard belonged to my husband's aunt and uncle; they lived on it for awhile in the 80's (the pc was also made in the 80's, though it's still for sale in a rack at my local grocery store, where I think the "newest" card for sale has a copyright of 1998!). I see the pc at my local store every time I visit but didn't know of the "family" connection until I saw it displayed with other photos and such at my husband's uncle's recent memorial. So now you know a bit of that pc's story. :-) Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and comment; I hope that you, too, are having a great weekend!
rexypants rated for IFM: Big Fall Swap #2 on Nov 21, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara! Thanks for making my mail day with all of these awesome postcards! Where do you find these PCs?! The old HK ones will be especially treasured, thank you so much.
Response: Hi Sharon, I find most of my vintage cards (including the ones I sent you) and even some newer cards at an awesome antique store that's close to where I live. They often sell them in "lots" (in bags; it's the same store I've raved about before); I've found so much there! I'm so glad you like the cards I sent (it's always fun to send to you since you have such an interesting list of favorites, many of them my favorite pc themes, as well!). Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and great comment! :-)
Comment: Hi Tamara, Great selection of postcards, as usual...You always send the best cards to me..Have a great day!!
Response: Aw, thanks for the nice comment, Anita! So glad you liked the cards, and thank you for the rating and heart!! :-)
Whippet rated for TPP: **F** Postcard on Nov 16, 2014
Comment: Hello Tamara! Oh yes, I love postcard views of waterfalls, ... & there goes the postcard as my Mom says she likes PC's of waterfalls too. OK, the lovely PC you sent to me for the swap is going to be "shared" with my Mom as she has selected it to be put up & displayed in her room. She saw my PC's received display in my apt & I've been putting one up on her large white doors of her armoire. Yes, I was only family member who watched the TV series "Twin Peaks." Greetings to you Tamara all the way up in NW corner of US, from all the way down here in middle of FL. Last nite here it was down to 50'sF, today up to 80F, Monday, when I go to post office - thunderstorm! Well, no snow, no ice here, so I watch the weather channel to see "Winter" in the "real world." Florida is weird!
Response: I'd swap some Washington rain for the 80F (in fall!) if I could! :-) I'm glad you like the card, and can share it with your Mom!! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and great comment!! :-)
sherryg221 rated for TPP: **E** Postcard on Nov 15, 2014
Comment: The elderly emergency card was very entertaining! Thank you for a fun swap : D
Response: You're very welcome; I'm glad you liked the card! :-D Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
mushka2010 rated for Postcards - non-touristy on Nov 14, 2014
Comment: Thank you very much for the non- touristy postcards (6!) They all were very interesting.....loved the moose and the fabric bird sculpture!
Response: You're welcome! Happy to hear you like the cards, and thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
rexypants rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #63 on Nov 13, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara! Many thanks for your nice note and ALL of the PCs you enclosed for this swap. The CA ones are awesome!!! Did you feel like you hit the jackpot when you found that bag of cards at the antique store? :D
Response: You're so welcome, Sharon! Yes, I LOVE those bags of postcards! My favorite antique store usually have several of them for sale; I think I cleaned them out of their most recent stock, though. :-) Glad you liked the cards, and thank you so much for the rating and heart! :-)
susieq11 rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #63 on Nov 8, 2014
Comment: Always great postcards! And I love the Italy one!! I love the bags of postcards too but I haven't been anywhere recently to find any. Hopefully this winter I'll be antiquing and digging around!!! ; ) Thanks again and thank you for joining my swaps!!
Response: I can't get enough of those bags of postcards! I always stock up on them when I go to my favorite antique store. I think I cleaned them out of their most recent stash, though. :-) Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment (and for hosting so many fun swaps!!).
Deloomom rated for Swap 5 Postcards (USA) on Nov 4, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great assortment of postcards!
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Paige1900 rated for Private "C postcard" swap on Nov 3, 2014
Comment: LOL....I must agree cats are absolutely weird. Thanks for the perfect pc.
Response: You're very welcome! I look forward to the rest of this series! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
farangelinan rated for famous face on a postcard on Nov 2, 2014
Comment: hello Tamara :) thanks for the Marlon Brando motorbike postcard. absolutely love it! :)
Response: Happy to hear you love the card -- seems it made it to you pretty fast considering how far it traveled! :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
CWarner rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #62 on Nov 2, 2014
Comment: Love the cards, Tamara! The one with snow on the WA state capitol building is terrific, and who wouldn't love a Jimmy Buffett Parrot-Head card!
Response: I'm very happy to hear you love the cards! Thank you so much for the rating and heart! :-)
manders2280 rated for TPP: **D** Postcard on Nov 2, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the *D*Death Valley *d*desert postcard
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the *d*delightful rating and heart! :-)
jessielightyear rated for Disney themed PC #1. on Oct 31, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great Disney postcard! :) Vintage, right? I love it!
Response: Yes, indeed! Glad you love the card; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
SarahRed rated for Love to Pen Pal!! on Oct 31, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the lovely letters and the postcard! <3
Response: You're welcome; thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Tinker60 rated for 5 postcards, 5 states on Oct 29, 2014
Comment: Love the PCs you sent. . . especially the white water rafting in NC. Thanks so much for the great PCs. . . and happy swapping ~
Response: You're very welcome; thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! Happy swapping! :-)
HelenG6 rated for Maps! Maps! Maps! on Oct 28, 2014
Comment: Thank you for your lovely cards!
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the rating and heart!
Sternenfee rated for SwaS: My vacation on Oct 28, 2014
Comment: What a wonderful swap I got from you. It was like...being on that trip with you. Loved the photos, too. And thanks for resending...it's a shame that mail gets lost especially when someone puts so much thought and time in it like you did.
Response: Aw, I'm happy you liked the swap! It is a shame when mail vanishes, though I'm grateful for a partner that communicates about it (and I'd be curious if the first one ever shows up). Thanks for the rating, heart, great comment, and for hosting a fun swap! :-)
hazelwitch3 rated for TPP: Colour Me...Yellow on Oct 28, 2014
Comment: I really like the postcard of the woman reading -- thank you! I've propped it up on the shelf above my desk where I can enjoy looking at it.
Response: Glad to hear you like the card and that it found a place on your shelf! :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
susieq11 rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #62 on Oct 25, 2014
Comment: Perfect postcards as usual! Thank you for the horses and NYC!!! You rock!!! Have a fun weekend! xx
Response: I'm so glad you like the cards! You rock, too! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and comment, and for hosting so many great swaps! :-)
sherryg221 rated for TPP: **B** Postcard on Oct 23, 2014
Comment: LoL! Thank you for the beautiful beacon of light postcard!
Response: My pleasure! :-D Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
CindyST rated for TPP: **A** Postcard - Edited on Oct 19, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the cool vintage postcard :D
Response: You're very welcome! :-D Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: these are the best many thanks for your choices what a great selection you created love all but must say the gargoyles are my fav heart 4 you
Response: Aw, I'm very happy you enjoyed everything! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and great comment! :-)
AmookIslandCreations rated for IFM: Big Fall Swap on Oct 14, 2014
Comment: Thanks for all the beautiful postcards and the extras too! I love them all and the roadrunner is my fav. Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Response: You're welcome, Sherry! Glad to hear you love the cards, especially the roadrunner (i.e. the "crazy oddball of the desert", I believe the back of the pc reads?). Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
rexypants rated for Three Postcards in an Envelope #2Z on Oct 14, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara - Thank you very much for the awesome PCs! They're all new ones for me, and the lion one is crazy-amazing :D (P.S. Love the camera washi tape, too!)
Response: That lion card is pretty cool, isn't it? (I have a lion card and an elephant one from the same set.) So glad you like the postcards, and thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
aladyde rated for Motel/Hotel PC on Oct 14, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful postcard with the nice stamps. Have a safe trip to Germany. Where will you be?
Response: You're very welcome! I'll be in Marktredwitz (where my sister and her husband live), in Bavaria, about 90 minutes from Nuremberg and 20 minutes from the Czech Republic border. Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
atinagrace rated for Big Fall Swap on Oct 11, 2014
Comment: Thank you for some great postcards..I will definitely use them and also pass them on!!
Response: I'm glad that I was able to send some for both swapping and for your collection! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: I love your board! Thanks for sharing! :)
Response: My pleasure! Glad you liked my board, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
maxbenleo rated for Country scavenger hunt on Oct 7, 2014
Comment: Thank you very much for all your lovely cards! Have a great day😊
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart, and I hope you have a lovely day/weekend! :-)
Comment: Hi Tamara, IÒ€ℒve seen your pinterest and youÒ€ℒve got fabulous pins about the Czech Republic :) best regards
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed my board; thanks for taking a look, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Absolutely lovely pinterest board. :)
Response: Thanks so much for taking a look at it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks, too, for the rating and heart! :-)
AndreaJ rated for BIG USED POSTCARD SWAP - USA! on Oct 6, 2014
Comment: What a good package.
Response: I'm happy you liked it! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the great PCs. I love the vintage Indiana Sesquicentennial one best. I didn't have that one!!
Response: Yay; I'm glad I was able to send you a cad that you didn't have (and that you liked the swap!). Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
susieq11 rated for Three Postcards in an Envelope #2Y on Oct 4, 2014
Comment: I do like these a lot, yay!!!! Thank you soo much for profile related ones!!! xo
Response: I'm very happy to hear; and you're welcome!! Thanks for the rating and heart, and (as always) thanks for hosting so many great swaps!! :-)
starhiker rated for Private Postcard Swap on Oct 1, 2014
Comment: My mail just caught up with me sorry about the delay in rating. Wonder set of cards thanks so much for thinking of me in your travels!
Response: No problem about the rating delay! Thanks so much for doing the swap with me; it was a fun one! Glad you like the cards, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
atinagrace rated for Mini Postcard Scavenger Hunt 4 on Sep 29, 2014
Comment: Thank you!!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
manders2280 rated for Map postcards on Sep 27, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the *wonderful* selection of map postcards. And it's good to know that I cannot fish from the back of a giraffe in Idaho. (Jewish New Year activities kept me busy this week, overriding ratings for a few days.)
Response: Yay, I'm glad you like the postcards that I sent! And yes, you'd better leave the giraffe at home next time you decide to go fishing in Idaho. ;-) Hope you enjoyed the Jewish New Year activities, and thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
LisaLisa3 rated for Newbie Postcard on Sep 24, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for the postcard!! Sorry it got mixed in with my bills....that's no fun. Thanks : )
Response: No worries. :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!! :-)
atinagrace rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #2 on Sep 22, 2014
Comment: Thank you for some great cards!!!!!! Good to hear from you, too!!
Response: My pleasure, Anita! Thanks so much for the rating and heart!! :-)
littlepigtoad rated for Senders choice PC swap #9 on Sep 19, 2014
Comment: Thank you
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
nannydino rated for Swap-bot Haiku Postcard on Sep 17, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara, thank you for the vintage pc, and not one but two haikus! Have a lovely day :)
Response: My pleasure! Thanks so much for the rating and heart, and have a great day (and upcoming weekend!). :-)
katzenjammy rated for TPP: Where I Live PC on Sep 16, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the vintage-y card. I love historic photos...maybe I should put that on my profile too, huh?
Response: Your profile gave the impression that the card was one you might like, and I'm happy to hear that you do! :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
Comment: Thanks for the Dakota map card. I haven't one yet.:)
Response: I'm glad I was able to send you something new and that you like it! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
candigirl rated for Hometown Postcard on Sep 14, 2014
Comment: Tamara, thanks so much for the Washington State CAPITAL card...you are so funny!! Wouldn't you think they would have a proofreader for stuff like that! haha....
Response: Ha, I actually have a couple more (different cards, from the same publisher) with the same misspelling, and I think at least one with "capital" on one side and "capitol" on the other! Gotta love it (the errors give the cards character! :-D). Thanks so much for the great rating and the heart!
Comment: Hi Tamara! Thank you so much for the awesome cards (Camel? Hello!), and your nice note. Sounds like you guys had a great Labour Day weekend!
Response: We did, indeed! Thanks for the great rating and the heart, and I'm so glad you like the cards I sent! :-)
Rosei rated for Postcard Mash-Up 25 on Sep 10, 2014
Comment: Love all the postcards, my favorite is the "tug of war" one. <3 Thank you!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
HelenG6 rated for sssssssnake! (or other reptile) #2 on Sep 9, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the lovely scuba diving with the turtles. Yes, turtles are great. I'm too chicken to scuba dive.
Response: Me, too, but I bet it would be an amazing experience! I'm glad you like the postcard. Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
squince rated for Senders choice PC swap #9 on Sep 9, 2014
Comment: LOVE the kitty card! Thank you!
Response: Yay! Really happy you like it! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thanks so much for the NV PC. It's my first in a swap-bot swap!!! I used to live in LV (1990-2003) and miss it very much. Happy swapping.
Response: Sounds like the postcard was meant for you! :-) So glad you like it, and thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-) Happy swapping!
Comment: Thank you Tamara this is my first Wyoming state map postcard for my collection I put up on display in my apt! Glad to have this PC of a Midwest state. Its really hot (heat index can be up to 110F due to humidity,) though its Sept, late summer here. With the days growing shorter its cool at early AM before the sun comes up instead of being 80F at 6am. Also, the sun setting earlier gives me a chance to get out & pick up my mail, put mail in box. Autumn does come here, the trees leaves change color, drop off, but its a quick turn around, really quick like 3 months. The palm trees don't change color or drop their fronds, funny as they just stay the same all year 'round.
Response: Glad I could send you your first Wyoming map! I have (briefly) been to Florida in September and remember it wasn't unbearably hot (I'm not sure how I'd feel about a summer there!). Thank you for the rating, heart, and thoughtful and vividly worded comment! :-)
simcoe54 rated for Animals! on Sep 3, 2014
Comment: I love all the cards. Thanks for another great swap.
