Swap-bot Time: October 20, 2024 10:24 pm


Date Joined: June 17, 2009
Last Online: April 22, 2011
Birthday: November 16, 1943
Country: United Kingdom
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About Me

Hi folks i made my first Dotee Doll a couple of weeks ago..i don't have the use of a sewing machine so i have to hand stitch them..i do try and keep the stitching neat...Since then i have made a few more..it is very addictive..i hope there will be a swap for first timers like myself, who are still a bit unsure..I never think they are good enough ...but great fun.I am married and have 3 g/children aged between 14 and 20..my that makes me feel old.I live just outside of Edinburgh in a place called Musselburgh..it is known as The Honest Toun..not town. Toun. ..Not really sure what to do next..but i will keep looking in.Been married now for 44 years..didn't even get a certificate LOL.I have a wee Bichon Frise...who i have taken my username...she is the original Jinty.I am easy going and like a laugh.


I returned home on Mon28th Dec..so hopefully can resume swapping after the New Year.

This was my very first attempt at a Dotee doll, she looks a bit scary.

This is the high Street where i live.

This is where i walk my wee darlin Jinty

The view is looking towards Arthurs Seat in Edinburgh...it's a distinct volcano...played there when i was wee.


When i join a swap i will deliver all required items by the given date,and will always take time to rate my partner,.as soon as i can.

Favorite Music

Favourite Music.anything realy from the late 50s 60s..loved Dusty Springfield...John Denver,of course the main man Elvis.Also folk music, The Corries, Runrig...a bit of C.W. anything catchy really.

Favorite Books

Favourite Books..murder mystery, i am reading a book Called Missing at the moment by Susan Lewis, this is a good on, can't put it down ...well apart from making Dottes.Romantic, Seafaring, not really into Biographies..s...Anything about the Native Americans.

Favorite Television

I love the soaps, Coronation Street, East Enders. the the series of Doc Martin, played by Martin Clunes, wonderful stories, he is some man...wouldn't want him as my Doc.Don't watch a lot of Telly.The Bill.

Favorite Movies

Favourite Movies...has to be An Officer and A Gentleman...The Day They Gave Babies Away.My all time favourite has to be Imitation Of Life, with Lana Turner...now for that one i need a bath toewl, hankie is far too small.

Favorite Crafts

Done more knitting than sewing, just getting back to that. I also done a fair bit of Latchhook. I knitted my first g/sons Shawl...i was so proud of myself.I also went to classes for Ceramics,and made quite a lot there.Christmas Tree, Snow Scenes of Village Churches, Santa.Salt Dough.This is one of my latchhooks

The others i donated to the Hearing Dogs for the deaf.

This is some of the Tea Cosies i have made

![](http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc207 /helenkerrigan/DSC00461.jpg)

My first attempt at a Sock Monkey

Tooth Pockets I have been making these for the children in our local Primary School,i thought they were a bit nicer to put their first tooth in to take home,rather than an envie.They had been a great success.

This is Dougal and Kyla,just finished them today

Likes and Dislikes

I love to go out walking and having the dog is great because you get to chat with all the other doggie people, i find them on the whole to be a friendly bunch. I love to see a lovely Sunrise and Sunset, I am lucky enough to live by the Sea and have seen some wonderful ones. My Daughter Debbie just lives round the corner from me so i se her and my g/ kids regulary, which is magic. Love to go away on holiday to anywhere warm, also love Cruising ..only done two but they were great.We done the Caribbean,and also Rio...now that is some place, we loved it there.

