You will have one week in which to view the 50th Anniversary Episode/Special of Doctor Who airing world-wide live on November 23rd is 90 minutes long (check your local time-zones) and mail out the card to your partner the following week.
All cards in this continuing series are your creative interpretation/s of the episode but must include a favorite quote or word as well as an appropriate embellishment. You can sign up for one or all in the Timey Wimey series.
The only requirements are to watch, create, mail.
Ratings: at least 4.9 with no recent 1's or 3's on your profile. You also agree to rate promptly.
Newbies are welcome with a well-filled out profile. I reserve the right to ban participants at my discretion.
ATC's must be 3.5 x 2.5 inches, sturdy, and must be something you would present to your favorite Doctor. This is a one for one swap.
Title: The Day of the Doctor
Original Air Date: November 23, 2013
Summary: The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and his companion Clara Oswald (Jenna-Louise Coleman) are aided by the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and his companion Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) in a conflict that involves the Zygons - an enemy last seen battling the Fourth Doctor in the 1970s.

This begins the Timey Wimey Series Two. The next Timey-Wimey series will be for the Doctor Who Christmas Special.
Note: In case of pre-emption in your area, please immediately contact the host and your partner. Partners will be assigned on Sunday following broadcast in this series.
Matt and David on set during the making of the 50th Anniversary episode:
This swap is also in the Doctor Who Fans Group.