Hearts ratings for hiimtm
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Response: I'm so
Glad you liked it!!
Response: I'm so glad you finally got it! :)
Response: I'm glad that you liked them! I wasn't sure how they were looking at first, so I just kind of matched a little bit to what your profile said! :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you liked it. I love this swap!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it!! Thank you for the rating!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the rating and heart!
Response: You're welcome! I just started zentangling and it is so much fun!
Response: I would love to lie and say that I did free hand that, but I'm so not that artistic with my drawings!! Thank you, I'm glad you like it! :)
Response: Oh you're welcome!! I'm sure they did get a kick out of opening that! Wondering what was traveling from Missouri a the way to Australia! Thank you for the rating! Happy swapping!! :)
Response: You're welcome!! The creative juices were flowing on this one and was by far the best one I've ever done! So happy that you liked it! :)
Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! I had lots of fun making this one!
Response: Thank you!! I hope both of our teams do well! Thanks for hosting the swap. Only 81 days until pre-season!!
Response: You're very welcome! Have a good day as well! :)