.I like anything cute and small.and cuddly.favourite colours pink, purple, blue,yellow,Red, not mad on green,but Jade is ok, bright and summary colours..Pink Gingham.Ladies hankies,not with initials,but a bit of embroidery on it, sweet looking.I love all things about Native Americans,...Braiding,Golly badges,and pins,printed felt material,Betty Boob,Small note books.Beads for decorating.Anything to do with Red Hatting.Any Craft items for Dotee making.Country badges.Babushka Dolls,or Fabric that would suit them.I wouId love some clear atc sleeves.I have just discovered Altered Paper Clips and been trying them out...Would anyone like to swap for any small Scottish items Tartan ribbons,Scottish Tablet when the weather is cooler for sending.Edinburgh Rock.Small key rings,Edinburgh,and other Scottish poatcards.Calendars.Smallest bottle of Whisky in the world.Measures about one inch,has real Whisky in it.Small Tartan Diarys,handbag size. Scottish Fridge Magnets.

Don't likes, well there is not much i don't like, but can't use anything that is perfumed,eg bath bombs,scented bath crystals.Sorry no religeous items.Other than that i will be happy with what i receive.

Dislike...winter, Marmite, Shell Fish, arguments, unfairness, lateness.My Dog when she rolls in the muck.


Favorite Crafts

Here some of the other Dotees i have made,just for the practise.

Below is the Dotee i sent to my swap partner, which is ok to put up now as she has received it and rated me. She has a Carmen Miranda style hat.Not the best of pictures.

About Me

These were my answers to the Getting To Know You swap, i thought it might make a good blog.

(1) What time did you get (wake) up this morning? 8..30 am but I just got home from my holidays so catching up on some missed sleep, too much Partying LOL.I am usually up by 7am at home, I think you just get used to rising early and I can’t get out the habit now, even though I have been retired for 5 years. Then I usually just sit and have about 3 cups of tea and read my e mails and some forums that I am on, showered, dressed and out for a walk with my wee dog, usually along the river and back by the sea front, lovely on a good day, not so nice in the winter. (2) Diamonds or pearls? …Diamonds, but I just got a set of blue stud pearls when we were in Spain, must say I do like them. I hope it’s not true that Pearls bring bad luck. I am not a great Jewelry person I have a few good bits, and the rest is made up of costume Jewelry, to go with the different colours of outfits for the holidays, it’s great how a small thing like a bit of added colour can make an outfit special (3) What was the last film you saw at the Cinema? Oh now that one has made me think I hate to admit it but I think it was Titanic, and that was a while ago, the effects were tremendous. John and I had decided to go out for a bite to eat saw what was on, and on the spur of the moment decided to go and see it. I really should get out more LOL (4) What is your favorite TV show? It has to be The Bill, this is a cops and robbers thingy, but I love the characters in it,it has been running now for about 15 years I think maybe longer, but it has been great to see them moving up in the ranks, and the acting is good. I do have another that I love it is on a more lighthearted thread. It’s all about this kind of stuck up Doctor in a rural setting, honestly if he was your doctor you would never be ill LOL. He is definitely in the wrong profession as he is not a people person, but it does make me laugh at his antics. (5).What do you usually have for breakfast? I don’t usually have anything first thing in the morning, I know it’s wrong but I can’t eat straight away, after I have been up for an hour I may then have cereal, Frosties or Weetabix and a slice of toast. When I am on holiday that’s a different thing, I can eat a bit more, probably because I didn’t have to make it myself, ok I thoroughly enjoy it being there to just help myself to it Maybe I am just Lazy.? (6) What is your middle name? It’s Murray, from my mothers own name, it is a very Scottish name and comes from Caithness which is right at the very top of Scotland a few more steps and you would be in the North Sea. I was the last of three girls and by the time they got to me they had run out of family names, thank heavens. I only got one middle name my sisters have 4 middle names each, poor things (7) What food so you dislike? I can’t stand Liver, I love the smell of it cooking but for the life of me I can’t eat it, I think it has to do with the texture of it. I also can’t eat Shell fish; I love all other fish except that. (8) What is your favorite CD at the moment? Probably a group called Runrig, they play Scottish music with an upbeat theme, not the Pipes and drums thing, and sorry I still can’t get passed Abba, now don’t laugh. (9) What kind of car do you drive? Never did learn to drive but as I was born and brought up in the heart of the city I wasn’t a great loss, also we have a great bus service here in Edinburgh. And of course I now have my seniors bus pass, so don’t have to pay atall, I can travel anywhere the length and breadth of Scotland and don’t pay a penny. This i find marvelous. (10) Favorite sandwich John West Salmon, has to be Red Salmon with lots of vinegar on it, lettuce, and tomato’s, Yummy (11) What characteristics do you despise? Greed, envy, people who are two faced, also people who say…I tell it how it is, to me they do not take other peoples feelings into consideration, and I would never deliberately hurt anyone. (12) Favorite item of clothing I have this Satin Black jacket which is quite short, and Embroidered all over in Red thread, it has a Mandarin type collar and with a pair of black trousers it’s just the bees knees, I am going to be buried in it…what a waste LOL (13) If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go I would love to see The Pyramids, and maybe sail along the Nile, I will be bursting into song in a minute LOL.A place I would also go back to is Rio, what a magical place, loved every minute I was there. (14) Are you an organized person? Oh yes i try never to leave things to the last minute, like deciding to do this swap, I just got started right away. When we are going away on holiday i have lists all over the place, and different piles that go in the case first, coming home is a different thing it just all gets thrown in and I sort it out when we get home. Funnily enough I am never that organized for Christmas, somehow that just seems to jump out at you and there it is only a few weeks to go, then I panic. (15) Where would you go to retire to? To be honest I am quite happy to stay her in Scotland in my retirement, I always used to say it would be grand to retire to somewhere warm and sunny, but we just got home from two weeks in the hot sun and we were glad to arrive home to a bit of an overcast sky and rain, you can take the girl out of Scotland, but you can’t take Scotland out of the girl LOL (16) What was your most recent memorable birthday? I suppose my last one when I was 65, I had just joined the Red Hat Society a few months before hand so we planned a night out in one of the local hotels, there we were all dressed in our outfits of Purple and Red Hats the younger girls in there Mauve and Pink Hats, we did have a ball and made a bit of a splash in all our colors .But now every birthday is a special one LOL. (17) What are you going to do when you finish this? Well it’s now 8-45 pm, I will go through and join John my husband and watch a bit of Telly and have a few wee Whisky’s. (18) Furthest place you are sending this ….After checking all the Addys ,I must be U.S.A (19) Person you expect to send back first, As I don’t really know anyone this will be a hit or a miss, so I will GUESS at Kato Hyogo. (20) When is your birthday? It’s November the 16th, so I am a Scorpion ,not quite sure if I live up to my reputation of having a sting in my tail, but I am quite sure my daughter Debbie would say I do. When I checked out my birthday and year I was born I was born on a Tuesday, don’t really know what that tells you, just one of theses silly facts. (21) Morning person or night? Definitely a morning person, but don’t ask me to have an in depth conversation with you right away, I need my 3 cups of tea first then I am fine. I suppose having to get up early for work has still stayed with me, and I usually go to bed no later that 11pm, of course the weekends are a bit different. Even although I am retired I still like the weekends. (22) What is your shoe size? Size 6, I think that works out to a size 39 in other countries. I have been that size since I was 12 years old, I certainly had a grand grip of Scotland even then , but thankfully never got any bigger, my daughter only takes a size 4, would that be a 37 not sure. (23) Pets? Oh yes I love animals, sometimes I think I prefer them to some folks I have met. When I was young we always had a cat, but since getting married in 1963, and moving to a home with a garden we have had Dogs. Usually the Heinz variety, but we did have a Doberman called Brannon, he was such a quiet loveable dog. In all we have had 5 dogs. We are now in a smaller home so we now have a wee Bichon Freis, called Jinty; I took my username from her. Well actually it was my nickname at school, don’t know why. (24) Any new and exciting news you’d like to share with us? There’s not a lot happening in my life at the moment, but my g/sons girl friend was pregnant a few months ago but lost the baby, unfortunately so I missed being a great Grannie. I suppose it’s the old saying , what’s for you won’t go passed you .They have plenty of time. (25) What did you want to be when you were little? I wanted to be a Ballet dancer, but my Mum said I was more suited to Highland dancing due to having a good sturdy leg on me, not fat just a good solid leg LOL. Saying things like that could have given me a complex don’t you think LOL? But I am sure I would never have made a Prima Ballerina (26) What id your favorite flower? There are so many that I love, but I will say Lilies, due to the enormous amount of colours they come in and they are so stately. Ok the Stamens can make a bit of a mess when you come in contact with them , but they are worth it. I have a very tall vase that was my Mums and it is just right for them (27) What is day on the calendar you are looking forward to? There is nothing on it as yet, but it won’t be too long until Christmas . (280 What are you listening to right now? I have the radio on and listening to our local station, they play a right mixed bag but I suppose more suited to my age group, so at the min they are playing, Kenny, and Dolly singing.Islands in the Stream, and I love it (29) What was the last thing you ate? Tonight we had a Chinese Take Away of Chicken Curry and Fried Rice Chicken also Egg Foo Young, also Prawn Crackers; I then split it between us, so we had a bit of both. Yummy (30) Do you wish on stars? Yes, I suppose I am a bit of a romantic at heart, I love to see, shooting stars, don’t see them too often though. (31) If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow because I love sunshine colours (32) How is the weather right now? It has rained non stop chucking it down infact for 3 days now, but I suppose living in Scotland we are used to it. Can only say well at least it’s reasonably warm rain (33) Last person you spoke to on the phone? A guy from the bank wanting us to go in for our yearly review, to be honest I can never be bothered with this but I suppose it is in our own interests, so we will go. (34) Favorite soft drink? Barrs Iron Brew, it is known as Scotland other national drink apart from Whisky, and it is good if you have over indulged the night before HIC,HIC. (35) Favorite restaurant? There is a small restaurant about ten mins from us it is Called the Conservatory Restaurant and it overlooks the sea and rocks, they do a very nice meal there and it is reasonably priced (36) Hair color? Well it’s now Silver and with being away in the sun for two weeks it’s an even lighter shade .I used to be nearly jet black (37) Your favorite toy as a child? It was most definitely my Roller Skates, I will never forget that Christmas. My parents must have saved really hard as they were not well off, so I was over the moon (38) Summer or winter? Has to be summer, all the long light nights, walking in the sunshine,well when it chooses to appear. (39) What holiday do you like best? I love Spain and not too far to travel to be in a warmer climate, we were in Ibiza a few weeks ago in a small resort called Es Cana, it is beautiful there. (40) Chocolate or vanilla? I am a Chocoholic so Choc for me, mind I like Vanilla too. (41) Do you go to church every Sunday? Have to be honest here and say no, weddings and funerals I am afraid, but I am a believer. (42) Do you want your friends to email you back? Yes please that was the purpose of doing the swap so I would get to know more folks. (43) When was the last time you cried? When I was on holiday I had a bit of an accident nothing serious but it was more the shock of the thing, then I felt really stupid for letting my emotions get any from me. I was fine just a big baby. (44) What is under your bed? If we are not counting the dust LOL, nothing (45).hat did you do last night? Got started on this swap checked out a few forums I am on ,watched a bit of Telly, and had a few wee drinks. (46) What are you afraid of? Spiders, Wasps, Creepy Crawlies. I am not afraid of dying, just scared incase they bury me and I am not dead. Stupid woman I am. (47) Salty or sweet? A bit of both really, I suppose if I am being truthful I would have to say sweet. (48) How many keys on your key ring? I have two one for my own home and one for my daughter who lives a couple of mins from me. That is all I want (49) How many years at your current job? Been retired for 6 years now , prior to that I had a small care home for adults with a learning disability , there were 5 altogether, mixed and I done that for 15 years, it’s nice now to be able to do what John and I want when we want. (50) Favorite day of the week? It was always Friday and I haven’t changed even if I don’t work now. I love the feeling of the weekend everyone is a bit more relaxed. (51) Do you make friends easily? Yes I think I do, I don’t have a great deal of really close friends, but the ones I do have, have been friends since we were all young together. I have lots of Acquaintances, and that’s nice too. (52) How many people will you send this too? There are 10 people in this swap, I just checked again LOL, and so it will be hopefully 10 new friends. (53) How many swaps are you doing right now? I have just completed one it was for the beginners Dotee swap I enjoyed it, and I am in this and one other. Better not go into too many until I know the ropes a bit better, and to be honest I don’t want to over stretch myself. (54) Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? Yes that’s why I joined this swap, the questions in it are just right not overly personal, but enough information there for folks to get to know each other better. (55) When was the last time you prayed? Again it’s one of these ones where I do pry if I want to help someone or need a bit help myself, I never pry for riches or material thing, it is usually for help, and guidance (56) Favorite food Quite hard to pick one, but if I am going out I usually ask for Steak, or Salmon. Ok make a decision I will say Salmon.