Response: Always a pleasure; glad you like the cards, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the nice postcards:)
Response: You're very welcome; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Hi Tamara! Love the pc - Vintage PCs are just so interesting! Hope your volunteering was not too busy and that you enjoyed your trip! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Response: The volunteering and trip both went well -- thanks! Glad to hear you like the postcard, and thanks so much for the rating, heart, and for your kind comment! :-)
Comment: Thanks for the great postcards - and extra!! I love the NYC washi tape! I just sent you a swap this morning!! : )
Response: Yay! I love that washi tape, too (I found it for sale at Jo-Ann's a few weeks ago). Always a pleasure to swap with you and take part in your fun swaps! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the postcard. I like it a lot
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
widelo123 rated for 5 touristy postcards on Aug 30, 2014
Comment: Tamara Thank you so much for the wonderful touristy postcards especially the on with the lighthouse. I didn't have that one yet. So it was a big treat. Shirley
Response: I'm so glad you loved the lighthouse and other cards! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
simcoe54 rated for 5 PCs in August on Aug 27, 2014
Comment: Great cards. Love them all. Thanks again!
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you love the cards, and thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Great postcards...I like them!
Response: Glad to hear! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
fargoguy rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #58 on Aug 23, 2014
Comment: thank you
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
ElizabethObviously rated for Random Poetry Postcard on Aug 23, 2014
Comment: Love that you used a Babysitter's Club book
Response: I just had to when I saw the mention on your profile (if my old BSC/SVH books were in better condition I'd offer to send some, but most are pretty beat up). Thanks for the rating, heart, and fun swap idea! :-)
atinagrace rated for Non-touristy Postcards on Aug 23, 2014
Comment: As always, I thank you for the nice selection of postcards.. I enjoy these types of cards...
Response: I'm glad you like the cards, Anita; thanks so much for the rating and heart! It's always fun to swap with you! :-)
isabellasnow rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #41 USA on Aug 23, 2014
Comment: Tamara, I'm so thrilled with the cards you sent! Thank you for choosing ALL non-touristy cards! The cats are always my favorites ;+) Thanks, too, for your kind words about the scavenger hunts . . . . I love running them!
Response: Aw, I'm so glad you like the cards I sent! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment; I look forward to the next hunt! :-)
pintis rated for Random Poetry Postcard on Aug 22, 2014
Comment: "She is the fruit to his pig that never was" - what a great line! Thank you.
Response: Ha! This swap was fun but more of a challenge than I expected! The "pig" in the Stuart MacLean story is a guinea pig, by the way. :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
manders2280 rated for Fill Up Your Mailbox! on Aug 22, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the Gateway postcard. I've seen the arch from an airplane. I didn't know people go up the arch. Central Europe was amazing. We visited my nephew who just moved to Bavaria and tested their guest room. Berlin is fantastic - I'd love to spend more time there.
Response: My husband and I hope to visit Berlin when we go to see my sister and her husband (hopefully this winter!). They're in Marktredwitz, which is several hours away, but I think it's a fairly easy train ride. :-) Your trip sounds wonderful! Thanks for the rating, heart, and comment!
doodlebugdezines rated for Fill Up Your Mailbox! on Aug 22, 2014
Comment: Great card and note. I'd vote for the M&M's at 2am with a glass of skim milk (to cut some calories)! :)
Response: Ha; I was able to avoid the M&M's... at least until the next afternoon. :-) Glad you like the card; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
wittmert rated for TPP: Falling Waters on Aug 22, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the Romania postcard and the song titles.
Response: You're very welcome; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
phantomssiren rated for Carpe Librum ~ Book Club July on Aug 22, 2014
Comment: Really interesting read! I've kinda heard of the show (no Netflix here we already pay too much for fake-hbo) but didn't realise it was a book. Will definitely check it out :)
Response: I'm one of the (I think?) minority who prefers the book to the show, but I did really enjoy the second season (and liked the first one better upon re-watching) so maybe someday that will change! The book is a good read either way. :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the postcard!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thanks for the cards - lots of WONDERFUL postage stamps, especially from China! My favorite was the big bird!
Response: Thank you for hosting these fun swaps, and I'm glad to hear that the stamps made you happy! Thanks, too, of course, for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: I love your choices!!! Thank you for all the great postcards!! : ) Glad you joined the swap!
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you like the cards! Thanks for hosting so many great swaps, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
HippieChick rated for Classy Pin-Up Postcard on Aug 12, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great card! It has been very humid here which makes me feel like I always need a shower! Running around in swimsuits (or even less) sounds like a great idea. Haha!
Response: LOL. You're welcome, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
KSENiA rated for Free Ad / Freebie Postcard Swap # 1 on Aug 9, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the postcard.
Response: You're welcome; thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Wow, you and the fish became friends?! How awesome is that? I usually stay away from Piranhas ~ their teeth scare the heck out of me. Thanks for the fun card!
Response: Yeah, I kinda miss the guy. ;-) Glad you enjoyed the card! Thanks for the rating and for giving me my 400th heart!! :-D
MeganLove rated for Postcard Mash Up 23 on Aug 8, 2014
Comment: Thank you! Keeping a few of these for my personal collection!
Response: Yay, I'm happy you found some to keep! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Loved your story. Thank You!
Response: You're welcome -- glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
simcoe54 rated for Three Postcards in an Envelope #2T on Aug 5, 2014
Comment: LOVE the cards!! Thanks!
Response: Super! Always a pleasure to swap with you! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
BluGinhm rated for Ancestor Stories on Aug 4, 2014
Comment: I got it (the second one)! Quite interesting stories! Thanks so much!
Response: You're very welcome -- thanks for reading my letter! (Glad the second letter arrived to you safely!) Thanks so much for the rating and heart, and thank you for participating in the swap! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the Moab card. It looks like an interesting place.
Response: You're very welcome. Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you so much for the fabulous package filled with awesome goodies--I love it and can't wait to use it all!
Response: I'm so glad you like everything and hope you have fun using it! :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
ChIbIpOp rated for QUICK flat destash swap #97 on Jul 31, 2014
Comment: thank you so much for all of the wonderful things you've sent me :)
Response: You're welcome! Thanks very much for the rating and heart. :-)
susieq11 rated for Big Summer Swap on Jul 29, 2014
Comment: What a great swap - thank you!!! Love the animals. So many beautiful ones especially the newborn elk! I remember that Christo installation in Central Park too - nice to have the postcard! Thank you so much!!!! xo
Response: Aww I'm so glad you liked the cards!! Great to swap with you again, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
justmesks rated for Time for a scavenger hunt! on Jul 29, 2014
Comment: Thanks for a great collection of cards.
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: The Cat's Meow... the Bees Knees!!! Very generous and greatly appreciated. You are The Berries!
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, and ducky comment! :-D
ktina rated for Flat Envie Scavenger Hunt #8 on Jul 22, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara! Thank you, I enjoyed your fun letter and the swap. It was really hot here, too, last week.
Response: Glad you liked everything! It's pretty gray and dreary here the past couple of days; I'd welcome the heat back. ;-) Thanks so much for your rating, heart, and nice comment!
Arae407 rated for Fill Up My Mailbox 2014 on Jul 21, 2014
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
ReadMoreBooks33 rated for Cat Themed Swap! - USA only on Jul 21, 2014
Comment: Thank you Tamara! The retro lady and cat bookmark is my favorite of the items that you sent me ;-) Cheers, Elly
Response: I'm so happy you like the bookmark (I do, too!). Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
fairypretty7 rated for TNW-Scavenger Hunt on Jul 20, 2014
Comment: Hi, thanks for all great and useful items, Anisha and i have already split it up 60/40 her way........
Response: Sounds like a good split -- I'm glad you both found things that you liked and can use! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
dawnakaulen rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #40 on Jul 18, 2014
Comment: Thank you for a great selection of cards!
Response: I'm happy you like them! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
mycatbutters rated for Fill Up My Mailbox 2014 on Jul 17, 2014
Comment: Thank you!
Response: You're welcome; thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
JenniferMernastin rated for Summer scavenger hunt on Jul 17, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the lovely selection of postcards and for choosing from my preferences, all very nice. Best wishes.
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you liked the cards! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
glauren rated for water and sand - USA on Jul 16, 2014
Comment: Loved everything!! Thank you!!
Response: Glad to hear! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
MrsCrissyHall rated for Fill Up My Mailbox 2014 on Jul 15, 2014
Comment: I do not mind the paper you wrote on at all! It' got character. And I love the items you sent. All very unique!
Response: I'm happy you liked everything (even the paper)! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-D
cherrihurt rated for Fill Up My Mailbox 2014 on Jul 14, 2014
Comment: Loved my goodies. Those bags were perfect!! Where did you find then? Thank you for everything.
Response: I found the bags on Etsy at this shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mechakucha808# They were included in a "lucky bag" of completely random items -- and they just happened to arrive on the day I prepared your swap, so after reading your profile I knew I had to include some with the swap. :-) Glad you liked 'em and the other things... thanks so much for the rating and heart!
Comment: Thanks for the postcards Tamara, I really like them. Have a nice days.
Response: I'm so glad you like the cards (and that they made it to you so quickly, considering the distance; every now and then, international mail surprises me!). Thank you for the rating and heart, and I hope you have a nice day and great weekend! :-)
Comment: What a truly wonderful and fun package. Thank you very much for my trip around the world!
Response: You're very welcome; this was such a fun swap, and I'm so happy you liked your package! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
kerrydwynn rated for 5 PCs in July on Jul 10, 2014
Comment: Not only are the postcards great but the vintage-style bag they were wrapped in is far-out! So fun to open! BIG thanks Tamara :-)
Response: I love those bags -- glad you liked your bag and, of course, the cards. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
SweetDeeDaisy rated for Meet a new penpal on Jul 8, 2014
Comment: Thanks for sending the second letter! I finally got it! Maybe I will get the first one someday, haha. Look forward to writing you back soon.
Response: Yay, glad it reached you! I recently had another swapper receive on the same day both her original swap and the re-send I mailed out (see 14 ratings down ;>) -- who knows why the first took 3 weeks to arrive to her and the second 3 days, but they both made it, so... you never know, your first letter might just turn up! (Incidentally, her original swap and yours were both mailed 6/5.) Anyway, thanks so much for the rating and heart -- I look forward to hearing back from you! :-)
Comment: Thank you so much! I love the postcards. They are so great. :)
Response: I'm very happy you like them -- thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Katbug rated for Random Acts of Happiness: Round 2 on Jul 6, 2014
Comment: Oh my gosh. For one, GORGEOUS envelope that I will treasure forever, GORGEOUS postcard with one of my favorite quotes on it, and your slips look flippin' GORGEOUS too! I am gonna be SO excited to pull these out of my jar! Thank you so so much! ^_^
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and wonderful comment! :-)
Alcomog rated for Pinterest - Outside in the garden on Jul 6, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great board:) x
Response: Thanks for taking a look, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
simcoe54 rated for Mini Postcard Scavenger Hunt 2 on Jul 2, 2014
Comment: Thanks for another great swap. The cards are perfect for my collection.
Response: Always a pleasure to swap with you! Thank you so much for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thanks so much for this resend and the padded canvas stickers too. It was funny because I was looking for the "paper" with your thankful notes on an realized the notes were on the wonderful PC! (great idea btw) I love your keep out tape too! I am planning a trip to Germany to visit where my ancestors came from. (When I was in the Army, East Germany was verboten!) Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Response: You're welcome, Sherry! I'm glad it made it to you... and (as somebody who loves traveling and genealogy) your trip to Germany sounds WONDERFUL; I hope you have an amazing and productive journey! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
Teacake rated for Pinterest - Outside in the garden on Jul 2, 2014
Comment: Thankyou I made some repins so a heart is a must :D
Response: Glad you found some pins you liked; thanks for checking out my board, and for the rating and heart! :-D
jep1068 rated for TIAZ - Literature Baggie on Jul 1, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara - Thank you so much for the wonderful baggie. I love everything in it - your notecard, the postcards, the magnets, the stickers, the bookmark and the adorable tiny books - did you make them? they are gorgeous. All the best and happy swapping, Jane x jep1068
Response: Hi Jane -- thanks for such a nice rating! I didn't make the books, although the Etsy shop where I purchased them is local to me: https://www.etsy.com/shop/carielewyn . I'm so happy you like them as well as the other items in your baggie; I had fun putting the bag together for you! Thanks again for the great comment, and for the rating and heart! :-)
Tinker60 rated for Critters (PC scavenger hunt) on Jul 1, 2014
Comment: Wonderful PCs - thank you so much! This was a fun swap and the 'critters' you chose to send are great - I love them all!
Response: I'm so happy to hear you love the cards! Thanks for the rating, heart, and kind comment -- I agree, this was a fun swap! :-)
tanjch rated for Random Acts of Happiness: Round 2 on Jul 1, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the notes (cute and awesomely made) - they're already in my jar :) :)
Response: You're welcome; I hope the quotes provide some inspiration! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
Comment: I agree some of those noises can be irritating as well. Hope it doesn't drive you too nuts! Thanks for the nice pc!
Response: You're very welcome! I usually manage to tune out "mouth noises", although sometimes it takes awhile. ;-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
msmeyers rated for Random Acts of Happiness: Round 2 on Jun 28, 2014
Comment: I love the variety of papers and quotes you sent!
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything; thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
widelo123 rated for 5 PCs in June on Jun 28, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for the postcards. I love the lighthouse and the Harbormaster Day's postcards. Love anything on the water.They were from the original send. The resends arrived today as well with more wonderful postcards. Love the one with the old mill and the boats all docked along the Percival Landing Waterpark. Shirley
Response: I'm very happy to hear the cards found their way to you and that you like them!! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and always thoughtful comments. :-)
edgetorn rated for Random Acts of Happiness: Round 2 on Jun 27, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for the great quotes on different fun papers! They really made my day.
Response: So glad to hear that! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
marija rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt - May 2014 on Jun 26, 2014
Comment: Thank you, Mary
Response: You're welcome -- thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
NoeliaK rated for Random Acts of Happiness: Round 2 on Jun 26, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the quotes, I can't wait to read them. I think it's cute that you used different paper for each one. Thanks again! :)
Response: You're very welcome! I hope the quotes provide some happiness/inspiration. :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
Comment: Thank you for the absolutely terrific quotes you chose to send me, Tamara. Everything about your swap package is truly appreciated. And we wish you lots of happy swap treats, too! Hugs.
Response: I'm so glad you liked the swap, Helen! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
simcoe54 rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #54 on Jun 25, 2014
Comment: The selection of cards was perfect & I especially loved the piglet card. Thanks!!
