This is my first swap. I would like everyone with email to do this swap, everyone will have 10 partners each,its called getting to know becasue I love getting to know people from around the world and even people in my own backyard. Here are the Questions just copy and paste them into your email and answer them.
- What time did you get (wake) up this morning?
- Diamonds or pearls?
- What was the last film you saw at the Cinema?
- What is your favorite TV show?
- What do you usually have for breakfast?
- what is your middle name?
- what food so you dislike?
- what is your favorite CD at the moment?
- what kind of car do you drive?
- favorite sandwich
- what characteristics do you despise
- favorite item of clothing
- if you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go
- are you an organized person
- where would you go to retire to
- what was your most recent memorable birthday
- what are you going to do when you finish this
- furthest place you are sending this
- person you expect to send back first
- when is your birthday
- morning person or night?
- what is your shoe size?
- pets?
- any new and exciting news youรขโฌโขd like to share with us?
- what did you want to be when you were little?
- what id your favorite flower?
- what is day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
- what are you listening to right now?
- what was the last thing you ate?
- do you wish on stars?
- if you were a crayon, what color would you be?
- how is the weather right now?
- last person you spoke to on the phone?
- favorite soft drink?
- favorite restaurant?
- hair color?
- your favorite toy as a child?
- summer or winter?
- what holiday do you like best?
- chocolate or vanilla?
- do you go to church every Sunday?
- do you want your friends to email you back?
- when was the last time you cried?
- what is under your bed?
- what did you do last night?
- what are you afraid of?
- salty or sweet?
- how many keys on your key ring?
- how many years at your current job?
- favorite day of the week?
- do you make friends easily?
- how many people will you send this too?
- how many swaps are you doing right now?
- do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends?
- when was the last time you prayed?
- favorite food?
Ok so here are the rules, just becasue all swaps have rules and guide lines. NO one word answers! NO PDF files (not everyone can open them). I will check and make sure everyone's profiles are filled out completly, even the new bees. Everyone Must send thier questionaires! They are SUPER easy and it takes no time at all to send them out. No unexplained 1's, and NO Nosends. Have fun and I hope you learn alot about your partners.
Happy Swaping :D