Swap-bot Time: October 20, 2024 3:05 pm


Date Joined: August 24, 2013
Last Online: December 30, 2019
Birthday: June 14
Country: United States

About Me

HI! I’M JEN :)

When I first created a Swap-Bot account in August of 2013, I had no idea how fun it was going to be! I was most excited about swapping crafts, projects, gifts, and cards through the mail internationally, but I have also had a wonderful time being involved in domestic swaps. Although I don’t have an extremely high number of swaps like some folks do, I am dependable and have good follow-through. My numbers will climb as time marches on. :)

I live in California, though I am not a California native. (But I’m never leaving now that I’m here!) I grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on the other side of the country. My family is 3,000 miles away (that’s approximately 2,414 km), which helps us get along much better. I am a dual U.S/Italian citizen, which I think is pretty cool. One day, I really want to see Palermo, the capital of the island of Sicily, in Italy. That’s where my grandfather was born, according to the records we have. I would like to trace my roots.

I tend to be a bit cerebral, which my family describes as “lacking in common sense.” But I do have a good sense of humor (or at least I think I do) and love to laugh.


I'm very fond of collecting stamps from other countries. When you send me a post card, letter, or other mail – especially if you're outside of the US – please send it by affixing an actual stamp (instead of metered postage). I will do the same for you!


I am not a very picky person. Chances are, if you like something, I’m going to like it, too. I am a big believer that I can get to know someone from what they send me, which is a truly great thing. I will not get offended by risqué post cards, I won’t turn my nose up at something odd/quirky, I won’t snub you for having a different personality! Please don’t restrict yourself to my favorite color, my favorite topics, or my favorite items. I’ll bet you I’m going to receive items from folks everywhere around the world that I wouldn’t even know to put on this list because I haven’t seen them yet, but I’m going to love them. Trust me, it will happen. If you’re in doubt, send it!

That being said, I have it on good authority that a proper profile contains likes and dislikes. Truth be told, I look at this section in others’ profiles. So, here you have it.


  • The Color Purple. (The actual color, the novel, and the movie!)
  • Stamps from all over the world.
  • Pens – and fountain pens in particular.
  • Office supplies – I’ve never met an item from an office supply store that I didn’t love! Pens, pencils, rulers, compasses, ink, markers, stickers, colored pencils, stickie notes, notebooks, washi tape … you name it!
  • Cars. Especially fast cars.
  • TV Shows: (This is not an exhaustive list.) Doctor Who, Bates Motel, Orphan Black, NCIS:Los Angeles (LL Cool J is yummy!), Shameless (the UK version), anything with Gordon Ramsay (MasterChef, Hell’s Kitchen, Hotel Hell, etc.), Family Guy. I’m sure there are others. These are the ones that come to mind.
  • Live shows, concerts, plays, the theater, the opera, the symphony . . . any kind of live performance.
  • Different cultures.
  • Different languages. I speak English and Spanish fluently – so feel free to write to me in either of those languages. I can speak enough Italian to order wine. But feel free to pepper your message with words or expressions in your native language! I love to learn.
  • Different cultures. Introduce me to yours!
  • Cooking, especially healthy cooking. My favorite cookbooks these days are written by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Man, she has the best recipes.
  • My favorite season is winter. I live in San Diego, California, where we almost never have any type of inclement weather. But I love rain, thunderstorms, snow, and weather that dips below 50ºF (10ºC) I’m not particularly well-suited for the California climate, but I do truly love it here.
  • Writing. A good friend of mine tells me I have “hypergraphia” because I like to write so much. Ha! I’ve been called worse.
  • Books. I am an avid reader. Please introduce me to your favorite book! That will make us instant friends.
  • Magazines. I love The New Yorker, Real Simple, Pen World, Road & Track, Car & Driver, and Popular Photography, just to name a few. I also really enjoy looking through magazines from other countries, even if I don’t speak the language. Bonus if they’re car magazines!
  • René Magritte. My friend Monica introduced me to his art, and we saw an exhibit at the Los Angeles Museum of Art a few years back. It was awesome.