Response: My pleasure -- I've had the Piglet card awhile, yet for some reason I'd overlooked the Piglet reference on your profile until now. Once I saw it, however, I knew I had to send you the card. :-) Glad you like it; thanks for the rating and heart!
pirtsi rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #54 on Jun 25, 2014
Comment: Thank you for nice cards and extras. Pirtsi
Response: You're very welcome -- thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
marinda rated for CL:Mad Libs #3 on Jun 22, 2014
Comment: That was great! :-) I used flibberty jibbit, too. :)
Response: Of all the words to be used by more than one swapper... too funny! (I take it that you, too, have recently watched "The Sound of Music" -- or heard "How do you Solve a Problem like Maria?" somewhere?) Thanks for reading the Mad-Lib, and thanks so much for the rating and heart. :-)
TC rated for CL:Mad Libs #3 on Jun 21, 2014
Comment: Ooo, lusty Wendy! (My dog had a role in the story, too. :) )
Response: Yay for canine versions of "Peter Pan"! Thanks for reading my PG-rated Mad-lib, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you I really enjoyed my quotes and extra goodies!!! You picked quotes from some of my very favorite people thru time and I love the bag and lil notepad and daisy and balloon cards!!!
Response: Yay, I'm really glad you liked the swap! Thank you for hosting it, and thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
KateKintail rated for TIAZ Book Baggie on Jun 18, 2014
Comment: What a fantastic bag of book goodies! I loved them. The button took me a few minutes, then I almost teared up. Awww. And the mini books were especially adorable. I can't thank you enough for putting a smile on this book-lover's face!
Response: I'm so happy you enjoyed everything -- that was a fun swap to put together. :-) Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment!
blubutterfly rated for What a surprise on Jun 17, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the awesome swap! Really really enjoyed the PC with the fish! Brought a smile:D Wishing you all the best!
Response: I love that PC... glad it made you smile. Wishing you the best in return, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you for my wonderful goodies!! I love everything you sent. Those subway token buttons are AWESOME! Thanks again!
Response: I'm happy you're happy with the swap! :-) Thanks for joining it -- and thank you for the rating and heart!
sassafrass rated for TSJ: A Little Something - Silver on Jun 15, 2014
Comment: Thank you soo much for the wonderful goodies you sent! Everything was so nicely packaged too. It felt like a very special day to sit and open everything :) I love the little jewelry bits and the vintage postcard, but I especially LOVE the little vintagy rhinestone pins. They are beautiful and SO me! Thank you for such a lovely and thoughtful swap!
Response: I'm happy you liked everything! Thanks for getting the group going again and for these fun swaps -- and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
kerrydwynn rated for Maps! Maps! Maps! on Jun 14, 2014
Comment: Hello Tamara --- I L O V E these mapcars. I haven't seen them before :-) Hugs, Michele
Response: I'm happy to have sent some new map cards your way, Michele! Thank you so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Love your selection! The hot air balloons for RAINBOW is great. In Utah we see them quite often "training" in the fields in back of us. They are fun to watch. (I'd give a heart, but my computer won't let me select the square, it won't stick.) :(
Response: I'm not sure that I've ever seen a hot air balloon in person! I bet it would be fun to watch (I don't know about riding in one!). Glad you liked the selection -- thanks so much for the rating and (added) heart! :-)
Fandanie rated for Junk Mail Monsters Tamed!! on Jun 12, 2014
Comment: Loved the envelope and the surprises inside. Great job!
Response: Glad you liked everything! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
mamameshach rated for Pinterest - Cats on Jun 10, 2014
Comment: great job
Response: Thanks for taking, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Hi, Sorry for the delay, just returned from a trip. Thank you for the fun postcard you sent. You can see yours listed in the 2014 album at www.nationalpostcardweek.com in a week or so. I am still scanning those I have received. email me for a trade. ezrestexas@aol.com Enjoy the day! Demaris
Response: Thanks for letting me know about the postcard album -- I'm glad you liked your card (and hope you enjoyed your trip!). Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
ScrapHappyGabi rated for Pinterest - Cats on Jun 10, 2014
Comment: Love love LOVE your Siamese cats pinboard!!! I was so glad to see you pinned the Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp and Fred Astaire with his Siamese kitty!!! Thanks for sharing! Happy Swapping!
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the board -- Meezers are the best! :-) Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment!
art3osb rated for Pinterest - Cats on Jun 10, 2014
Comment: Thank you for sharing your Siamese Cat board. I enjoyed it very much.
Response: Thanks for taking a look, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
JeJune rated for Mythical Beast Postcard on Jun 8, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great card!
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
jamicam rated for TNW Γ’β‚¬β€œ Pick One! on Jun 8, 2014
Comment: You are so generous! Love everything! Thank you so much!!!!
Response: Yay! You're welcome, and I'm so glad you liked everything; thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
ChinaCat rated for Children's Poem on a Postcard on Jun 7, 2014
Comment: Beautiful postcard and such a cute poem too. I know I've heard that poem before somewhere. Thank you and happy summer!
Response: You're welcome -- glad you liked the card and poem, and returning the happy summer! :-) (Thank you for the rating and heart!)
suepier rated for Senders choice PC swap #4 on Jun 6, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the great card from Providence. I love the city view.
Response: I'm glad you like the card -- Providence is a great city! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
jocatbai rated for Pinterest Trees on Jun 1, 2014
Comment: Thanks for sharing your board with me! :)
Response: You're welcome; thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Alcomog rated for Pinterest Trees on May 30, 2014
Comment: Lovely idea to theme your board - thanks! x
Response: Thank you for taking a look -- and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
tinkerbellfairyness rated for Pinterest Trees on May 30, 2014
Comment: I love the way all the trees and photos are arranged into colours and seasons!Awesome,ty for sharing :)
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for looking at my board, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
pammykn rated for "A Very Merry Un-Birthday" USA # 1 on May 29, 2014
Comment: Thank you for all the cute presents! Enjoyed all the surprises!
Response: Yay -- so glad you liked everything! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
maxbenleo rated for Country scavenger hunt on May 28, 2014
Comment: Thank you for your cards! Have a great day😊
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart -- and I hope you have a great day, too (love your smiley!).
01baby03 rated for 100 Random Questions! on May 27, 2014
Comment: Oh my gosh! I had a blast reading your answers and we have so much in common!!!!!!!
Response: This was a really fun swap -- glad you enjoyed my answers! ;-) Thank you for the rating and heart!
Comment: Thank you very much for your letter and also for the stickers for my kids. I'll write back as soon as I can
Response: I look forward to your reply! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Artistic rated for Prompt Land #4 Ransom Note on May 23, 2014
Comment: Thanks so much!
Response: My pleasure; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
BusyB rated for "The Great Gatsby" -USA on May 23, 2014
Comment: This is my first swap and I love what you chose for me! Everything is so perfect in every way! That teeny miniature book of "The Great Gatsby" is so cute. Omigosh, the flappers and fashion pieces and vintage all to die for! Such a wonderful package to receive. And a bonus note from you. Thank you for being a super partner! Many hearts!
Response: I'm so happy to hear you loved the swap -- it was definitely one of my favorites! Welcome to TIAZ, btw! Thank you so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
ktina rated for Fill It In! on May 23, 2014
Comment: Thanks for sharing! Enjoyed :)
Response: Yay! Thanks for reading, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
fairypretty7 rated for TNW-Moon & Stars Package on May 23, 2014
Comment: Hi, thanks for the great array of items, they will all be used.
Response: Great! Glad it reached you, and thank you very much for the rating and heart. :-)
halewis1213 rated for Crafty Supply Surprise! USA on May 23, 2014
Comment: I loved everything! Thanks for a great package!
Response: I'm happy to hear you loved everything! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Gabbysmail rated for Hello Kitty grabbie #2 on May 23, 2014
Comment: Thank you for all the hello kitty cuteness :)
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Fykka rated for Senders choice PC swap #4 on May 22, 2014
Comment: Hi, Tamara. I received ur card today. thanks a lot. I like it. :) have a great day Best regards, Fykka
Response: Glad you liked the card! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
Comment: Thank you for the lovely package of goodies. I just adore the little dragon buttons, mushroom and tiny book. I look forward to using my gorgeous notecards. Fun swap. Hugs, Mona
Response: I'm so happy you like everything, Mona -- this swap was fun to put together for you! Thank you for the rating, heart, and kind comment. :-)
Comment: Dear Tamara - Hi. Thank you so much for your lovely letter and postcards which I received today, they are wonderful. I'm just off to make a coffee and sit down to read your letter and I will reply soon. All the best and happy swapping. Jane x (jep1068)
Response: I'm glad you liked the postcards, Jane, and I hope you enjoyed the letter (and coffee!). I look forward to your reply! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice message. :-)
Comment: Thank you!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Chaiphile rated for Senders choice PC swap #4 on May 15, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for the postcard! I have never received one from New Orleans, so I'm really pleased to get such a pretty one! I also appreciate the personal message Γ’β‚¬β€œ so nice to get a warm welcome!
Response: You're welcome; I'm really glad you liked the card! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
zoev1975 rated for TIAZ-Swinging 60's on May 14, 2014
Comment: Tamara, thank you for such fab goodies! I love everything, especially the flower seals, they are so pretty! Sadly though I made the mistake of opening the box in front of my nieces and they have pinched the two little rings! They send their thanks!
Response: The rings were put in as extras from the shop owner (in case anybody reading this is confused by that, I found several items to fulfill this swap at one Etsy store and -- after getting the okay from Zoe -- had the store owner ship directly). I didn't even see them, lol (she mentioned including them to me in an email). But I'm glad your nieces liked them; and I'm even more glad that you like everything!! Thanks so much for a super fun swap, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
crmc rated for Senders choice PC swap #4 on May 14, 2014
Comment: Perfect for my collection! Thanks!
Response: Great to hear! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you so much for the lovely letter and postcards I received from you yesterday. I really enjoyed it and will definitely write you back:)
Response: You're very welcome -- I look forward to hearing back from you! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: hey neighbor, thanks for the pc and enjoy the sun today and tomorrow!!!
Response: I did enjoy some sun today, and hope you did the same! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thanks for the neat pcs and I love the ME notecard....and also your address labels!
Response: The labels were sent to me by the wonderful swapper @jetrip -- I love them, too! Glad you like the postcards, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
susieq11 rated for PTG: Big Spring Swap #2 on May 12, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for all the awesome profile- related postcards!!! Thanks a lot for the WTC one. I didn't have it!! The rest are equally great!! : )
Response: Hooray! I'm so glad you like the cards, and that the WTC one is one you didn't have! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Jester777 rated for Inexspensive Etsy Swap May on May 12, 2014
Comment: Yay, thank you!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: A beautiful board - thank you x
Response: Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
durne rated for Pinterest - Take a Vacation to Mexico! on May 12, 2014
Comment: Thanks for your board! There are so much pins, like it! :)
Response: Thanks for taking a look -- and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: :)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Yes Mexico is a land of colors and then some! I enjoyed viewing your board and even laughed at the "Adios" as the last pin. Give me a smile for sure. Thank you for sharing your wonderful board. On a sadder note, I have been watching "Borderland" on Aljeera TV and it just breaks my heart over all the immigrants trying to get to this cournty and the loss of life.
Response: I haven't watched that show yet but I agree the situation is heartbreaking. Thanks for checking out my board -- and thank you for the rating, heart, and thoughtful comment! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful postcard of Utah. I lave those hollow arches that form bridges. Happy Swapping. Shirley
Response: Utah has some beautiful scenery! Glad you liked the card! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
simcoe54 rated for Signed, Sealed, Delivered Part 13 on May 9, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the fantastic cards. All new for my collection.
Response: I'm so glad you like them, and that I was able to send you new cards for your collection! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: thank you for the lovely postcard! Actually I have been through Olympia :D on my way to Snohomish (spelling is off, I always think of Gnomes for some reason lol). thank you very much! Catch ya on the Swap Side :D
Response: Glad you liked the card! I've never thought of Gnomes in connection to Snohomish before, but I might now. :-D (Your spelling of Snohomish is correct, btw!) Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
zoev1975 rated for Share Your Family Tree on May 7, 2014
Comment: Tamara, I really enjoyed looking through your family tree, and reading about Pardon Tillinghast was fascinating. Thank you for sharing this with me.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for looking through everything, and thanks so much for joining the swap! And -- of course -- thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Wonderful card! I love it, it traveled soooo far too! LOL Thanks so much and for joining my swap ; )
Response: My pleasure -- this was a fun swap! And I'm not surprised that your card was the first to arrive! ;-) Thanks for the rating and heart, and thank you for hosting the swap!
Comment: Wow you sure have had some experiences. I enjoyed reading your journal entries. I am glad that you resent them for me to read since the last one didn't make it here. Your entry about your grandpa Tilly had me in tears. I enjoyed your writing very much. Thanks for such a great swap.
Response: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to send again, and thanks so much for your rating, heart, and kind words! I'll respond to your PM in more detail shortly, but my brief answer is: sure, that sounds great! :-)
VioletLove rated for DS: April Scavenger Hunt on May 5, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much! I love everything that you sent! :)
Response: I'm glad to hear! Thanks so much for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: 'Uglies' is on my To Read List!
Response: Hope you enjoy! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: I read this book a few years ago, so I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I remember enjoying it quite a bit.
Response: I definitely enjoyed it more than I'd anticipated! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
lisamocker0412 rated for Flowers in a baggie 2014 on Apr 22, 2014
Comment: Thankyou for the pretty goodies.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Firstly, my sincerest apologies for the late rating. Life has been tossing hurdles at me over the past month or so and I've just been struggling to keep up. I wanted to ensure I gave your answers the proper attention they deserved before rating. We have dissimilar reading styles. I much prefer fiction to non but will read an occasional non-fiction or memoir - usually something that I'm obligated to for a book club. Sometimes I've been pleasantly surprised but, mostly, I'm left feeling like the stories could be so much better. (An advantage of not being limited to the truth, I suppose.) I agree with your stance on banned books. I have myself quite a list of books to read simply because they have been banned. I take it as a recommendation - plus, it just makes me curious to see what all the hype is about! I have also had issues with "The Great Gatsby". I tried reading it several times while in college but could never get past the first few chapters. I'm not sure why. I think it's time I picked it up again to see if I still feel the same way. Thank you so much for all your answers. I enjoyed learning all about you and your books!
