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Original Member
Last Online: March 9, 2020 Birthday: July 14 Country: United States My Goodreads Profile |
30's. Female. No kids. Not what you'd call a people person. I seem to be categorically incapable of drawing or cutting a straight line.
Good at failing to live up to my potential. Bad at self-presentation. Obviously.
2019 Update: I haven't been active on swapbot in a few years, but I'm thinking of dipping my toes in the water again. I've never been an uber-swapper who can take on 20 at a time, but I will always send what I sign up for.
I knit. I've gotten out of the habit lately, but I'm trying to get back into it. Someday I will actually crochet something and stop going through a vicious cycle of teaching myself how only to do nothing with it until I forget the skill again.
I've never gotten into paper crafts much, but I am mildly obsessed with bullet journaling. Mostly with a focus on function over form. I tend to be too lazy for extensive decoration beyond colorful pens, but occasionally I try to remember to slap in a sticker or some washi tape to brighten things up.
I used to do mixed CD swaps all the time on here before they were banned.
I don't make ATCs and I wouldn't know what to do with ones I receive unless they were specially made with me in mind, but for that, you'd probably have to know me better than swap-bot allows. In the end, however, I'll always appreciate anything that's clearly had a lot of thought and care put into it.
I sadly don't find time to explore new music as much these days as I'd like and what I do discover is in a pretty haphazard fashion.
A few favorites: Sylvan Esso, Badbadnotgood, The Decemberists, Notwist, Modest Mouse, Deerhoof, Sufjan Stevens, Animal Collective, The Unicorns, Neutral Milk Hotel, Rufus Wainwright
I'm open to a lot of stuff. The only thing I tend to outright shun is country music. No offense to those who enjoy it; the sound just has no appeal for me.
Good Omens, the Raven Cycle, Johannes Cabal the Necromancer, Harry Potter, Wicked, His Dark Materials, Song of Ice & Fire, Rosencratz and Guildenstern are Dead (technically a play)
Authors: Jane Austen, Maggie Stiefvater, Georgette Heyer, Tanya Huff, Kim Harrison, Neil Gaiman, Jhonen Vasquez, Friedrich Nietzsche, Christopher Moore, Diana Wynne Jones
Royal Tenenbaums, L.A. Confidential, Fight Club, Clue, Princess Bride, Labyrinth, The English Patient, The Philadelphia Story, Thor Ragnarok
Currently Watching: The Good Place, American Horror Story, Endeavor, Great British Bake-Off, The Venture Brothers, new DuckTales, Drag Race, Sex Education, the occasional K-Drama. Honestly, there's just too much to keep up with these days.
Still love: Misfits, Veronica Mars, Buffy, Orphan Black, Adventure Time.
Podcasts: MBMBAM, The Adventure Zone, My Favorite Murder, How Did This Get Made, Welcome to Night Vale, Reading Glasses, Who Shot Ya
Colors: My favorite color is blue with a strong leaning toward blue-greens these days. I also like purple, green, and dark reds. Not fond of yellow, orange, and most pinks or browns.
Scents: Apple, Leather, Tea, Clean scents (watery or citrusy). Not into food scents with the exception of fruity.
Edibles: Tea (mint, apricot, and earl grey are favorites), Practically anything strawberry-flavored, Dried fruit (especially mango or cantaloupe), Chocolate is okay without nuts (not an allergy, just a preference), Cheese, Pickles, Garlic, Irish Whiskey. I don't drink coffee.
Miscellaneous: Skincare, Nail Polish, Eyeliner and Mascara in non-traditional colors, Chapstick/Lip Gloss, Handmade bookmarks, Bullet journals, Things that help me organize my environment even when my brain is in chaos.
Things that may or may not be relevant to Swapping in any way: Warm breezy days, Driving, Walking outside, The smell of books, Languages (English and Foreign), The crunching of dead leaves, Costumes, Honesty without judgment, Psychology, Irony, Subtlety, Sleep.
You absolutely MUST join the GO TEAM VENTURE swap!
Hi there, I just created a mix CD swap I thought you might be interested in!: http://www.swap-bot.com/swap/show/18929
I noticed you like Neil Gaiman! You may also like my An Endless Named Death swap. :D
Glad it arrived safely! I completely forgot about it heheh! I tend to drop things in the mail and simultaneously they drop out of my mind!
Hope you like :-) Rockalypso is a gooden ;-)
Check out the new swap added to the group Indie Kids--hopefully it will be fun!
Oh my goodness! Thank you for my lovely CD package. I can't believe you sent an extra CD (and candy!) as well. I'm off to pop one of these CDs in...although now I'm really having trouble deciding which one. Thank you thank you thank you! -Paige
Thanks so much for the very cool mixes from CD Mix PIB! I love "discovering" new bands! Your card was wonderful, too. You made me smile on a day that I didn't have a lot to smile about. ā„ Juli