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Original Member
Last Online: March 9, 2025 Birthday: January 25, 1968 Country: United States My Flickr Photos Postcrossing My Amazon Book WL |
Profile last updated 22nd of February 2025 ............
Hi! My name is Karla, and let me tell you
I joined my first Swap-bot swap back in June 2006, and I have had a lot of fun over the years! I have met a variety of people, made new friends, and expanded my creativity. Swap-bot is a wonderful creation itself, and I am grateful for its inception and its continual maintenance. Thank you @travisj and @racheljohnson !!!
To everyone who has sent me a swap over the past 18 years, thank you for sending smiles to my mailbox and to my face! I love snail mail!
---DO YOU EXPERIENCE THIS SPELLING DILEMMA - "Stationary" or "Stationery"?---
Here on Swap-bot, you will probably always use "stationEry" with an "e". Stationery with an "e" is writing materials, as pens, pencils, paper, and envelopes. If it helps, here are some ways people remember which spelling to use.
Remember that just like writing letters, we also "write" e-mails. "E-mail" begins with the letter "e". So since we write letters, and we write email, remember the "e" in "e-mail" and use the word "stationEry".
@thegypsie utilized a Google search which gave her this tip...let the "e" in "stationEry" make you think of an "Envelope"!
@Itti learned "stationEry because it means pEns and pEncils."
The alternative, "stationAry" is ONLY used to describe something that is not moving, still, staying in one place or position, immobile, or not changing.
If you want to trick out your profile, with links, pictures, etc., here is a helpful post from Swap-bot's blog. Click here.
Thanks go to @tiggerkitn25 for this link to an assortment of characters you can copy and paste into your profile, swaps, groups, and posts.
I was widowed, September 17, 2014. Tommy was my first husband, although I was his third wife. Three time's a charm, right? We met each other in July of 1986, got engaged Christmas Eve 1986, had a long engagement, and married in September of 1989, on HIS birthday. We celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary September 30, 2013! ;~) Unfortunately, he passed away right before our 25th anniversary. The children and I miss him.
Tommy and I had 4 beautiful children together, 3 girls and a boy thrown in the middle (#3). I can't remember what life was like before them and can't imagine life without them. We always felt very blessed. It really is an amazing adventure to become parents and then watch those little babies grow and become. Become whatever they're going to become. They are 26, 23, 20 and 15. I also have a 7 year old granddaughter, a 2 year old granddaughter (her sister), and a grandson born on Mother's Day, May 8, 2022! He's 2 already!π My first two babies are having their own babies!! π
My personal hobbies and interests... to put it simply I love anything to do with yarn or paper.
I love to crochet, having been taught by my mom when I was 6 years old. I taught myself to knit when I was 30 years old! I find crocheting faster, but I love the knit fabric and am glad that I know how to knit. However, I'd still consider myself a beginning knitter, though an intermediate crocheter. I also enjoy cross-stitch and will crochet with the thread skeins that you can buy for cross-stitching projects. I have crocheted with sewing thread, too, making dainty little snowflakes. Crocheting with tiny thread was challenging but the snowflakes turned out beautifully. I predominately crochet with thicker embroidery and cross-stitching thread when I'm not using yarn. I like to crochet bookmarks, snowflakes, coasters, and other small treasures with thread. With yarn I enjoy making pretty much anything, afghans, scarves, dishcloths, potholders, hats, toys, amigurumi...anything!
Besides yarn, paper is another love of mine. It started with writing letters and keeping journals as a child. I've always enjoyed writing letters and receiving them. The latest "letter" I enjoy is something called a "Pocket Letter". Google it if you like to write letters and also enjoy a bit of craftiness. Pocket Letters are my latest love! Here are a few I've done (click on picture to see larger pic):
Since joining SB, I've learned about recycling magazines into envelopes, and I love to make them and receive them. I also enjoy creating scrapbook pages, but my time is so limited that I rarely do a large scrapbook page and instead create smaller papercrafts by making notecards, postcards, and other small items. I like to make ATCs though I consider myself still a beginner, and I rarely make them. LOL Zentangles are another love, and I have enjoyed creating zentangles and zendoodles in a small notebook I keep. I would like to incorporate zentangles into ATCs. I also like making matchbox crafts. Basically, if it's a papercraft, I'll probably enjoy it.