  • The smell of smoke. If a postcard or other mail smells very strongly of smoke, I usually am compelled to toss it out, even though I don’t want to, no matter how much I like the item. It’s such a shame.
  • Any strong smells – please, no excessive perfumes.
  • Religious messages. I respect your right to have and observe your faith. Kindly respect my right to keep my beliefs private.
  • Flakes. Both in real life and on Swap-Bot.


I enjoy profile-based book swaps and, therefore, thought I should include a section in my profile about books. Many hosts indicate that participants should set out our book preferences in our profiles. Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I can hardly describe a uniform set of preferences! Is it a book? Is it an entertaining read? Does it have intellectual and entertainment value? Then I’m probably going to enjoy it! The only real category of books I don’t enjoy much is that of sappy romances. I’m sure they have their place, but no Danielle Steel or Harlequin Romance for me, thank you. So… since I don’t have a real good set of criteria to set out, I thought I’d put my Amazon Big Books Wish List here: Jen’s Amazon Wishlist.

Also, here’s a link to my Goodreads account: Jen’s Goodreads Account.

Of course, by no means am I setting out demands for the books on these lists! I just figured that I could give you all examples of books I enjoyed, books I didn’t like at all, and books I would like to read so you can see the types of books I’m drawn to. I will leave it up to your best discretion to introduce me to a book I have not yet read. :)


I’m not affiliated with Globalbility at all, but I’m really fascinated by this project, so I thought I’d share it with you all: Globalbility. The website provides a prompt for those who wish to participate: “War. Poverty. Human rights violations. Environmental crisis. Economic crisis. A global political crisis? How can we create a better world? How can we transcend cultural barriers? What are the most important questions of our time? What do you find most important in life?” Participants are encouraged to send a postcard with “hopes and wishes for the world to promote positive, constructive and respectful communication.” If this type of project interests you, check out the website! That’s where you’ll find the address to send your postcard to.


I am a staunch advocate for recycling/upcycling, conservation, and a smaller carbon footprint. I wash and re-use resealable Ziplock-type baggies. I have far more recycling than trash at any given moment. I shop at farmers’ markets and the local co-op, not at big box stores or grocery stores if I can at all avoid it, although I will admit I am a Costco shopper and I love my speedy little car with the turbo-charged engine. Everything in moderation, right? I buy organics. I donate to conservation funds and purchase carbon offsets. I reuse canvas-type bags when I shop. I don’t – and won’t – push my mindset on you, but if you’re interested in reducing your carbon footprint or learning about ways to reduce, reuse, recycle, I’ll give you an earful of suggestions! Although I believe in the environmentalist movement, I also think that everyone should feel they can approach it in baby steps. Every little part counts, and everyone can do something, even if it plays only a small part. It’s incredibly empowering to feel like you’re doing something good for the planet. OK, I’m getting off my soapbox now!


Photography: I am an amateur photographer. I get better every day! I am always so impressed by other photographers' talent, so cards, mail, envelopes, etc. with striking photographs are appreciated.

Travel: I travel whenever I can, although I hardly ever have enough money or time. I live in the US and have traveled to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, France, The Netherlands, and Switzerland. I want to see the Galápagos Islands, travel through the UK and Ireland, see India and China and Australia, New Zealand, South Africa - oh, the list is endless. Seriously.

Healthy Cooking: I also like to cook, bake, and eat healthy. I am very fortunate to live in California, where there is excellent weather and gorgeous farmers' markets. I haven't been in a food/grocery store in YEARS. I am gluten-free and believe in local, sustainable, organic foods. But don't worry - I won't push my mindset on you. I will definitely share my knowledge with you if you want me to, though!

Languages: The study of languages fascinates me - I wish I spoke more of them! I only speak English, Spanish, and enough Italian to order wine, but I try to learn phrases from anyone who speaks another language. If you have the inclination, teach me something in your native language!