Response: Don't worry about the late rating (I apologize for my delay in responding to it!). I very much appreciate the thoughtful comment -- thank you for that as well as for the rating and heart! :-)
kerrydwynn rated for Easter traditions on Apr 18, 2014
Comment: Oooooh a birthday AND anniversary! Happy! Congratulatiopns and thank you too!
Response: Thank you for the birthday and anniversary wishes, rating, and heart! Hope you had a happy Easter! :-)
sec7974 rated for 100: 10 Lists of 10 Each (Round 4) on Apr 15, 2014
Comment: This was such a fun and exciting swap to be a part of! I hope I catch the next round. Thanks for a great envie, Tamara!
Response: These list swaps are indeed a lot of fun! Thanks for reading mine; and thanks, too, for the rating and heart! :-)
leeler rated for Big Spring Swap on Apr 15, 2014
Comment: awesome cards thank you
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Hollycarole92 rated for DS: Alphabet Scavenger Hunt on Apr 14, 2014
Comment: You are such an awesome swap partner!! Thank you SO much for all of this amazing stuff, I can't wait to use it all! :)
Response: Oh, I'm so happy you're pleased -- that was such a fun swap to put together! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
elizong rated for Journal / SMASH Supplies #2 on Apr 14, 2014
Comment: wonderful mix of bits and pieces of papers! Love:)
Response: Yay! Glad you like it, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thanks so much love the stickers and sticker markers!
Response: My pleasure -- I'm glad you like the sticker-y stuff! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
orange0208 rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #49 on Apr 12, 2014
Comment: Thank you Tamara for the postcards:)
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
LauraM540 rated for DS: Simple & Quick Ephemera swap on Apr 11, 2014
Comment: I loved the selection you sent!! Brought back some fun memories! I have a friend who is a big Dead Head, and he just bought a house so I will be framing that Dead postcard for him!
Response: That's awesome about the postcard! Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment! :-)
lostinavalon rated for Vintage Things Swap on Apr 11, 2014
Comment: Gorgeous collection of things I love---thank you!
Response: You're welcome -- glad you like the items, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
slewis234 rated for SwaS: Happy mail: Spring on Apr 9, 2014
Comment: tamara, thank you so much for happy mail that came in my box. What a sweet package you put together so I wish I could give you a dozen hearts.
Response: Aw, thanks for the nice comment! I'm happy you like the happy mail! Thanks for the rating and heart(s!) :-)
denimblu14 rated for Two Lies, One Truth on Apr 9, 2014
Comment: Absolutely marvellous postcard thankyou very much Tamara. I am going to guess that You are a 3rd cousin 4x removed of Thomas Edison as your truth, am I right?
Response: You are correct! (My great-great grandmother, Edith Brundage, was his 3rd cousin.) I'm so glad the postcard reached you and that you like it! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
misscorbeau rated for Private vintage swap on Apr 4, 2014
Comment: Thanks so much for the super cool stuff! I love it!!!
Response: Yay! Glad you love the stuff; thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
maxbenleo rated for Pick 3 - Part 2 on Apr 4, 2014
Comment: Thank you very much for your cards and have a great weekendΓ°ΕΈΛœΖ’
Response: You're welcome, and I hope you had a great weekend! :-D Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
heartcore1985 rated for Carpe Librum - NOTECARD SWAP on Apr 4, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful notecards and the cute Peanuts stickers Tamara :) Wishing you a lovely weekend, Aline
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you like everything; thanks for the rating, heart, and kind words. :-)
Johanna51 rated for Not your country scavenger hunt on Apr 3, 2014
Comment: Thank you for a very nice bunch of postcards. Have a nice day.
Response: You're welcome; thank you for the rating and heart, and I hope you have a great day, too! :-)
Comment: Cute cards! Love the T one and you are fab! Thanks for being a great group member of CL!
Response: Glad to be part of the group! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Tamara~OH MY GOSH I LOVED EVERYTHING IN MY PACKAGE! I don't know what else you could have sent to make me happier! I did not have any cat washi tape I am so excited to use it and I love my little hand embroidered pouch with the compact mirror, my cat bead, cat cameo and on and on! I love my vintage magnet with the lady and cat...I can't believe you had a vintage photo of a lady holding a cat...I've never seen an old photo like that it normally is a dog (I shared that photo with Tim)! Oh and so much more...thank you thank you thank you! You made my day! >^..^<
Response: I'm sooo glad you love the package! I had fun putting it together, and I can tell from your ratings and especially from the wonderful package you sent me that you're an amazing swapper, so I wanted to do my best to put together a swap for you that you'd love! And I'm happy you like the magnet; it came from the store Vividiom on Etsy (they have lots of great magnets!) and seemed perfect for the two themes you chose. :-) Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and great comment!! <3
Maggiesmother rated for Maps! Maps! Maps! #2 on Mar 31, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great maps and Disney postcard. I love them all. I did not have any of them. They will add nicely to my collection. Wish I could give you an extra heart. Happy swapping,Linda
Response: I'm really glad you liked the cards, Linda; thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
Comment: Thank you so much for sharing! Loved hearing the story behind your middle name! :) God Bless! It's super interesting that you went into broadcasting after that! haha
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
Comment: This was my first ever swap and my first ever partner and she made it a very smooth transaction - thank you! =)
Response: You're welcome; thank you for the rating and heart, and I hope you enjoy Swap-bot! :-)
dmarie rated for "I Dream Of Paris" In A Baggie-USA on Mar 28, 2014
Comment: Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯ THANK YOU --- So much fun! I really enjoyed opening this fun package and I will use it all :) _ you are a great swap partner :)
Response: So happy you liked it -- I had fun putting it together!! Thank you for the rating and heart, and kind comment! :-)
ccap rated for thaskett and ccap on Mar 27, 2014
Comment: The thing is, when you sent this swap you had no idea where things were at with me. How I was just returning from visiting my brother (in another province) who is currently fighting stage 4 colon cancer. And how I'm still recovering from my mother's death to cancer just over a year ago. So, you had no idea how much I needed grace. Thanks so much for the cds!
Response: You're very welcome. I will keep your family in my prayers. Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and comment; I'd love to swap again any time. :-)
atinagrace rated for Mini Scavenger Hunt #23 on Mar 26, 2014
Comment: Hello Again, Thank you for a great selection of Mini's. I like all of them, and for you..5 hearts for the GA state map card..It has been a long time getting to me..I have asked many people..anita
Response: Hi, Anita! I'm glad I was able to provide a sought-after card for you! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Tamara, thank you for the great swap, you were very creative with the holidays, and very specific to my likes, thank you!
Response: You're very welcome! I'm glad you're pleased with the swap; thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
picupurcross rated for Spring Scavenger Hunt on Mar 25, 2014
Comment: Thanks so much for a great set of cards! My favorite is the multi view from Australia. And, I agree, why not Australia?! LOL! Hope you're having an awesome week! :)
Response: I hope to make it down there some spring break (and I hope you make it down there, too!). Glad you like the cards, and thank you for the rating and heart; have a great rest-of-the-week! :-)
maxbenleo rated for Lighthouses Worldwide #2 on Mar 25, 2014
Comment: Thank you for your lovely cards!! I love the polar bear one too, it is so cute😍 Have a great week!!
Response: You're more than welcome; I'm happy you like the cards, especially the polar bears. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!
simcoe54 rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #48 on Mar 24, 2014
Comment: When I opened the envelope & the monkey card was on top, I couldn't help but smile. Thanks for all the great cards.
Response: You're welcome; glad the monkey made you smile and that you like the cards. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
LadyWoods rated for Notecard Exchange on Mar 23, 2014
Comment: I rarely receive a notecard swap where I love every card. The five you picked out for me are lovely. Thank you!
Response: I'm very glad you like them! Thanks so much for the rating and heart. :-)
JediLibrarian rated for FOXES in a baggie - USA only on Mar 22, 2014
Comment: This really made my day!!! I love love love the fabric and the little fox purse! So adorable. I cannot wait to make a pair of earrings and a necklace out the the super cute fox beads. The bags and the notepad are fun too! Thanks for the extra stickers. I am a sucker for all things UK! This was a wonderful swap! :)
Response: Aw, I'm really happy that you loved the swap! It was a fun challenge to find a baggie full of foxes! Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment! :-)
Comment: Thanks for sharing your lists with me! I like these swaps because reading other people's I am always like "Ahh! How did I forget about THAT one!" This time it was Anne of Green Gables, I loved the book and surprisingly the movie too!
Response: Nice to meet another "Anne" fan! Thanks for the rating. :-)
tkoufus rated for Positive vs. Negative Letter Swap on Mar 21, 2014
Comment: Thank you for your open and honest letter, I wish you much victory in your fight! Xx x
Response: You're very welcome; thanks for reading, and thank you for your rating, heart, and kind comment. :-)
BambooBailey rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #48 on Mar 20, 2014
Comment: Awesome postcards Tamara. Your choices were perfect! Awesome angel by Raphael! Thank you so much. Have a great day! Beth
Response: I'm so glad you like the postcards; thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
VaGrammy66 rated for Flowers Postcard Swap on Mar 20, 2014
Comment: Love this postcard! I love Sunflowers too! Thank you!
Response: My favorite flower! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
jesskull rated for Snail Mail in a baggie - USA only on Mar 19, 2014
Comment: Thank you SO much for all of the goodies! I love the pen, and the postcards! Thank you for looking at my profile - the items you sent were perfect! :)
Response: I'm happy that you like everything! I wasn't sure about the postcards since they were kind-of-but-not-exactly London-themed, so I'm especially happy to hear you love those. Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Wow! You were 4 when you read for the 1rst time? :-o I wish I could say that, I'm jealous, I had to wait until I was 6 years old. I was still looking in picture books then. It's nice to see that you have an interest for the bible. ^_^ You shouldn't be intimidated to read it, it's a beautiful book. I read in it often, I almost finished the old testament. :-) I loved reading your answers. Thank you for sharing.
Response: Thanks for reading my answers and for your thoughtful comment! I've read parts of the Bible; eventually, I'd like to read every chapter! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you and great communication!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart!
rexypants rated for Country scavenger hunt # 3 on Mar 15, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara - Thank you very much for your nice note and great PC choices for this swap. I didn't know about the Old Capitol Building, so will have to check it out the next time I'm in Olympia! Wonderful Buddha in Kamakura, as well. Hope you have a great weekend. :)
Response: I'm glad you like the cards -- it's always a pleasure to send to you! :-) Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment!
atanava rated for Just-a-Postcard on Mar 14, 2014
Comment: Thank you!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
RandiRoo2220 rated for STASH ATTACK!!!! #5 on Mar 14, 2014
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Animatarian rated for DS: Spring is Coming! on Mar 13, 2014
Comment: Your envie of spring goodness arrived today.... I love everything in it! The beautiful large bunny die cut, and the adorable sheep sticker are just a few of my favorites. Thanks for everything.
Response: You're very welcome; I'm happy you like everything! Thanks so much for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you for your swap. I enjoyed reading your answers. I also stated that the longest I've gone without reading was birth until whenever I started. :) I also acknowledge so called "Guilty Pleasure" reads or anything. I like what I like, I don't care what anyone thinks of it. :)
Response: Glad somebody else agrees with me -- reading is reading, and if you enjoy it, that's the most important thing! :-) Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
Comment: tamara! not lost! ahaha I love your excuse I wont be able to eat my corn flakes now without thinking about your postcard ahah I especially love the elk on the card my family has actually raised elk on our farm its a very popular meat in these parts such beautiful creatures.
Response: I'm glad it made it -- that one took its time! Elk are indeed beautiful creatures; when my husband and I went to Sweden a few years ago, we would hear them barking! (We didn't know the sound was coming from elk until my husband's Swedish cousin told us.) Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and great comment. :-)
CindyST rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt - March 2014 on Mar 11, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for the postcards. I love all of them!
Response: Glad to hear! :-) Thank you for the rating and heart!
Comment: Thanks so much for the awesome set of cards! They're all new for me! I especially love the dolphins and the Great Ocean Road multiview! :)
Response: You're welcome! Very happy you like the cards. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
Comment: Tamara!! you made my swap feel so inadequate yours was amazing! thank you so much for the zine I am obsessed I cant wait to read it! and the postcards are all beautiful askdh'jajsd thank you aha
Response: Aww, your swap was great!! But glad you liked mine! :-) I almost forgot that I sent you that zine -- what with all of the crazy things that have happened recently on my local public transit (including an attack on a driver that made international news just a couple of weeks ago), I'd be curious to read a new edition of that zine, if it's still being created. Anyway, thank you for private swapping with me, and thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment! :-)
Comment: Your package just arrived and made my morning! I love everything about it Tamara! I especially love the vintage post card. Thank you ~ Tracy
Response: I'm so glad it made it to you and that you love it! :-) Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
Comment: Thank you for so lovely package. I like especially...hm... actually I love everything ;)
Response: Glad you love everything -- I think that was the first time I mailed a package to your location! Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment! :-)
Sternenfee rated for SwaS: Fast and easy happy mail on Mar 7, 2014
Comment: What a lovely notecard and great quote. Also thank you for the stickers and the card you added to my collection.
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
zoev1975 rated for @thaskett & @zoev1975 on Mar 5, 2014
Comment: Thank you for a fantastic parcel! I love the owl - I may have to take up puppetering! The notepad is so pretty, the book plates will come in for a few projects I have in mind, and the postcard of Spanish moss is absolutely fantastic. It is perfect for my collection. I couldn't be happier! Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯
Response: I'm so glad you like everything -- I had fun putting the package together and would love to swap with you again any time! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and great comment. :-)
HisDarkMaterials rated for Just-a-Postcard on Mar 5, 2014
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
darzy30 rated for Mini Scavenger Hunt #22 on Mar 4, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great PCs! I love the schnauzer and the map!
Response: You're welcome -- I'm happy to hear you like those cards! :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
EmilyT rated for Color Scavenger Hunt on Mar 4, 2014
Comment: WOW! You've sent me a very lovely set of postcards. St. Jerome is really special and unique. I never seem to come across many postcards like this here in Denver. Thank you for the nice set of religious cards and Russian church as well as the bonus pc :) Thank you!