For my personal ephemera collecting, I love postcards, postage stamps, bookmarks, stickers, pieces of collage paper ephemera, scrapbooking papers, cardstock, and stationery.
And of course with all the papercrafts I love, I love pens and writing tools, too! My favorite pens are very fine point ones such as Sharpies, Uniball and Pilot Precise V5. The finer the point, the better. I love how much easier it is to write a more lengthy note on a postcard when I have a 0.5 or 0.7 point pen. And colored fine point pens are a bonus!
Besides, the above, here is a little more about me.
I like all colors really, but those listed above really grab my attention. Yellow and orange are my least favorite colors, but they have their charm at the right time or place. :)
Postage stamps that have the word "Love" or stamps with hearts would thrill me. Any country! π
I love Washi Tape! I learned about Washi Tape and Deco Tape through Swap-bot and by reading other swappers' profiles. I looked online for what everyone was talking about and have even received washi tape decorated envies in my mail. I have quite a collection since those first "few rolls". ha ha! But I'm always interested in new designs!
I am into Planners and anything Planner-related. :)
I DO like tea bags if you ever want to send one but aren't sure since some swappers don't care for them. I prefer Organic but don't mind sampling what you want to share. I like pretty much all flavors. What would you like me to try? Please send me tea samples to try!!! π΅π
I like a variety of postcards, but I'm not into "dark" or goth themes nor vampires or werewolves (not a Twilight fan nor Harry Potter). Interestingly, though, I did receive a postcard from Hell once, and I found it really interesting. I still talk about it with a smile. Who knew I'd ever get a postcard from Hell? Did you know there was a Hell, Norway? Since then, I've discovered a few other places around the world have a "Hell". So if you live in Hell, or some other darkly named town, I love getting those sorts of "dark" postcards.
While I will probably like whatever you'd like to send in the way of postcards, 'cause I just love postcards, my favorite themes are:
Animals I like on postcards are:
REGARDING HANDMADE POSTCARDS: I love papercrafts, and therefore I can appreciate a handmade postcard. However, I am so sad to receive a handcrafted postcard that got mutilated by our automated postal machines when I know someone has put their time and heart into making it. If you want to send a handmade postcard, I will love that you took the time to make me something. However, consider if the adhesive you use will keep your paper layers secure, with no edges or corners able to be lifted up when they go through postal machinery. When in doubt, I don't mind you sending your handcrafted postcard in an envelope to protect it. I have received some very lovely handmade postcards where the different layers of paper were so secure that it looked like one card and it traveled well. But I've also received other postcards whose glue just could not hold, and they arrived ripped and damaged by the postal machines. Please take care if you choose to send a handmade postcard. I'd love to be able to admire your handiwork as you intended it. :)
If you're at a loss as to what to write on your postcard, check out Postcrossing's blogpost of 20 ideas of things to write about on your postcard! :)
Includes, but is not limited to, contemporary Christian music, classical, a little jazz, 80's music, and strangely, music from the 50's and 60's!
And K-Pop thanks to my 15 year old daughter and her cousin! It's playing often in my house and in my car when they are present. π BTS, Twice, Ateez, Enhypen are their favorites, and mine, to name a few. To all my 80s music fans, may I suggest that you listen to BTS' "DNA (Pedal 2 LA Mix)". Even if you don't like K-pop, take a listen to that. Oh my goodness how they rocked out that version of DNA! I felt like I was in 80s America again. π I was hearing flavors of Journey and Kiss.
And if you BTS fans were to ask me who my bias is, I would say V. π
When I have time to read, I enjoy contemporary Christian fiction, biographies and autobiographies, and some mysteries. I also like crafty books pertaining to my hobbies or new craft interests. I'm also interested in vegetarian cookbooks or cookie/cupcake cookbooks. My favorite publishers are Multanomah, Tyndale, Harvest, Bethany House, and Pacific Press. Some favorite authors include Grace Livingston Hill, Emilie Loring, Betty Neels,Ted Dekker, Nicholas Sparks, Debbie Macomber, and Richard Paul Evans.
I pretty much like any candy made of milk chocolate (Kisses, M&Ms, Hershey's chocolate bars...) I don't really care for dark chocolate, and while it's not my first choice of candy, I'll eat it if there's no milk chocolate around! I also love Turtles (chocolate, pecans and caramel), Tootsie Rolls, caramels, peppermint, and peanut or pecan brittle. My all-time favorite cookies are Oreos! I also love Fig Newtons. My favorite nuts are almonds, pecans, and walnuts. Any candy or cookie that includes those nuts is just "icing on the cake" to me!
I dislike very little but thought I'd start a list as I think of them.
Thank you for reading my Profile. I hope it gave you a sense of my likes and interests. If there is anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask me. If there's any other information you think I should list here in the About Me section, let me know!
@SamanthaJane aka Samantha Schroeder in Standish, ME for Meowy Christmas Cards USA 2024 #1 ending 12/02/24. PMd and emailed 12/27. No reply tho PM Read. Left Comment on her Profile 1/13/25.
@MKaylee455 aka as Kaylee Marie in University Place, WA for MissBrenda's Christmas Card #16 BIRDS ~ US ending Dec 18, 2021.
@jaimierandolph aka Jaimie Randolph in Odessa, TX for Christmas card mass swap USA ending Nov 27, 2021 - PM'd 12/14/21 asking if received. Message still Unread 2/12/22 and she is partially suspended with 10 - 1s currently.
@BerlinGeorgia aka Catrin M. for Adventures of the Traveling Postcard R20 ending Jan 16, 2014
@koltonsmama aka Sharon Lawrence for Fill My Home With Christmas Cards Swap ending Nov 30, 2013 - PM'd 12/25 asking if received. No reply.
@Colour86 aka H J Yang for Fill My Home With Christmas Cards Swap ending Nov 30, 2013 - PM'd 12/25 asking if received. No reply.
@Cherryswede for Attitude of Gratitude Swap (USA only) ending Nov 6, 2013 - PM'd 11/20 asking if received. She stated she had not but would check with neighbor who lives at 1111 Apache who sometimes receives her mail for 1111 Sioux. Never heard back and 2nd PM of 11/20 remains "Unread" as of 12/25/13. Today, 2/14/14 received PM stating she never received and neither had neighbor. Will offer to re-send.
@lizmoore01 aka Elizabeth Moore for Six Weeks of Snail Mail Swap #6 ending March 15, 2013 - member partially suspended w/4 1's as of 3/26/13; PM'd on 3/26/13 requesting rating
@cfroggie aka Cynthia Frank (aka @CisforCynthia ) for NTG Think "Love" Notecard Swap ending Feb 1, 2013 - unable to contact swapper to request rating as she used the "Block" feature after her disappointment in receiving two 3's from me (updated from 1's)
@faerytalz aka Erica Dorris for February Love Matchbox Swap #4 ending Feb 3, 2012; DC#03100480000358464277
@purplcircles aka Stephanie Thompson for Notecard #24 ending Oct. 8, 2011. PMd her on 10/31 asking if she'd recv'd; She replied 11/1 saying she recv'd but was behind on ratings & should have it that night; Left a Comment and another PM on 12/15 reminding her again.
@amylou2 aka Amy Johnson for October Birthdays! - KIDS ending Sept 30, 2011. Delivery Confirmation indicates it was delivered Oct. 5, 2011.
@hull33 aka Marie Hull (aka @DMHull and currently known as @RedheadLady (2025)) for SWL ~ PL: Colourful
@kittiekatsweetiepie aka Katherine Crawford for Beginner Zine: Learn Something new. Angeled!
@glitter (2012/2013, deleted account) currently known as @FightGirl (2014/2015) aka Stacey Lankford for Send 5 blank notecards+note: USA only: #5 Angeled!
@mommyrox aka Dunia Loppe/Gato for Bible Verse Swap Angeled!