Poker: I love to play poker with real people – no video games for me, thank you. My favorite game is five-card stud. Right now, I play with a great group of guys. I am the only girl who plays, but thankfully I have proven myself and been invited back. Sometimes the “skirt” takes the boys’ money, and sometimes they take mine. The best part is that these guys are not afraid to be themselves in front of the only girl who has been able to hold her own in this crowd. Yeah, I love that.

Miscellany: I collect stamps (see above) and pens, especially fountain pens. I am an avid reader and devour as many books as I can get my hands on. I love to learn new things. I enjoy all categories and types of music, but I am super-picky about movies.


I have a turtle named "Tortie the Tortfeasor." She's a little thing (about 3 inches in diameter) whose habitat fits perfectly in my little condo. :) I LOVE dogs, but I really can't afford to have one; plus, my place is tiny. I'm not a big fan of cats, but I dog- and cat-sit often and have a few feline friends as well! I live in San Diego, and we have a world-famous zoo here. I love to visit there and see all of the exotic animals. Of course, none would be suitable for a pet, but it's fun to watch them.


I hit a few bumps in the road over the last couple of years, but I'm happy to say I've come through it! I'm an attorney (but don't worry - I'm not the scary, sleazy kind you often see on TV!) and I switched practice areas, which helped me find a great new job! I'm happy so far -- though it's a demanding job that doesn't always leave me much time for swaps. If my dashboard is empty, that's why! But if that happens, rest assured I'll be back soon. :)

I also really enjoy the study of law. It interests me, and it is so vast I would never be able to know it all. It keeps me mentally adept. I like to learn about the law in other US states and in other countries, so feel free to teach me about the law where you are! (Or not, as I find that most normal people in the world find the law incredibly boring. Your call!)

I have also taught law classes at my alma mater. There, I helped third-year students prepare for the California Bar Exam (the licensing exam) by teaching a Pre-Bar Prep Course. I have also taught Advanced Legal Analysis and Legal Writing. I love my students. They definitely keep me on my toes -- and make me feel young!

When I'm not being a litigator or a professor, I'm also a private tutor. I tutor students who are about to take the Bar Exam on a one-on-one basis. I think it keeps me young to help burgeoning attorneys to attain their licenses. :)

Yep ... I guess those bumps in the road I hit could have been worse. I'm thankful, in a way, for the experience, and for coming through it with a little perspective!


I joined a penpal swap not too long ago and my swap partner commented that she didn’t see any mention of a significant other or kids on my profile. She asked me if I was living the “single and sexy life,” which made me giggle. I’m definitely single, no kids, and I wish my life were a whole lot sexier than it is now! I’m currently “sans man” but I’m always on the hunt. Wish me luck!


I've seen a few Swaps mention allergies, which is smart. I don’t have Celiac Disease, but I am gluten intolerant. My diet is completely gluten-free. Best thing I ever did for myself! I feel better than I ever have before, and much of my tummy distress (which I used to think was just normal) is gone. Yay! Because I feel so much better, it’s easy for me to say goodbye to bread, pasta, and other gluten-full goodies without regret.

That being said, I recently discovered that I DO like recipe swaps! If you don’t know what gluten is, or you’re not sure whether or not your recipe is gluten-free, don’t worry. You can certainly send me a message and I will respond, but I can almost always convert a recipe. It is my job – not yours – to make sure I do not to eat or drink anything I think might be risky. :)


I don’t report an item sent until I’ve actually put it in the mail. The mail system is pretty reliable here, but if you don’t get something from me in a reasonable amount of time, just send me a note and I’ll make it right. I keep good records of what I send, too, including scanning or photographing everything before I send it. So, if you want to see what went out originally, just ask. Please don’t give me a negative rating until after you’ve communicated with me first. I’m not a flake. Promise.


