Swap-bot Time: December 1, 2024 10:20 am

Ones ratings for firefly72

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Stuckinsideacloud rated for Halloween Doodle Page on Mar 10, 2014
Comment: I am very very very VERY sad to rate a 1 at this time. We have been in communications regarding this swap, and you have attempted to resend, but unfortunately I have not yet received this swap, despite the efforts. I have noticed you have taken a hiatus of sorts and have not been on Swap Bot since December of 2013, so I have chosen to rate in the mean time, so I may file this swap away for the time being. Of course I will be more than happy to re-rate if/when I receive your swap! It's certainly never too late as far as I'm concerned ^_^ I do hope all is well, and please take care!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9570 72 2 2
Completed Fives Threes Ones
68 92 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
10 21 37 0

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