Response: You're very welcome! I obtained many of the religious art cards (as well as the Russian church) in a HUGE lot of various cards; I still have some left if you ever want more. :-) Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment!
kiddomerriweather rated for DS: Pick 3 Wishlist on Mar 4, 2014
Comment: Thank you for all the fabulous goodies! I haven't had time to look through them thoroughly, but I noticed Johnny Cash in the ephemera! Infinite hearts!
Response: Yes, I love the names of your "outlaw country" kitties! :-) Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment!
kiki95816 rated for Pick 5 in a baggie - USA only on Mar 4, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much. I love all the items in the baggie. The colors are lovely.
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you for the lovely package - the chocolate is awesome! totally challenging my perceptions of US chocolate!! The miffy cutters are so cute too :)
Response: I'm so glad you like the package and that you've enjoyed the chocolate; the store right by my house sells some of the "fancier" kinds so they're easy for me to pick up. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
SusieQ730 rated for Etsy Favorites List Swap #1 on Mar 1, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the adorable crocheted baby guinea pig! :)
Response: You're welcome! Glad you like it! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
kerrydwynn rated for Take the A-Train (b) on Mar 1, 2014
Comment: We persevered! And the re-sent swap finally arrived! Thanks bunches Tamara :-) Somewhere out there some dastardly individual is enjoying the original swap :-/ peace and love
Response: Yay! I'm so glad it made to you!! (I hope the dastardly individual is enjoying the original swap; but I'm also still hoping it's one of those swaps that weirdly turns up about four months after I mailed it... then you could have both!) Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment -- and thanks again for your patience and kindness. :-)
Comment: Thank you so very much! I love the Chicks with hats even more in real life. They are so cute. Thanks for choosing them.
Response: I'm glad they were a good choice for you! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
dobie256 rated for VWXYZ Scavenger Hunt on Feb 28, 2014
Comment: What a great set of postcards! One for each letter -- thanks for the extras. The poppies remind me of my Mom; the bluebonnets of my (Austin, TX) brother. And that has to be the prettiest beach postcard EVER! Thanks! <3<3<3
Response: You're very welcome! That's great that the postcards stir some memories! Thanks very much for the rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
rexypants rated for Postcard, Note Card and Stickers on Feb 26, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara - Thanks very much for the fun envelope you sent! The stickers made me laugh - I love 'em - because they remind me of similar ones from when I was a kid :) Thank you for sending such thoughtful PCs, too. I have been through Weed - funny place! Hope you're having a great week.
Response: I'm glad you like the stuff and appreciate the stickers -- they brought back some memories for me, as well. :-) Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and thoughtful comment... I hope you're having a great week, too! :-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
judee0624 rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #36 on Feb 25, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great cards. I think I like the yellow roses best.
Response: I'm happy you like the cards, especially the roses; thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful package of goodies! I already have ideas for the jewelry supplies and I'm absolutely in love with the stamps
Response: You're welcome -- glad you liked the package, and happy you can use the supplies. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
etrevino rated for My Name on Feb 24, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara! Sorry for the late rate. :-) I hope your year is going by well. I loved the paper you wrote on. The Beatles are a favorite of mine. Haha, yes there are many many many trees in southern California. My neighbor even planted 2 or 3 in his front yard. (Why?!???! lol) Since, there are still people who call you Tammy ; you can be 'perfect' in their eyes. Our Swap-Bot names are similar. We both use our first initial and last name. However, on Instagram and Twitter I add xo to the end. :-) Thanks for everything! -etrevino
Response: You always leave such thoughtful comments! Thanks for that, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
HoosierRain rated for PC Scavenger Hunt on Feb 24, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the variety.
Response: You're welcome -- thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
hazelwitch3 rated for Baggie full of sea creatures on Feb 24, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for the thoughtful and imaginative parcel -- I'm delighted with everything! The Little Golden book is one I hadn't seen before so a special thank you for that -- but I love the crocheted fish, the bag, the card. the stickers -- in fact, everything!
Response: I'm happy to read that you're so happy with this swap -- it was a lot of fun to put together for you! Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment. :-)
Comment: Wow" What great creativity. Loved it all. Thanks for sharing. bearnbabs
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
Comment: Oh these are perfect! My kinda cards! The barnacle one and the 80s dude are great! Love the cute bag, too! Thanks for the swap!
Response: Thanks for taking part in the swap! I'm glad you like the postcards; I thought you'd get a kick out of the two you mentioned, based on your profile. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart!! :-)
simcoe54 rated for Country scavenger hunt #2 on Feb 20, 2014
Comment: Thanks for another great swap. They are all new to my collection.
Response: I'm happy you like the cards and they're new to your collection; thank you again for the rating and heart! :-)
dobie256 rated for STU Scavenger Hunt on Feb 18, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the wonderful nature postcards -- I think that pack horse and bridge is gorgeous. I would love to be able to go that far backcountry! (And don't ever hesitate to use recycled greeting cards for me -- I do that too!) <3<3<3
Response: Glad you didn't mind the recycled card (and that I'm not the only one who uses them with my swaps!). Thanks so much for the rating and heart. :-)
dobie256 rated for PQR Scavenger Hunt on Feb 18, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the fun set of postcards. I LOVE Escher! The Magic pc was really different and fun; the Mary Cassatt painting was delightful. Thanks for the extras too. Wonderful swap! <3<3<3
Response: I'm happy you liked all the postcards!! Thanks so much the rating, heart, and great comment! :-D
Comment: Tamara, I love everything you sent! The purse, notebook, card, postcard and the washi tape are fantastic, but I absolutely love, love, love the glass owl! He is having pride of place in my collection! Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯Γ’β„’Β₯
Response: I'm so glad you loved the owl and everything else!! Thanks for the rating, heart and nice comment. :-)
Comment: It came today!! Thanks it was hilarious to read! xD I feel kind of bad for poor Bobby tho! Let me kno if you want a reply or not! ;)
Response: Sure, I'd love a reply if you have time! :-D I'm glad you enjoyed the letter! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Sternenfee rated for My Name on Feb 18, 2014
Comment: Thank you. It was very interesting to read. I like your name but never thought about the meaning. And thank you for the beautiful cards, too.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for reading my letter, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
valleychic rated for I'm Pinterested In Your Childhood on Feb 17, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much for sharing your board. It is great and I enjoyed it very much. This swap brought back a lot of memories.
Response: Thanks for checking it out; and thank you for your rating, heart, and nice comment. :-)
etrevino rated for I'm Pinterested In Your Childhood on Feb 17, 2014
Comment: Great board Tamara! I loved it! I watch alot of those 'old shows' on Netflix. It's alot better than some of the shows that are on now. :-) Thanks for sharing!
Response: I agree about the shows. :-) Thanks for looking at my board, and thank you for the rating and heart!
moxsapphir rated for I'm Pinterested In Your Childhood on Feb 16, 2014
Comment: Well, Flintstones, Jetsons, & the B&W Cal Worthington commercial are more in my decade 60's -- though the Cal commercials tells me you grew up in California -- the rest is 80's (My niece had all the Strawberry Shortcake dolls; you showed the Purple Pieman) and My Little Pony, and the others were her decade. I enjoyed the journey! A heart for you!
Response: I grew up here in Washington state; we got the Cal Worthington and His Dog Spot commercials, too. :-) As for Jets and Flintstones, I think my brother watched the re-runs on TBS (?) and later Cartoon Network. Thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment! :-)
Comment: Great board. Pinned a few. Thanks for sharing.
Response: Thanks for taking a look, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Love all the postcards you sent me for this swap but the Bermuda one is hanging right above my computerÒ€¦ inspiration that there are tropical places where I can dream of going when I need relief from this horrible WINTER! Thanks so much for this much appreciated mental "get-away"!
Response: I'm happy the postcard can provide a little tropical inspiration! :-) Thanks for the great comment, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Lotsa reading to do! Awesome!
Response: Ha! Yeah, I tried to make some of the entries a bit shorter but I can get pretty wordy. Hope you enjoy reading, and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
rexypants rated for Valentine's Day Fun on Feb 12, 2014
Comment: Hi there - thank you for the fun envelope you sent! I like how you decorated it and the contents are fab as well. You seriously could not have sent me more perfect postcards. They are all keepers :) The little notepads are very cute. Thanks very much, and have a lovely Valentine's Day!
Response: Yay! I'm so glad it made it you before Valentine's Day -- though as you pointed out when we were talking about the mail service, one could probably walk across the border to deliver the envelope and get it there faster. :-) I'm happy you liked everything... thanks for the rating and heart, and happy Valentine's Day! :-)
simcoe54 rated for JKL Scavenger Hunt on Feb 11, 2014
Comment: The cards are great and fit nicely in my collection. Thanks.
Response: I'm glad you like them and that they fit with your collection! Thanks as always for the rating and heart. :-)
TracyLee rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #35 on Feb 8, 2014
Comment: Oh my goodness...I wish I could give you more hearts. I love the cards you chose to send me. The Elephant Training is my favorite! I can't wait to add it to my collection of elephant cards displayed in my studio. Thank you so much.
Response: You're welcome!! Thank you for the rating, heart, and great comment. :-)
lloydp rated for Paper Goods ~ Winter Theme on Feb 7, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara I received my parcel today and just loved it. Thank you for all of the cut outs, bags, stamps etc. I LOVE the little pigs (was that a punch). The postcards are nice - I would love to see Scotty's Castle. Hope we swap again sometime. Pat
Response: I'd love to swap again sometime, Pat! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
mizvicky rated for DS: Bag of Your Favorite Color on Feb 7, 2014
Comment: Tamara! What an amazing bag of lime green items! I loved everything you put together . I'm having a hard time with the 'lucky stars' but what a fun challenge! My daughter grabbed the green picture frame. Ha Thank you for such a thoughtful swap!
Response: You're welcome; that was an especially fun swap to put together! I'm glad that both you and your daughter can enjoy it! Thanks for the rating and heart, and for your great comment. :-)
simcoe54 rated for Flat Envie Scavenger on Feb 6, 2014
Comment: Thanks for all the items enclosed in your package. Nice selection.
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you SO much for an awesome envie !! I love it all !! :)
Response: You're so welcome -- I'm glad you love it! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Maggiesmother rated for Valentine's Day Postcard on Feb 5, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the lovely postcards. I also used to live in Shasta County. Happy swapping and Happy Valentine's Day. Linda
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! Most of my ancestors and dad's cousins and their families are/were based in Sonoma County, but they're also in Mendocino County, Shasta County, Sacramento, and pretty much all over Northern California. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! :-)
Comment: This is one of the nicest swaps I have ever received! Thank you soooo much! Such a wonderful selection of different things! Lots of hearts to you!! xx, Julie
Response: I'm so glad you loved the package (and, wow, that made it to you quickly!). Thanks so much for the rating, heart(s), and very kind comment!! :-)
mamarochat rated for Animal Scavenger Hunt on Feb 5, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the great postcards. I love the alligator and the dog!
Response: Glad you like 'em. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
HoosierRain rated for Pinterest ~ Valentines on Feb 3, 2014
Comment: Pinned a few. Thanks for sharing!!
Response: Great! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
simcoe54 rated for Mini Scavenger Hunt #21 on Feb 1, 2014
Comment: As always, another great swap. Nice selection. Thanks
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
jessielightyear rated for Pinterest ~ Valentines on Feb 1, 2014
Comment: Thanks for sharing your great board with me! I enjoyed all of your pins :)
Response: My pleasure. Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
simcoe54 rated for GHI Scavenger Hunt on Jan 30, 2014
Comment: Thanks for the great postcards. Loved the lighthouse card. Nice selection.
Response: I'm glad you like the lighthouse card and the others; thank you so much for the rating and heart! :-)
druideye rated for Pinterest ~ Valentines on Jan 30, 2014
Comment: Very cute, thank you. Γ’β„’Β₯
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: I am glad that I found this swap so fast. You didn't use the swap name or you profile name. What an interesting array for postcards you sent me. the wooden house in the Ivanovo area is so interesting. The house is so skinny. Shirley
Response: I'm so sorry about not including the swap info! I almost always send a greeting card with my postcard swaps, in which I'll include all of that necessary information along with a little note. Did I forget the greeting card... or send a blank one? How embarrassing; I'll definitely be careful not to do that again! Anyhow, I'm glad you were able to find me to rate with not too much difficulty, and that you appreciate the postcards. Thanks so much for the rating and heart. :-)
AynE rated for SwaS: Easy penpal swap on Jan 29, 2014
Comment: Howdy neighbor! Thank you for the wonderfully chatty and personal letter. There are so many questions and things that I would love to correspond with you about, so this Easy Penpal swap has, it appears produced a penpal in the real world. Hurrah! Thank you for the very carefully chosen extras as well. Altogether a genuinely above and beyond swap, 13 pages from a stellar swapper. Thank you and after I wade through the mountain of laundry and mail, expect a letter in return.
Response: I'm looking forward to your reply! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and wonderful comment!! P.S. As I mentioned to your daughter, she was the person who sent to me for this swap... too funny! :D
Comment: Thanks so much for a very thoughtful package with so many different elements, from the adorable smiling flower card to the quotable magnets. I was not expecting a package on the day it arrived and thought that it was for another family member, so what a surprise when the person I thought it belonged to handed it back to me and I opened a little packet of sunshine! I kept moving the little quotes around to remind myself to rate the next time I logged on and of course smiled at them instead of logging on .. thanks so much for the package and your patience :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked the package!! Thanks for the rating, heart, and very kind comment!! :-)
CindyST rated for DEF Scavenger Hunt on Jan 28, 2014
Comment: I love all these postcards, thank you :D
Response: You're welcome; I'm happy you love the cards! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: LOVE IT! Wow. Anytime I get a package I try to fish out the letter before I even see what's in it. You did it so cute! You had me giggling. I adore everything that you picked out for me for this swap. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Response: You're very welcome! I'm REALLY glad you like it (this is always one of my favorite swaps to send!). And thank YOU for the rating -- and for my 200th heart!! :-D
atinagrace rated for F.U.N. Scavenger Hunt EDITED on Jan 27, 2014
Comment: Hi Tamara,Thank you so much for the 4 great cards!!
Response: You're so welcome, Anita! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
WPREGEL rated for Pinterest ~ Valentines on Jan 27, 2014
Comment: The nostalgic Valentine images ...sigh. They remind me of my moms scrapbook. :) Can't wait to try the italian sodas!