Thanks for reading! I look forward to continuing this great swapping adventure. :)


Comment: I love this orca postcard! Looks like it's smiling for the camera, haha. Welcome back to Swap Bot, and I can't agree more that the community is great. Best wishes to you!
Comment: Thank you for the Lighthouse pc.
Response: Your'e welcome! :)
Comment: I love old SciFi movies. I'll have to look for this one. Thank you from San Diego born girl.
Response: You’re welcome! I got that postcard as part of a set being funded on Kickstarter years ago. I thought it would be perfect for you!
Comment: Thanks so much for this beautiful PC. We do get sailboats here, but only in the summer. I love the colors! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
satinification rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #11 on Jan 23, 2018
Comment: Thank you very much for all of these great postcards. I just love 'Reflecting San Diego' and that postcard with famous criminals that were sent to Alcatraz. The history of that prison is very interesting. I've seen a lot of movies about it and I'd love to visit it someday. That is so great that you've been there. Thank you again and happy swapping!
dawnakaulen rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #10 on Dec 23, 2017
Comment: Thank you for a awesome swap. I enjoyed all of the cards but the leopard was my favorite :) I am in Oceanside, maybe we can get together sometime!
Response: You're welcome! I thought you might like the leopard. :) I noticed how close we live to one another - are you a Postcrosser? The local San Diego Postcrossing group has biannual meetings! You should join us. :)
EllieBeth8 rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #9 on Nov 27, 2017
Comment: WOW!! Thank you soo much for the awesome selection of postcards!!! They are soo great!!! Have a wonderful day!! Shelley
Response: You're so welcome! I try to find cards that match the swap AND the recipient. :) Happy Swapping! ~Jen
Comment: Omg. Best swap ever. I love everything! Especially the treats in the trunk. Lol. Thank you!
Response: You're so welcome! Yes, the treats in the trunk are definitely the best. :) Though I thought you might like the frogs, too! I'm so enjoying these swaps. I'm glad you're hosting them!
Comment: Thank you for Harry Potter card. It's so nice! And the stamps is good :) I think I wanna eat the fruit. Have a great day :D best wishes, Fiqa
Response: I'm so glad you like it! :)
aladyde rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #8 on Oct 14, 2017
Comment: What a wonderful package arrived today. Thank you so much for the many and great choice of cards. Also for the nice letter. It really made my day! I am aladyde at postcrossing, so you can also find me there. Liebe Gruesse und Danke!
Response: I'm glad you liked what I picked -- and I'm glad it got there so soon after I told you that I had forgotten to mark the swap as "sent" but that it had gone out on time! I was a little worried you would be suspicious of me ... I would be! LOL :) Happy Swapping! ~Jen
Comment: Love love love everything! Thank you! The kids loved the golden snitches. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Response: Yay! I'm so glad!! :)
Candace rated for Charity - We Put Love Into Giving :) on Sep 28, 2017
Comment: I hope your friends and family are beginning to get back to normal after Irma. Thank you for teaching me the meaning of Rosh Hashanah, the tzedakah box is beautiful!
Response: I'm glad you like it! :) Yes, everyone has recovered from Irma, thankfully. Thank you for asking about them. Happy swapping!
skinny52 rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #6 on Sep 13, 2017
Comment: Awesome selection of postcards! Thanks so much for the resend, I can tell by this group that I missed out by not receiving the first batch...you really put together a wonderful package! And I really like the postage stamps too! Again, my sincere thanks for the resend!
Response: I'm so glad you got the re-send! I'm really bummed the first mailing didn't get there -- I hope it does show up! Perhaps it was mistakenly delivered to a neighbor who was on vacation for a month, who will sheepishly deliver it to you next week with apologies for the delay. A girl can hope! :)
ToujoursMoi rated for Currently reading PC swap #5 on Aug 28, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the lovely card and the amazing message. I love the recommendation, too and will have a look if I can get the book somewhere. I loved the message written with a fountain pen, too. To be honest I am very curious what we have in common, now. So let me know if you are interested in private swapping letters or postcards. 😉
Response: I enjoy photography and I appreciate art; I also collect fountain pens (I don’t know anyone else who does); lettersets are great – I am always on the hunt for onionskin paper; I enjoy vintage-style postcards and postcards with funky, colorful art, maps, and illustrations; I love washi tape (and I used to love washi swaps, except I got flaked on too often); I also can’t stand the smell of smoke; I don’t like bananas (though I think you really HATE them) and I don’t eat grapefruit. We disagree about purple, though. I LOVE purple. :) Yes, let’s swap postcards!
Kake rated for Currently reading PC swap #5 on Aug 24, 2017
Comment: Sounds like an interesting book, I think it wouldn't be more to my husbands taste than mine though. Might be an idea for a Christmas present. Love the postcard, th aks for sharing and keep reading, from Kake...Helen
Response: The book is really great -- if your husband hasn't read it, I think it WOULD make a great present! I think it will also be a movie in 2018. I'm a little worried about seeing the movie, though ... I LOVED the book and wouldn't want that to be ruined by the film adaptation. I will definitely keep reading!! :) Happy Swapping!
Comment: It doesn't say on my profile, but I grew up in San Diego and I attended the "Big Bay Boom" more than once in my years. This post card gave me a bit of nostalgia for home. Where I live now I can set off my own fireworks, but it's just not the same as seeing the huge show over the water sitting on the beach. Gosh I miss it. Thank you for sharing.
Response: Oh wow - small world! I love watching the fireworks show, especially with good friends. :) Funny thing, the other card I was going to make and send was from Comic-Con - another San Diego staple! I hope you're having an excellent summer in North Carolina. Happy Swapping! :)
lou rated for WIYM: You Mailed Me What!?! USA only on Jul 24, 2017
Comment: Great! Sending you private message, too!
Response: Sounds good!
EllieBeth8 rated for Postcard Scavenger Hunt #5 on Jul 21, 2017
Comment: Oh my!! Thank you for such a lovely swap!! I LOVE the zoo postcards!! It's one of my dreams to visit the San Diego Zoo!! I'm also a member of postcrossing!! I love it! But this was my first official meet up card!! Very cool!! Thanks again! You made my day!! Shelley
Response: I'm so glad you liked everything! The San Diego Postcrossing group is having another Meetup on July 30 - I'll send you a card!
aspens rated for Drunk Postcard -Int'l- on Jul 1, 2017
Comment: Ha!! Your postcard was awesome. I hope you get another girls night soon! Prosecco + gossip/impulsive Amazon buys sounds like the BEST!
Response: It WAS the best! Made better by being with such great friends. :) I was a little embarrassed by all the bottles in my recycle bin that week, though...!
SilviaSanAntonio rated for Random (PC) - November on Nov 28, 2016
Comment: Great post card, Jennifer, I love the art so much! Your comments about visiting San Antonio warmed my heart. I giggled when I read that you didn't want to bust open the pretty cascarones - I feel the same way.
Response: I'm glad I'm not alone on this! :) Happy Holidays!

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1 57 42 0
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lou on Jun 2, 2016:

Happy Birthday MONTH from WIYM group!

user2637 on Oct 10, 2013:

Oh, and the other thing is studies have shown that eating locally only helps the environment a tiny bit, while eating animals products is very damaging to the environment. As the saying goes, you can't be an environmentalist if you're not vegan! I don't recommend everyone go vegan, but cows do so much damage to our air, water, and well, everything, that you might want to think about it. :)

user2637 on Oct 10, 2013:

Stumbled upon your profile and wanted to mention 2 things. I'm allergic to cig smoke smell/residue, but there's a way to get it out of paper! You'll need a cooling rack (like for a cake, wire with spaces in between), something that will cover said rack (I use a casserole dish), baking soda and vinegar, and something to put them in that fits under the rack. Put the postcard on the rack, baking soda containing bowl underneath, ready the cover, and pour in some vinegar. Put the cover on quick! Leave it for a day or two; you can add more vinegar if you want. It really works!

user5723 on Sep 10, 2013:

LOVED your PenPal letter! I know you were wondering if it was OK to send a good, long letter, but I feel like I have a good sense for who you are because you took the time to share interesting details about yourself. You might feel like a newbie, but you write like a pro-swapper! Thanks for letting me get to know you a bit.


Littletiscrafty on Aug 31, 2013:

Welcome to the bot. happy swapping!

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