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Date Joined: February 3, 2008
Last Online: April 21, 2014 Country: United States www,brenoknits.blogspot postcrossing |
There's a bun in the oven! Oh, NOT me! I'm way past that! But my kids aren't! That's the way a late start works out! Anyway this one will make David a big brother n June! Just a few weeks/days before he's two! Talk about fun!
I've been a Hoosier all my life! Same county resident, too. Hey that's over 60 years. .Married for 42 years to Ken. Graduated Indiana State University 15 years ago. I quit substitute teaching when MATT was 16 months old. Made perfect sense to me! We have 7 kids, 5 homemade and 2 storebought. We're grandparents to Matt, Jillian, Sophia, and David! We have 4 married, 1 special needs and 1 x-ray tech, 2 teachers (1 has taken up auctioneering for lack of teaching jobs) and a PTSAHM of David.I discovered swapping about eight years agol.Great fun, no matter what. Swap bot has improved my produce intake! These things have such cute stickers!! Love those big squash ones!!
There are far too many tutorials to try! I'm going to do my best to get through a lot of them though. English paper piecing has my attention! So I guess that I'm off and running again! I've finished 9 purses knitted using vintage sheets. I like 'em! I found a really neat quilt shop in Manassas,Virginia. I've got to get back to Fairfax,too. This time, no yarn but I do have to see that fabric again!! Some I bought went to seed. So I do have more and more!. They never should have let me go alone. Who said a gps is needed? Poo-poo that idea. Some of my best finds have been the old fashioned way!! Did I mention I found places that I didn't know existed to store this stash!!! So much for clearing out MY stash. I love all colors except dark ones. Old eyes are different than young ones. It's true. I'm there. I really like things that are mindless, so that I can do other things at the same time. I'm not that old after all I guess. 20 years ago I was quilting. Now my yarn stash has taken over. I still have an unbelievable stash of fabric. .
My kids are really great. However I should have had 27 to keep up with my sock knitting.Let's see that would be 58 feet And if they all were married it would be 110 feet and had 2 kids..Well maybe I had better quit while I'm ahead.
The math=Ken and I only count once. Every child becomes a pair, that would be 4 feet.
I really LOVE hand made postcards. I really don't care what your disability is. (I have trouble with straight lines among other things!) I will adore and keep your work! Some are framed and displayed. playfully in a hand painted collage type frame in our bathroom! Love to get cards cut from boxes from other countries. Cool! I like junking and sharing. I'm selling the featherweights I have.(Singer) I like recycling almost to an extreme some say.
I dislike tobacco odors and to knit with dark yarn.
So I took a pledge to bust my stash! No timeline! So by the turn of the century 2100, I should be good to shop again!
We have a beautiful new grandson, Matthew Carleton Whitesell as of 4/10/08! Full head of hair and weighed in at 10 pounds and an ounce. First one!! Matt is four AND still muy guapo! He refers to their bigger house as his castle!! He doesn't speak MARTIAN anymore. You just have to listen! He took his first swimming lesson 11/2/10. After 10 minutes, he says, "Cito's swimming!" He said it, not me, because he wasn't, but he will. 7/18/11, Matt is a big brother! He tells Sophia "No crying" and then kisses her cheek. A pure gentleman! Matt has decided to be a pilot when he's bigger! He started kindergarden this year and has to save those labels for education. More projects!!
I hosted my first swap-Quilted Fabric postcard some months ago now. Fanfare!! I am so proud of the group. Not one no send.Aren't they terrific? I think so.Think I'll do it again. Hey, a year later I got on the top 10!! WOW!! Also not one no send in the bunch!! As for hearts. I figure that joining a swap that I host makes the package special. Afterall on any given day, there are close to a 1000 swaps that you could choose and you chose mine. Kinda makes you all misty, doesn't it!! Ah! Lighten up! and if you crave specifics.
A while ago I felt like writing, so I joined a journal swap. After all of that work I got a 5 because my handwriting was hard to read. I didn't even get a journal in return. So I hosted a couple Journal swaps. On the one I really liked, I got a three because the journal disappointed her. Oh, it fulfilled requirements, but she wanted more. At least she got one! So that's 2 journals that I'm owed! I hate 3's. I did not realize how many people like to receive but not to send. Sometimes people get buried and that I can't help. Sorry, but No I can't help. On the other hand some keep checking into SWAPBOT without sending their journal. If it's personal, make a copy and send one of them to your partner. If it's so good you can't give it away, then copy just like I said before. "3's" are not meant to grade in the sense that "I really didn't like what I got" but in the sense that "I really did not get all the stuff that the swap said that I should get!" It must be remembered that everyone is different in abilities, likes, and funding. Sometimes you just have to be thankful to get something, even if it takes a year!
HE is finally here! The day before our 41st anniversary, just after midnight--TADA! Introducing David Wayne Gallion. Weighing in at 8 lbs, 8 oz. Resting length 21 1/2 inches. Baby brown hair!! Handsome dude! January, 2013--David is already pulling up and walking around things! Have no idea what his hurry is, but at 6 months!!! Honestly! David is fearless! and That's scary!
On the 18th of July,2011, Sophia Grace arrived at 7:34am, weighing in at 8 lbs 4.9 oz. Seriously! 4.9! Matt's baby sister is terrific!!.She's got a full head of dark hair and eyes so blue, you could.....Well you get the idea! She is absolutely one of a beautiful kind. Her daddy wants to call her FIGI! Get it?!! Sophia got her first full bath. It was not on her top 10 favorite things to do! Maybe later! 11/24/11 Soph got her 4 month visit to the doctor done including her shots! Giggled at it all! What a kid!! Soph loves to shower and get her hair washed! 12/21/11-Nobody ever knew how much fun rolling over is!!7/24/12Soph teased her dad with a small step today! 8/4/12 Still not walking but climbing stairs is lots of fun.She is starting day care in January 2014! Had to tell her it was school, otherwise a no go!
We have a grand-DAUGHTER as of June 12,2009!! She weighed in at 8 lbs and an ounce! Dark hair and a peaches and cream complexion.!! Whoa baby! Keeping her cuteness intact is a priority for Jill. She loves the mirror and new dresses!! Seems Jill skipped the crawling and went right into running. Her daddy tried, but she didn't want to crawl, so she didn't! Wonder if there's a pattern here? Now Jill is three and 28 pounds. She gets to do a tumbling class. Jill knows the alphabet and calls her feet, her peet!As of January 2013, Jill is wearing glasses. Hope they work!
Sorry had to remove you from cuppa and a letter group until you get your 1's fixed..
Happy Easter!
Surgery! Yikes! Take it slow and EZ! x
Happy Valentines Day!
Thank you! I love Tulsa too, there is always so much to do there. I never get out there enough though. I'm in Bethany which borders Oklahoma City :)
Thanks for add me into "Passioned for Postcards" I look forward to swap PCs with PC lovers around the world.
Thanks for welcoming me into "Passioned for Postcards!" I look forward to swapping some terrific cards from (and for) my collection. =)
Could you please send a group message for EJ to remind everyone that the swap signup is closing TODAY? Thanks!! :)
I'm so sad for you about the passing of your mother -- please know I understand and am thinking of you....... Michele