@Jenneth aka Kaisa Rantanen in Finland for Valentines for You
@moepontiac aka Chaya Radin for Embroidery Floss Swap
@Treksek aka Daire Luus for Postcard of Lists #7 Top 5 Favorite Christmas Song Angeled! ; Message in a Bottle (Inter'l!) - Holiday Themed Angeled!
; Note card Swap - International #4 Angeled!
@LaineFace aka Theresa McDouglad for Quotecard Postcard #53 Angeled!
@jequirity aka Jocelyn Ford for No Introduction Needed Angeled!
@awesomesauce aka Kristin Nohe for Simple Postcard #1 Angeled!
@Sumersrose aka Hilary Summerfield for FaveCrafts Valentine's Card Swap
@Miss007 aka Cecilia Nordqvist for 30 Day Journal Project Angeled!
@aisbaby aka Aislinn Chuahiock for Quotecard Postcard #42 Angeled!
@anneress aka Serena Pyle for PRIVATE: Message In a Bottle - Round 2 - Holiday Themed
@krissywhite1 aka Kristen White for Round 5 Surprise Your Partner With 1 of Your Craft Angeled!
@Dready aka Lena Matveeva for "Simply Love" PC Swap Angeled!
@Whiskey aka Kay Anders for 48 hours to sign up and send a naked postcard in a
@browniemommie2005 aka Tabitha for ~Unique PenPal journal Swap~ newbies welcome!
@helmetwearer aka Elizabeth Barnett for Origami I left rating in 2010, she signed back on SB in 2013, which I noted in my rating with an update. Latest sign in September 2024. Not swapping under this account since her multiple 1s left between 2010-2012, but she is still signing into this account on SB π€
@thefourthstar aka Heather Hladish for Round 3 Surprise Your Partner W/1 of Your Crafts Angeled!
@cherrygirl aka Irena Furlanic for Basic Postcard Swap # 2 Angeled!
@VivaLaDiane for Beginner Zine: Learn Something new. in April 2014.
@lou for Send 5 blank notecards+note: USA only: #5 on January 4, 2014
@roaddummy for Bible Verse Swap on July 17, 2013
@snailmaillover for Bible Verse Swap on July 18, 2013 - hostess for the swap, and though she knew @roaddummy offered to Angel, she surprised me with her own Angel!
@Megbomb for Postcard of Lists #7 Top 5 Favorite Christmas Song
@MeliaMellon for Message in a Bottle (Inter'l!) - Holiday Themed
@rachelcdoyle for Note card Swap - International #4
@FibreJunky for Quotecard Postcard #53
@Merimax for No Introduction Needed
@KamKat for Simple Postcard #1
@kraftykj for 30 Day Journal Project
@Saucyknits for Quotecard Postcard #42
@PATHACKER for Round 5 Surprise Your Partner With 1 of Your Craft
@Merimax for "Simply Love" PC Swap
@ladyaries7 for "Swap a teddy!" she hosted. Voluntarily offered & angeled pkg. to my 9 y.o. daughter who received a torn bear in the swap.
@CraftyRiki for Round 3 Surprise Your Partner W/1 of Your Crafts
Newbie @Prettybigbutterflies aka Hollie Burgess in the UK, did not send or rate her partner in Merry Mail ending Oct 21, 2013. Deleted her Profile as of Nov 15, 2013.
Newbie @Teafortwo aka Coralie Cram in Australia, did not send or rate her partner in Merry Mail ending Oct 21, 2013.
KarlaKC, thanks so much for the heads-up about the links on my profile not working. I think I've fixed them now. I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in. Have a great day! :)
Happy New Year to you! May each day be filled with joy and fulfillment.
Hi Karla, hope you are ok. Haven't heard from you for our private letter swap and I see you haven't signed in for quite a while.
Please check your private messages!
Hi Karla, I sent you a DM last month regarding a swap, please get back to me as soon as convenient :)
I keep coming back to your profile because I loved all the tid bits of information you give here! so cool and helpful! thank you!
Thank you for this beautiful Christmas card thank you! I am happy to have sent her a Christmas card, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and have a Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for telling me about the extra http. It worked great!β₯οΈ
Thank you for joining my Fast Christmas Card Swap.. Happy Holidays!
Happy Birthday Month!