Response: Let me know how the Italian sodas are! ;-) Thanks for looking at my board, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
djfshop rated for Pinterest ~ Valentines on Jan 27, 2014
Comment: Lots of fun Valentines! Thank you!!
Response: You're welcome -- thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Snailmail1772 rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #34 on Jan 25, 2014
Comment: Thank you for sending such great post cards.
Response: You're welcome -- I'm glad you like them! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
doulakk rated for Just Smash It Swap on Jan 23, 2014
Comment: I thoroughly enjoyed going through this package. Thanks a bunch! All of it is right up my alley!!Γ’β„’Β₯
Response: Yay -- I'm so glad you like it all! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the letter and for the small envelopes! I really enjoyed reading it! :)
Response: You're very welcome -- thank you for reading it, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
KraftyKaren rated for 100: 10 Lists of 10 Each. on Jan 22, 2014
Comment: Thanks. I enjoyed reading your lists and love how you decorated your them and used cards, postcards, and card stock to write them on.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the lists; they were fun to make. Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
atinagrace rated for Scavenger's Delight #2 on Jan 21, 2014
Comment: Hello again Tamara, Thank you for the interesting selection of cards. Have a great evening. anita
Response: You're welcome, Anita -- Swap-bot seems to really want me to share my collection with you, and I'm glad you're enjoying the cards. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
maxbenleo rated for ABC Scavenger Hunt on Jan 21, 2014
Comment: Thank you very much for the cards, I love them!! Happy 2014 for you!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoy the cards! Happy 2014, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
LeonieP rated for WIYM: Happy N-E-W Year! on Jan 20, 2014
Comment: Wow Tamara, Love the items you sent me for Happy N-E-W- Year! The ephemera will come in handy for my ATCs! You should start swapping ATCs they are alot of fun. I really love the note cards and the wildflowers too. You have some great wildflowers around. Best wishes to you.
Response: I'd like to make (and swap) more ATCs at some point but I need a lot more practice! :-) Happy the items reached you and that you like everything... thanks for the rating, heart, and great comment. :-)
Comment: Thanks for the great sunset cards. They are beautiful.
Response: I'm happy you like the cards! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
evieroz rated for WPS - Pick Your Own Theme Postcards on Jan 19, 2014
Comment: Love the International postcards the most. Use to send international before mailing got soo expensive. Thank you.
Response: I'm glad you like the cards (and you're right about international postage!). Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thanks Tamara for the great pc's.
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
susieq11 rated for Non-touristy Postcards on Jan 17, 2014
Comment: Hey again! : ) Thank you for more great postcards! I love "The Sheperdess" - great expression. Seals, polar bears, owls, Hawaii!! Thank you!! (And for the extras!! )
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you liked the cards and am looking forward to the next swap! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
IsadoraWing rated for For the Birds on Jan 16, 2014
Comment: I saw the quail and gave a little squeak of joy! Thank you for all the birdy goodness and the stuff off my spreadsheet. It was very thoughtful of you.
Response: My pleasure! Glad you liked the quail! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
justmesks rated for 5 Postcards to 2 Partners #43 on Jan 16, 2014
Comment: Loved the nice selection of cards!
Response: I'm glad! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
user6937 rated for A thousand miles on Jan 15, 2014
Comment: Thanks! I've been to Amsterdam, too, but I was just a kid - would love to go back and see it through "adult" eyes. The Haiti one is a hoot.
Response: I'd love to spend more than just a few days in Amsterdam! Glad you liked the cards -- thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
rebecca1975 rated for Tiny Surprises on Jan 15, 2014
Comment: Thank you. I realy like them
Response: I'm glad to hear, and happy that everything reached you! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
rebecca1975 rated for Best of 2013! on Jan 15, 2014
Comment: Hi there. thank you
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Great postcards! Thanks!
Response: Glad you liked 'em -- thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: thanks
Response: You're welcome; thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Gabbysmail rated for Feeling Blue on Jan 14, 2014
Comment: Thank you for everything!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
atinagrace rated for Mini Scavenger Hunt #20 on Jan 13, 2014
Comment: Thank you, Tamara, for some very interesting postcards, and good to have you for a partner again, too!!!!!
Response: It's always a pleasure to send to you! Glad you liked the cards, and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you! I especially liked the envelopes you sent. The tiny one is so adorable!
Response: I'm happy you liked them! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
rebecca1975 rated for Fill It With Floral on Jan 9, 2014
Comment: thank you. I Like them a lot.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
tiathyme rated for Be The Character On Your Postcard on Jan 8, 2014
Comment: Thank you for the postcard! Lol, I got two big cats in this swap, perfect choices. :P
Response: I'm glad it made it all the way to you and that you didn't mind receiving two big cats. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
MaterializeDaydreams rated for Christmas Shopping! on Jan 6, 2014
Comment: Great letter, thank you! It sounds like you really do get out to attend several holiday theme events during the season. I bet there are more things to do near where you live than there are here. The one cool thing we have isn't even official. One person in a neighboring town goes just crazy decorating their house during the Christmas season. During mid-late December, there is sometimes a line of cars waiting for blocks to take their turn driving by to see what they have done this year. It really is worth it - they go all out.
Response: The Christmas decoration display sounds so cool! That's one thing we didn't do enough this past Christmas -- check out the neighborhood lights and decorations (though we did a little). This was a fun swap. :-) Thanks for hosting it; and thank you for the rating, heart, and comment! :-)
atinagrace rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #33 on Jan 6, 2014
Comment: Great cards, Tamara!! Thank you very much!!
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
gizmodust rated for SWaS~Sunshine in a Ziplock~USA on Jan 6, 2014
Comment: Thank you so much !! When I opened the package and saw the cross stitch pattern I was so excited. Been a long time since I've had any NEW patterns. And a whole kit !! My kitty had to be on my lap when I opened the zip lock and first thing, he grabbed one of the little crocheted flowers -- then the chase was on. I got it back and know I had to put them up out of his way. He was pretty insistent on wanting it. Did you make them ? Really cute. Loved everything in the bag. You sure read my profile. It truly was a SUNSHINE bag. Thanks again.
Response: I'm so glad the bag brought you some sunshine! I did not make the crocheted flowers; I found them at this Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CrochetnMoreByAlida I'm glad my kitty didn't notice yours before I put it in the bag! Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and great comment. :-)
nanetteyf rated for 100 Christmas Stickers #2 on Dec 28, 2013
Comment: great stickers, thanks for the swap!
Response: Glad you liked 'em -- thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Love the map cards. They are both new to me. Thank you.
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: I love the Oklahoma ornament, thank you so much! Guess what, it arrived on Christmas Eve!!! So perfect!
Response: Yay! I was beginning to wonder if the seller would ever ship the ornament but I'm glad it reached you and on such a fitting date. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
spicemom rated for ~ Stocking Surprise *US ~ on Dec 26, 2013
Comment: Hi Tamara Thank u I love it Spicemom
Response: I'm glad you love the package -- thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Phimu4ever rated for I Love Snail Mail ! on Dec 26, 2013
Comment: Thank you! Happy New Year!
Response: You're welcome -- happy New Year to you, as well! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
djr2djm rated for Fun Flat Mail on Dec 26, 2013
Comment: Thank you for all the fun stuff!!! It really brightened my day! I enjoyed it all!
Response: Glad to hear! :-) Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
dogkisses rated for Five items for your purse USA on Dec 24, 2013
Comment: I love everything!! Thank you so much. I love that you sent fragrance free lotion since I am always putting lotion on and my husband makes comments about the smell. He has a sensitive nose.
Response: I'm so glad you love the items! That's one of my favorite lotions -- I hope it works for you. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
JoeyAnne rated for QUICX-mas 50 sticker swap #41 on Dec 24, 2013
Comment: Thank you Tamara!
Response: You're very welcome -- thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Merry Christmas to someone from one of my MOST favorite places on earth--Olympia, Mt Vernon, Anecortez, Whidby island!!!! You guys live in heaven! I really loved your parcel--you picked everything that I love--thank you so much--I was really blessed today! (Oh the postage cost was horrid--I am sorry for you to have to pay so much$$$$$ but I was THRILLED!! Xo
Response: The postage is worth it when the receiver loves the package, which I'm VERY glad you did! Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment -- merry Christmas from the state of Washington!!
Comment: Thank you very much for the awesome PCs and Christmas card!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
smokeandmirrors rated for Pinterest - Gingerbread on Dec 20, 2013
Comment: Wow, the life size gingerbread is amazing! Merry Christmas!
Response: Merry Christmas! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thanks for the very pretty winter scene from the Morton Arboretum! We do seem to share the same taste in music! My husband and I are going to see Ellis Paul perform in a few weeks.
Response: I hope you have a great time seeing Ellis! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Robin50 rated for Pinterest - Gingerbread on Dec 18, 2013
Comment: Thanks for sharing your lovely Gingerbread board!
Response: You're welcome -- thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: The snow covered capital looks amazing! Happy holidays to you and yours!
Response: Happy holidays in return! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Awesome choices. Merry Christmas!
Response: Merry Christmas to you! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you for the great cards. I like all the cards that you sent. Also Col Rebel is fine for the sports Mascot.Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Response: I'm glad you liked the cards! I received Col Rebel in another swap and liked him -- but felt he fit this scavenger hunt a little better than the other mascot I'd found (whose image was just a small part of a collage). So I'm glad you're okay with him -- and thanks to the other swapper (who I hope would understand my trading him on in the spirit of the swap :>). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year back to you; thanks for the rating and heart!
Comment: thank you for the lovely package.
Response: You're very welcome -- thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
JanHardt rated for My Ancestry is..... on Dec 16, 2013
Comment: Great card and very interesting story. You must have done some research. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your history.
Response: Yes, genealogy is one of my favorite pastimes. :-) Thanks so much and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
tatntole rated for Pinterest - Gingerbread on Dec 16, 2013
Comment: Very nice board, I pinned a large number of your pins. I love the gingerbread pick-up truck!
Response: I've always liked gingerbread but never knew that so many things could be constructed from it! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
ladydy5 rated for Give a WORD, Send a CARD #2 on Dec 16, 2013
Comment: Very sweet, thank you
Response: You're welcome -- thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Elliepatterson rated for Pinterest - Italophile on Dec 13, 2013
Comment: Beautiful. Italian pins! I would love to go there some day. I have Italian relatives and they talk with their hands and arms flailing:-) Thank you for your awesome board. Blessings,
Response: Thanks for taking a look, and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Your swap answers were exceptional! I agree with everything that you had to say. Thank you for sharing in this swap with me. Blessings,
Response: You're welcome -- thank you for an interesting swap, and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thanks very much!! The Lisa Frank card and the bulldog are two of my favorite things ever. You're the best!
Response: I'm glad to hear!! Thanks very much for the comment, rating, and heart! :-)
onelove4 rated for Pinterest Christmas Board on Dec 13, 2013
Comment: Thank you!!
Response: You're welcome -- thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Hi there!! Washington is one of my favorite places!!! I can't wait to go back!! Thank you so much for the santa card and Washington postcard! Love it!!
Response: You're welcome -- I'm glad you liked them! I hope you make it back to Washington soon! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
dianamwright rated for Deck The Halls on Dec 12, 2013
Response: Thanks for responding to my inquiry, and thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
ter1225 rated for Christmas Card/Postcard Swap 1 on Dec 12, 2013
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you for ALL the awesome postcards!!! I loooove the deer (of course!) and the lizard!! The snow, map, rhino... Everything is great and thank you for so many extras!!! Remember to PM me after the holidays for our private swap! Thanks too for the cute Santa card - all the best to you and your family! : )
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, and really nice comment!! Glad you loved everything. :-) I'm looking forward to our private swap... happy holidays to you and your loved ones!!!
Comment: Thanks so much! The decorations on the envelope were cute, and I ADORED the washi tape! I've actually been eying that exact roll, and I was ecstatic when I opened the envelope, thank you!
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad you loved the washi tape and appreciated the envie. Thanks so much for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
Kazlekas rated for Pinterest - snow swap on Dec 11, 2013
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
KatarinaNavane rated for TRUE VINTAGE EPHEMERA on Dec 11, 2013
Comment: Thank you!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: What a great letter! Sorry I didn't get my kitties names to you! Richard KittyBaby sounds delightful!
Response: Richard Kittybaby says thank you! So do I. :-) Glad you liked the letter, and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thanks so much for the great PCs and adorable Christmas card! I especially love the map! Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Response: You're very welcome -- glad you liked the map card. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too! :-)
Comment: Thank you, Tammara for the great selection of cards + one!!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks very much for the rating and heart! :-)
tinari01 rated for WIYM The 46 Cent Challenge #1 USA on Dec 9, 2013
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
etrevino rated for Pinterest New York New York on Dec 9, 2013
Comment: The historic NY photos are amazing. I just love looking at old photos. Great board! I can't wait to go to NY :-) Thanks for sharing!!
Response: You're welcome -- I hope you make it to NYC soon! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
judee0624 rated for Christmas Card/Postcard Swap 1 on Dec 8, 2013
Comment: Thanks for the nice cards!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Just4Mee rated for Pinterest New York New York on Dec 7, 2013
Comment: Nice !
Response: Thanks, and thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
mmilesesq rated for WIYM: Happy Mail USA #13 on Dec 6, 2013
Comment: You definitely made me smile. I am going to give the key to my 4 year old grandson and it will be "Santas key" to their house since thy have no fireplace. Thanks for all the embellishments, too.
Response: You're very welcome! I love "Santa's Key"! :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
mamarochat rated for Scavenger's Delight :-) on Dec 6, 2013
Comment: The postcards are great. Thank you.
Response: You're welcome -- thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: I loved the oreo soaps; thank you! :) I have no idea how these are made.. If you review the seller you can say that they smelled and looked just like oreos!!
Response: Ha! I'll pass that message on! Glad you loved the soaps (and that I finally got to buy something for you!) -- thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
tatntole rated for Christmas Card/Postcard Swap 1 on Dec 5, 2013
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card and postcards too. Thank you for the extra postcard.
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
swappintoya rated for Etsy ~ Bath & Body Item on Dec 4, 2013
Comment: Thanks!!!! Love the perfume :)
Response: I'm glad to hear! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Zefaniya rated for Postcard Pick-me-Up #21 on Dec 3, 2013
Comment: Thank you :D
Response: You're welcome -- thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
minniepic rated for Postcard Pick-me-Up #21 on Dec 3, 2013
Comment: Thank you so much for the cards and the Christmas card:)
Response: My pleasure -- thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
adancingflower rated for Envelope Advent Calendar on Dec 1, 2013
Comment: Thank you so much for a wonderful package! I can't wait to open them all!
Response: You're welcome -- I hope you like everything! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Luvslife3 rated for Pinterest - snow swap on Dec 1, 2013
Comment: Beautiful board Tamara!! Loved that snowy town in Greenland...would make an awesome puzzle!!...and the vintage snow lady was cool!! Thank you for sharing!!
Response: I'm glad you liked my board -- thanks for taking a look, and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
TammieGotcha rated for Pinterest - snow swap on Nov 30, 2013
Comment: Hello Tamara, Thank you very much for the wonderful board you have. Best wishes from Tamara.
Response: You're welcome, fellow Tamara! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
swappintoya rated for Etsy~ Scented Item on Nov 30, 2013
Comment: Love the candle!!!!!!!! Thanks
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you love it (and the beads!). Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
swappintoya rated for Etsy ~ Jewelry Item on Nov 30, 2013
Comment: Thank you!!!! I love the beads
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Everything is perfect! Thanks so much!
Response: Great! Thanks for swapping -- and thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thanks so much for all the great stuff! Please don't feel like you're slighting me, I think the point is to include as much for 46 cents, which you certainly did. If you want to do a private swap, like a filled envelope, please let me know :3
Response: I'm glad you like the stuff -- thanks so much, and thanks for the rating and heart! I'd definitely be up for a stuffed envie or similar swap; it might be after the holidays, but I'll definitely send you a note then if not before. :-)
Comment: Thank you for the neat selection of cards. I love them. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Response: I'm glad you loved them! Thanks for the rating and heart, and have a great holiday season! :-)
OddBall7 rated for Postcard Pick-me-Up #21 on Nov 29, 2013
Comment: Thank you so much for the extra cards! I love the one of Amsterdam. All the cards were great. Thank you!
Response: Yay, I'm happy you liked them! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Jester777 rated for QUICK Etsy Swap #10 ($2-5) on Nov 28, 2013
Comment: Thanks so much!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you very very much, I love the page flags!!!
Response: Glad to hear!! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you so much for the great package! I agree, it's a challenging swap! :) I love everything, it's ages since I had a new wide decotape and totally love that one and what beautiful washitape! Love it too! And that tea - yum! and the chocolate is delicious and so much nicer than most of the chocolate I've ever tried from the US! I also love the little snowflake! Great choices and your package really made me smile on a bad day! :) THANK YOU!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, and really nice comment! :-) I don't do many international swaps these days because of postage but I loved the idea of this one and had fun putting together the package and am VERY glad to hear your package brightened your day!! :-)
Comment: Thank you so much! Not that I peeked or anything :) Merry Christmas!
Response: You're very welcome, and merry Christmas to you, too! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Obstminkerl rated for Pinterest Christmas Board on Nov 24, 2013
Comment: What a great board!
Response: Thanks! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Vickyen rated for What I like/dislike about Swapbot on Nov 23, 2013
Comment: Hi! Thanks so much for the great share about your likes/dislikes! I very much enjoyed reading your answers and yes, harsh was a good word, as some sure are! Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Response: Thanks for the nice comment, and for the 5 and heart! Happy holiday season -- and happy swapping!! :-)
dakotadee rated for 4 animal postcards (USA) on Nov 23, 2013
Comment: Love the animals. So will my granddaughter. <3 <3
Response: I'm very glad to hear that! :-) Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
nightrainboww rated for Pinterest Christmas Board on Nov 22, 2013
Comment: Thanks for sharing your beautiful board!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Dorilee rated for 5 new touristy pc (USA) on Nov 21, 2013
Comment: Thank you for all of the great cards. They are all so beautiful and will have a great place in my collection. I especially like the old windmill and abandoned homestead. If only they could tell their story. Thank you too for the dear sweet santa-my first Christmas card for this season.
Response: I love the windmill card, too -- it's one of the cards that my local store carries, so I'm able to have one for my collection and share with others who I think might like it. I'm very glad you did! Thanks so much for the rating and heart, and for your great comment! :-)
etrevino rated for Pinterest Christmas Board on Nov 21, 2013
Comment: I LOVED your board!!! What a wonderful theme!! All of the pins are beautiful, I can't even pick a favorite. Thank you for sharing! Happy Holidays!
Response: Thanks so much! Thanks, too, for the rating and heart! Happy holidays! :-)
etrevino rated for Pinterest - Italophile on Nov 21, 2013
Comment: Thanks for sharing your board! Loved all the photos. I want to go to Italy so badly! :-) The country looks beautiful. Oh, your board said 164 pins, so it's probably working now. lol
Response: Ha! At one point, it told me I had '0' pins on that board, despite definite evidence to the contrary. :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
drgngirl rated for Pinterest Christmas Board on Nov 20, 2013
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful Christmas pins! I loved looking through them! I love that you tried to capture the Christmas spirit from around the world!
Response: Glad you enjoyed -- thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Luvslife3 rated for Pinterest - Italophile on Nov 20, 2013
Comment: Thank you Tamara....that was an awesome board you put together!! It did have over 160 pins on it....every one of them great!!!
Response: Thanks very much! And thank you for the 5 and heart. :-)
Comment: You are amazing! This package blew my mind. I loved everything you sent. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Response: You're so welcome! Your package was one that I especially had fun putting together; I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Margothecat rated for WIYM: Etsy Lovers & Faves on Nov 16, 2013
Comment: That was my mistake - I misread the ad! I do love the tapes - I DO love the tapes! They are really pretty!
Response: Whew! I was a little worried there. :-) Thanks for checking, as well -- very glad you love the tapes -- and thanks for adding the heart (my 100th! :D )
emilynhr rated for Postcard Pick-me-Up #19 on Nov 13, 2013
Comment: Thanks for the wonderful postcards!
Response: You're welcome -- thanks for the 5 and heart! :-)
WestMichiganGuy rated for Postcard Pick-me-Up #19 on Nov 12, 2013
Comment: Thanks for the great postcards.
Response: You're welcome -- thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you for the goodies!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
picupurcross rated for Postcard Pick-me-Up #19 on Nov 12, 2013
Comment: Thanks so much for the great set of cards! I especially loved the map of the Olympic Peninsula! And I love the Rilakkuma envie!!! :) Your package made my day! Have a wonderful week!
Response: I'm so happy you liked the cards and envie (I had an extra one that happened to be in my line of vision while preparing your cards, and I saw the mention on your profile). Thanks for the rating, heart, and nice comment! :-)
atinagrace rated for PCs in an envelope #2 -- USA ONLY on Nov 12, 2013
Comment: I did not mind the vintage St. Louis Zoo cards at all..Thank you, and thrilled to hear that you have some relatives living here. I live off W.Battlefield Road. anita
Response: I'm glad you didn't mind the cards being vintage, and thanks for the rating and heart! The street name you mentioned sounds familiar; I'll have to ask my mom next time I talk to her if she recognizes it; I'm sure she would (I've been to Springfield myself but not for several years). If you happen to know anyone with the last name Ducker, they're (probably) related to me somehow. :-)
Jenna83 rated for Pinterest...Tea Time on Nov 11, 2013
Comment: Lovely board! I enjoyed it greatly. :)
Response: Thanks! And thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you! :) Lovely board
Response: Thanks, and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Meisje rated for Pinterest...Tea Time on Nov 8, 2013
Comment: Love your board, I have repined a a few images.
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, and, comment! Glad you found some stuff to repin. :-)
Comment: Great board. I loved all the castles. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and btw, I might be slightly obsessed with mushrooms. Double points for those. :)
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, comment, and double points for MUSHROOMS! :-)
Comment: Love your board!
Response: Thanks, and thank you for the 5 and heart!
secretrainlover rated for Rock Music Lovers #1 on Nov 6, 2013
Comment: Awesome story (is it possible to listen to that radio station online?) and recommendations, thank you! I really like Daniel Amos, didn't know about them! Also, thank you for introducing me to those indie bands and to Mumps, that song is very catchy! :)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart, and thanks too for the very nice comment! Glad you liked Daniel Amos and the Mumps. And yes, KAOS does stream online! http://www.kaosradio.org Thanks again! :-)
Comment: Nice board, loved your pins. Thank you for sharing.
Response: Thanks for taking a look, and thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
Response: Thanks!
dinnykaa rated for ~~Pinterest~~ Francophile!! on Nov 5, 2013
Comment: Hello Tamara. Thank you for sharing your nice board. I enjoyed your board :)
Response: Glad you enjoyed. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart!
Discordia rated for Rock Music Lovers #1 on Nov 5, 2013
Comment: Good mix of old and new you've got going on there! My boyfriend went to school in Olympia, I'll have to ask him if he's ever heard your show!
Response: Thanks for the rating, heart, and comment! Our show has been on Saturday nights for a little over a year now, but we've been in several other time slots -- Sunday mornings for about 5 years before we switched to Saturdays, Thursday nights before that, Monday nights before that, and I started the show in 2001 in a Monday morning time slot and was on at that time for a couple years before I even met my husband/co-host. So depending on when he went to school, it's definitely possible he heard us at some point. :-)
Comment: So many pins!! They were great! Thanks for sharing!
Response: Thanks for the comment and heart, and of course thanks for checking out my board! Glad you enjoyed it! I'm loving these Pinterest swaps. :-)
Phimu4ever rated for ~~Pinterest~~ Francophile!! on Nov 4, 2013
Comment: You don't like France or anything do you? :) Great Board I will have to go through it and repin stuff to mine .. I followed you. We have a lot in common. Thanks for the great pins!!!! Xoxoxxo
Response: Thanks for the great comment, and rating and heart (and following!). I looked at your profile, and it does seem that we have a lot in common! I'd love to do a private swap sometime if you're ever interested. :-)
Comment: I love your selections. Thank you for including some vegan and gluten free. I may they the GF rolls.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart! Hope you enjoy the rolls, if you indeed try them. :-)
Comment: I enjoyed looking at your board. You're going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving. There were also a few things that I pinned/liked. :-) lol May you and your loved ones have a blessed Thanksgiving dinner and holiday season.
Response: Thanks for the kind words, and for the rating and heart! I wish you and your loved ones a happy Thanksgiving and holiday season, as well. :-)
thureris rated for My playlist in October 2013 on Nov 1, 2013
Comment: Thanks for the playlist! Really looking forward to listening to it all. :)
Response: You're welcome -- I hope you enjoy! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: I loved your letter! Thank you so much for my treats! The Disney pin was amazing and made my whole week. Thanks for the great swap!
Response: Glad you enjoyed my letter and the pin (I'm happy it found a good home :>). Thanks for the rating and heart!!
Comment: Great intro to Germany. A good idea of what Germany is like.
Response: Thank you for taking a look, and for the rating and heart!
Comment: Great board!
Response: Thanks!
Comment: Yay! Thanks for the great variety of ephemera! Love the photos, old stamp booklet, etc!! Thanks!!!!!!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: I really enjoyed your board. It was even more meaningful to me as you had traveled there yourself. I can't get over the jeweled skeletons! I especially like the hands holding the head sculpture. That is something America doesn't do a lot of and that is statues. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful board. Fall blessings, ellie
Response: Thanks so much (yes, those jeweled skeletons are strange, yet amazing!). Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Comment: Thanks! I really loved the images on your board! :)
Response: Thanks for taking a look, and thank you too for the rating and heart! :-)
kacka rated for Pick 7 - Tea Swap - International on Jul 6, 2011
Comment: thank you for the tea so much. I am sorry for the late rating, i only found the swap now among the other envelopes which were already rated.
naturenerd3 rated for Let's Explore #12 on Apr 27, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the tour!
redwrapper rated for Queens Bag Of Goodies #4 USA on Apr 26, 2011
Comment: I love the lotion, it smells so nice and the penguin cell charm is adorable. :) Nice swap. Thanks :)
Comment: thank you!
Comment: Thanks so much for the beautiful ATC. Fantastic job :)
Response: Thank YOU! And thank you for the 5 and heart. :-)
Comment: What a terrific package! I knew it was going to be special when I saw the cool vintage stamps on the outside:) Love every piece - thanks bunches:)
Response: I am really glad you liked it -- that was a challenge! :) Thanks for the rating and heart! :)
Halogen rated for Find a pen pal, represent! on Apr 1, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the letter! I'll be writing back as soon as I get through the end of term madness :)
Response: I can't wait to read your letter! Thank you for rating/"heart"-ing! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the card and the ATC card holder. Keep making ATC's and you'll gain more confidence. Dj
Response: Thank you so much for your encouragement ... and for the 5 and heart. :-)
Comment: Thank you so much for the fun magazine and tea! And an extra special thanks for the Strawberry Shortcake you included, my girl has been walking around smelling it ever since I gave it to her! lol Thanks!!!
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad your daughter gets to enjoy the fun of scented Strawberry Shortcake dolls. :-) Thanks for rating!!
AndreaJ rated for 3 x 3 Friendship Books - #4 on Mar 30, 2011
Comment: A great stash!
Response: Thanks for the rating & heart! :-)
Comment: Thanks so much for all the great stuff... I loved your interpretations of the holidays .... so creative,... Thanks again
Response: Happy you liked it all -- these are quickly becoming some of my favorite swaps! Thanks so much for rating! :-)
luv2cre8 rated for Find a pen pal, represent! on Mar 29, 2011
Comment: I love the letter you wrote! I will totally write you back :)Thank you for the magnet & PC's :) I <3 them!
Response: Yay! Thank you for rating, and I look forward to your letter! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the Audrey Hepburn ATC. Love the note you sent. you made me smile. Keep going you're doing fine.Tuesday
Response: Thank you for the encouragement! AND for the rating and heart. :-)
Comment: I love your ATC. You did a great job. I appreciate your note also. Take care...
