Comment: thank you for the beautiful post cards,and the lovely decorated envelope, and we do have a good life here in Tasmania i t is very peaceful where we live. warm regads Wendy
Comment: Wow! Thank you so much I love every single stamp you sent!!!
PS -- my husband's Great grandfather is from Finland, so I even kept the stamps that you used for postage!
Comment: Thank you for a great little envelope and PC. I love that it is your own native country stuff. I love getting things from other countries, because I love the uniqueness of it all. I love it all thank you so much.
Comment: Hei! Kiitokset erinomaisesta swapista, se kirjallisuusjutun puuttuminen ei haittaa illenkaan, lรยคhettรยคmรยคsi postimerkit ovat huippuja! Sain pari puuttuvaa siltasarjaan ja yhden kukkamerkin, on aina mahtavaa kun saa kokoelmaa tรยคydemmรยคksi. Loput merkit ovat arvokasta vaihtoihin, Suomi-merkit on tosi arvostettuja, varsinkin uudemmat. Mukavaa loppukesรยครยค sinullekkin!
Comment: Thank you Timo for the great selection of postcards and I hope you are enjoying swap-bot! We are in winter now in Australia and it is cold, but we don't get snow where we are. It just means I have a great excuse to get into bed early and read books!
Comment: รขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยคThank you so muchรขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยค I'm so sorry my rating is late. I really enjoyed your letter and the postcards are fantastic, thank you again! รขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยครขยยค