Swap-bot Time: March 26, 2025 4:55 pm


This user has been partially suspended.
Date Joined: June 13, 2013
Last Online: February 1, 2014

Country: United States

About Me

I have stated my case to Rachel. I have not heard back. I have offered to do whatever it takes to prove myself. I will NOT back down and I will NOT merge with profiles that are not mine. Don't like it? Frankly at this point I no longer care. I stand with my head held high and knowing the person I am. If you don't, that's on you. Period. I don't know who has said what, and I won't. If you write trash on my wall, I will delete it, For the person who took their prayers back, so be it. For the person who posted kind words on my wall then came back later to say you take all those kind words back, I did you a favor and deleted them. So there, words taken back, m'kay? Say whatever you want in the forums, because I don't go there and haven't since the day I was suspended. I Know how it goes down and frankly I don't have the energy for that kind of negativity. For the few of you who have written to me in support, thank you.

Update January 15, 2014

So I thought back to normal, but no. I have not lied to anyone, but no one is going to believe me because that's what liars say, right? I refuse to merge profiles with ones that are not mine. I have already discussed in part with Rachel on how I can prove who I am, separate from who you think I may be.

Not one person came to me to ask me anything. You all just attacked me in public forums. I have the addresses and emails of those swaps I'm redoing. I have not hidden anything from any of you. I have the obituaries if you want to see them. I got tired of telling the whole sordid story of what is going on in my life.

I will not be back. I feel as though I have lost my family all over again. Because despite all the hateful things being said about me, I DID love being here and found friendships I thought would last.

And the prayers and kindnesses overwhelmed me. More even than the sadness and hurt overwhelms me now. Having been here over six months now, I know what people say, I know excuses and I know lies. So much so that even when the truth is stranger than fiction, no one believes you.

I meant every word I said and if any of you would like your gifts, cards, etc back, just email me at my email address. Any of my partners have it. I will be more than willing to return postcards, paper, envelopes, and what I got today, which was amazing.

I said before and I still say it, I don't expect anyone to believe me, you'll just have to see when you get your swaps. that's all.

God bless you all. And if you don't want that from me I understand. I still care about each of you that outpoured to me when I needed it most. I just don't know where to turn now, because it hurts. A lot.

I've voluntarily left all the groups I was in, just because you've changed how you treat me, I am not going to change the person I am. I think it's the right thing to do and it saves you time of doing it for yourself.

That's it.

Hello all. I just wanted you all to know that things are finally back to normal. The year started pretty sucky as well as it ended but things are looking up! We had our pipes freeze, then burst during the last cold snap. We fixed one pipe, found another leak, fixed that one, found another, until we had to replace most of the pipes under the house.

We were blessed to know someone who helped my hubby fix them for a really reasonable fee. His work all but dried up, and we ended up biting the bullet this week and pulling out the modest IRA account we had. It will get us through the lean times.

As far as swaps go, please do not feel bad leaving a 1 until you receive, and leaving a 3 when you do. I'm absolutely fine with this, even if it means I get suspended for a time. I don't have any swaps in the future, and I won't until all my ratings come in.

Things got really messy here, and I figured I would just remake everything as I stated earlier. I don't know who got what and who didn't. I've spent the past few weeks hoping for good updates, but making replacements just in case. I didn't have the money until this week to do anything about it though, so everything I've made this round will go out with tracking on Friday, Thursday if the check clears on that day. (they put a hold on larger checks for a few days in our account, standard practice I guess)

Again, please don't feel bad if you put a 1 or a 3 on my profile, I can't wait for everyone to get their items and for life to be back to semi normal. Everyone has been SO supportive and really helped me get out of the blackness I've been in for a while. While I wish I could fix everything perfectly, I can't, but I'll do my best to be a great swapper, angel some swaps, and prove myself again.

Hello everyone! I am a face painter and balloon twister and caricature artist. My husband and I run an entertainment business. We are just getting off the ground and plan on going into balloon decor, balloon delivery, etc. It is SO much fun!

This means most of my work is on weekends. There isn't a lot of prep work, other than a little bit of practice every day, so I have a lot of time on my hands during the week. This is the perfect outlet for my crafty nature.

My husband and I love to garden, and love anything vintage or country (not geese, but actual in the country type stuff...old signs, old utensils, etc)

We are part of a motorcycle ministry through our church. My hubby owns a Harley and I enjoy riding as well (will never drive though!)

That being said, please do not worry about what kind of religious stuff you send. While I am a Christian and have my beliefs, I respect others beliefs as well. The bible teaches love, respect and tolerance, not hate and judgement. I love knowing about other cultures, and this includes religious culture! :)

Favorite Crafts

I am learning one stroke painting. I love anything tiny, and I crochet, paint, work on jewelry, sew, etc.

My new favorite obsession: TEESHA MOORE patches!! If you don't know what these are, google them. They are amazing and I LOVE them.

I used to love all my grandma's quilts. She did everything by hand. Then I worked for a fabric store where everyone there was a true quilt artist. I learned to love and appreciate good quilt fabric!

Then my church had a ladies' quilt club. I did my first quilt for my sister. It was a red hat quilt wall hanging and I am hooked! I haven't tackled a full sized quilt, but I've done all kinds of fat quarter projects, purses, wall hangings, etc. I love hand quilting. I am learning machine quilting. I've been watching Sewing with Nancy for as long as I can remember, and the quilt show right before it!

I am just now getting into tags, doll stamps, smash books and ATC's. Love any kind of scrap booky stuff.

I love bees, turtles, birds, elephants and hedgehogs and sloths to name a few :)

I also like to get anything giraffe-y as I have a wonderful friend who is crazy for giraffes that I am always scouring for giraffe themed anything for. That sentence totally didn't make sense I know, but you get the idea.

Stuff I love

I love old salt and pepper shakers. I've recently started collecting them. My favorite time period is art deco and art nouveau (however you spell it!). However salt and pepper shakers from ANY time frame are awesome. Love those kitchy 40's and 50's!

I love to garden. We can our own fruits and vegetables, pickles, and we make lots of things from figs in our own back yard.

I also love vintage or vintage looking stationary, old motorcycle ads, lovely old pictures and cutesy stuff.

More stuff about me

I am a glitter FREAK. I like all things sparkly, glittery, rhinestone-y, etc. Metals, foils, and the like are good too.

I love strawberry, watermelon, chocolate, sour apple, and any candy from other cultures to try.

Christmas is awesome all year long. I am always scouring thrift stores for holiday stuff. Dog themes, motorcycle, bees,birds, bird houses...anything nature is great.

Wish List

In no particular order! :

INCHIES!!! I am now officially in love with them! :) brads (plain and or shapes, glitter, etc)

Teesha Moore quilt patches, any size, any shape, any color!

Glitter, rhinestones, studs, crystals, beads.

Vintage looking papers for scrapbooking. Actually ANY scrapbooking supplies, no matter how tiny.

Teeny tiny little things...glass animals, cracker jack prizes, things like that.

Kokeshi Dolls... whether it is the dolls themselves (loooove them!) or fabric with them on it, patches, softies, etc.

I would love bits of wool roving or any kind of yarn, natural wool that you can use for small art dolls. It doesn't have to be an entire skein, it can be just a little bit to add into a bunch of other strands. Any color, any size!

I LOVE little sample sizes of anything...shampoo, cologne, conditioner, soap, etc. I like most fragrances.

Earrings of any kind...but most especially sparkly! :)

Vintage valentine's day cards, postcards, etc. You know the water color looking painting type ones. Especially if they have the tissue accordion type details.

sticker backed silver mirror paper (for the back of my business cards)

Ernie the Envie stuff. I love that guy! Speaking of which, look at what the fabulous @smadronia made for me for the Ernie the Envie Swap I posted! It's made out of glass and is amazing!

My swap was featured on the blog. Rachel is posting pictures of the cool Ernie the Envie stuff everyone is getting/sending!


Stuff I DON'T like

Things I DON'T like:

Gore, horror, macabre, devils, evil spirits, things like that. However I DO love Halloween, but I tend to be more drawn towards the cutesie, vintage, and fall type things.

Politically inspired anything. I tend to keep those views to myself and prefer not to get into a debate.

Anything mean spirited.

Other than that, I'm very flexible. I appreciate any and everything if thought and effort is put into it. If I get something I don't love, I can always swap it with someone who DOES love it. It's a win win no matter what.

Still more stuff!

One thing, I have realllllllly long hair, nearly down to my heiney! :) It's bright red (I'm a natural red head but definitely enhanced) and I Looooooove any kind of hair thingy. The more sparkly the better, but anything really, scrunchies, barrettes, headbands, pins, clips, etc.

I love anything that helps organize. Whatever that may be.

I love anything to do with animals, mostly dogs since we have six.

I love all kinds of embellishments for cards, crafts, etc. No matter how small, I can probably make something out of it. I have just gotten into the doll stamps and am having a LOT of fun making the big tags.

I ADORE the rhinestone and glitter scrapbook stickers.

I am a home canner so anything to do with that...labels, recipes, tips, tricks, etc, are always welcome.

I love wool felt. It can be as small as two inches, or as big as a full sheet in any color. I use small sizes for embellishing my art dolls, making their shoes, etc. I also like the tiny stuff to decorate my doll stamps.

I love feathers too, though not entire wings. I don't like the kind you'd have to kill an animal to get.

Glitter, especially the polyester kind (as opposed to metal based), like you use in scrapbooking is awesome.

what I pledged

I promise to always send on time, to put in a great effort and go the extra mile for each swap I participate in, and I promise to rate as soon as I get my swap item! If you do not receive my swap, PLEASE contact me first so I can make it right! Also if you don't feel my swap meets the criteria, again, please contact me and let me know so I can fix it! I will strive to always get it right the first time, but in the event a mistake DOES occur, I promise to make it right! :)

I think that's it for now!

Swap Status

I am still waiting on a rating from:

@Kirbs for Easy Newbie Swap #2

@ShaundaDixon for Julie Nutting Prima Doll Stamps Swap

Here are the tags I'm waiting on or have sent and waiting on confirmation of having been received.

I hate that I even have to put this category here! :( But I have been flaked on by:

@CileaniaBeana for Furry Friend Recipe Swap (WORST SWAP EVER! Out of 3 people, I am the ONLY one who sent anything to anyone. Sheesh!)

@ShaundaDixon for Julie Nutting Prima Doll Stamp Seasonal Swap #1

@jeighelle for Softies, Stuffies, Soft Cloth Doll Swap. (angeled by the amazing @kiddo47 The most AWESOME soft cloth doll in the history of soft cloth dolls!)

Getting flaked on totally SUCKS. It doesn't matter how big or how small, the point is you take a lot of time to create something awesome and hope to get something awesome in return. When you get NOTHING, it's a huge disappointment. When you get lied to on top of flaked on, it's worse. Just saying. I'm bummed right now over the bottom two flakings. :Sigh:


Comment: was told that it was mailed 2 different times...never received....very dissapointed, was so looking forward to seeing your creation being you were the swap host...will re-rate if I ever get anything
JudalineZ rated for Teesha Rainbow #4 - GREEN on Jan 23, 2014
Comment: I never received the patch as she said it was send on Dec 31. The rate will change when I do get them.
Comment: I got email from her saying it was send on Jan 6 but never got it. The rate will change when I do get them.
Comment: Thank you
Comment: I am so absolutely gutted about this. You marked as sent on 30th November, and I have yet to receive anything. I know you have messaged me recently and promised to resend this week, and I have been feeling so awful for you having an additional burden after all the problems you have spoken about on the public forum. I see that you are now partially suspended. Hurt is not the word for what I am feeling now. UPDATE; I have not received any email from you. If I do ever receive anything I will rate accordingly
Response: I apologize, I confused this swap with another one. The other was sent today, yours is going out tomorrow, a day earlier than expected as our funds were released a day early. I would still appreciate a 3 when yours arrives. Also, the agreement was that I send on Friday, which I did. With tracking, which I sent you. So I did live up to my end of our agreement. Thanks.
Comment: Thank you for your Christmas card :D
mariewilliams810 rated for Christmas Whimsy Jar Swap on Dec 26, 2013
Comment: Sorry so much for the late rate. Between finals and Christmas, life just got pretty busy and I can do some things on my work computer but rating is unfortunately not one of them. :( Thanks for the WONDERFUL whimsy jar. It was so very cute. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
Gabbyloco1 rated for Furry Friend Recipe Swap on Dec 22, 2013
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad things are turning around for you ! :)
Comment: beautiful card, thankyou and merry Christmas!
Comment: Best swap partner ever!!!!
Response: Oh thank you! That's so kind of you to say. I am so in love with my little fairy STILL. Your second little fairy baby is curing. About a week or so to go and he'll be ready to ship!
Comment: Thank you for the cute stocking card! I grew up with snow in the winter, and now that I'm in San Jose, I can't say I really miss it too much. Maybe just on Christmas Day. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Response: Thank you so much! And thank you for the rating and the heart
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card Kimberley. Happy holidays and swapping in 2014! :)
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart. :)
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Comment: Thank you for the card! Happy holidays!
Response: Thank you! And happy holidays to you as well. I'm glad you joined my swap. :)
Comment: thank you soooooooooooo much for the awesome Christmas ornament!!!! It is so cute!!!! :) I sent a pic to Rachel so she can add it to the blog!!! :)
Response: I am do glad you loved him! I hope she likes him too. heheh Thank you so much for the rating and the heart.
JLVerde rated for Teesha Rainbow #3 - YELLOW on Dec 3, 2013
Comment: Love the patches. The beading on the flower is lovely. I adore the wee little cat button extras. Great swap. Thanks.
Response: I can't take credit for the flower idea.One of my swap partners did beading on flowers and I loved it so much I had to do it too! I am so glad you loved the buttons. I have a bazillion of them, but none as tiny as the ones I sent. Any smaller and you wouldn't be able to see them without a magnifying glass! haha Thank you so much for the rating and the heart.
Comment: Thanks for the huge pack of fun. I didn't realize the stamps were so large. Very pretty.
Response: The one stamp I couldn't find is even bigger. But I've stamped some of her too. She's in a full evening gown. I'm sending her out to you soon. Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Comment: Thank you for sharing your holiday memory. The orange was always my favorite part of the stocking, too :)
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart! I'm glad we could share these Christmas memories together.
Comment: Thanks for the wonderful card. I would let you cook for me but I understand how it goes with families. I come from a very small one and this is the first year we finally have family coming to us for a change! I just don't enjoy traveling unless it's a real vacation! I'm so glad you have five pups too. They are just like a potato chip I just can't have one! Merry christmas!
Response: Well I'm glad you have family coming to you this year! Thanks for the rating and the heart. :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.7619 72 20 24
Completed Fives Threes Ones
66 79 0 5
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 8 57 0
View all

Currently In

  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


    the user is not currently in any groups


nellswell on Jul 13, 2015:

aka @KimberleyB , @kabwis04 , and @AGypsyDreaming .

Eponita on Apr 29, 2014:

So... if you're so innocent... why did you skip out on your swaps? Five ones?

mizvicky on Jan 15, 2014:


smadronia on Jan 15, 2014:


VivaLaDiane on Jan 14, 2014:

Hey you! <3 I hope all is well. I'm just checking on you and seeing if you got the package I sent? Love ya! xoxo

LahDeeDah on Dec 12, 2013:

I'm so sorry for your loss. :-( Sending (((hugs))) and prayers.

user2637 on Dec 9, 2013:

Thanks for the happy thoughts. Just resting up, napping a lot. :) Cute puppy, hehe!

user2637 on Nov 29, 2013:

You're quite welcome. I'm so glad you're in! It's a fun, sometimes b*tchy, haha, and all around wonderful group of people. As for turkey, I'm vegan so I'm making this turkey for our T-Day celebration tomorrow. :D :D 25 people in my house, gah!!! Off to bake more things (already 70 cookies, 2 pans of brownies, and 68 cupcakes), and hang some curtain rods. We just moved in in August so we're not even settled in yet.

Also, you're awesome! Don't forget it!

user2637 on Nov 27, 2013:

Yay, you're in! Welcome to the elite. ;)

VivaLaDiane on Nov 21, 2013:

Jen is never much for expressing herself in words. She's socially awkward with what to say and if it will convey her feelings the right way. She's my housewife because of things like this, but... I wanted to let you know that she loved everything so very much! I came home from work yesterday to a very excited girlfriend just reading and loving her journal. She loved that you included parts of dreams and illustrations. They were her favorite. She let me know today that she was still enjoying it so much.

I want to thank you for doing this. It meant so very much to her and we're both very grateful for your kindness. Thanks!!! ♥♥♥

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