Poem Written By My Granddaughter Amy Johnston from Musselburgh then aged 12,


It's snawin in the muckle bens, It's snawin on the slopes, It's snawin in oor playground, An' it's building up oor hopes

We're hopin it'll snaw aw day, We're hopin it'll snaw aw nicht We're hopin tae mak a bonnie snawman An tae hae a snawba ficht

We wrap up warum in oor hats n scarfs Getting ready to go oot sledgin Hopin we willnae loose control An crash intae the hedgin

Hopefully we'll get oot school Cos' o aw the winter wither We'll play oot in the snaw aw day Wi oor cousins,sisters,an brither

But at the end o' the day it hus tae melt, An' turn intae mingin slush, We aw go hame soaked wi snaw An' covered in icy mush.

My swaps

(1) Dotee Doll for beginners...SENT. Received my Dotee from swap partner.5/7/09. Rated and Archived

(2.)Getting To Know You, e mail swap...SENT.. Rated and Archived

(3) 090909 Post Card Swap....To do.on 0909090...SENT 090909..Received my 9 cards.Waiting on 1rating to come in.. Received ....ARCHIVED.

(4.)Taggged Pianoheart in Souveneir Tag Swap,on the 29th July......SENT.. 3/8/09..Pianoheart has now received her souveneir swap..10/8/09..Received from Pianoheart Hawaiian souveneirs on18/8/09. Completed.

(5)Atc trade with mwquilt 7/8/09 to send..SENT 13/8/09..Received beautiful atcs from mcquilt on 26/8/09... Rated and ARCHIVED

(6) Show Me Every Country P.C. swap to be sent by 25th Aug..SENT 21/8/09.Still waiting on one rating on this swap,have contacted swapper on 14th Sept,to see if it arrived. SECOND pm sent on the 19th again inquiring if my postcard has arriverd.Both read but no answer.Received rating,My fault didn't have swap title on it.... Rated and ARCHIVED.

(7) private Swap between Skippymom and Jinty.I will send Skippmom a Dotee Doll,she will send a Decorated Matchbox... SENT... 14/09/09...Received the most fantastic package from SkippMom 3rd Oct.
Rated and ARCHIVED.

(8) ATCs for all. Group Swap.To send by 10th Oct.....SENT 2nd Oct.... Received from Proudnana 3rd Oct....rated... Waiting for my partner to receive mine.It's arrived,and been rated...ARCHIVED

(9) Calender/Envelopes..to send by 12th Oct. SENT 9th Oct,...also sent an Angled swap at the same time.Rated and Archived.


yelaklleps rated for Calendar=Envelopes on Oct 19, 2009
Comment: The envelopes were beautiful! I can't wait to use them! And thanks for the extras! So cute!
Response: I am pleased that you liked the envies,hope you enjoy using them.Thanks for the rating and the heart.
cols97 rated for 090909 Postcard Swap on Oct 7, 2009
Comment: Thanks for the lovely post card! Maybe one day I'll be able to see the Castle Esplanade spectacular not just in a picture but in real life!!
Response: If you get over here give me a shout eh.Thanks for your rating and heart.Are you home and settled now.
sweetypiedie rated for ATCs for all! on Oct 7, 2009
Comment: I received your package today and it really cheered me up! Thankyou so much for such an awesome ATC, I can see you put so much effort into it. All the little beads and the postcard made me smile and squee too! So much shiny! Thankyou so much!
Response: I am glad that you liked it,i hope not too much Shiny for you.LOL.Thanks for your rating and heart.
beadladystamps rated for 090909 Postcard Swap on Oct 2, 2009
Response: Good to hear it did arrive with you,and thanks for the rating and heart.
lhchua rated for Show me every country PC Swap # 2 on Sep 28, 2009
Comment: Thank you for your postcard. I received it earlier but because there were no any title mentioned on the postcard. So glad to receive your message :) I've uploaded it to my blog http://travelpostcard.blogspot.com
Response: So sorry about that Ihchua,thought i had put it on them all,but glad to hear it did arrive.Thankk you for your rating and heart.
danaes rated for 090909 Postcard Swap on Sep 24, 2009
Comment: the postcard made me miss Scotland so much! I think I've bought the same postcard for myself when I was there 10 years ago!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed the Postcard and i hope it didn't upset you too much.How incredible is that ,you had bought the same card.Thank you for your rating,I hope you manage back over again.
Comment: Holy WOW! This was the most awesome swap. Your dotee is ADORABLE. I love her. The face is incredible!! Nicely done. And the lil' Nessy dotee for my daughter is so, so, so wonderfully cute. She has already attached it to her backpack so all her friends can see it tomorrow. The other goodies are so wonderful! I cannot thank you enough. A very, very special package. Anyone would be lucky to have you for a partner. :) Thanks again.
Response: I am delighted that you like her,she was such good fun to make for you.Also that your daughter likes her Nessie,thank you for all the wondeful comments,and of course the rating and heart.It has been my pleasure to have been invited to do a private swap with you,you are a lovely person.
KatieRay rated for 090909 Postcard Swap on Sep 16, 2009
Comment: What a beautiful card! I was trying to decide exactly where this castle was? I was lucky enough to visit Germany & some other countries in 1999. There was a castle we went to somewhere near Gissen that was up on a hill/plateau like this also. Very cooooool! Thanks! Great memories. Katie
Response: I think the one i sent you was Edinburgh Castle right in the heart of Princess Street,or it could have been Eilean Donan Castle.Does it not say on the back ?. I am so pleased you enjoyed it and thanks for the rating plus the heart.
Gabrielle rated for 090909 Postcard Swap on Sep 15, 2009
Comment: Thanks so much for the beautiful card! I have some ancestors from Scotland but most of them were always on the wrong side of sombody's rebellion so we would up in the Colonies! And our younger daughter is married to a man whose last name is Knox -- and a Presbyterian, to boot! Someday I would love to visit, and this card just strengthened that desire. Thanks, again!
Response: You had me lol there Gabrielle ,yes Scotland has had it's fair share of rebellions.I am so glad you liked it and it is a way to promote countries,i hope you make it over for a holiday.Thanks for the rating and the heart.
ram4040 rated for 090909 Postcard Swap on Sep 14, 2009
Comment: thanks for the psotcard very neat view
Response: I am glad that you enjoyed the view ram4040.Thanks for your rating and the heart.
creatineke rated for 090909 Postcard Swap on Sep 11, 2009
Comment: The First! Thank you
Response: Thats wonderful that the Scottish one reached you first.Thank you for the rating and the heart.
aladyde rated for 090909 Postcard Swap on Sep 11, 2009
Comment: Your card was the first to arrive from the 090909 swap. Thanks for the cute card and all the information.
Response: I am glad you enjoyed reading it ,and thanks for the rating and the heart.Our postal service must be doing something right,that was quick.
carlene rated for Show me every country PC Swap # 2 on Aug 29, 2009
Comment: What a great city view. Thank you.
Response: Good to hear you liked it and thanks for your rating,and the heart
chris4art rated for Show me every country PC Swap # 2 on Aug 26, 2009
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful card, beautiful city!
Response: Hi cweustink i am glad you liked it,yes it is a beautiful city.Thanks for the rating plus the heart.
mwquilt rated for mwquilt and jinty atc trade on Aug 14, 2009
Comment: I was amazed when I received my swap package. Our private swap was for a single atc, but I received 3 atc's beautifully made and in their ownhandmade envies, plus a totally unexpected and very lovely Dotee doll . Thankyou so much
Response: I am so pleased that you enjoyed our swap,and your comments are most appreciated,thank you.Hopefully we will manage another swap later.
enchantability rated for Getting To Know You... on Aug 13, 2009
Comment: So sorry - some one kindly reminded me that I forgot to rate this one!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Keikoro rated for Getting To Know You... on Aug 8, 2009
Comment: Thank you for your answers! I enjoyed reading them. Love.
Response: Thanks for your rating and the heart, i am glad you enjoyed reading it.
IngridRijnen rated for Getting To Know You... on Jul 28, 2009
Comment: So funny to read that all the answers of everybody are really different. Have a great summer with lots of happy swapping!
Response: Thanks for your rating and the heart,hope you have a great summer also and enjoy some great swaps.
lisaeise rated for Getting To Know You... on Jul 28, 2009
Response: Thanks for your rating and the heart.
KandelC rated for Getting To Know You... on Jul 27, 2009
Comment: Thank you!!
Response: Thanks for your rating.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 23 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
8 26 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 2 5 0
View all

Currently In

  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


Jinty on Nov 8, 2010:

I have now posted some more.

Jinty on Nov 8, 2010:

Yes RyeRye they are all made by me..i see i am missing a few pics..i did delete some from Photobucket and forgot they come off here.

RyeRye on Nov 8, 2010:

Jinty, did you make these?

Jinty on May 26, 2010:

I haven't managed to do any swapping for a while due to stuff...not too serious just enough to keep me from having the time for it.I do look in each day,and hope that soon i will be able to take part again.xxx

snowqueen1426 on Oct 14, 2009:

Thank you so much for the Two Faced Dotee.. she is OUTSTANDING!!.. I was sorry to hear about Mimi and that was so kind of you to angel for her.. I LOVE the PC, Envies, and now my first birth certificate.. WOW !!!... Many Many thanks!! Here are a million hearts.. <3.........

eljay1980 on Oct 3, 2009:

Thank you for your lovely message about my website... I also have a blog which is more uptodate:


Hope you are well and having a good weekend :)

Laura xxx

RyeRye on Oct 2, 2009:

Fantastic job on yur first Dotee and those that followed!

eljay1980 on Sep 28, 2009:

Hi Jinty, great to see another Scot on here... loved reading your profile and especially seeing your photos. I used to spend a lot of time in Edinburgh and my old employer had a depot in Musselburgh so to hear of those brings back fab memories, though I lived in East Kilbride :) Your wee dog sounds fab!! We have two wee chihuahuas (Sky and Shadow) and like your Jinty they just love the outdoors and rolling in the muck!! lol. Looking forward to getting to know you and other swappers :) Laura xxx

mwquilt on Aug 14, 2009:

Just wanted to say that it has been a pleasure to swap with you .

I rated your for our swap, but I would give you a bouquet of hearts if I could. You have answered pm's promptly, sent early and made your atcs with talent and care. I was thrilled to received a totally unexpected and lovely Dotee from you.

I will get your atc in the post as soon as possible, but I just want to say that I think you are going to be a great swapper. Not because you sent extras, but because your work is lovely and you answer pm's promptly and pay attention to detail.

Jinty on Aug 10, 2009:

I am glad it arrived and you liked it.Thanks for giving a newbie a chance.

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