Response: Thank you so much!! Also, thanks for the 5/heart! :-)
dalbright rated for 3 x 3 Friendship Books - #4 on Mar 28, 2011
Comment: I receieved her booklets plus many extras! The front of the package through the whole envelope was interesting and fun.
Response: Thanks for the comment/rating/heart! And welcome to Swap-bot! :-)
savhilt rated for I Love Valentine's Day Swap on Mar 25, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the Valentine's package!!! I loved everything.....especially the Minnie Mouse clings :)
Response: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for rating, and for the heart. :-)
Comment: the stuff was great but your note just cracked me up. thanks!!!
Response: That was very fun to write -- glad it amused you. :D Thanks for the rating and heart!
mega4beth rated for My Old Small Shirt on Mar 22, 2011
Comment: Awesome stuff! Thanks!
Response: You're welcome, and thanks so much for rating, and for the heart!
lou rated for Trifecta on Mar 19, 2011
Comment: Fantastic package!! Thanks so much, such fun, it came today!!
Response: I'm glad you liked the package -- I'd love to swap again sometime! Thanks for rating! :)
smmarrty rated for FB's #4 on Mar 18, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the FBs - I will sign them and send along in the next swap. BUT THANKS for all the cool stamps on the envelope!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating and "heart"-ing! Glad you liked the stamps. :-)
demuzica rated for Scarf and a surprise! on Mar 17, 2011
Comment: THANK YOU!! I think the scarf will be perfect for a "dressier" day at work or night out, and I absolutely love, love, love the daisy pin and heart charm- I will definitely wear both! Thanks again!
Response: Really glad you liked the accessories! Thanks for rating, and thanks for taking part in the swap! :-)
Comment: thank you will pass on soon
Response: Great! Thanks for the 5 and heart! :-)
Comment: yay thank you! i love them <3
Response: I'm very glad! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
kikilala rated for New Penfriend and Teabag Swap on Mar 2, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the lovely letter, wow I never know any radio host in person, that's so cool!! I hope you will one day travel to this part of the world, I'm sure you will like the culture and ppl here ;-)
Response: I hope I make it there one day, too! Glad you liked the letter. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
mouseybrat rated for Girls night in - USA only on Feb 25, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the great package. I haven't seen the movie and love the socks, magazine and emergency chocolate!
Response: I'm very glad you liked the package -- thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
HappyMom rated for Bible Verse Testimony Swap on Feb 24, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the post card and verse - God bless!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating and heart. :-)
pinkrenegade rated for Cupcake Love *Edited~Dates* on Feb 24, 2011
Comment: Tamara, I got your pkg today and I'm so pleased! What a wonderful idea to write all that information in a booklet ~ you went out of your way and I thank you so much for that. I hope I'll be able to reciprocate one day! (I have never seen cupcake ribbon anywhere) Thank you so much, Pat
Response: I'm so glad you liked the package -- I enjoyed making that little cupcake book. :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
PisceanMama rated for And the Grammy goes to... on Feb 23, 2011
Comment: I'm sorry for being so late in rating this. Things here have been a bit nuts! But I loved your list and I was glad to see you leave some things off so I didn't have to find some of the more difficult ones. :) It was a great list, though, and I'm definitely going to have to check out some of the groups! Thanks.
Response: Thanks for rating and "heart"-ing and taking part in the swap! Glad you liked my list. :-)
Comment: I wish there was an option to give more than one heart! I love love love everything. You really did way more than you should have. My poor partner didn't make out nearly as well. I'm ashamed. Lol. Thank you again!
Response: That was one of the most fun packages to put together so far ... very glad you liked it! I'll have to do this swap again! Thanks so much for the rating and heart! :-)
Comment: Thankyou so much for the unique baked food stickers! (PS I could not find anything saying which swap it was for and a user name in order to rate, inside the swap, but I figured it out. :) Thanks again!
Response: Glad you liked the stickers -- sometimes I write the swap name on the envelope (if I don't put a note inside) but I might have forgotten to do that this time. Sorry about that and glad you were able to figure it out. :-) Thank you so much for the rating and heart!
yellow8883 rated for Random Act of Kindness Challenge* on Feb 22, 2011
Comment: This was a very sweet RAK! I am excited to take the cards to the hospital (I take a class at the hospital so it should be fairly convenient for me.) I am hoping to do the chemoangels, it's such a nice idea, but on the website it says that you have to be under 25, and I'm not. Is this age restriction something that is really important?
Response: Hi! I just double checked the Chemo Angels requirements, and actually you need to be over 25. :-) I'm really glad you liked this challenge -- that program was a blessing for me! I loved my "angels"! Thank you so much for the rating and heart!!
Allyb rated for New Penfriend and Teabag Swap on Feb 22, 2011
Comment: Thank you so much it was great to get the letter and tea bag I really enjoyed it!
Response: :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
Comment: Tamara, IÒ€ℒm so sorry for the late rating - your wonderful package arrived over a week and a half ago - I've just been really slack with swap-bot lately! Sorry for keeping you waiting! I loooved everything you sent me =D Each and every postcard is just wonderful!!! Also, I LOVE the accent paper pack - it will be very useful for my scrapbooks and visual diaries, and crafts! Thanks for the cute little embellishments and stickers, too! I am so happy to have swapped with you and to have gotten to know you - thank you for being a wonderful partner! Hopefully we can swap again in the not too distant future! Let's keep in touch for sure! Hugs from Aus, Margs xxx
Response: Don't worry about the late rating -- I'm just glad you received (and enjoyed) the package! Thanks for your kind words, and for the rating and heart!! I would LOVE to swap again with you soon. :-) -Tamara
costcogal07 rated for New Penfriend and Teabag Swap on Feb 20, 2011
Comment: Thank you!!! I will write u back soon!!
Response: Yay! I look forward to your letter. :-) Thanks for the rating and heart!
Basilika rated for Ephemerenvelope on Feb 18, 2011
Comment: Thanks for a really exciting assortment of ephemera!
Response: You're quite welcome -- I had fun assembling it! Thank you so much for the rating and heart! :-)
hjshort72 rated for State Swap on Feb 18, 2011
Comment: got my package will comment when my partner gets their package. Thanks for taking the time to send me a package.
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
scrapwithstyle rated for Winter Blues on Feb 16, 2011
Comment: sunshine!! woohoo-- thanks so much!! (: It's 60 degrees here to day and all the snow is melting... perfect day for your package! Thank you so much- love the 'orange blossom' figurine!!
Response: Glad you liked "Orange Blossom" -- the new Strawberry Shortcake stuff isn't quite the same as "old school", but I do love those scented figurines. :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!
mnsqb rated for QUICK 50 stamps swap #17 on Feb 15, 2011
Comment: Thank you so much for the stamps
Response: You're quite welcome ... thank you for the rating and heart!
lindilexer rated for QUICK pick 5 on Feb 15, 2011
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
leafsgirl420 rated for Alphabet Sticker Hunt 4 on Feb 14, 2011
Comment: Thanks so much for the awesome swap! I was so excited to get the postcard of NYC!! Would you be interested in swapping FBs? Either on a regular or semi-regular basis? let me know! Thanks again!!
Response: Sure! I will PM you (or, if you don't hear from me, feel free to message me). I have some other NYC stuff I might be able to swap, too. :-) Thank you so much for the rating and heart!
Comment: ty for the extra and yes i remember a lot of them
Response: Those were the days! Thank you for the rating and the heart! :-)
RenVonH rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #13 on Feb 13, 2011
Comment: I am sorry I haven't rated before now, but my internet connection has been so slow I haven't been able to see all the videos before now. I love all types of music, and it has been so much fun to get to know so much new music! :o)
Response: I very much appreciate the rating (and heart) and am glad to have provided you with a few videos! :-)
penandink rated for ONE on Feb 12, 2011
Comment: Thank you for my darling frog! You certainly captured the "whimsical" element! I appreciate your thoughtfulness! Take care, Karen
Response: He (your frog) was one I was tempted to keep for myself ... glad you liked him. :-) And, wow, that was a fast delivery! Thank you for the rating 'n' heart!
fairypretty7 rated for QUICK profile swap #15 on Feb 12, 2011
Comment: thank you so much for putting something in for my daughter, we really didn't know what hello kitty was until we joined swap-bot, and know its taken over Dora and thats quite a feat. The writing set is beautiful too.
Response: I'm really glad you liked the swap and I hope your daughter liked the stickers! :-) Thanks for rating, and thanks for the heart!
zurdoswifey rated for BIG assorted sticker swap! on Feb 12, 2011
Comment: Thank you for resending the swap even though you didn't have to... the stickers were wonderful... Thanks so much
Response: You are welcome ... thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
mmilesesq rated for Valentine's Sock and Candy swap! on Feb 9, 2011
Comment: I do not have a pair of frog socks, and I never knew how much I wanted them until ...
Response: Hee! Glad you like the frogs. :-) Thank you for the rating and heart!
momoeight rated for Turn those cards into postcards on Feb 8, 2011
Comment: Thanks!
Response: Thank you for rating! :-)
blessedtwox rated for A Letter to Someone Else #2 on Feb 8, 2011
Comment: I recieved your letter and I'm sorry to hear about everything that happened, but I'm glad you got to get some stuff off your chest!
Response: Thanks for reading my loooong letter! Thanks, also, for the rating and heart. :-)
SwapsAreFun rated for Turn those cards into postcards on Feb 6, 2011
Comment: Thank you for the postcard and the heart stickers are too cute. Joy
Response: I'm happy you liked them. :-) Thank you for the rating!
CookieLPN rated for Ephemerenvelope on Feb 6, 2011
Comment: I loved what you sent, especially the medical related/old clippings! They were great and I will keep them forever!! :)
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed the ephemerenvelope ... I had fun putting it together!! I love those clippings, too. :-) Thank you for the rating/heart!!
Uneteadlane rated for And the Grammy goes to... on Feb 4, 2011
Comment: Thanks so much for the interesting list! I really enjoyed it!!!
Response: Thanks for rating, and thanks for taking part in the swap! I enjoyed your answers, too. :-)
yourkitty rated for And the Grammy goes to... on Feb 3, 2011
Comment: Great swap and great list, Tamara! I'm going to have so much fun checking out all of your winners! Thanks for putting this together. =)
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed the swap! I really enjoyed your list, too. I will be rating within the next day or so, after I get a chance to check out some of the links. Thanks for the 5 and heart! :-)
Comment: Thank you for all of the treasures, T!!! Hit me up when you're ready for round 2.
Response: You are quite welcome ... and I'll most definitely be in touch, I would love to swap with you again! Thanks so much for the rating 'n heart!! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the very interesting links! .. have a lot of websites to go through now and I am seeing a few everyday.. I will definitely look at each one in detail
Response: Yes, this swap will keep all of us busy for awhile! :-) Thanks so much for the rating and heart!!
sharonb rated for Trade Your Stash Swap #4 on Feb 1, 2011
Comment: Fabulous! If you had given me a pile of your stash and invited me to pick what I wanted I would have chosen exactly what you sent - thank you!!
Response: I'm glad you liked what I sent -- this was a fun swap! Thank you so much for the 5 and heart!! :-)
irishrose2783 rated for 100 Random Questions on Jan 31, 2011
Comment: Thanks for all the interesting, fun answers.
Response: You're very welcome ... thank you for reading 'n' rating!
flickmobile rated for 100 Random Questions on Jan 31, 2011
Response: Thank you!
Comment: What a fun envie to open!!! I love everything, thank you!!!
Response: Happy you liked it ... thank you for the rating and heart! :-)
Pikachu089 rated for Music to relax - Swap on Jan 30, 2011
Comment: Thank you
Response: You're welcome ... thanks for the 5/heart! :-)
tinableee rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #13 on Jan 28, 2011
Response: Thanks for rating! :-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart! :-)
icyicy rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #13 on Jan 28, 2011
Comment: Loved your song selection! Too many great artists :D
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart ... I'm glad you enjoyed! :-)
Comment: Listverse is a good one! funnily enough the roadside America site might actually come in handy! Have been thinking of doing a road rip!
Response: Ooh, have fun! :-) Thanks very much for rating and "heart"-ing! :-)
Blutfuss rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #13 on Jan 27, 2011
Response: Thank you!! :-)
Onaki rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #13 on Jan 27, 2011
Response: Thanks for rating (and hosting)! :-)
kafekafe rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #11 on Jan 27, 2011
Comment: I'm sorry it took me so long to rate, but I wanted to listen to the songs first. Yours is one of my fav. mixes from the swap! I love the retro feel to it. God Only Knows is one of my favourite songs too, and I loved Rocket Ship Love, Rainy Days and Mondays, Creep Along Moses etc... Thank you for introducing me to so much wonderful music!
Response: Don't worry about taking awhile -- I'm just glad the email reached you! And I'm VERY glad you enjoyed the music so much ! Thanks for the feedback (*this* is the kind of feedback I love to get when I send out playlists, though I appreciate any feedback!) Thank you for the heart, too. :-)
BelleoftheHome rated for Cupcake Swap USA ONLY on Jan 26, 2011
Comment: <3 The package! SO much awesome cupcake stuff! Thank you!!!
Response: You're very welcome!! Yum, cupcakes! :-)
Comment: I can't wait to send you your first RAK lol
Response: Yay! I look forward to receiving! :-)
IndreG rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #11 on Jan 20, 2011
Comment: Great list! I love oldies so enjoyed your list a lot :) Thanks!
Response: You're welcome, and thank you for the comment (and heart)! I love '60s music -- some of the best music ever recorded, in my opinion. Glad you like it, too. :-)
SwapsAreFun rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #11 on Jan 19, 2011
Comment: I love to hear diverse music. Thanks for sharing. Joy aka: SwapsAreFun
Response: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed! :-)
Stavroula rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #11 on Jan 17, 2011
Comment: i loved all the notes you made, thanks!
Response: Thank YOU! :-)
ibrilman rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #11 on Jan 17, 2011
Comment: I loved Lost Dogs! Great acapella singing.
Response: Very happy you enjoyed their song -- thank you! :-)
junglejulia rated for Email - Our Favorite Songs #11 on Jan 16, 2011
Comment: Great music taste! I look forward to listening to your list tomorrow morning!
Response: Thank you!! And thanks for my very first five and heart. :-)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 541 38 38
Completed Fives Threes Ones
463 643 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
48 274 141 0

Show only: