Date Joined: February 3, 2011
Last Online: January 16, 2012 Birthday: April 3 Country: United States My Website |
Urgent message I am currently laid up in bed with the flu...I have not been able to send out any of my swaps this week. As soon as I am well I will send out all the swaps I have completed....sorry every one!
My favorite craft is crochet! I'd say knitting too, but I can't knit (or purl) a stitch! I love fiber crafts and plan to start spinning yarn this year (if my husband will let me!)
I am also a fan of paper crafts of all types! I dabble in watercolors as well as acrylics as well.
I am a quirky, slightly off wife and mother. I love crafting, photography, music and things that are a little creepy, but cute at the same time. I spend most of my days at work (yuck!) but can't wait to get home to craft!
Ribbon, lace and trim
fun, funky colorful papers of any type!
amigurumi...I love to make them and would absolutely adore seeing some other interpretations!
the colors orange, pink, yellow and purple!
anything retro!
pop art
Kitchy art
robots, spaceships, rockets!
creative twists on classic patterns or items
Items that smell like smoke (cigarette or otherwise)
Pagan/wiccan themed items (gothic items are ok, but anything overtly pagan or wiccan is not for me thanks!)
Send me a Tote and a Note #3
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just wanted to let you know i visited your blog, commented and am following your blog now :)
memtree ❤ mt
I just visited your blog for the Follow My Blog! Swap. Very neat (though I don't know how to follow a wordpress blog) And I don't have a log in so I couldn't leave a comment there. But I loved your post Paper Flowers – A Green Way To Encourage a Friend! I'm definitely gonna bookmark that and give it a try later this week!
Keep up the good work